Tablet of the House of Justice/Page1

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Paragraph Arabic Authorized GPT4_
هو الحاکم علی ما یشآء

قد کتب علی کلّ مدینة بان یجعلوا فیها بیت العدل و یجتمع فیه النّفوس علی عدد البهآء و ان ازداد لا بأس و یرون کانّهم یدخلون محضر اللّه العلیّ الاعلی و یرون من لا یری و ینبغی لهم ان یکونوا امنآء الرّحمن بین اهل الامکان و وکلآئه لمن علی الارض کلّها و یشاورون فی مصالح العباد لوجه اللّه کما یشاورون فی امورهم و یختارون ما هو المختار کذلک امر ربّکم العزیز الغفّار (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) He is the ruler over what He wills.

It has been written for every city to establish a House of Justice in it and for souls to gather in it by the number of splendor, and if it increases, there is no harm. They feel as if they are entering the presence of God, the Most High, the Highest, and they see what is unseen. They ought to be the trustees of the Merciful among the people of the world, and his representatives for everyone on Earth. They should consult on the welfare of the servants for the sake of God, just as they consult on their affairs, and they should choose what is best. Thus is the command of your Lord, the Mighty, the Forgiver. (edit)

جمال قدم مخاطباً للامم میفرماید در هر مدینه از مداین ارض باسم عدل بیتی بنا کنند و در آن بیت علی عدد اسم الاعظم از نفوس زکیّۀ مطمئنّه جمع شوند و باید آن نفوس حین حضور چنان ملاحظه کنند که بین یدی اللّه حاضر میشوند چه که این حکم محکم از قلم قدم جاری شده و لحاظ اللّه بآن مجمع متوجّه (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Jamal addresses the nations, saying: in every city of the cities of the earth, they should build a house named 'Justice', and in that house, a number of pure, assured souls equivalent to the number of the Most Great Name should gather. And those souls, when present, should observe as if they are standing before God. Indeed, this firm command has been issued from the pen of the Primal Point, and God's attention is directed towards that assembly. (edit)
و بعد از ورود باید وکالة من انفس العباد در امور و مصالح کلّ تکلّم نمایند مثلاً در تبلیغ امر اللّه اوّلاً چه که این امر اهمّ امور است تا کلّ کنفس واحدة در سرادق احدیّه وارد شوند و جمیع من علی الارض هیکل واحد مشاهده شوند و هم‌چنین در آداب نفوس و حفظ ناموس و تعمیر بلاد و السّیاسة الّتی جعلها اللّه اسّاً للبلاد و حرزاً للعباد ملاحظه کنند (edit)
Once in session, it behoveth them to converse, on behalf of God’s servants, upon the affairs and interests of all…. In like manner, they should consider such matters as the refinement of manners, the preservation of human dignity, the development of cities, and the polity which God hath made a bulwark for His lands and a fortress for His people. (edit) And after their entry, they should represent the souls of the servants in all matters and interests, for example in the propagation of the command of God, which is the most important of all matters, so that every single soul may enter the tent of unity and all those on earth may observe a single structure. And likewise, they should observe the manners of souls, the preservation of dignity, the rebuilding of the countries, and the politics that God has made the basis for the countries and a protection for the servants. (edit)
و تبلیغ امر اللّه نظر بحال اوقات و اعصار ملاحظه شود که چگونه مصلحت است و هم‌چنین سایر امور و آن را مجری دارند ولکن ملتفت بوده که مخالف آنچه در آیات الهی در این ظهور عزّ صمدانی نازل شده نشود چه که حقّ جلّ شأنه آنچه مقرّر فرموده همان مصلحت عباد است انّه ارحم بکم منکم انّه لهو العلیم الخبیر (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) And the propagation of the command of God should be observed considering the state of times and eras, and how it is in the best interest. Similarly for other matters, and they carry it out, but be careful not to oppose what is revealed in the divine verses in this manifestation of the Almighty, the Eternal. Indeed, the truth is that what He has determined is indeed in the best interest of His servants. Indeed, He is more merciful to you than yourselves, indeed He is the All-Knowing, the Aware. (edit)
و اگر نفوس مذکوره بشرایط مقرّره عامل شوند البتّه بعنایات غیبیّه مؤیّد میشوند این امری است که خیرش بکلّ راجع میشود و بسیاری از امور است که اگر اعتنا نشود ضایع و باطل خواهد شد چه بسیار از اطفال که در ارض بی اب و امّ مشاهده میشوند اگر توجّهی در تعلیم و اکتساب ایشان نشود بی‌ثمر خواهند ماند و نفس بی‌ثمر موتش ارجح از حیوة او بوده و هم‌چنین در اغنیا و اعزّه که بعلّت ضعف و پیری یا امر آخر بفقر و ذلّت مبتلا شده‌اند باید در کلّ این امور و امورات دیگر که متعلّق بارض است این نفوس للّه تفکّر و تدبّر نمایند و آنچه صواب است اجرا دارند (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) And if the mentioned souls act according to the established conditions, they will indeed be supported by invisible aids. This is something that is in the best interest of all. There are many matters that if neglected, will be wasted and become void. How many children are seen on earth without a father and mother, if no attention is paid to their education and learning, they will remain fruitless. A fruitless soul, its death is more preferable than its life. Also, among the wealthy and honorable, who due to weakness and old age or another matter have become afflicted with poverty and humiliation, these souls must ponder and consider all these matters and other affairs related to the earth, for the sake of God, and carry out what is right. (edit)
اگر عباد بطرف فؤاد ناظر شوند یقین میدانند که آنچه از مصدر امر نازل شده محض خیر است از برای من علی الارض کلّ باید بمثابۀ جناح باشند از برای یکدیگر فخر انسان در حکمت و عقل و اخلاق حسنه بوده نه در جمع زخارف و کبر و غرور کلّ از تراب مخلوق و باو راجع ای اهل بها زینت انسان باسباب دنیا نبوده بلکه عرفان حقّ عزّ اعزازه و علوم و صنایع و آداب بوده (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) If the servants look with the eye of the heart, they will certainly know that what has descended from the source of the command is purely for the good. For everyone on Earth, they should be like wings for each other. The honor of man lies in wisdom, intellect, and good morals, not in the accumulation of decorations, pride, and vanity. Everyone is created from dust and will return to it. Oh people of Baha, the adornment of man is not with worldly means, but rather the recognition of the truth, the Almighty, the Most Honorable, and with knowledge, arts, and good manners. (edit)
شما لئالی بحر احدیّه‌اید در لؤلؤ ملاحظه کنید که صفا و عزّت او بنفس او بوده اگر او را در حریرهای بسیار لطیف بگذارند آن حریر مانع ظهورات طراوت و لطافت او خواهد شد زینت او بنفس او است کسب این زینت نمائید و از عدم اسباب ظاهره محزون مباشید (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) You are the pearls of the ocean of unity. Consider the pearl, its purity and dignity are inherent. If you place it in many fine silks, those silks will prevent the appearance of its freshness and delicacy. Its adornment is in itself. Strive to attain this adornment, and do not be saddened by the absence of external means. (edit)
ای اشجار رضوان خود را از اریاح ربیع الهیّه منع مکنید و از نفحات کلمات حکمیّۀ ربّانیّه محروم ننمائید عنایت بمقامیست که مع غفلت کلّ و این بلیّۀ کبری در سجن عکّا از قلم ابهی جاری فرموده آنچه را که خیر عباد او بوده انّه هو الغفور الرّحیم (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh trees of paradise, do not prevent yourselves from the divine spring breezes, and do not deprive yourselves from the effusions of the divine authoritative words. The favor pertains to a state where, despite the neglect of all and this great affliction in the prison of Akka, that which is for the best of His servants has been flowed from the glorious pen. Indeed, He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. (edit)
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