Suriy-i-Muluk/GPT4 11
O assembly of the city, fear God and do not cause corruption on the earth, and do not follow Satan. Then follow the truth in these few days. Your days will pass just as those before you have passed, and you will return to dust as your forefathers have returned, being among those who return. Then know that we fear none but God alone, and my trust is in Him alone, and my clinging is only to Him. We desire only what He has willed for us, and indeed, this is the desired outcome if you are among those who know. I have devoted my soul and body to God, Lord of the worlds. Whoever knows God will not know anything less, and whoever fears God will not fear anyone else, even if all those on earth were to gather against him. And we say nothing but what we have been commanded, and we follow only the truth with the help of God and His strength, and indeed, He rewards the truthful.
Then, O servant, remember what you saw in the city when you arrived, so that its memory remains on the earth and serves as a reminder for the believers. When we arrived in the city, we found its leaders like children who gather around clay to play with it. We found none among them mature enough to teach what God had taught me and to impart unto them words of impregnable wisdom. Therefore, we wept for them with the eyes of the secret, lamenting their indulgence in what they were forbidden and their obliviousness to their purpose of creation. This is what we witnessed in the city, and we have recorded it in the Book as a reminder for them and others.
Say, if you seek the world and its adornment, it would have been better for you to seek it in the days when you were in your mothers' wombs. For in those days, you approached the world and distanced from it if you are among those who understand. But when you were born and reached maturity, you distanced from the world and drew nearer to dust. So why are you eager to gather ornaments for yourselves after the time has passed and the opportunity has gone? Wake up, O assembly of the heedless. Listen to what this servant advises you for the sake of God, seeking nothing from you, content with what God has decreed, and be among the contented.
O people, most of your days have passed, and only a few remain. So abandon what you have taken for yourselves and take hold of God's commands with strength, so that you may reach what God has willed for you and be among the rightly guided. Do not rejoice in what you have been given of the earth's adornment, and do not rely on it. Rely instead on the remembrance of God, the Most High, the Great. God will destroy what you have; fear God and do not forget God's covenant within yourselves, and do not be among those who are veiled.
Beware of being arrogant towards God and His beloved ones, then lower your wings to the believers who believe in God and His signs, and whose hearts testify to His unity and tongues to His singularity, and who speak only after His permission. Thus, we advise you with justice and remind you of the truth, that you may be among those who remember. Do not impose on others what you cannot bear yourselves, and do not be pleased for others what you would not be pleased for yourselves. This is the best advice if you are among those who listen.
Then respect the scholars among you who act according to their knowledge, follow the limits set by God, and judge according to what God has decreed in the Book. Know that they are the lamps of guidance between the heavens and the earth. Those who do not regard the scholars among them with any status or value have altered God's favor upon themselves. Wait then until God changes your condition, for nothing escapes His knowledge; He knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and He is knowledgeable of everything.
Do not rejoice in what you have done or will do, or in what you have imposed on us, for by doing so, your status will not increase if you look at your actions with certainty. Likewise, nothing will decrease from us; rather, God will increase our reward for our patience in tribulations, and He increases the reward of the patient. Know that tribulations and trials have always been entrusted to God's chosen ones and His beloved, then to His servants who are not distracted by trade or sale from the remembrance of God and do not precede Him in speech, and they are among those who act upon His command. Thus, God's tradition has always been and will continue to be. Blessed are the patient who endure hardship and adversity and do not despair of anything, and who follow the paths of patience.
What befell us was not the first calamity in Islam, nor was this the first plot against God's beloved ones by these schemers. What happened to us was similar to what happened to Hus
ayn before us. When the messengers from the schemers, whose hearts were filled with malice and hatred, sought him out from the city, and when he came to them with his family, they rose against him with what was in their hearts until they killed him, his sons, his brothers, and took his family as captives. Thus, it was decreed before, and God is a witness to what I say. None of his descendants remained, neither small nor great, except he who was named Ali al-Awsat and was known as Zain al-Abidin.
Look, O assembly of the heedless, at how the fire of love for God burned in Husayn's heart before, if you are among those who perceive. This fire grew until longing and yearning took hold of him, and the pull of the Almighty led him to the station where he devoted his soul, his self, and all he had and was with to God, Lord of the worlds. By God, this station is sweeter than the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, for the lover wants nothing but his beloved, the seeker his sought, the friend his friend, and their longing for the meeting is like the body's longing for the soul, or even more, if you are among those who know.
Say, then, the fire ignited in my heart, and it wants to sacrifice itself for Husayn, just as Husayn sacrificed himself in hope of this exalted and great station. This is the station of the servant's annihilation in himself and his survival by God, the Almighty, the Most High, the Great. If I were to reveal to you the secrets that God has placed in this station, you would sacrifice yourselves in the path of God and detach yourselves from your wealth and all you have to reach this noble and exalted station. But God has placed veils over your hearts and coverings over your eyes, so you do not recognize the secrets of God and are not among those who see.
Say, the longing of the sincere for the vicinity of God is like the infant's longing for its mother's breast, or even more, if you are among those who know. Or like the thirsty for the stream of care, or the sinner for forgiveness. Thus, we explain to you the mysteries of the matter and cast upon you what suffices you from what you are preoccupied with, that you may turn to the side of holiness in this pleasure, and be among those who enter. By God, whoever enters it will not leave, and whoever turns to it will not turn his face away from it, even if he is struck by the swords of the deniers and the polytheists. Thus, we have cast upon you what was decreed for Husayn, and we ask God to decree for us as He decreed for him, for He is Generous and Noble.
By God, the fragrances of holiness have wafted from His action upon the worlds, and God's argument has been completed, and His proof has appeared to all creation. God then raised a people who avenged him, killed his enemies, and wept for him every morning and evening. Say, God has decreed in the Book to seize the wrongdoers for their wrongs and to cut off the path of the corrupt. Know that actions like these have an impact in sovereignty, and no one will recognize it except for those whose eyes God has opened and whose hearts He has unveiled, making them among the rightly guided. God will raise a people who will remember our days and all that befell us and seek our right from those who wronged us without any clear crime or sin, and behind them, God will stand, witnessing what they do and seizing them for their sin, for He is the most severe of avengers.
Thus, we relate to you from the stories of the truth and cast upon you what God decreed before, that you may repent to Him within yourselves, return to Him, and be among those who return. And you become aware of your actions, wake up from your sleep and heedlessness, and catch up with what you have missed, and be among the benefactors. Whoever wishes, let him accept my word, and whoever wishes, let him turn away, and my duty is only to remind you of what you have neglected in the command of God, that you may be among those who remember. Then listen to my word, return to God, and repent to Him so that God may have mercy on you by His grace, forgive your sins, and overlook your wrongdoings. His mercy precedes His wrath, and His favor encompasses everyone who has entered the garment of existence, from the first to the last.