Paragraph | Arabic | Authorized | GPT4_ |
21 | ان يا جمال القدم دع المشرکين و ما عندهم ثمّ عطّر الممکنات بذکر محبوبک العلىّ العظيم بذکره تحيى الموجودات و تجدّد هياکل العالمين. قل انّه استقرّ علی عرش العظمة و الجلال من اراد ان ينظر جماله هو هذا تبارک اللّه الّذى ظهر بهذا الجمال المشرق المنير. من اراد ان يسمع نغماته انّها ارتفعت من هذا الفم الدّرىّ البديع و من اراد ان يستضيئ بانواره قل ان احضر تلقآء العرش هذا ما اذن اللّه لکم فضلاً من عنده علی العالمين. قل يا قوم انّا نسئل منکم کلمة علی الصّدق الاکبر و نتّخذ اللّه بيننا و بينکم شهيداً انّه ولىّ المحسنين. ان اجعلوا محضرکم بين يدى العرش ثمّ انصفوا فى القول و کونوا من المنصفين. اَکان اللّه مقتدرا علی امره اَم انتم من القادرين. أانّه کان مختارا فى نفسه کما تقولون انّه يفعل ما يشآء و لا يسئل عمّا شآء اَم انتم المختارون و تقولون هذه الکلمة علی التّقليد کما تکلّم به آبآئکم فى زمن المرسلين. لو انّه کان مختارا فى نفسه قد اظهر مظهر امره بالآيات الّتى لا يقوم معها شىء لا فى السّموات و لا فى الارضين و ظهر علی شأنٍ ما ظهر فى الابداع شبهه کما رأيتم و سمعتم اذ اشرق نيّر الآ فاق من افق العراق بسلطان مبين. کلّ الامور تنتهى الی الآيات و تلک آيات اللّه الملک المهيمن العزيز القدير و من دونها قد ظهر بامرٍ اقرّ لسلطانه کلّ الممکنات و لا ينکر ذلک الّا کلّ مشرک اثيم. قل يا قوم أ أردتم ان تستروا جمال الشّمس باحجاب انفسکم او تمنعوا الرّوح عن التّغرّد فى هذا الصّدر الممرّد المنير. خافوا من اللّه و لا تحاربوا مع نفسه و لا تجادلوا مع الّذى بامره خلقت الکاف و اتّصلت برکنها العظيم. آمنوا بسفرآء اللّه و سلطانه ثمّ بنفس اللّه و عظمته و لا تعقّبوا الّذينهم کفروا بعد ايمانهم و اتّخذوا لانفسهم مقاماً فى هويهم الا انّهم من المشرکين. ان اشهدوا بما شهد اللّه ليستضيئ بما يخرج من افواهکم ملأ مقرّبون. قولوا انّا آمنّا بما نزّل الی رسل اللّه من قبل و ما نزّل الی علىّ بالحقّ و ما ينزل من جهة عرش عظيم. کذلک يعلّمکم اللّه جوداً من عنده و فضلاً من لدنه انّ فضله احاط العالمين. (edit)
O Ancient Beauty! Turn aside from the unbelievers and that which they possess, and waft over all created things the sweet savours of the remembrance of Thy Beloved, the Exalted, the Great. This remembrance quickeneth the world of being and reneweth the temples of all created things. Say: He, verily, hath established Himself upon the Throne of might and glory. Whosoever desireth to gaze upon His countenance, lo, behold Him standing before thee! Blessed be the Lord Who hath revealed Himself in this shining and luminous Beauty. Whosoever desireth to hearken unto His melodies, lo, hear them rising from His resplendent and wondrous lips! And unto whosoever desireth to be illumined by the splendours of His light, say: Seek the court of His presence, for God hath verily granted you leave to approach it, as a token of His grace unto all mankind. 58 Say: O people! We shall put to you a question in all truthfulness, taking God for a witness between you and Us. He, verily, is the Defender of the righteous. Appear, then, before His Throne of glory and make reply with justice and fair-mindedness. Is it God Who is potent to achieve His purpose, or is it ye who enjoy such authority? Is it He Who is truly unconstrained, as ye imply when ye say that He doeth what He pleaseth and shall not be asked of His doings, or is it ye who wield such power, and who merely make such assertions out of blind imitation, as did your forebears at the appearance of every other Messenger of God? 59 If He be truly unconstrained, behold then how He hath sent down the Manifestation of His Cause with verses which naught in the heavens or on the earth can withstand! Such hath been the manner of their revelation that they have neither peer nor likeness in the world of being, as ye yourselves beheld and heard when once the Daystar of the world shone forth above the horizon of `Iráq with manifest dominion. All things attain their consummation in the divine verses, and these indeed are the verses of God, the Sovereign Lord, the Help in Peril, the All-Glorious, the Almighty. Beyond this, He hath been made manifest as the Bearer of a Cause whose sovereign might is acknowledged by all created things, and this none can deny save the sinners and the ungodly. 60 Say: O people! Is it your wish to conceal the beauty of the Sun behind the veils of your own selfish desires, or to prevent the Spirit from raising its melodies within this sanctified and luminous breast? Fear ye God, and contend not with Him Who representeth the Godhead. Dispute not with the One at Whose bidding the letter ``B was created and joined with its mighty foundation.5 Believe in the Messengers of God and His sovereign might, and in the Self of God and His majesty. Follow not those who have repudiated what they had once believed, and who have sought for themselves a station after their own fancy; these, truly, are of the ungodly. Bear ye witness unto that whereunto God Himself hath borne witness, that the company of His favoured ones may be illumined by the words that issue from your lips. Say: We, verily, believe in that which was revealed unto the Apostles of old, in that which hath been revealed, by the power of truth, unto `Alí,{+} and in that which is now being revealed from His Throne of glory. Thus doth your Lord instruct you, as a sign of His favour and as a token of His grace that encompasseth all the worlds. (edit) |
O beauty of antiquity, leave the idolaters and what they possess, then perfume the realms with the remembrance of your beloved, the Most High, the Great. By His remembrance, the existents are revived and the structures of the worlds are renewed. Say, He is established on the throne of greatness and majesty, whoever wants to see His beauty, here it is, blessed is God who has appeared with this radiant, illuminating beauty. Whoever wants to hear His melodies, they have risen from this mouth of radiant pearls. Whoever wants to be illuminated by His lights, say, attend the meeting of the throne, this is what God has permitted for you, a grace from Him upon the worlds.
O people, we ask you for a word on the Greater Truth and we take God as a witness between us and you, He is the patron of the good-doers. Make your presence before the throne, then be just in speech and be among the just. Is God capable of His command, or are you the capable ones? Was He chosen in Himself, as you say, that He does what He wills and is not questioned about what He wants, or are you the chosen ones and you say this word traditionally as your forefathers spoke in the time of the messengers? If He was chosen in Himself, He has manifested the appearance of His command with signs that nothing can stand with, neither in the heavens nor on the earths, and has appeared in a manner that has never appeared in creation, as you have seen and heard, when the bright light of the horizons shone from the horizon of Iraq with a clear authority. All matters end with the signs, and these are the signs of God, the King, the Dominant, the Mighty, the Able, and besides them, He has appeared with a command that all possible things have approved of His authority, and none deny that except every sinful idolater. O people, do you want to cover the beauty of the sun with the veils of your selves, or prevent the spirit from singing in this illuminating chest? Fear God and do not fight against His self, and do not argue with the one who created the "Kaf" by His command and connected it to its great pillar. Believe in God's envoys and His authority, then in God Himself and His greatness, and do not follow those who disbelieve after their faith and have taken a position for themselves in their passion, they are indeed among the idolaters. Bear witness to what God has witnessed so that the near ones may be enlightened by what comes out of your mouths. Say, we believe in what was revealed to the messengers of God before and what was revealed to Ali truthfully and what descends from the side of the great throne. Thus, God teaches you generosity from Him and grace from His side. Indeed, His bounty encompasses the worlds. (edit) |
22 | ان يا رِجْل هذا الهيکل انّا خلقناک من الحديد ان استقم علی امر ربّک علی شأنٍ تستقيم به ارجل المنقطعين علی صراط ربّک العزيز الحکيم. ايّاک ان تتحرّک من عواصف البغضآء و قواصف هؤلآء الاشقيآء ان اثبت علی الامر و کن من الثّابتين. انّا بعثناک باسمنا الّذى به استقام کلّ ذى استقامة و بکلّ اسمٍ من اسمائنا الحسنى بين السّموات و الارضين سوف نبعث منک ارجلاً مستقيمة يقومنّ علی الصّراط و لا يزلّنّ عنه و لو يحارب معهم جنود يعادل جنود الاوّلين و الاخرين. انّ الفضل کلّه فى قبضتنا نعطى من نشآء من عبادنا المقرّبين. کذلک منّنا عليک مرّة بعد مرّةٍ لتشکر ربّک بشکرٍ يفتح به السن الممکنات علی شکر نفسى الرّحمن الرّحيم. قم علی الامر بقدرةٍ من لدنّا و سلطان من عندنا ثمّ الق العباد ما القاک روح اللّه الملک الفرد العزيز العليم. قل يا قوم اتدعون الحقّ عن ورائکم و تدعون الّذى خلقناه بکفٍّ من الطّين هذا ظلم منکم علی انفسکم ان انتم فى آيات ربّکم لمن المتفکّرين. قل يا قوم طهّروا قلوبکم ثمّ ابصارکم لعلّ تعرفون بارئکم فى هذا القميص المقدّس اللّميع. قل انّ هذا فتىً الهى قد استقرّ علی عرش الجلال و ظهر بسلطان القدرة و الاستقلال و يصيح بين الارض و السّماء بندائه الابدع الاحلی. (edit)
O Feet of this Temple! We, verily, have wrought you of iron. Stand firm with such constancy in the Cause of your Lord as to cause the feet of every severed soul to be strengthened in the path of God, the Almighty, the All-Wise. Beware lest the storms of enmity and hatred, or the blasts of the workers of iniquity, cause you to stumble. Be immovable in the Faith of God, and waver not. We, verily, have called you forth by virtue of that Name which is the source of all steadfastness, and by the grace of each one of Our most excellent Names as revealed unto all who are in heaven and on earth. Erelong shall We bring into being through you other feet, firm and steadfast, which shall walk unwaveringly in Our path, even should they be assailed by hosts as formidable as the combined forces of the former and latter generations. In truth, We hold all grace in the hollow of Our hand, and bestow it as We please upon Our favoured servants. Time and again have We vouchsafed unto you Our favours, that ye may offer such thanks unto your Lord as to cause the tongues of all created things to speak forth in praise of Me, the All-Merciful, the Most Compassionate. 62 O Living Temple! Arise to serve this Cause through a might and a power born of Us. Disclose, then, unto the servants of God all that the Spirit of God, the sovereign Lord, the Incomparable, the All-Glorious, the All-Wise, hath imparted unto Thee. Say: O people! Will ye turn away from Him Who is the Eternal Truth, and choose instead him whom We have created out of a mere handful of clay? To do so is to inflict a grievous injustice upon yourselves, if ye be of them that reflect upon the verses of your Lord. Say: O people! Cleanse your hearts and your eyes, that ye may recognize your Maker in this holy and luminous attire. Say: The celestial Youth hath ascended the Throne of glory, made manifest His independent sovereignty, and now voiceth, in the most sweet and wondrous accents, this call betwixt earth and heaven: (edit) |
O leg of this structure, we have created you from iron. Stand firm on the command of your Lord as those who are firm stand. Beware of moving due to the storms of hatred and tempests of these wretched ones. Be steadfast on the command and be among the steadfast. We have sent you with Our name by which all those who are firm stand straight, and with all of our beautiful names, between the heavens and the earth, we will raise from you straight legs that stand on the path and do not deviate from it, even if armies equivalent to the armies of the first and the last combat them. All the bounty is in Our hand, and We give it to whom We wish from Our near servants.
Thus, We have favored you time after time so that you may thank your Lord with a thankfulness that opens the possible worlds to thank Our merciful, compassionate Self. Stand on the command with power from Us and authority from Us, then throw to the servants what has been thrown to you by the Spirit of God, the King, the Unique, the Mighty, the Knowledgeable. Say, O people, do you call the truth beyond you and call what We created with a handful of clay? This is injustice from you to yourselves, surely you are among the contemplative in the signs of your Lord. Say, O people, purify your hearts then your sights so that perhaps you may recognize your Creator in this holy, luminous garment. Say, this is the divine youth who has settled on the throne of majesty and has appeared with the authority of power and independence, and he cries between the earth and the sky with his most creative, most beautiful call. (edit) |
23 | ان يا اهل الاکوان لِمَ کفرتم بربّکم الرّحمن و اعرضتم عن جمال السّبحان تاللّه هذا لغيب المستور قد طلع من مشرق الامکان و هذا لجمال المحبوب قد اشرق من افق هذا الرّضوان بسلطنة اللّه المهيمن العزيز الغالب القدير. (edit)
``O peoples of the earth! Wherefore have ye disbelieved in your Lord, the All-Merciful, and turned aside from Him Who is the Beauty of the All-Glorious? By the righteousness of God! This is His Hidden Secret, Who hath risen from the dayspring of creation; and this is His cherished Beauty, Who hath shone forth above the horizon of this exalted Station, invested with the sovereignty of God, the Help in Peril, the All-Glorious, the All-Subduing, the Almighty. (edit) | O people of the worlds, why have you disbelieved in your merciful Lord and turned away from the beauty of the Glorious One? By God, this is the hidden mystery that has risen from the east of possibility, and this is the beauty of the Beloved that has shone from the horizon of this satisfaction, by the sovereignty of Allah, the Dominant, the Mighty, the Overcomer, the Powerful. (edit) |
24 | ان يا هيکل القدس انّا جعلنا صدرک ممرّداً من اشارات الممکنات و مقدّساً من دلالات الکائنات لينطبع فيه انوار جمالی و تنعکس منه مراياء العالمين. بذلک اخترناک عمّا خلق فى السّموات و الارض و اصطفيناک عمّا قدّر فى ملکوت الامر و الخلق و اختصصناک لنفسى هذا من فضل اللّه عليک من هذا اليوم الی اليوم الّذى لن ينتهى فى الملک و يبقى ببقآء اللّه الملک المهيمن العزيز العليم. لأنّ يوم اللّه هو نفسه اذاً ظهر بالحقّ و لن يعقّبه اللّيل و لن يحدّده الذّکر لو انتم من العارفين. (edit)
O Temple of Holiness! We, verily, have cleansed Thy breast from the whisperings of the people and sanctified it from earthly allusions, that the light of My beauty may appear therein and be reflected in the mirrors of all the worlds. Thus have We singled Thee out above all that hath been created in the heavens and the earth, and above all that hath been decreed in the realms of revelation and creation, and chosen Thee for Our own Self. This is but an evidence of the bounty which God hath vouchsafed unto Thee, a bounty which shall last until the Day that hath no end in this contingent world. It shall endure so long as God, the Supreme King, the Help in Peril, the Mighty, the Wise, shall endure. For the Day of God is none other but His own Self, Who hath appeared with the power of truth. This is the Day that shall not be followed by night, nor shall it be bounded by any praise, would that ye might understand! (edit) |
O Temple of Holiness, indeed, we have made your chest free from the signs of possibilities and sacred from the implications of existences, so that my beauty's lights may be imprinted in it, and from it, the mirrors of the worlds may reflect. Thus, we have chosen you over what was created in the heavens and the earth, we have preferred you over what was ordained in the kingdom of command and creation, and we have singled you out for myself. This is the grace of Allah upon you, from this day to the day that will never end in the kingdom and will remain with the permanence of Allah, the Dominant, the Mighty, the Knowledgeable. For indeed, the day of Allah is Himself, so He appears in truth, and the night will not follow Him, and the mention will not limit Him, if you are of those who know. (edit) |
25 | ان يا صدر هذا الهيکل انّا جعلنا الاشياء مرايا نفسک و جعلناک مرآت نفسى فاستشرق علی صدور الممکنات بما تجلىّ عليک من انوار ربّک ليطهّرها عن الحدود و الاشارات. کذلک اشرقت شمس الحکم من افق قلم مالک القدم طوبى للمتوسّمين. انّا بدئنا منک صدوراً ممرّدة و نعيدنّها اليک رحمة من لدنّا عليک و علی المقرّبين. سوف نبعث بک صدوراً صافية و ترآئب منيرة لن يحکين الّا عن جمالی و لن يدلّنّ الّا عن تجلّيات وجهى انّهم مرايا اسمائى بين الخلائق اجمعين. (edit)
O Breast of this Temple! We, verily, have caused all things to mirror forth thy reality, and made thee as a mirror of Our own Self. Shed, then, upon the breasts of all created beings the splendours of the light of thy Lord, that they may be freed from all allusions and limitations. Thus hath the Daystar of wisdom shone forth above the horizon of the Pen of the Eternal King. Blessed are those who perceive it! Through thee have We created other sanctified breasts, and unto thee shall We cause them to return, as a token of Our grace unto thee and unto Our favoured servants. Erelong shall We bring into being through thee men with sanctified and illumined breasts, who will testify to naught save My beauty and show forth naught but the resplendent light of My countenance. These shall in truth be the mirrors of My Names amidst all created things. (edit) |
O chest of this temple, indeed, we have made things mirrors of yourself, and we have made you a mirror of Myself. So illuminate upon the chests of all possibilities with what has been revealed to you from the lights of your Lord to purify them from the boundaries and signs. In the same way, the sun of judgment has risen from the horizon of the pen of the eternal owner. Blessed are those who perceive.
Indeed, we have begun from you chests that are rebellious and we will return them to you as a mercy from us to you and to the close ones. We will raise through you pure chests and bright reflections that will narrate only about My beauty and will indicate only about My manifestations. Indeed, they are mirrors of My names among all creatures. (edit) |
26 | ان يا هيکل القدس انّا قد جعلنا فؤادک مخزن علم ما کان و ما يکون و مطلع علمنا الّذى قدّرناه لاهل السّموات و الارض ليستفضنّ منک الموجودات و يبلغنّ ببدائع علومک الی عرفان اللّه المقتدر العلىّ العظيم. و انّ علمى الّذى ينسب الی ذاتى ما عرفه احد و لا يعرفه نفسٌ و لن يحمله احد من العالمين. لو تظهر منه کلمة لتضطرب النّفوس و تنعدم ارکان کلّ شىء و تزلّ اقدام البالغين و عندنا علم لو نلقى علی الکائنات کلمةً منه ليوقننّ کلٌّ بظهور اللّه و علمه و يطّلعنّ باسرار العلوم کلّها و يبلغنّ الی المقام الّذى يرون انفسهم اغنيآء عن علوم الاوّلين و الاخرين و لنا علومٌ اخرى الّتى لا نقدر ان نذکر حرفا منها و لا النّاس يستطيعنّ ان يسمعنّ ذکراً منها کذلک نبّئناکم من علم اللّه العالم الخبير و لو نجد اوعية لألقيناها کنوز المعانى و علّمناها ما يحيط بحرف منه العالمين. (edit)
O Temple of Holiness! We, verily, have made Thine inmost heart the treasury of all the knowledge of past and future ages, and the dawning-place of Our own knowledge which We have ordained for the dwellers of earth and heaven, that all creation may partake of the outpourings of Thy grace and may attain, through the wonders of Thy knowledge, unto the recognition of God, the Exalted, the Powerful, the Great. In truth, that knowledge which belongeth unto Mine own Essence is such as none hath ever attained or will ever grasp, nor shall any heart be capable of bearing its weight. Were We to disclose but a single word of this knowledge, the hearts of all men would be filled with consternation, the foundations of all things would crumble into ruin, and the feet of even the wisest among men would be made to slip. 66 Within the treasury of Our Wisdom there lieth unrevealed a knowledge, one word of which, if we chose to divulge it to mankind, would cause every human being to recognize the Manifestation of God and to acknowledge His omniscience, would enable every one to discover the secrets of all the sciences, and to attain so high a station as to find himself wholly independent of all past and future learning. Other knowledges We do as well possess, not a single letter of which We can disclose, nor do We find humanity able to hear even the barest reference to their meaning. Thus have We informed you of the knowledge of God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Were We to find worthy vessels, We would deposit within them the treasures of hidden meanings and impart unto them a knowledge, one letter of which would encompass all created things. (edit) |
O holy temple, indeed, we have made your heart a repository of knowledge of what was and what will be, and an observer of our knowledge which we have predestined for the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, so that the existents may overflow from you and they will attain through your astonishing knowledge to the recognition of God, the Capable, the Most High, the Great.
And indeed, My knowledge that is attributed to My essence is not known by anyone, no self knows it, and no one from the worlds will carry it. If a word of it were to appear, souls would be disturbed, the pillars of everything would vanish, and the feet of those who have attained would slip. We have knowledge that if we threw upon the existents a word from it, everyone would certainly believe in the appearance of God and His knowledge, and they would gain insight into all the secrets of knowledge and would reach the station where they see themselves independent of the knowledge of the former and the latter. And we have other sciences that we cannot mention a letter of them, nor can people bear to hear a mention of them. In this way, we inform you from the knowledge of God, the Knower, the Expert. If we find vessels, we would cast into them the treasures of meanings and teach them what encompasses a letter from it in the worlds. (edit) |
27 | ان يا فؤاد هذا الهيکل انّا جعلناک مطلع علمى و مظهر حکمتى بين السّموات و الارضين و اظهرنا منک العلوم و نرجعها اليک ثمّ نبعث منک مرّة اخرى وعداً من لدنّا انّا کنّا فاعلين. سوف نبعث منک ذا علوم بديعةٍ و ذا صنائع قويّة و نظهر منها ما لا خطر به قلب احدٍ من العباد کذلک نعطى من نشآء ما نشآء و ناخذ عمّن نشآء ما اعطيناه و نحکم بامرنا ما نريد. قل انّا لو نتجلّى علی مراياء الموجودات بشمس عنايتنا فى ساعةٍ و نأخذ عنهم انوار تجلّياتنا فى ساعةٍ اخرى لنقدر و ليس لاحدٍ ان يقول لم او بم لانّا نحن الفاعل لما نشآء و لا نسئل عمّا فعلناه و لا يشکّ فى ذلک الّا کلّ مشرکٍ مريب. قل لن تمنع قدرتنا و لن يعطّل حکمنا نرفع من نشآء الی جبروت العزّة و الاقتدار ثمّ نرجعه لو نشآء الی اسفل السّافلين. اتزعمون يا ملأ الارض بانّا لو نصعد احداً الی السّدرة المنتهى اذاً تعزل عنه قدرتى و سلطانى لا و نفسى بل لو نشآء لنرجعنّه الی التّراب فى اقلّ من حين. فانظروا فى الشّجرة انّا نغرسها فى الجنان و نسقيها من مآء عنايتنا فلمّا ارتفعت فى نفسها و تورّقت بالاوراق الخضرآء و اثمرت بالاثمار الحسنى اذاً نرسل عليها قواصف الامر و ندعها علی وجه الارض کذلک کنّا فاعلين و کذلک نفعل بکلّ شىءٍ هذا من بدائع سنّتنا من قبل و من بعد فى کلّ الاشياء ان انتم من النّاظرين و لا يعلم حکمة ذلک الّا اللّه المقتدر العزيز الحکيم. اتنکرون يا قوم ما ترونه ويل لکم يا ملأ المنکرين و الّذى لن يتغيّر هو نفسه الرّحمن الرّحيم ان انتم من المتبصّرين و دونه يتغيّر بارادة من عنده و هو المقتدر العزيز الحکيم. يا قوم لا تتکلّموا فى امرى لانّکم لا تبلغون الی حکمة ربّکم و لن تنالوا بعلمه العزيز المحيط و من ادّعى عرفان ذاته هو من اجهل النّاس يکذّبه کلّ الذّرّات و يشهد بهذا لسانى الصّادق الامين. ان اذکروا امرى ثمّ تکلّموا فيه و فيما امرتم به من لدنّا و من دون ذلک لا ينبغى لکم و ليس لاحد اليه سبيل ان انتم من السّامعين. (edit)
O Inmost Heart of this Temple! We have made thee the dawning-place of Our knowledge and the dayspring of Our wisdom unto all who are in heaven and on earth. From thee have We caused all sciences to appear, and unto thee shall We cause them to return. And from thee shall We bring them forth a second time. Such, indeed, is Our promise, and potent are We to effect Our purpose. Erelong shall We bring into being through thee exponents of new and wondrous sciences, of potent and effective crafts, and shall make manifest through them that which the heart of none of Our servants hath yet conceived. Thus do We bestow upon whom We will whatsoever We desire, and thus do We withdraw from whom We will what We had once bestowed. Even so do We ordain whatsoever We please through Our behest. 68 Say: Should We choose, at one time, to shed the radiance of Our loving providence upon the mirrors of all things, and, at another, to withhold from them the splendours of Our light, this verily lieth within Our power, and none hath the right to ask ``why or ``wherefore. For We are potent indeed to achieve Our purpose, and render no account for that which We bring to pass; and none can dispute this save those who join partners with God and doubt His Truth. Say: Nothing can withstand the power of Our might or interrupt the course of Our command. We exalt whomsoever We please unto the Realm of supernal might and glory, and, should We so desire, cause the same to sink into the lowest abyss of degradation. 69 O dwellers of the earth! Would ye contend that if We raise up a soul unto the Sadratu'l-Muntahá,6 it shall then cease to be subject to the power of Our sovereignty and dominion? Nay, by Mine own Self! Should it be Our wish, We would return it to the dust in less than the twinkling of an eye. Consider a tree: Behold how We plant it in a garden, and nourish it with the waters of Our loving care; and how, when it hath grown tall and mature, and brought forth verdant leaves and goodly fruits, We send forth the tempestuous gales of Our decree, tear it up by its roots, and lay it prostrate upon the face of the earth. So hath it been Our way with all things, and so shall it be in this day. Such, in truth, are the matchless wonders of Our immutable method -- a method which hath ever governed, and shall continue to govern, all things, if ye be of them that perceive. None, however, knoweth the wisdom thereof save God, the All-Powerful, the Almighty, the All-Wise. 70 Would ye gainsay, O people, the very thing that your eyes behold? Woe unto you, O assemblage of deniers! That which alone is exempt from change is His own Self, the All-Merciful, the Most Compassionate, were ye to gaze with the eye of insight, while all else beside Him can be altered by an act of His Will. He, verily, is the All-Powerful, the Almighty, the All-Wise. 71 O people! Dispute not concerning My Cause, for ye shall never fathom the manifold wisdom of your Lord, nor shall ye ever gauge the knowledge of Him Who is the All-Glorious, the All-Pervading. Whosoever layeth claim to have known His Essence is without doubt among the most ignorant of all people. Every atom in the universe would charge such a man with imposture, and to this beareth witness My tongue which speaketh naught but the truth. Magnify My Cause and promulgate My teachings and commandments, for none other course beside this shall beseem you, and no other path shall ever lead unto Him. Would that ye might heed Our counsel! (edit) |
O heart of this temple, indeed, we have made you a beacon of My knowledge and a manifestation of My wisdom between the heavens and the earths, and we have made you emanate knowledge and return it to you, then we will cause it to emanate from you again, a promise from Us, indeed, we were doers. We will send forth from you one with remarkable knowledge and one with powerful deeds, and we will make manifest from it what no heart of any servant has ever imagined. Thus, we give to whomever we will whatever we will, and we take from whomever we will whatever we have given them, and we rule with Our command whatever we want.
Say, indeed, if we manifest upon the mirrors of the existents with the sun of our providence in one moment, and take from them the lights of our manifestations in another moment, we are able, and no one can say why or how, for we are the doer of whatever we will, and we are not questioned about what we have done, and no one doubts this except every doubting polytheist. Say, our ability will not be prevented, and our rule will not be obstructed. We raise whomever we will to the dominion of glory and power, then we bring him back, if we wish, to the lowest of the low. Do you, O people of the earth, assume that if we ascend someone to the utmost boundary (sidrat al-muntaha), then my power and authority will be separated from him? No, by My Self, but if we wish, we will surely bring him back to the dust in less than a moment. So look at the tree, indeed, we plant it in the gardens and water it from the water of our providence. When it has risen within itself and is covered with green leaves and produces good fruits, then we send upon it the storms of the command and leave it on the face of the earth. Thus we were doers, and thus we do with everything. This is from the wonders of our sunnah before and after in all things, indeed you are among the watchers, and no one knows the wisdom of that except Allah, the Capable, the Mighty, the Wise. Do you deny, O people, what you see? Woe to you, O crowd of deniers! And the one that will not change is He Himself, the Most Merciful, the Merciful, if you are among the observant, and other than Him changes by a will from Him, and He is the Capable, the Mighty, the Wise. O people, do not speak in my matter, for you cannot reach the wisdom of your Lord, nor will you attain his knowledge, the Mighty, the Encompassing. And whoever claims to know his essence is among the most ignorant of people. Every atom denies him and my truthful and trustworthy tongue testifies to this. Remember my matter, then speak about it and about what you have been commanded from us, and besides that, it is not appropriate for you, and no one has a way to it, if you are among the listeners. (edit) |
28 | ان يا هذا الهيکل قد جعلناک مطلع کلّ اسم من اسمائنا الحسنى و مظهر کلّ صفة من صفاتنا العليا و منبع کلّ ذکر من اذکارنا لمن فى الارض و السّمآء ثمّ بعثناک علی صورتى بين السّموات و الارض و جعلناک آية عزّى لمن فى جبروت الامر و الخلق ليهتدينّ بک عبادى و يکوننّ من المهتدين و جعلناک سدرة الجود لمن فى السّموات و الارض هنيئاً لمن يستظلّ فى ظلّک و يتقرّب الی نفسک المهيمن علی العالمين. قل انّا جعلنا کلّ اسمٍ معيناً و اجرينا منه انهار الحکمة و العرفان فى رياض الامر و لا يعلم عدّتها احدٌ الّا ربّک المقدس المقتدر العليم الحکيم. قل انّا بدئنا کلّ الحروف من النّقطة و ارجعناها اليها ثمّ بعثناها علی هيکل بشرٍ تعالی الصّانع الابدع البديع سوف نفصّل منها مرّه اخرى باسمى الابهى فضلاً من عندى و انا الفضّال القديم و اشرقنا الانوار من شمس اسمنا الحقّ و ارجعناها اليها و اظهرناها علی هيکل الانسان تعالی القادر المقتدر القدير لن يمنعنى احد عن امرى و لن تحجبنى نفسٌ عن سلطانى و قدرتى انا الّذى بعثت الممکنات بقولی و انا المقتدر علی ما اريد. قل انّا لو نريد ان نقبض الارواح من کلّ الاشيآء فى نفسٍ و نبعث منها مرّة اخرى لنقدر لا يعرف علم ذلک الّا اللّه العالم العليم و لو نريد ان نظهر من ذرّة شموساً لا لهنّ بداية و لا نهاية لنقدر و نظهر کلّهنّ بامرى فى اقلّ من حين و لو نريد ان نبعث من قطرة بحور السّموات و الارض و نفصّل من حرف علم ما کان و ما يکون لنقدر انّ هذا لسهل يسير کذلک کنت مقتدراً من الاوّل الّذى لا اوّل له الی الاخر الّذى لا آخر له و لکن خلقى غفلوا عن قدرتى و اعرضوا عن سلطانى و جادلوا بنفسى العليم الحکيم. قل لم يتحرّک شىء بين السّموات و الارض الّا بعد اذنى و لم تصعد نفس الی الملکوت الّا بعد امرى و لکن بريّتى احتجبوا عن قدرتى و سلطانى و کانوا من الغافلين. قل لا يرى فى ظهورى الّا ظهور اللّه و لا فى قدرتى الّا قدرة اللّه لو انتم من العارفين. قل مثل خلقى کمثل الاوراق علی الشّجر انّها قد کانت ظاهرةً بوجودها و قائمة بنفسها و لکن غافلة عن اصلها کذلک مثّلنا لعبادنا العاقلين لعلّ يصعدنّ عن رتبة النّبات و يبلغنّ الی مقام البلوغ فى هذا الامر المبرم المتين. قل انّ مثلهم کمثل الحوت فى المآء انّ حيوته به و انّه لم يعرف ممدّ حيوته من لدن عزيزٍ حکيم و کان محتجباً عنه بحيث لو يسئل عن المآء و صفاته لن يعرف کذلک نلقى الامثال لعلّ النّاس يقبلنّ الی قبلة من فى السّموات و الارضين. يا قوم خافوا من اللّه و لا تکفروا بالّذى احاطت رحمته الممکنات و سبق فضله الموجودات و احاط سلطان امره ظاهرکم و باطنکم و اوّلکم و اخرکم اتّقوا اللّه و کونوا من المتّقين. ايّاکم ان تکونوا مثل الّذين تمرّ عليهم ايات اللّه و هم لا يعرفونها اَلا انّهم من الغافلين. قل اتعبدون من لا يسمع و لا يبصر و کان احقر العباد و اضلّهم فما لکم لا تتّبعون الّذى اتى من مطلع الامر بنبأ اللّه العلىّ العظيم. يا قوم لا تکونوا کالّذين دخلوا تلقآء العرش و ما استشعروا الا انّهم من الصّاغرين. کنّا نتلو عليهم الآيات الّتى انجذب منها اهل الجبروت و سکّان الملکوت و هم رجعوا محتجبين عنها و مترصّدين ندآء احد من العباد الّذى حىّ بارادة من عند اللّه کذلک نلقى عليکم ما يهديکم سبيل المقرّبين. کم من عباد دخلوا بقعة الفردوس مقرّ العرش بين يدى ربّهم العلىّ العظيم و سئلوا عن ابواب اربعة او عن احدٍ من ائمّة الفرقان کذلک کان شأن هؤلآء ان انتم من العالمين کما ترون فى تلک الايّام الّذينهم کفروا و اشرکوا تمسّکوا باسم من الاسمآء و احتجبوا عن موجدها نشهد انّهم من اهل السّعير يسئلون الشّمس ما قاله الظّلّ و عن الحقّ ما نطق الخلق ان انتم من الشّاهدين. قل يا قوم لم يکن عند الشّمس الّا اشراقها و ما يظهر منها و ما سواها استضآء بنورها اتّقوا اللّه و لا تکوننّ من الجاهلين. منهم من سئل الظّلمة عن النّور قل ان افتح بصرک لترى الاشراق الّذى احاط الافاق انّه يرى بالعين هذا نورٌ اشرق و لاح من افق فجر المعانى بضيآءٍ مبين. أتسئلون اليهود هل کان الرّوح علی حقّ من اللّه او الاصنام هل کان محمّد رسولاً او ملأ الفرقان ذکر اللّه العلىّ العظيم. قل يا قوم دعوا ما عندکم عند تجلّى هذا الظّهور خذوا ما امرتم به هذا امر اللّه لکم انّه هو خير الامرين و جمالی لم يکن مقصودى فى تلک الکلمات نفسى بل الّذى ياتى بعدى و اللّه علی ذلک لشهيد و عليم.ٌ لا تفعلوا به ما فعلتم بنفسى اذا نزّلت عليکم آيات اللّه من شطر فضلی لا تقولوا انّها ما نزّلت علی الفطرة انّ الفطرة قد خلقت بقولی و تطوف فى حولی ان انتم من الموقنين. ان استنشقوا نفحات قميص المعانى من بيان ربّکم الرحمن انّها تضوّعت فى الاکوان و تعطّر بها الامکان طوبى لمن وجد عرفها و اقبل الی اللّه بقلب منير. (edit)
O Living Temple! We have made Thee the Dayspring of each one of Our most excellent titles, the Dawning-Place of each one of Our most august attributes, and the Fountainhead of each one of Our manifold virtues unto the denizens of earth and heaven. Thereafter have We raised Thee up in Our own image betwixt the heavens and the earth, and ordained Thee to be the sign of Our glory unto all who are in the realms of revelation and creation, that My servants may follow in Thy footsteps, and be of them who are guided aright. We have appointed Thee the Tree of grace and bounty unto the dwellers of both the heavens and the earth. Well is it with them who seek the shelter of Thy shade and who draw nigh unto Thy Self, the omnipotent Protector of the worlds. 73 Say: We have made each one of Our Names a wellspring from which We have caused the streams of divine wisdom and understanding to gush forth and flow in the garden of Our Cause -- streams whose number none can reckon save Thy Lord, the Most Holy, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient, the All-Wise. Say: We have generated all Letters from the Point and have caused them to return unto It, and We have sent It down again in the form of a human temple. All glory be unto the Author of this incomparable and wondrous handiwork! Erelong shall We unfold and expound It again, in Our name, the All-Glorious. This is indeed a token of Our grace, and I, truly, am the Most Bountiful, the Ancient of Days. 74 We have brought forth all Lights from the Orb of Our name, the True One, have caused them to return unto It, and have again made them manifest in the form of a human temple. All glory be unto the Lord of strength, might, and power! None can withstand the operation of My will or the exercise of My might. I am He Who hath raised up all creatures through a word of My mouth, and My power is, in truth, equal to My purpose. 75 Say: It is in Our power, should We wish it, to cause all created things to expire in an instant, and, with the next, to endue them again with life. The knowledge thereof, however, is with God alone, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. It is in Our power, should We wish it, to enable a speck of floating dust to generate, in less than the twinkling of an eye, suns of infinite, of unimaginable splendour, to cause a dewdrop to develop into vast and numberless oceans, to infuse into every letter such a force as to empower it to unfold all the knowledge of past and future ages. This, in truth, is a matter simple of accomplishment. Such have been the evidences of My power from the beginning that hath no beginning until the end that hath no end. My creatures, however, have been oblivious of My power, have repudiated My sovereignty, and contended with Mine own Self, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. 76 Say: Of all that lieth between heaven and earth, naught can stir except by My leave, and unto My Kingdom none can ascend save at My behest. My creatures, however, have remained veiled from My might and My sovereignty, and are numbered with the heedless. Say: Naught is seen in My revelation but the Revelation of God, and in My might but His Might, could ye but know it. Say: My creatures are even as the leaves of a tree. They proceed from the tree, and depend upon it for their existence, yet remain oblivious of their root and origin. We draw such similitudes for the sake of Our discerning servants that perchance they may transcend a mere plant-like level of existence and attain unto true maturity in this resistless and immovable Cause. Say: My creatures are even as the fish of the deep. Their life dependeth upon the water, and yet they remain unaware of that which, by the grace of an omniscient and omnipotent Lord, sustaineth their very existence. Indeed, their heedlessness is such that were they asked concerning the water and its properties, they would prove entirely ignorant. Thus do We set forth comparisons and similitudes, that perchance the people may turn unto Him Who is the Object of the adoration of the entire creation. 77 O people! Fear God, and disbelieve not in Him Whose grace hath surrounded all things, Whose mercy hath pervaded the contingent world, and the sovereign potency of Whose Cause hath encompassed both your inner and your outer beings, both your beginning and your end. Stand ye in awe of the Lord, and be of them that act uprightly. Beware lest ye be accounted among those who allow the verses of their Lord to pass them by unheard and unrecognized; these, truly, are of the wayward. 78 Say: Would ye worship him who neither heareth nor seeth, and who is of a truth the most abject and wretched of all God's servants? Wherefore have ye failed to follow the One Who hath come unto you from the Source of Divine Command bearing the tidings of God, the Most Exalted, the Most Great? O people! Be not like unto those who presented themselves before Our throne, and yet failed to perceive or comprehend; these are indeed a contemptible people. We recited unto them verses that would enrapture the dwellers of the heavenly Dominion and the inmates of the Kingdom on high, and yet they departed veiled therefrom, and hearkened rather unto the voice of him who is but a servant of God and a mere creation of His Will. Thus do We impart unto you that which shall guide you towards the path of God's favoured ones. 79 How many those who entered within the Abode of Paradise, the Seat wherein the throne of God had been established, and stood before their Lord, the Most Exalted, the Most Great, only to inquire about the four Gates or of some Imám of the Islamic Faith!7 Such was the state of these souls, if ye be of them that comprehend. It is even as ye witness in the present day: those who have disbelieved in God and joined partners with Him cling to a single one of Our Names, and are debarred from recognizing Him Who is the Creator of all Names. We testify that such men are of a truth amongst the people of the Fire. They ask the sun to expound the words of the shadow, and the True One to explain the utterances of His creatures, could ye but perceive it! Say: O people! The sun offereth naught save the effulgence of its own light and that which appeareth therefrom, whilst all else seek illumination from its rays. Fear God, and be not of the ignorant! Among them also were those who inquired of the darkness about the light. Say: Open thine eyes, that thou mayest behold the brightness which hath visibly enveloped the earth! This, verily, is a light which hath risen and shone forth above the horizon of the Dayspring of divine knowledge with manifest radiance. Would ye ask the Jews whether Jesus was the True One from God, or the idols if Muhammad was an Apostle of His Lord, or inquire from the people of the Qur'án as to Him Who was the Remembrance of God, the Most Exalted, the Most Great? 80 Say: O people! Cast away, before the splendours of this Revelation, the things that ye possess, and cleave to that which God hath bidden you observe. Such is His command unto you, and He, verily, is best able to command. By My Beauty! My purpose in revealing these words is to cause all men to draw nigh unto God, the All-Glorious, the All-Praised. Beware lest ye deal with Me as ye dealt with My Herald. Do not object, when the verses of God are sent down unto you from the Court of My favour, saying, ``these do not proceed from an innate and untaught nature, for that nature itself hath been created by My word and circleth round Me, if ye be of them that apprehend this truth. Inhale from the utterances of your Lord, the All-Merciful, the sweet smell of the garment of inner meanings, which hath been diffused throughout the entire creation and hath shed its fragrance over all created things. Happy are those who perceive it and hasten unto God with radiant hearts. (edit) |
Indeed, O structure, we've appointed you as the beacon of all our beautiful names, the display of our supreme attributes, the source of all our remembrances for those in heaven and earth. We've sent you in my image between the heavens and earth, made you a mighty sign for those in the realms of existence and command, guiding my servants towards the right path. We've made you the generous lote-tree for those in the heavens and earth. Congratulations to those who seek shelter in your shade, drawing closer to your governing soul over all the worlds.
We've assigned every name a purpose, let rivers of wisdom and knowledge flow from it in command's gardens. Nobody knows their number except your Holy, Capable, Knowing, Wise Lord. We began all the letters from the dot and returned them to it, then sent them on a human form. The Most High, the Creator, the Inventor, the Unique, will detail it once more with my most glorious name, a grace from me, I am the Old Benefactor. We illuminated the lights from the sun of our name, the Truth, returned them to it, and displayed it on the human form. The Most High, the Capable, the Powerful, will not be prevented by anyone from my command, nor will any being obstruct my sovereignty and power. I am the one who commanded possibilities into existence and I am Capable of whatever I wish. If we desire to seize the lives of all things in a single breath and resurrect them again, we can. Only Allah, the Knowing, the Wise, has knowledge of this. If we wish to manifest suns from an atom without beginning or end, we can. We can display all of them by my command in less than a moment. If we wish to bring forth the oceans of the heavens and the earth from a droplet, and detail the knowledge of what was and what will be from a letter, we can. This is simple, easy, thus I was capable from the first, the one with no first, to the last, the one with no last. But my creation ignored my power, turned away from my authority, and disputed about my Knowing, Wise self. Nothing moves between the heavens and earth without my permission, no soul ascends to the kingdom without my command. Yet, my creation has veiled itself from my power and authority, they have been among the heedless. Only Allah's presence is seen in my presence, only Allah's power in my power, if you are among the knowers. The analogy of my creation is like the leaves on a tree. They were visible through their existence, sustained by themselves, but oblivious to their roots. In this way we've given an analogy for our wise servants, hopefully they ascend from the level of vegetation and achieve the stage of maturity in this solid, strong command. Say, their condition is like that of a fish in the water. Indeed, it lives because of it but doesn't realize that its life is sustained by the powerful and wise one. It remains hidden, so if asked about the water and its qualities, it wouldn't know. Thus, we provide examples so that people may turn towards the direction of those in the heavens and earth. O people, fear Allah and do not disbelieve in the one whose mercy encompasses all possibilities, whose grace preceded all existence, and whose command's authority covers your outer and inner selves, your beginning and your end. Fear Allah and be among the cautious. Beware of being like those who are exposed to the signs of Allah but fail to recognize them. Indeed, they are among the heedless. Say, do you worship those who cannot hear or see, who are the most inferior and misguided of servants? Why don't you follow the one who came with the news of the Almighty Allah, the Great? O people, do not be like those who entered the proximity of the throne, only to be completely oblivious and feeling insignificant. We recite to them the verses that attract the inhabitants of the divine dominions and the dwellers of the kingdom, but they return, veiled from them, eagerly waiting for the call of one of the servants who lives by the will of Allah. This is how we inspire you with what will guide you on the path of those who draw near. Many servants have entered the spot of Paradise, the location of the Throne, before their Great Almighty Lord, and they were asked about the four gates or about one of the leaders of the Criterion. Such was the condition of these people if you are among the knowers. Just as you see in these days, those who disbelieved and associated others with Allah, they cling to a name of the names, and veiled themselves from its source. We bear witness that they are among the dwellers of Hell. They ask the sun about what the shadow says, and about the truth of what the creation spoke, if you are among the witnesses. Say, O people, the sun has nothing but its shine, what appears from it, and everything else is illuminated by its light. Fear Allah and do not be among the ignorant. Some ask darkness about light, say, if your vision is opened, you will see the shine that encompasses the horizons. Indeed, with the eye, this is a light that shines and emerges from the horizon of meanings with clear illumination. Do you ask the Jews if the Spirit is truly from Allah, or do the idols say if Muhammad was a Messenger, or if the Criterion is filled with the remembrance of Allah, the Great and Exalted? Say, O people, leave what you have when this appearance is unveiled. Take what you were commanded with, this is Allah's command to you, and He is the best of commanders. My goal in these words was not myself but the one who will come after me, and Allah is a witness to this and knowing. Do not do to him what you did to me when Allah's verses descended upon you from my bounty. Do not say they have not descended on the natural disposition. The natural disposition was created by my word and orbits around me, if you are among the certain. If you inhale the scents of the shirt of meanings from the explanation of your Merciful Lord, it has spread in the universes and perfumed the possibilities. Blessed is the one who finds and recognizes it, and turns to Allah with an illuminated heart. (edit) |
29 | ان يا هذا الهيکل انّا قد جعلناک مرآتاً لملکوت الاسمآء لتحکى عن سلطانى بين الخلايق اجمعين و تدعو النّاس الی لقائى و جمالی و تکون هادياً الی سبيلی الواضح المستقيم. قد رفعنا اسمک بين العباد فضلاً من عندنا و انا الفضّال القديم و زيّنّاک بطراز نفسى و القينا عليک کلمتى لتحکم فى الملک کيف تشآء و تفعل ما تريد و قدّرنا لک خير السّموات و الارض بحيث لم يکن لاحد من خير الّا بان يدخل فى ظلّک امراً من لدن ربّک العليم الخبير و اعطيناک عصاء الامر و فرقان الحکم لتفرق بين کلّ امرٍ حکيم و موّجنا فى صدرک ابحر المعانى و البيان فى ذکر ربّک الرّحمن لتشکر ربّک و تکون من الشّاکرين و اختصصناک بين خلقى و جعلناک مظهر نفسى بين السّموات و الارضين. ان ابتعث باذن من لدنّا مرايا مستحکيات و حروفات عاليات ليحکين عن سلطانک و قدرتک و يدللن عن اقتدارک و عظمتک و يکنّ مظاهر اسمائک بين العالمين. انّا جعلناک مبدء المرايا و مبدعهنّ کما بدئناهنّ منک اوّل مرّة و نعيدک الی نفسى کما بدئناک انّ ربّک لهو الغالب المقتدر القدير. نبّأ المرايا حين ظهورهنّ بان لا يستکبرن علی موجدهنّ و خالقهنّ حين ظهوره و لا تغرّنهنّ الرّياسة عن الخضوع بين يدى اللّه العزيز الجميل. قل انتنّ يا ايّتها المرايا قد خلقتنّ بامرى و بعثتنّ بارادتى ايّاکنّ ان تکفرن بايات ربىّ و تکنّ من الّذينهم ظلموا و کانوا من الخاسرين و تتمسّکن بما عندکنّ و تفتخرن بارتفاع اسمائکنّ ينبغى لکنّ بان تنقطعن عمّن فى السّموات و الارض کذلک قدّر من لدن مقتدر قدير. (edit)
O Living Temple! We, verily, have made Thee a mirror unto the kingdom of names, that Thou mayest be, amidst all mankind, a sign of My sovereignty, a herald unto My presence, a summoner unto My beauty, and a guide unto My straight and perspicuous Path. We have exalted Thy Name among Our servants as a bounty from Our presence. I, verily, am the All-Bountiful, the Ancient of Days. We have, moreover, adorned Thee with the ornament of Our own Self, and have imparted unto Thee Our Word, that Thou mayest ordain in this contingent world whatsoever Thou willest and accomplish whatsoever Thou pleasest. We have destined for Thee all the good of the heavens and of the earth, and decreed that none may attain unto a portion thereof unless he entereth beneath Thy shadow, as bidden by Thy Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. We have conferred upon Thee the Staff of authority and the Writ of judgement, that Thou mayest test the wisdom of every command. We have caused the oceans of inner meaning and explanation to surge from Thy heart in remembrance of Thy Lord, the God of mercy, that Thou mayest render thanks and praise unto Him and be of those who are truly thankful. We have singled Thee out from amongst all Our creatures, and have appointed Thee as the Manifestation of Our own Self unto all who are in the heavens and on the earth. 82 Bring then into being, by Our leave, resplendent mirrors and exalted letters that shall testify to Thy sovereignty and dominion, bear witness to Thy might and glory, and be the manifestations of Thy Names amidst mankind. We have caused Thee again to be the Origin and the Creator of all mirrors, even as We brought them forth from Thee aforetime. And We shall cause Thee to return unto Mine own Self, even as We called Thee forth in the beginning. Thy Lord, verily, is the Unconstrained, the All-Powerful, the All-Compelling. Warn, then, these mirrors, once they have been made manifest, lest they swell with pride before their Creator and Fashioner when He appeareth amongst them, or let the trappings of leadership delude and debar them from bowing in submission before God, the Almighty, the All-Beauteous. 83 Say: O concourse of mirrors! Ye are but a creation of My will and have come to exist by virtue of My command. Beware lest ye deny the verses of My Lord, and be of them who have wrought injustice and are numbered with the lost. Beware lest ye cling unto that which ye possess, or take pride in your fame and renown. That which behoveth you is to wholly detach yourselves from all that is in the heavens and on the earth. Thus hath it been ordained by Him Who is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. (edit) |
Say, "O this temple, indeed, we have made you a mirror to the kingdom of names, to speak of my sovereignty among all creatures, and to call people to my presence and beauty. You shall guide them to my clear and straight path. We have exalted your name among the servants, a grace from Us. We adorned you with the embellishment of my self and cast my word upon you so that you may rule in the kingdom as you wish and do what you want. We have destined for you the best of the heavens and the earth, in a way that no one has any good except by entering under your shade, a matter from your knowledgeable, expert Lord.
We have given you the staff of command and the criterion of judgment, so you may distinguish between every wise matter. We have stirred in your heart oceans of meanings and clarity in the remembrance of your merciful Lord, so that you may thank your Lord and be among the thankful. We have chosen you among my creation and made you the manifestation of my self between the heavens and the earths. Indeed, We have sent by our permission reflective mirrors and lofty characters to speak of your sovereignty and power, and to demonstrate your ability and greatness, and to manifest your names among the worlds. We have made you the origin of the mirrors and their creator, just as We have begun them from you for the first time, and We will return you to myself, just as we started you. Indeed, your Lord is the dominant, the capable, the powerful. Inform the mirrors at their appearance not to be arrogant about their creator and maker at the time of his appearance, and let them not be misled by leadership from humility before the mighty, beautiful God. Say, 'You, O mirrors, have been created by my command and sent by my will. Beware of denying the signs of my Lord, and be not among those who have wronged and were of the losers, and cling to what is with you and take pride in the exaltation of your names. It is incumbent upon you to cut off from everyone in the heavens and the earth, so has it been decreed by the capable, powerful.'" (edit) |
30 | ان يا هيکل امرى قل انّى لو اريد ان اجعل الاشيآء مرايا اسمائى فى اقلّ من حينٍ لاَقدر فکيف ربّى الّذى خلقنى بامره المبرم المتين و لو اريد ان اقلّب الممکنات اقرب من لمح البصر لاقدر فکيف الارادة الّتى خزنت فى مشيّة اللّه ربّى و ربّ العالمين. قل يا مظاهر اسمآئى انتم لو تجاهدون فى سبيل اللّه باموالکم و انفسکم و تعبدون اللّه بعدد رمول الارض و قطرات الامطار و امواج البحار و تعترضون علی مظهر الامر حين الظّهور لا يذکر اعمالکم عند اللّه و ان ترکتم الاعمال و آمنتم به فى تلک الايّام عسى اللّه ان يکفّر عنکم سيّئاتکم انّه لهو العزيز الکريم. کذلک يعلّمکم اللّه ما هو المقصود لعلّ لا تستکبرون علی الّذى به ثبت ما نزّل فى ازل الازال طوبى لمن تقرّب الی المنظر الاکبر و سحقاً للمعرضين. کم من عبادٍ ينفقون اموالهم فى سبيل اللّه و لکن فى حين الظّهور نرهم من المعرضين و کم من عباد يصومون فى الايّام و يعترضون علی الّذى بامره حقّق حکم الصّوم الا انّهم من الجاهلين و کم من عباد يأکلون خبز الشّعير و يقعدون علی ما ينبت من الارض و يحملون الشّدائد حفظاً لرياساتهم کذلک فصّلنا لک اعمالهم لتکون ذکرى للاخرين. اولئک يحملون الشّدآئد رئآء النّاس لابقآء اسمآئهم بعد الّذى لن يبقى الّا بما يلعنهم به من فى السّموات و الارضين. قل لو تبقى اسمآئکم کما زعمتم هل ينفعکم فى شىء لا و ربّ العالمين. هل عزّ عُزّى بابقآء اسمه بين الّذين يعبدون الاسماء لا و نفس اللّه العزيز القدير و ان لا يذکرکم احدٌ فى الارض و کان اللّه راضياً عنکم اذا انتم فى کنائز اسمه الباطن کذلک نزّلنا الآيات لتجذبکم الی مطلع الانوار و تعرفوا ما اراد ربّکم العليم الحکيم. ان امسکوا انفسکم عمّا نهيتم عنه فى الکتاب و کلوا ممّا رزقکم اللّه حلالاً و لا تحرموا انفسکم عن نعمآئه انّه لهو الکريم ذو الفضل العظيم. لا تحملوا الشّدآئد علی انفسکم ان اعملوا ما بيّنّاه لکم ببراهين واضحات و آيات لائحات و لا تکوننّ من الغافلين. (edit)
O Temple of My Cause! Say: Should I wish to transform, in a single moment, all things into mirrors of My Names, this undoubtedly is in My power, how much more in the power of My Lord, Who hath called Me into being through His all-compelling and inscrutable command. And should I choose to revolutionize the entire creation in the twinkling of an eye, this assuredly is possible unto Me, how much more unto that sovereign Purpose enshrined in the Will of God, My Lord and the Lord of all the worlds. 85 Say: O ye manifestations of My Names! Should ye offer up all that ye possess, nay your very lives, in the path of God, and invoke Him to the number of the grains of sand, the drops of rain, and the waves of the sea, and yet oppose the Manifestation of His Cause at the time of His appearance, your works shall in no wise be mentioned before God. Should ye, however, neglect all righteous works and yet choose to believe in Him in these days, God perchance will put away your sins. He, verily, is the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful. Thus doth the Lord inform you of His purpose, that haply ye may not wax proud before the One through Whom whatsoever hath been revealed from all eternity hath been confirmed. Happy is he who approacheth this Most Sublime Vision, and woe to them that turn aside! 86 How numerous those who expend all their wealth in the path of God, and whom We find, at the hour of His Revelation, to be of the rebellious and the froward! How many those who keep the fast in the daytime, only to protest against the One by Whose very command the ordinance of the fast was first established! Such men are, in truth, of the ignorant. And how many those who subsist on the coarsest bread, who take for their only seat the grass of the field, and who undergo every manner of hardship, merely to maintain their superiority in the eyes of men! Thus do We expose their deeds, that this may serve as a warning unto others. These are the ones who subject themselves to all manner of austerities before the gaze of others in the hope of perpetuating their names, whilst in reality no mention shall remain of them save in the curses and imprecations of the dwellers of earth and heaven. 87 Say: Would it profit you in the least if, as ye fondly imagine, your names were to endure? Nay, by the Lord of all worlds! Was the idol `Uzzá8 made any greater by this, that its name lived on amidst the worshippers of names? Nay, by Him Who is the Self of God, the All-Glorious, the All-Compelling! Should your names fade from every mortal mind, and yet God be well pleased with you, ye will indeed be numbered among the treasures of His name, the Most Hidden. Thus have We sent down Our verses that they may attract you unto the Source of all Lights, and acquaint you with the purpose of your Lord, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. Abstain, then, from all that hath been forbidden unto you in the Book, and eat of the lawful things which God hath provided for your sustenance. Deprive not yourselves of His goodly bestowals, for He, verily, is the Most Generous, the Lord of grace abounding. Subject not yourselves to excessive hardships, but follow the way We have made plain unto you through Our luminous verses and perspicuous proofs, and be not of the negligent. (edit) |
Say, "O temple of my command, if I wished to make all things mirrors of my names in less than an instant, I could. So how about my Lord who created me by His firm and strong command? If I wished to flip the possibilities closer than the blink of an eye, I could. So how about the will stored in the volition of Allah, my Lord, and the Lord of the worlds?
Say, O manifesters of my names, even if you strive in the way of Allah with your wealth and yourselves, and worship Allah by the number of grains of sand on earth, drops of rain, and waves of the sea, and you object to the manifestation of the command when it appears, your deeds will not be mentioned in the sight of Allah. But if you abandon your deeds and believe in Him in those days, perhaps Allah will forgive your misdeeds. Indeed, He is the Mighty, the Generous. Thus, Allah teaches you what is meant, so perhaps you will not be arrogant about that which has been established in the timeless eternity. Blessed is the one who approaches the grand spectacle and woe to those who turn away. How many of Allah's servants spend their wealth in His way, but when the time of appearance comes, we see them among those who turn away. How many of the servants fast during the days and object to the one who, by his command, made the decree of fasting true, but they are among the ignorant. How many servants eat barley bread, sit on what sprouts from the earth, and bear hardships to preserve their leadership. This is how we have detailed their deeds for you, as a reminder for others. These ones bear hardships for the sake of people to keep their names after that which will not remain except for what is cursed by those in the heavens and the earths. Say, if your names remain as you claim, will it benefit you in any way? No, by the Lord of the worlds. Will a person's honor increase by the lasting of his name among those who worship the names? No, by the soul of the Mighty, the Powerful God. And if no one on earth mentions you, and Allah is pleased with you, then you are in the treasures of his inner name. Thus, we have revealed the verses to draw you to the rising of the lights and to let you know what your knowledgeable, wise Lord wants. If you restrain yourselves from what you were prohibited in the book and eat from what Allah has provided you lawfully, do not deprive yourselves of His blessings. Indeed, He is the Generous, the Greatly Bountiful. Do not impose hardships upon yourselves. Do what we have explained to you with clear proofs and visible signs, and do not be among the heedless." (edit) |
31 | يا معشر العلماء انتم لو تجتنبون الخمر و امثالها عمّا نهيتم عنه فى الکتاب هذا لم يکن فخراً لکم لانّ بارتکابها تضيع مقاماتکم عند النّاس و تبدّل امورکم و تهتک استارکم بل الفخر فى اذعانکم کلمة الحقّ و انقطاعکم فى السّرّ و الجهر عمّا سوى اللّه العزيز القدير. طوبى لعالم ما جعل العلم حجاباً بينه و بين المعلوم و اذا اتى القيّوم اقبل اليه بوجه منير. انّه من العلمآء يستبرکنّ بانفاسه اهل الفردوس و يستضيئنّ بنبراسه من فى السّموات و الارضين. انّه من ورثة الانبياء من رأ آه قد رأى الحقّ و من اقبل اليه اقبل الی اللّه العزيز الحکيم. ان يا مطالع العلم ايّاکم ان تتغيّروا فى انفسکم لانّ بتغييرکم يتغيّر اکثر العباد انّ هذا ظلم منکم علی انفسکم و علی العباد و يشهد بذلک کلّ عارف خبير. مثلکم کمثل عين اذا تغيّرت تتغيّر الانهار المنشعبة منها اتّقوا اللّه و کونوا من المتّقين. کذلک الانسان اذا فسد قلبه يفسد ارکانه و کذلک الشّجرة ان فسد اصلها يفسد اغصانها و افنانها و اوراقها و اثمارها. کذلک ضربنا لکم الامثال لعلّ لا تحتجبون بما عندکم عمّا قدّر لکم من لدن عزيز کريم. انّا لو نأخذ کفّاً من التّراب و نزيّنه بطراز الاسمآء لنقدر و هذا من فضلی عليه من دون استحقاقه کذلک نزّل بالحقّ من لدن منزل عليم. فانظروا الی الحجر الاسود الّذى جعله اللّه مقبل العالمين هل يکون هذا الفضل من نفسه لا و نفسى و هل يکون هذا العزّ من ذاته لا و ذاتى الّذى عجز عن عرفانه من فى العالمين. کذلک فانظر فى المسجد الاقصى و الاماکن الّتى جعلناها مطاف من فى الاطراف و الاقطار لم يکن شرفها منها بل بما تنسب الی مظاهرنا الّذين جعلناهم مطالع وحينا بين العباد ان انتم من العالمين و فى کلّ ذلک لحکمة لا يعلمها الّا اللّه ان اسئلوه ليبيّن لکم ما اراد انّه بکلّ شىء عليم. ان انقطعوا يا قوم عن الدّنيا و زخرفها و لا تلتفتوا الی الّذينهم کفروا و اشرکوا ان اطلعوا من افق البيان لذکر ربّکم الرّحمن هذا ما اراده اللّه لکم طوبى للعارفين. قل يا قوم انّا امرناکم فى الالواح بان تقدّسوا انفسکم حين الظّهور عن الاسمآء و عن کلّ ما خلق بين الارض و السّمآء لينطبع فيها تجلّى شمس الحقّ من افق مشيّة ربّکم العزيز العظيم و امرناکم بان تطهّروا نفوسکم عن حبّ من علی الارض و بغضهم لئلا يمنعکم شىء عن جهةٍ و يضطرّکم الی جهةٍ اخرى و کان هذا من اعظم نصحى لکم فى کتاب مبين. من تمسّک باحدٍ منهما انّه لا يقدر ان يعرف الامر علی ما هو عليه و يشهد بذلک کلّ منصف خبير. انتم نسيتم عهد اللّه و نقضتم ميثاقه الی ان اعرضتم عن الّذى بظهوره قرّت عيون الموحّدين. طهّروا الانظار عن الحجب و الاستار ثمّ انظروا حجج النّبيّين و المرسلين لتعرفوا امر اللّه فى تلک الايّام الّتى فيها اتى الموعود بسلطان عظيم. اتّقوا اللّه و لا تحرموا انفسکم عن مطلع الآيات هذا ما تنتفع به انفسکم انّ ربّکم لغنىّ عن العالمين. انّه لم يزل کان و لم يکن معه من شىء قد ارتفعت باسمه راية التّوحيد علی طور الوجود من الغيب و الشّهود الا انّه لا اله الّا انا الواحد العزيز الفريد. انّ الّذينهم خلقوا بارادة من عنده و بعثوا بامره اعرضوا عنه و اتّخذوا لانفسهم ربّاً من دون اللّه الا انّهم من المبعدين. کانوا ان يذکروا الرّحمن فى کلّ الاحيان و اذا ظهر بالحقّ حاربوا معه افّ لهم بما نقضوا الميثاق اذ اشرق نير الآفاق من افق مشيّة اللّه المقدّس العليم الحکيم. سلّوا سيوف البغضآء علی وجه اللّه و لا يستشعرون فى انفسهم کانّهم اموات فى قبور اهوائهم بعد الّذى فاحت نسمة اللّه بين الدّيار الا انّهم فى حجاب عظيم. اذا تتلی عليهم آيات اللّه يصرّون مستکبرين کانّهم ما عرفوا شيئا و ما سمعوا نغمة اللّه العلىّ العليم. قل وا حسرة عليکم اتدّعون الايمان فى انفسکم و تکفرون بآيات اللّه العزيز العليم. قل يا قوم و لّوا وجوهکم شطر ربّکم الرّحمن ايّاکم ان يحجبنّکم ما نزّل فى البيان انّه ما نزّل الّا لذکرى العزيز المنيع و ما کان مقصوده الّا جمالی قد ملئت الآفاق برهانى لو انتم من المنصفين. لو کان النّقطة الاولی علی زعمکم غيرى و يدرک لقآئى لن يفارق منّى و يستأنس بنفسى و استأنست بنفسه فى ايّامى انّه ناح لفراقى قد سبقنى ليبشّر النّاس بملکوتى کذلک نزّل فى الالواح ان انتم من النّاظرين فيا ليت يکون من ذى سمع ليسمع ضجيجه فى البيان بما ورد علی نفسى من هؤلآء الغافلين و يعرف حنينه فى فراقى و شغفه الی لقآئى العزيز البديع اذاً يشاهد محبوبه بين العباد الّذينهم خلقوا لايّامه و السّجود بين يديه بالذّلّة الّتى اعترف القلم بالعجز عن ذکرها بما ورد عليه من هؤلآء الظّالمين. قل يا قوم انّا دعوناکم فى الظّهور الاوّل الی المنظر الاکبر هذا المقام الاطهر و بشّرناهم بايّام اللّه فلمّا انشقّ السّتر الاعظم و اتى جمال القدم علی سحاب القدر کفرتم بالّذى آمنتم فويل لکم يا معشر المشرکين. خافوا من اللّه و لا تدحضوا الحقّ بما عندکم اذا اشرقت عليکم شمس الآيات من افق اصبع مليک الاسمآء و الصّفات خرّوا بوجوهکم سجّداً للّه ربّ العالمين انّ سجودکم فنآء بابه ليکون خيراً من عبادة الثّقلين و خضوعکم عند ظهوره خير لکم عمّا خلق فى السّموات و الارضين. قل يا قوم اذکّرکم لوجه اللّه و ما اريد منکم جزآء انّ اجرى الّا علی اللّه الّذى فطرنى و بعثنى بالحقّ و جعلنى ذکرا للخلائق اجمعين. ان اسرعوا الی منظر اللّه و مقرّه و لا تتّبعوا الشّيطان فى انفسکم انّه يأمرکم بالبغى و الفحشآء و يمنعکم عن الصّراط الّذى نصب فى العالم بهذا الامر المبرم الحکيم. قل قد ظهر الشّيطان بشأن ما ظهر شبهه فى الامکان و کذلک ظهر جمال الرّحمن بالطّراز الّذى ما ادرکت مثله عيون الاوّلين. قد ارتفع ندآء الرّحمن و عن ورآئه ندآء الشّيطان طوبى لمن سمع ندآء اللّه و توجّه الی جهة العرش منظر قدسٍ کريم. من کان فى قلبه اقلّ من خردل حبّ دونى لن يقدر ان يدخل ملکوتى و برهانى ما طرّز به ديباج کتاب الوجود ان انتم من العارفين. قل اليوم يوم الّذى فيه ظهر الفضل الاعظم و لم يکن شىء لا فى السّموات العلى و لا فى الاراضى السّفلى الّا و ينطقنّ بذکرى و يغرّدن بثنآء نفسى ان انتم من السّامعين. (edit)
O concourse of divines! It is not yours to boast if ye abstain from drinking wine and from similar transgressions which have been forbidden you in the Book, for should ye commit such deeds, the dignity of your station would then be tainted in the eyes of the people, your affairs would be disrupted, and your name disgraced and dishonoured. Nay, your true and abiding glory resideth in submission to the Word of Him Who is the Eternal Truth, and in your inward and outward detachment from aught else besides God, the All-Compelling, the Almighty. Great is the blessedness of that divine that hath not allowed knowledge to become a veil between him and the One Who is the Object of all knowledge, and who, when the Self-Subsisting appeared, hath turned with a beaming face towards Him. He, in truth, is numbered with the learned. The inmates of Paradise seek the blessing of his breath, and his lamp sheddeth its radiance over all who are in heaven and on earth. He, verily, is numbered with the inheritors of the Prophets. He that beholdeth him hath, verily, beheld the True One, and he that turneth towards him hath, verily, turned towards God, the Almighty, the All-Wise. 89 O ye the dawning-places of knowledge! Beware that ye suffer not yourselves to become changed, for as ye change, most men will, likewise, change. This, verily, is an injustice unto yourselves and unto others. Unto this beareth witness every man of discernment and insight. Ye are even as a spring. If it be changed, so will the streams that branch out from it be changed. Fear God, and be numbered with the godly. In like manner, if the heart of man be corrupted, his limbs will also be corrupted. And similarly, if the root of a tree be corrupted, its branches, and its offshoots, and its leaves, and its fruits, will be corrupted. Thus have We set forth similitudes for your instruction, that perchance ye may not be debarred by the things ye possess from attaining unto that which hath been destined for you by Him Who is the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful. 90 It is indeed in Our power to take up a handful of dust and to adorn it with the vesture of Our Names. This, however, would be but a sign of our favour, and not an indication of any merit it may have inherently possessed. Thus hath it been revealed in truth by Him Who is the Sovereign Revealer, the All-Knowing. Consider the Black Stone,9 which God hath made a point whereunto all men turn in adoration. Hath this bounty been conferred upon it by virtue of its innate excellence? Nay, by Mine own Self! Or doth such distinction stem from its intrinsic worth? Nay, by Mine own Being, Whose Essence even the wisest and most discerning of men have failed to grasp! 91 Again, consider the Mosque of Aqsá and the other places which We have made sanctuaries unto the people in every land and region. The honour and distinction they enjoy is in no wise due to their own merit, but stemmeth from their relation to Our Manifestations, Whom We have appointed as the Daysprings of Our Revelation amidst mankind, if ye be of them that understand. In this there lieth a wisdom inscrutable to all save God. Inquire, that He may graciously make plain unto you His purpose. His knowledge, verily, embraceth all things. Detach yourselves, O people, from the world and all its vanities, and heed not the call of such as have disbelieved in God and joined partners with Him. Arise above the horizon of utterance to extol and praise your Lord, the All-Merciful. This is that which God hath purposed for you; well is it with them who perceive it. 92 Say: O people! We have commanded you in Our Tablets to strive, at the time of the promised Revelation, to sanctify your souls from all names, and to purify them from all that hath been created in the heavens or on the earth, that therein may appear the splendours of the Sun of Truth which shineth forth above the horizon of the Will of your Lord, the Almighty, the Most Great. We have, moreover, commanded you to cleanse your hearts from every trace of the love or hate of the peoples of the world, lest aught should divert you from one course or impel you towards another. This, verily, is among the weightiest counsels I have vouchsafed unto you in the perspicuous Book, for whoso attacheth himself to either of these shall be prevented from attaining a proper understanding of Our Cause. To this beareth witness every just and discerning soul. 93 Ye, however, have broken the Covenant of God, forgotten His Testament, and at last turned away from Him Whose appearance hath solaced the eyes of every true believer in the Divine Unity. Lift up the veils and coverings that obscure your vision, and consider the testimonies of the Prophets and Messengers, that haply ye may recognize the Cause of God in these days when the Promised One hath come invested with a mighty sovereignty. Fear God, and debar yourselves not from Him Who is the Dayspring of His signs. This shall, in truth, but profit your own selves; as to your Lord, He, verily, can afford to dispense with all creatures. From everlasting was He alone; there was none else besides Him. He it is in Whose name the standard of Divine Unity hath been planted upon the Sinai of the visible and invisible worlds, proclaiming that there is none other God but Me, the Peerless, the Glorious, the Incomparable. 94 Behold, however, how those who are but a creation of His Will and Command have turned aside from Him and have taken unto themselves a lord and master beside God; these, truly, are of the wayward. The mention of the All-Merciful hath at all times been upon their lips, and yet when He was manifested unto them through the power of truth they warred against Him. Wretched indeed shall be the plight of such as have broken the Covenant of their Lord when the Luminary of the world shone forth above the horizon of the Will of God, the Most Holy, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise! It was against God that they unsheathed the swords of malice and hatred, and yet they perceive it not. Methinks they remain dead and buried in the tombs of their selfish desires, though the breeze of God hath blown over all regions. They, truly, are wrapt in a dense and grievous veil. And oft as the verses of God are rehearsed unto them, they persist in proud disdain; it is as though they were devoid of all understanding, or had never heard the Call of God, the Most Exalted, the All-Knowing. 95 Say: Alas for you! How can ye profess yourselves believers, when ye deny the verses of God, the Almighty, the All-Wise? Say: O people! Turn your faces unto your Lord, the All-Merciful. Beware lest ye be veiled by aught that hath been revealed in the Bayán: It was, in truth, revealed for no other purpose than to make mention of Me, the All-Powerful, the Most High, and had no other object than My Beauty. The whole world hath been filled with My testimony, if ye be of them that judge with fairness. 96 Had the Primal Point been someone else beside Me as ye claim, and had attained My presence, verily He would have never allowed Himself to be separated from Me, but rather We would have had mutual delights with each other in My Days. He, in truth, wept sore in His remoteness from Me. He preceded Me that He might summon the people unto My Kingdom, as it hath been set forth in the Tablets, could ye but perceive it! O would that men of hearing might be found who could hear the voice of His lamentation in the Bayán bewailing that which hath befallen Me at the hands of these heedless souls, bemoaning His separation from Me and giving utterance to His longing to be united with Me, the Mighty, the Peerless. He, verily, beholdeth at this very moment His Best-Beloved amidst those who were created to attain His Day and to prostrate themselves before Him, and yet who have inflicted in their tyranny such abasement upon Him as the pen confesseth its inability to describe. 97 Say: O people! We, verily, summoned you, in Our former Revelation, unto this Scene of transcendent glory, this Seat of stainless sanctity, and announced unto you the advent of the Days of God. Yet, when the most great veil was rent asunder, and the Ancient Beauty came unto you in the clouds of God's decree, ye repudiated Him in Whom ye had believed aforetime. Woe betide you, O company of infidels! Fear ye God, and nullify not the truth with the things ye possess. When the luminary of divine verses dawneth upon you from the horizon of the Pen of the King of all names and attributes, fall ye prostrate upon your faces before God, the Lord of the Worlds. For to bow down in adoration at the threshold of His door is indeed better for you than the worship of both worlds, and to submit to His Revelation is more profitable unto you than whatsoever hath been created in the heavens and on the earth. 98 Say: O people! I admonish you wholly for the sake of God, and seek no reward from you. For My recompense shall be with God, He Who hath brought Me into being, raised Me up by the power of truth, and made Me the Source of His remembrance amidst His creatures. Hasten to behold this divine and glorious Vision, the Spot wherein God hath established His Seat. Follow not that which the Evil One whispereth in your hearts, for he, verily, doth prompt you to walk after your lusts and covetous desires, and hindereth you from treading the straight Path which this all-embracing and all-compelling Cause hath opened. 99 Say: The Evil One hath appeared in such wise as the eye of creation hath never beheld. He Who is the Beauty of the All-Merciful hath likewise been made manifest with an adorning the like of which hath never been witnessed in the past. The Call of the All-Merciful hath been raised, and behind it the call of Satan. Well is it with them who hearken unto the Voice of God, and turn their faces towards His throne to behold a most holy and blessed Vision. For whoso cherisheth in his heart the love of anyone beside Me, be it to the extent of a grain of mustard seed, shall be unable to gain admittance into My Kingdom. To this beareth witness that which adorneth the preamble of the Book of Existence, could ye but perceive it. Say: This is the Day whereon God's most great favour hath been made manifest. The voice of all who are in the heavens above and on the earth below proclaimeth My Name, and singeth forth My praises, could ye but hear it! (edit) |
O scholars, if you abstain from wine and its likes that you've prohibited in this book, it won't be an honor for you. By indulging in them, you lose your status among the people, alter your affairs, and your coverings are torn apart. True honor is in submitting to the word of truth and distancing yourself in both private and public from anything other than the Almighty, the Mighty and Majestic. Blessed is the scholar who doesn't let knowledge become a veil between him and the known. When he approaches the Self-Sustaining, he approaches with a radiant face. There are scholars whose breaths are sought for blessings by the people of paradise, and their light illuminates those in the heavens and the earth. Such a scholar is among the heirs of the prophets. Seeing him is like seeing the truth, and approaching him is like approaching the Mighty, Wise God.
O seekers of knowledge, be wary of changing yourselves, for when you change, most of the servants change too. This is oppression towards yourselves and towards the servants. Every knowledgeable person attests to this. You are like a spring; if it changes, the rivers branching from it change too. Fear God and be among the righteous. Similarly, if a person's heart becomes corrupt, his limbs become corrupt, and just like a tree, if its root is corrupt, its branches, twigs, leaves, and fruits become corrupt as well. We provide these examples for you so that you might not become veiled by your own understanding and recognize the generosity granted to you by the Mighty, Noble. Even if we were to take a handful of soil and embellish it with the embroidery of names, it would become noble. This nobility is a favor upon it without it deserving it. Just as we have sent down the truth from a knowledgeable source. Consider the Black Stone which God has made revered among the worlds; its honor isn't from itself, by my soul! Nor is this nobility from its own essence, by my essence! None in the worlds can truly recognize it. Similarly, look at the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the places we've made pilgrimage sites for those from distant lands. Their honor isn't inherent but due to their association with our manifestations, which we've made beacons of our revelation among the servants. In all this, there's wisdom known only to God. If asked, He will clarify for you what He intends, for He is knowledgeable about everything. O people, distance yourselves from the world and its adornments and do not turn towards those who disbelieve and associate partners with God. Turn your gaze to the horizon of clarity in remembrance of your Merciful Lord. This is what God intends for you. Blessed are those who understand. Say, O people, we commanded you in the tablets to sanctify yourselves when names manifest and from everything created between the earth and the sky, so that the sun of truth may manifest from the horizon of the will of your Mighty, Magnificent Lord. We also commanded you to purify your souls from both love and hatred towards those on earth, so that nothing diverts you in one direction and compels you in another. This is among the greatest advice to you in a clear book. Anyone who clings to either of them is incapable of truly understanding the matter. Every fair and knowledgeable person attests to this. You've forgotten God's covenant and broken His pact until you turned away from that which, by its appearance, brings delight to the eyes of the monotheists. Purify your gaze from obstructions and barriers, then look at the arguments of the prophets and messengers to know God's decree in those days when the Promised One came with great authority. Fear God and do not deprive yourselves from the source of His signs. This is what benefits you. Your Lord is indeed self-sufficient, indifferent to the worlds. He has always been, and nothing was with Him. His banner of monotheism has risen on the mount of existence, both in the unseen and the seen. Indeed, there is no god but He, the One, the Mighty, the Unique. Those who were created by His will and sent by His command turned away from Him and took for themselves a god other than God. They are indeed among the astray. They should remember the Merciful at all times, but when the truth appeared, they opposed it. Woe to them for breaking the covenant when the light of the horizons shone from the will of the Holy, Knowledgeable, Wise God. They have drawn their swords of hatred against God, feeling in their souls as if they are dead in the tombs of their desires, even though God's breeze has blown between the houses. But they are behind a great veil. When God's verses are recited to them, they turn away arrogantly, as if they knew nothing and did not hear God's melody. Oh, what a pity on you! You claim faith for yourselves but deny God's mighty and knowledgeable signs. Say, "O people, turn your faces to the Merciful God. Beware lest what is revealed in the clarification blinds you. It was revealed as a reminder by the Mighty, the Impenetrable, and its purpose is nothing but My beauty, which has filled the horizons with My evidence, if you are fair. Had the initial point, as you claim, been other than Me, and had he realized my meeting, he would not have left me. He preceded me to give glad tidings of my kingdom to people. This was revealed in the tablets if you are among the observers. Oh, if only someone with ears would listen to the uproar in the declaration because of what has come upon me from these heedless ones, recognize his longing in my absence and his passion for meeting me. Thus, his beloved is witnessed among the servants who were created for His days and prostrating before Him with humility. The pen has confessed its inability to mention it because of what has been inflicted by these oppressors. Say, "O people, we called you in the first appearances to the greatest sight, this most holy position, and gave them glad tidings of God's days. But when the greatest veil was torn and the beauty of the Eternal appeared on the cloud of destiny, you disbelieved in what you believed in. Woe to you, O group of polytheists! Fear God and do not refute the truth with what you have. When the sun of signs shines upon you from the horizon of the King of Names and Attributes, bow down with your faces in prostration to God, the Lord of the worlds. Your prostration is a fleeting door, better than worshiping the two weighty ones (humans and jinn). Your submission during its appearance is better for you than what is created in the heavens and the earth. Say, "O people, I remind you for God's sake and I do not want any reward from you. My reward is only from God, who created me, sent me with the truth, and made me a reminder for all creatures. Hasten to God's sight and residence and do not follow Satan in your souls. He orders you to wrongdoing and indecency and prevents you from the path set up in the world by this wise and firm command. The devil has appeared in relation to his likeness in the places, and so has the beauty of the Merciful with an embroidery the likes of which the eyes of the ancients did not comprehend. The call of the Merciful has risen, and behind it is the call of the devil. Blessed is he who hears God's call and turns to the direction of the throne, a sanctified and generous sight. Anyone who has even the least love other than mine in his heart will not be able to enter my kingdom. My evidence is what the fabric of the book of existence is embroidered with, if you are among the knowledgeable. Say, today is the day in which the greatest grace has appeared, and there was nothing, neither in the high heavens nor in the lower earths, but speaks of my remembrance and chirps in praise of myself, if you are among the listeners. (edit) |
32 | ان يا هيکل الظّهور ان انفخ فى الصّور باسمى ثمّ ان يا هيکل الاسرار تنفّس فى المزمار بذکر ربّک المختار ثمّ ان يا حوريّة الفردوس ان اخرجى من غرف الجنان ثمّ اخبرى اهل الاکوان تاللّه قد ظهر محبوب العالمين و مقصود العارفين و معبود من فى السّموات و الارضين و مسجود الاوّلين و الاخرين. ايّاکم ان تتوقّفوا فى هذا الجمال بعد الّذى ظهر بسلطان القدرة و القوّة و الاستجلال انّه لهو الحقّ و ما سويه معدوم عند احدٍ من عباده و مفقود لدى ظهور انواره. ان اسرعوا الی کوثر الفضل و لا تکوننّ من الصّابرين و من توقّف اقلّ من آنٍ ليحبط اللّه عمله و يرجعه الی مقرّ القهر فبئس مثوى المتوقّفين. (edit)
O Temple of Divine Revelation! Sound the trumpet in My Name! O Temple of Divine mysteries! Raise the clarion call of Thy Lord, the Unconditioned, the Unconstrained! O Maid of Heaven! Step forth from the chambers of paradise and announce unto the people of the world: By the righteousness of God! He Who is the Best-Beloved of the worlds -- He Who hath ever been the Desire of every perceiving heart, the Object of the adoration of all that are in heaven and on earth, and the Cynosure of the former and the latter generations -- is now come! 101 Take heed lest ye hesitate in recognizing this resplendent Beauty when once He hath appeared in the plenitude of His sovereign might and majesty. He, verily, is the True One, and all else besides Him is as naught before a single one of His servants, and paleth into nothingness when brought face to face with the revelation of His splendours. Hasten, then, to attain the living waters of His grace, and be not of the negligent. As to him who hesitateth, though it be for less than a moment, God shall verily bring his works to naught and return him to the seat of wrath; wretched indeed is the abode of them that tarry! (edit) |
O structure of appearance, blow in the trumpet in my name. Then, O structure of secrets, breathe into the flute in remembrance of your chosen Lord. Then, O nymph of paradise, come out from the chambers of heaven and inform the inhabitants of the universes. By God, the beloved of the worlds has appeared, the purpose of the knowers, worshiped by those in the heavens and the earths, and prostrated to by the first and the last. Beware of stopping at this beauty after what has appeared with the authority of power and majesty. Indeed, it is the truth, and anything other than it is non-existent to any of his servants and lost upon the appearance of his lights. Hasten to the abundance of grace and do not be among the patient ones. And whoever stops short of that, God will nullify his deeds and return him to the abode of subjugation. What a terrible place for those who halt. (edit) |
33 | ان يا پاپا ان اخرق الاحجاب قد اتى ربّ الارباب فى ظلل السّحاب و قضى الامر من لدى اللّه المقتدر المختار. ان اکشف السّبحات بسلطان ربّک ثمّ اصعد الی ملکوت الاسمآء و الصّفات کذلک يأمرک القلم الاعلی من لدن ربّک العزيز الجبّار. انّه قد اتى من السّمآء مرّة اخرى کما اتى منها اوّل مرّة ايّاک ان تعترض عليه کما اعترض عليه الفريسيّون من دون بيّنةٍ و برهان. قد جرى عن يمينه کوثر الفضل و عن يساره سلسبيل العدل و يمشى قدّامه ملئکة الفردوس برايات الآيات ايّاک ان تمنعک الاسمآء عن اللّه فاطر الارض و السّمآء.. دع الورى عن ورائک ثمّ اقبل الی مولاک الّذى به اضآء الآفاق قد زيّنّا الملکوت باسمنا الابهى کذلک قضى الامر من لدى اللّه خالق الاشيآء. ايّاک ان تمنعک الظّنون بعد الّذى اشرقت شمس اليقين من افق بيان ربّک العزيز المنّان. اسکنت فى القصور و سلطان الظّهور فى اخرب البيوت دعها لاهلها ثمّ اقبل الی الملکوت بروح و ريحان. قل يا ملأ الارض ان اخربوا بيوت الغفلة بايادى القدرة و الاطمينان و عمّروا غرف العرفان فى القلوب ليتجلّى عليها الرّحمن هذا خير لکم عمّا تطلع الشّمس عليها و يشهد بذلک من عنده فصل الخطاب. قد فاحت نسمة اللّه فى العالم بما اتى المقصود بمجده الاعظم اذاً کلّ حجر و مدرٍ ينادى قد ظهر الموعود و الملک للّه المقتدر العزيز الغفّار. ايّاک ان تمنعک العلوم عن سلطان المعلوم او الدّنيا عمّن خلقها و ترکها قم باسم ربّک الرّحمن بين ملأ الاکوان و خذ کاس الحيوان بيد الاطمينان ان اشرب منها اوّلاً ثمّ اسق المقبلين من اهل الاديان کذلک لاح قمر البيان من افق الحکمة و التّبيان. ان اخرق سبحات العلوم لئلّا تمنعک عن شطر اسمى القيّوم. ان اذکر اذ اتى الرّوح افتى عليه من کان اعلم علمآء عصره فى مصره و آمن به من يصطاد الحوت فاعتبروا يا اولی الالباب. انّک من شموس سموات الاسمآء ان احفظ نفسک لئلّا تغشها الظّلمة و تحجبک عن النّور. ان انظر ما نزّل فى الکتاب من لدن ربّک العزيز الوهّاب. قل يا معشر العلمآء ان امسکوا اقلامکم قد ارتفع صرير القلم الاعلی بين الارض و السّمآء. ضعوا ما عندکم و خذوا ما ارسلناه اليکم بقدرة و سلطان. قد اتت السّاعة الّتى کانت مکنونة فى علم اللّه اذاً نادت الذّرّات قد اتى القديم ذو المجد العظيم ان اسرعوا اليه يا ملأ الارض بخضوع و اناب. قل انّا فدينا نفسنا لحيوتکم و اذا آتينا مرّة اخرى نريکم تفرّون منّا لذا تبکى عين شفقتى علی شعبى اتّقوا اللّه يا اولی الانظار. فانظر فى الّذين اعترضوا علی الابن اذ اتاهم بسلطنةٍ و اقتدار. کم من الفريسيّين کانوا ان ينتظروا لقائه و يتضرّعوا فى فراقه فلمّا تضوّع طيب الوصال و کشف الجمال اعرضوا عنه و اعترضوا عليه کذلک القيناک ما هو المسطور فى الزّبر و الالواح. ما اقبل الی الوجه الا عدّة معدودات من الّذين لم يکن لهم عزّ بين النّاس و اليوم يفتخر باسمه کلّ ذى عزّ و سلطان. کذلک فانظر فى هذا الزّمان کم من الرّهبان اعتکفوا فى الکنائس باسمى فلمّا تمّ الميقات و کشفنا لهم الجمال ما عرفونى بعد الّذى يدعوننى بالعشىّ و الاشراق نراهم باسمى احتجبوا عن نفسى ان هذا الّا شىء عجاب. قل ايّاکم ان يمنعکم الذّکر عن المذکور و العبادة عن المعبود ان اخرقوا حجب الاوهام هذا ربّکم العزيز العلّام. قد اتى لحيوة العالم و اتّحاد من علی الارض کلّها ان اقبلوا يا قوم الی مطلع الوحى و لا توقّفوا اقلّ من آن.ٍ اتقرئون الانجيل و لا تقرّون للرّبّ الجليل هذا لا ينبغى لکم يا ملأ الاحبار. قل ان تنکروا هذا الامر باىّ حجّةٍ آمنتم باللّه فأتوا بها کذلک نزّل الامر من القلم الاعلی من لدن ربّکم الابهى فى هذا اللّوح الّذى من افقه اشرقت الانوار. کم من عباد صارت اعمالهم حجبا لانفسهم و بها منعوا عن التّقرب الی اللّه مرسل الارياح. (edit)
O Pope! Rend the veils asunder. He Who is the Lord of Lords is come overshadowed with clouds, and the decree hath been fulfilled by God, the Almighty, the Unrestrained. Dispel the mists through the power of thy Lord, and ascend unto the Kingdom of His names and attributes. Thus hath the Pen of the Most High commanded thee at the behest of thy Lord, the Almighty, the All-Compelling. He, verily, hath again come down from Heaven even as He came down from it the first time. Beware that thou dispute not with Him even as the Pharisees disputed with Him without a clear token or proof. On His right hand flow the living waters of grace, and on His left the choice Wine of justice, whilst before Him march the angels of Paradise, bearing the banners of His signs. Beware lest any name debar thee from God, the Creator of earth and heaven. Leave thou the world behind thee, and turn towards thy Lord, through Whom the whole earth hath been illumined. 103 We have adorned the Kingdom with the ornament of Our name, the All-Glorious. Thus hath it been decreed by God, the Fashioner of all things. Take heed lest thy vain imaginings withhold thee, when once the Sun of Certitude hath shone forth above the horizon of the Utterance of thy Lord, the Mighty, the Beneficent. Dwellest thou in palaces whilst He Who is the King of Revelation liveth in the most desolate of abodes? Leave them unto such as desire them, and set thy face with joy and delight towards the Kingdom. 104 Say: O peoples of the earth! Destroy the abodes of negligence with the hands of power and assurance, and raise up the mansions of true knowledge within your hearts, that the All-Merciful may shed the radiance of His light upon them. Better is this for you than all whereon the sun shineth, and unto this beareth witness He Who holdeth within His grasp the ultimate decree. The Breeze of God hath been wafted over the world at the advent of the Desired One in His great glory, whereupon every stone and clod of earth hath cried out: ``The Promised One is come! The Kingdom is God's, the Mighty, the Gracious, the Forgiving. 105 Beware lest human learning debar thee from Him Who is the Supreme Object of all knowledge, or lest the world deter thee from the One Who created it and set it upon its course. Arise in the name of thy Lord, the God of Mercy, amidst the peoples of the earth, and seize thou the Cup of Life with the hands of confidence. First drink thou therefrom, and proffer it then to such as turn towards it amongst the peoples of all faiths. Thus hath the Moon of Utterance risen above the horizon of wisdom and understanding. 106 Tear asunder the veils of human learning lest they hinder thee from Him Who is My name, the Self-Subsisting. Call thou to remembrance Him Who was the Spirit, Who, when He came, the most learned of His age pronounced judgement against Him in His own country, whilst he who was only a fisherman believed in Him. Take heed, then, ye men of understanding heart! Thou, in truth, art one of the suns of the heaven of His names. Guard thyself, lest darkness spread its veils over thee, and fold thee away from His light. Ponder, then, that which hath been sent down in the Book by thy Lord, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful. 107 Say: Still your pens, O concourse of divines, for lo, the shrill voice of the Pen of Glory hath been lifted up between earth and heaven. Cast away all that ye possess and take fast hold of that which We have revealed unto you with power and authority. The Hour that was concealed within the knowledge of God hath struck, whereupon all the atoms of the earth have proclaimed: ``The Ancient of Days is come in His great glory! Hasten unto Him, O peoples of the earth, with humble and contrite hearts. Say: We, in truth, have given Ourself as a ransom for your own lives. Alas, when We came once again, We beheld you fleeing from Us, whereat the eye of My loving-kindness wept sore over My people. Fear God, O ye that perceive. 108 Consider those who opposed the Son, when He came unto them with sovereignty and power. How many the Pharisees who were waiting to behold Him, and were lamenting over their separation from Him! And yet, when the fragrance of His coming was wafted over them, and His beauty was unveiled, they turned aside from Him and disputed with Him. Thus do We impart unto thee that which hath been recorded in the Books and Scriptures. None save a very few, who were destitute of any power amongst men, turned towards His face. And yet today every man endowed with power and invested with sovereignty prideth himself on His Name! In like manner, consider how numerous, in these days, are the monks who, in My Name, have secluded themselves in their churches, and who, when the appointed time was fulfilled, and We unveiled Our beauty, knew Us not, though they call upon Me at eventide and at dawn. We behold them clinging to My name, yet veiled from My Self. This, verily, is a strange thing. 109 Say: Take heed lest your devotions withhold you from Him Who is the object of all devotion, or your worship debar you from Him Who is the object of all worship. Rend asunder the veils of your idle fancies! This is your Lord, the Almighty, the All-Knowing, Who hath come to quicken the world and unite all who dwell on earth. Turn unto the Dayspring of Revelation, O people, and tarry not, be it for less than the twinkling of an eye. Read ye the Evangel and yet refuse to acknowledge the All-Glorious Lord? This indeed beseemeth you not, O concourse of learned men! 110 Say: If ye deny this Revelation, by what proof have ye believed in God? Produce it then. Thus hath the summons of God been sent down by the Pen of the Most High at the bidding of your Lord, the Most Glorious, in this Tablet from whose horizon the splendour of His Light hath shone forth. How many are My servants whose deeds have become veils between them and their own selves, and who have been kept back thereby from drawing nigh unto God, He Who causeth the winds to blow (edit) |
O Pope, the veils have been torn. The Lord of lords has come among the shadows of the clouds, and the decree has been passed by the Almighty and Chosen God. Uncover the divine mysteries with the authority of your Lord, then ascend to the kingdom of names and attributes, as the highest pen instructs you from your mighty and powerful Lord. He has come from the heavens again, just as he came from them the first time. Do not oppose him as the Pharisees did without evidence and proof. Streams of grace flow to his right and channels of justice to his left. Ahead of him, the angels of paradise march with banners of verses. Let not the names prevent you from God, the creator of the earth and the heavens. Leave the mortals behind and turn to your Lord, who illuminated the horizons. We adorned the kingdom with our most glorious name, as decreed by God, the creator of all things.
Beware that suspicions don't hinder you after the sun of certainty has risen from the horizon of your magnificent and gracious Lord's declaration. You dwell in palaces, and the sultan of appearances resides in the most desolate of homes. Leave them to their inhabitants and turn to the kingdom with spirit and fragrance. O people of the earth, demolish the houses of neglect with the hands of power and tranquility and construct chambers of knowledge in your hearts so the Merciful may manifest upon them. This is better for you than where the sun rises, and those with him bear witness to this decisive speech. The scent of God has wafted in the world as the desired one arrives in his greatest glory. Every stone and mound proclaims the awaited one's appearance, and dominion belongs to the Almighty, the Mighty, and the Forgiver. Let not knowledge prevent you from the sultan of the known, or the world from its creator. Arise in the name of your merciful Lord among the people of the worlds and take the cup of life with a hand of tranquility. Drink from it first, then serve those who approach from among the followers of religions. The moon of expression has appeared from the horizon of wisdom and clarity. Tear the veils of knowledge so they don't prevent you from the sublime name, the Sustainer. Remember when the spirit came, the most learned of his time in his Egypt ruled on him. And the one who caught the whale believed in him. Reflect, O possessors of intellect. You are among the suns of the heavens of names. Guard yourself lest darkness deceive you and veil you from the light. Look at what was revealed in the book from your mighty and generous Lord. Say, O scholars, hold your pens. The shrieking of the highest pen has risen between the earth and the sky. Leave what you have and take what we've sent to you with power and authority. The hour, once concealed in God's knowledge, has come, and the atoms proclaim the ancient one of great glory has arrived. Hurry to him, O people of the earth, with humility and repentance. See those who opposed the son when he came with sovereignty and power. How many Pharisees awaited his meeting and implored in his absence, but when the fragrance of union diffused and beauty was unveiled, they turned away and opposed him. This is what's decreed for you, as written in scriptures and tablets. Few turned to the face, but today, everyone boasts his name, each with power and authority. Look at this era. How many monks secluded themselves in churches in my name. But when the appointed time came and beauty was revealed, they did not recognize me even though they called upon me day and night. By my name, they shielded themselves from me. It's truly astonishing. Say, let not the remembrance prevent you from the remembered, or worship from the worshipped. Break the veils of illusions. This is your mighty and all-knowing God. He came for the life of the world and unity on all the earth. Approach, O people, to the source of revelation and don't stop short. Do you read the Gospel and not pay homage to the glorious Lord? This isn't fitting for you, O learned ones. Say, if you deny this matter with any argument, believing in God, then present it. This is the decree from the highest pen from your most glorious Lord on this tablet from whose horizon the lights have dawned. Many servants have deeds that veil them and, with them, they are kept from drawing nearer to God, the sender of the winds. (edit) |
34 | يا ملأ الرّهبان قد تضوّعت نفحات الرّحمن فى الاکوان طوبى لمن نبذ الهوى و اخذ الهدى انّه ممّن فاز بلقآء اللّه فى هذا اليوم الّذى فيه اخذت الزّلازل سکّان الارض و فزع من عليها الّا من شاء اللّه مالک الرّقاب. اتزيّنون اجسادکم و کان قميص اللّه محمّرا بدم البغضآء بما ورد عليه من اولی الاغضآء. ان اخرجوا من اماکنکم ثمّ ادخلوا العباد فى ملکوت اللّه مالک يوم التّناد. قد ظهرت الکلمة الّتى سترها الابن انّها قد نزّلت علی هيکل الانسان فى هذا الزّمان. تبارک الرّبّ الّذى هو الاب قد اتى بمجده الاعظم بين الامم توجّهوا اليه يا ملأ الاخيار. قل يا ملأ الاديان نريکم هائمين فى تيه الخسران و کنتم حيتان هذا البحر لم منعتم عن مبدئکم انّه يتموّج امام وجوهکم ان اسرعوا اليه من کلّ الاقطار. هذا يوم فيه تصيح الصّخرة باعلی الصّيحة و تسبّح باسم ربّها الغنىّ المتعال. قد اتى الاب و کمل ما وعدتم به فى الملکوت هذه کلمة کانت محفوظة خلف حجاب العظمة فلمّا اتى الوعد اشرقت من افق المشيّة بايات بيّنات. قد حبس جسدى لعتق انفسکم و قبلنا الذّلّة لعزّکم ان اتّبعوا الرّبّ ذا المجد و الملکوت و لا تتّبعوا کلّ مشرک جبّار. جسدى يشتاق الصّليب و رأسى ينتظر السّنان فى سبيل الرّحمن ليطهّر العالم عن العصيان کذلک اشرقت شمس الحکم من افق امر مالک الاسمآء و الصّفات. قد قام علينا اهل الفرقان و عذّبونا بعذاب ناح به روح القدس و صاح الرّعد و بکت علينا السّحاب. من المشرکين من ظنّ انّ البلاء يمنع البهآء عمّا اراد اللّه موجد الاشيآء قل لا و منزل الامطار انّه لا يمنعه شىء عن ذکر ربّه. تاللّه الحقّ لو يحرقونه فى البرّ انّه من قطب البحر يرفع راسه و ينادى انّه اله من فى السّموات و الارض و لو يلقونه فى بئر ظلمآء يجدونه فى عُلی الجبال ينادى قد اتى المقصود بسلطان العظمة و الاستقلال و لو يدفنونه فى الارض يطلع من افق السّماء و ينطق باعلی النّدآء قد اتى البهآء بملکوت اللّه المقدّس العزيز المختار و لو يسفکون دمه کلّ قطرة منه تصيح و تدعو اللّه بهذا الاسم الّذى به فاحت نفحات القميص فى الاشطار. انّا تحت سيوف الاعدآء ندعو العباد الی اللّه فاطر الارض و السّمآء و ننصره علی شانٍ لا تمنعنا جنود الّذين ظلموا و لا سطوة الفجّار. قل يا اهل الارض کسّروا اصنام الاوهام باسم ربّکم العزيز العلّام ثمّ اقبلوا اليه فى هذا اليوم الّذى جعله اللّه سلطان الايّام. (edit)
O concourse of monks! The fragrances of the All-Merciful have wafted over all creation. Happy the man that hath forsaken his desires, and taken fast hold of guidance. He, indeed, is of those who have attained unto the presence of God in this Day, a Day whereon commotions have seized the dwellers of the earth and filled with dismay all save those who have been exempted by God, He Who layeth low the necks of men. 112 Adorn ye your bodies whilst the raiment of God is stained with the blood of hatred at the hands of the people of denial? Issue forth from your habitations and bid the people enter the Kingdom of God, the Lord of the Day of Judgement. The Word which the Son concealed is made manifest. It hath been sent down in the form of the human temple in this day. Blessed be the Lord Who is the Father! He, verily, is come unto the nations in His most great majesty. Turn your faces towards Him, O concourse of the righteous! 113 O followers of all religions! We behold you wandering distraught in the wilderness of error. Ye are the fish of this Ocean; wherefore do ye withhold yourselves from that which sustaineth you? Lo, it surgeth before your faces. Hasten unto it from every clime. This is the day whereon the Rock{@} crieth out and shouteth, and celebrateth the praise of its Lord, the All-Possessing, the Most High, saying: ``Lo! The Father is come, and that which ye were promised in the Kingdom is fulfilled! This is the Word which was preserved behind the veils of grandeur, and which, when the Promise came to pass, shed its radiance from the horizon of the Divine Will with clear tokens. 114 My body hath borne imprisonment that your souls may be released from bondage, and We have consented to be abased that ye may be exalted. Follow the Lord of glory and dominion, and not every ungodly oppressor. My body longeth for the cross, and Mine head awaiteth the thrust of the spear, in the path of the All-Merciful, that the world may be purged from its transgressions. Thus hath the Daystar of divine authority shone forth from the horizon of the Revelation of Him Who is the Possessor of all names and attributes. 115 The people of the Qur'án have risen against Us, and tormented Us with such a torment that the Holy Spirit lamented, and the thunder roared out, and the clouds wept over Us. Among the faithless is he who hath imagined that calamities can deter Bahá from fulfilling that which God, the Creator of all things, hath purposed. Say: Nay, by Him Who causeth the rain to fall! Nothing whatsoever can withhold Him from the remembrance of His Lord. 116 By the righteousness of God! Should they cast Him into a fire kindled on the continent, He will assuredly rear His head in the midmost heart of the ocean and proclaim: ``He is the Lord of all that are in heaven and all that are on earth! And if they cast Him into a darksome pit, they will find Him seated on earth's loftiest heights calling aloud to all mankind: ``Lo, the Desire of the World is come in His majesty, His sovereignty, His transcendent dominion! And if He be buried beneath the depths of the earth, His Spirit soaring to the apex of heaven shall peal the summons: ``Behold ye the coming of the Glory; witness ye the Kingdom of God, the Most Holy, the Gracious, the All-Powerful! And if they shed His blood, every drop thereof shall cry out and invoke God in this Name through which the fragrance of His raiment hath been diffused in all directions. 117 Though threatened by the swords of Our enemies, We summon all mankind unto God, the Fashioner of earth and heaven, and We render Him such aid as can be hindered by neither the hosts of tyranny nor the ascendancy of the people of iniquity. Say: O peoples of the earth! Scatter the idols of your vain imaginings in the name of your Lord, the All-Glorious, the All-Knowing, and turn ye unto Him in this Day which God hath made the King of days. (edit) |
O assembly of monks, the breezes of the Merciful One have spread throughout the universes. Blessed is the one who rejects desires and takes guidance. They are among those who have succeeded in meeting God on this day when earthquakes took the inhabitants of the Earth, and everything was terrified except for whom God wills, the Master of necks. You adorn your bodies, but God's shirt is stained red with the blood of hatred from those who aggressed against it. If you leave your places, then let the servants enter into the Kingdom of God, the Master of the Day of Calling. The Word that was concealed by the Son has now descended upon the human temple in this time. Blessed is the Lord, who is the Father, who came with His greatest glory among the nations. Turn to Him, O assembly of the virtuous. Say, O assembly of religions, we see you wandering in the maze of loss. You were like whales in this sea, but you prevented yourselves from returning to your origin. It surges before your faces; hasten towards it from all directions. On this day, the rock cries out in the loudest voice and glorifies with the name of its Lord, the Rich, the Exalted. The Father has come and fulfilled what you promised in the kingdom. This word was kept behind the veil of greatness, but when the promise came, it shone from the horizon of the Divine Will with clear signs. My body was imprisoned to free your souls, and we accepted humiliation for your honor. Follow the Lord of glory and the kingdom and do not follow every idolatrous tyrant. My body longs for the cross, and my head awaits the spike for the sake of the Merciful to purify the world from disobedience. Thus, the sun of judgment has risen from the horizon by the command of the Master of Names and Attributes. The people of the Criterion rose against us and tortured us with a punishment that made the Holy Spirit cry out, the thunder shouted, and the clouds wept over us. Among the idolaters, some thought that calamities could prevent God's glory. But the sender of rain says nothing can prevent Him from mentioning His Lord. By God, the truth, if they burn it on land, from the pole of the sea it raises its head and proclaims that it is the God of the heavens and the Earth. If they throw it into a dark well, they'll find it on top of the mountains calling that the intended has come with the power of greatness and independence. And if they bury it in the ground, it emerges from the horizon of the sky and speaks with the loudest call, proclaiming the glory of God, the Holy, the Mighty, the Chosen. If they spill its blood, every drop cries out and invokes God with this name through which the scents of the shirt spread in all directions. Under the swords of the enemies, we call the servants to God, the Creator of the Earth and the skies, and we support Him in a matter. Neither the troops of the oppressors nor the power of the wicked can deter us. Say, O people of the Earth, break the idols of illusions in the name of your Mighty, All-Knowing Lord, and turn to Him on this day that God has made the sovereign of days. (edit) |
35 | ان يا رئيس القوم ان استمع لما ينصحک به مصوّر الرّمم من شطر اسمه الاعظم. بع ما عندک من الزّينة المزخرفة ثمّ انفقها فى سبيل اللّه مکوّر اللّيل و النّهار. دع الملک للملوک ثمّ اطلع من افق البيت مقبلاً الی الملکوت و منقطعا عن الدّنيا ثمّ انطق بذکر ربّک بين الارض و السّمآء. کذلک امرک مالک الاسمآء من لدن ربّک العزيز العلّام. ان انصح الملوک قل ان اعدلوا بين النّاس ايّاکم ان تتجاوزوا عمّا حدّد فى الکتاب. هذا ينبغى لک ايّاک ان تتصرّف فى الدّنيا و زخرفها دعها لمن ارادها و خذ ما امرت به من لدن مالک الاختراع. ان يأتک احد بخزآئن الارض کلّها لا تردّ البصر اليها کن کما کان موليک کذلک نطق لسان الوحى بما جعله اللّه طراز کتاب الابداع. فانظر فى اللّؤلؤ انّ صفائه بنفسه لو تغطّيه بالحرير انّه يحجب حسنه و صفائه کذلک الانسان شرفه بادابه و ما ينبغى له لا بما تلعب به الصّبيان فاعلم انّ زينتک حبّ اللّه و انقطاعک عمّا سويه لا بما عندک من الزّخارف دعها لاهلها و اقبل الی اللّه مجرى الانهار. کلّما نزّل من الامثال قد نزّل بلسان الابن و الّذى ينطق اليوم لا يتکلم بها ايّاک ان تتمسّک بحبال الاوهام و تمنع نفسک عمّا قدّر فى ملکوت اللّه العزيز الوهّاب. اذا اخذک سکر خمر الآيات و اردت الحضور تلقآء عرش ربّک فاطر الارضين و السّموات ان اجعل قميصک حبّى و درعک ذکرى و زادک التوکّل علی اللّه مظهر القوات. (edit)
O Supreme Pontiff! Incline thine ear unto that which the Fashioner of mouldering bones counselleth thee, as voiced by Him Who is His Most Great Name. Sell all the embellished ornaments thou dost possess, and expend them in the path of God, Who causeth the night to return upon the day, and the day to return upon the night. Abandon thy kingdom unto the kings, and emerge from thy habitation, with thy face set towards the Kingdom, and, detached from the world, then speak forth the praises of thy Lord betwixt earth and heaven. Thus hath bidden thee He Who is the Possessor of Names, on the part of thy Lord, the Almighty, the All-Knowing. Exhort thou the kings and say: ``Deal equitably with men. Beware lest ye transgress the bounds fixed in the Book. This indeed becometh thee. Beware lest thou appropriate unto thyself the things of the world and the riches thereof. Leave them unto such as desire them, and cleave unto that which hath been enjoined upon thee by Him Who is the Lord of creation. Should anyone offer thee all the treasures of the earth, refuse to even glance upon them. Be as thy Lord hath been. Thus hath the Tongue of Revelation spoken that which God hath made the ornament of the book of creation. 119 Consider a pearl which shineth by virtue of its inherent nature. If it be covered with silk, its luster and beauty will be concealed. Likewise, man's distinction lieth in the excellence of his conduct and in the pursuit of that which beseemeth his station, not in childish play and pastimes. Know that thy true adornment consisteth in the love of God and in thy detachment from all save Him, and not in the luxuries thou dost possess. Abandon them unto those who seek after them and turn unto God, He Who causeth the rivers to flow. 120 Whatever proceeded from the tongue of the Son was revealed in parables, whilst He Who proclaimeth the Truth in this Day speaketh without them. Take heed lest thou cling to the cord of idle fancy and withhold thyself from that which hath been ordained in the Kingdom of God, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful. Should the inebriation of the wine of My verses seize thee, and thou determinest to present thyself before the throne of thy Lord, the Creator of earth and heaven, make My love thy vesture, and thy shield remembrance of Me, and thy provision reliance upon God, the Revealer of all power. (edit) |
O leader of the people, listen to the advice of the one who sketches ruins, from half of His Greatest Name. Sell what you have of ornate adornments, and spend it in the way of God, the Turner of night and day. Leave the kingdom to the kings, then emerge from the horizon of the house, turning towards the Kingdom of God, detaching from the worldly life, and then mention your Lord between the earth and the sky. Thus commands you the Master of Names from your Mighty, All-Knowing Lord. When advising kings, say, "Act justly among people. Beware of exceeding what is prescribed in the Book." This is fitting for you. Do not indulge in worldly glitter and its ornaments. Leave it for those who desire it and take what you have been commanded from the Master of Creation. If someone brings you all the treasures of the earth, do not turn your gaze towards them. Be as your Lord was. Thus spoke the tongue of revelation as God made it a pattern in the Book of Creation.
Look at the pearl; its clarity is in its essence. If you cover it with silk, it conceals its beauty and clarity. Similarly, a human's honor is in their manners and what is befitting them, not in what children play with. Know that your adornment is the love of God and your detachment from everything else, not the ornaments you possess. Leave them for their people and turn to God, the Flow of rivers. Whatever parables descend, they come through the tongue of the Son, and he who speaks today does not mention them. Beware of clinging to the ropes of illusions and depriving yourself of what is decreed in the Kingdom of God, the Mighty, the Bestower. If the intoxication of the signs' wine takes you and you wish to present yourself before the Throne of your Lord, the Creator of the Earths and the heavens, make your shirt love, your armor remembrance, and your provision reliance on God, the Manifestor of forces. (edit) |
36 | يا ملأ الابن قد ارسلنا اليکم يوحنّا مرّة اخرى انّه نادى فى برّيّة البيان. يا خلق الاکوان طهّروا عيونکم قد اقترب يوم المشاهدة و اللّقآء ثمّ يا ملأ الانجيل ان اعمروا السّبيل قد اقترب اليوم الّذى فيه ياتى الرّبّ الجليل ان استعدّوا للدّخول فى الملکوت کذلک قضى الامر من لدى اللّه فالق الاصباح. ان استمعوا ما تغرّدت به حمامة البقائيّة علی افنان سدرة الالهيّة يا ملأ الارض قد ارسلنا اليکم من سمّى بيوحنّا ليعمّدکم بالمآء لکى تطهّر اجسادکم لظهور المسيح و انّه غسّلکم بنار الحبّ و مآء الرّوح للاستعداد لتلک الايّام الّتى فيها اراد الرّحمن ان يغسّلکم بمآء الحيوان من ايادى الفضل و الاحسان. هذا لهو الوالد الّذى اخبرکم به اشعيا و المعزّى الّذى اخذ عهده الرّوح ان افتحوا الابصار يا ملأ الاحبار لتروا ربّکم جالساً علی عرش العزّة و الاجلال. قل يا اهل الاديان لا تکونوا کالّذين اتّبعوا الفريسيّين و بذلک احتجبوا عن الرّوح ان هم الّا فى غفلة و ضلال. قد اتى جمال القدم باسمه الاعظم و اراد ان يدخل العالم فى ملکوته الاقدس و يرون المخلصون ملکوت اللّه امام وجهه ان اهرعوا اليه و لا تتّبعوا کلّ مشرک کفّار. لو يخالف فى ذلک عين احدٍ ينبغى له ان يقلعها کذلک رقم من قلم القدم من لدن مالک الامکان. انّه قد اتى مرّة اخرى لخلاصکم يا اهل الانشاء. اتقتلونه بعد الّذى اراد لکم الحيوة الباقية اتّقوا اللّه يا اولی الابصار. يا قوم ان استمعوا ما يوحى من شطر ربّکم الابهى و توجّهوا الی اللّه ربّ الاخرة و الاولی. کذلک يامرکم مطلع شمس الالهام من لدن خالق الانام. قد خلقناکم للنّور ما نحبّ ان نترککم للنّار ان اخرجوا يا قوم من الظّلمات بهذه الشّمس الّتى اشرقت من افق عناية اللّه ثمّ اقبلوا اليها بقلوب مطهّرة و انفس مطمئنّة و عيون ناظرة و وجوه ناضرة. هذا ما يعظکم به مالک القدر من شطر المنظر الاکبر ليجذبکم النّدآء الی ملکوت الاءسمآء. طوبى لمن وفى بالميثاق ويل لمن نقض العهد و کفر باللّه عالم الاسرار. قل هذا يوم الفضل تعالوا لاجعلکم ملوک ممالک ملکوتى ان اطعتمونى تروا ما وعدناکم به و اجعلکم مؤانس نفسى فى جبروت عظمتى و معاشر جمالی فى سماء اقتدارى الی الابد و ان عصيتمونى اصبر بحلمى لعلّ تتنبّهنّ و تقومنّ من فراش الغفلة کذلک سبقتکم رحمتى اتّقوا اللّه و لا تتّبعوا الّذين اعرضوا عن الوجه بعد الّذى يدعونه فى الغدوّ و الاصال. انّه قد اتى يوم الحصاد و فصّل بين الاشياء خزن ما اختار فى اواعى العدل و القى فى النّار ما ينبغى لها. کذلک حکم ربّکم العزيز الودود فى ذلک اليوم الموعود انّه لهو الحاکم علی ما يشاء لا اله الّا هو المقتدر القهّار و المنقّى ما اراد الّا ان يخزن کلّ جيّد لنفسى و ما تکلّم الّا بما يعرّفکم امرى و يهديکم سبيل الّذى بذکره زيّنت الالواح. قل يا ملأ النّصارى قد تجلّينا عليکم من قبل و ما عرفتمونى تلک مرّة اخرى هذا يوم اللّه ان اقبلوا اليه انّه قد اتى من السّمآء کما اتى اوّل مرّة و اراد ان يأويکم فى ظلال رحمته انّه لهو المتعالی العزيز النّصار. انّ المحبوب لا يحبّ ان تحترقوا بنار الهوى انتم و لو احتجبتم هذا لم يکن الّا من غفلتکم و عدم عرفانکم تذکروننى و لا تعرفوننى تدعوننى و غفلتم عن ظهورى بعد الّذى جئتکم من سماء القدم بمجدى الاعظم. ان اخرقوا الاحجاب باسمى و سلطانى لکى تجدوا الی الرّبّ سبيلا. ربّ الجليل من افق سرادق العظمة و الکبريآء ينادى و يقول يا ملأ الانجيل قد دخل الملکوت من کان خارجاً منه و اليوم نريکم متوقّفين لدى الباب ان اخرقوا الاحجاب بقوّة ربّکم العزيز الوهّاب. ثمّ ادخلوا باسمى فى ملکوتى کذلک يامرکم من اراد لکم الحيوة الباقية انّه کان علی کلّ شىءٍ قديرا. طوبى للّذين عرفوا النّور و سرعوا اليه اذا هم فى الملکوت ياکلون و يشربون مع الاصفياء و نريکم يا ابناء الملکوت فى الظّلمة هذا لا ينبغى لکم. اتخافون من اعمالکم تلقاء النّور ان اقبلوا اليه انّ ربّکم الجليل قد شرّف بقدومه دياره کذلک نعلّمکم سبيل الّذى اخبره الرّوح انىّ اشهد له کما انّه کان لی شهيدا. انّه قال تعاليا لاجعلکما صيّادى الانسان و اليوم نقول تعالوا لنجعلکم محيى العالم. کذلک قضى الحکم فى لوح کان من قلم الامر مسطوراً. (edit)
O followers of the Son! We have once again sent John unto you, and He, verily, hath cried out in the wilderness of the Bayán: O peoples of the world! Cleanse your eyes! The Day whereon ye can behold the Promised One and attain unto Him hath drawn nigh! O followers of the Gospel! Prepare the way! The Day of the advent of the Glorious Lord is at hand! Make ready to enter the Kingdom. Thus hath it been ordained by God, He Who causeth the dawn to break. 122 Give ear unto that which the Dove of Eternity warbleth upon the twigs of the Divine Lote-Tree: O peoples of the earth! We sent forth him who was named John to baptize you with water, that your bodies might be cleansed for the appearance of the Messiah. He, in turn, purified you with the fire of love and the water of the spirit in anticipation of these Days whereon the All-Merciful hath purposed to cleanse you with the water of life at the hands of His loving providence. This is the Father foretold by Isaiah, and the Comforter concerning Whom the Spirit had covenanted with you. Open your eyes, O concourse of bishops, that ye may behold your Lord seated upon the Throne of might and glory. 123 Say: O peoples of all faiths! Walk not in the ways of them that followed the Pharisees and thus veiled themselves from the Spirit. They truly have strayed and are in error. The Ancient Beauty is come in His Most Great Name, and He wisheth to admit all mankind into His most holy Kingdom. The pure in heart behold the Kingdom of God manifest before His Face. Make haste thereunto and follow not the infidel and the ungodly. Should your eye be opposed thereto, pluck it out.10 Thus hath it been decreed by the Pen of the Ancient of Days, as bidden by Him Who is the Lord of the entire creation. He, verily, hath come again that ye might be redeemed, O peoples of the earth. Will ye slay Him Who desireth to grant you eternal life? Fear God, O ye who are endued with insight. 124 O people! Hearken unto that which hath been revealed by your All-Glorious Lord, and turn your faces unto God, the Lord of this world and of the world to come. Thus doth He Who is the Dawning-Place of the Daystar of divine inspiration command you as bidden by the Fashioner of all mankind. We, verily, have created you for the light, and desire not to abandon you unto the fire. Come forth, O people, from darkness by the grace of this Sun which hath shone forth above the horizon of divine providence, and turn thereunto with sanctified hearts and assured souls, with seeing eyes and beaming faces. Thus counselleth you the Supreme Ordainer from the scene of His transcendent glory, that perchance His summons may draw you nigh unto the Kingdom of His names. 125 Blessed the one who hath remained faithful to the Covenant of God, and woe betide him who hath broken it and disbelieved in Him, the Knower of secrets. Say: This is the Day of Bounty! Bestir yourselves that I may make you monarchs in the realms of My Kingdom. If ye follow Me, ye shall behold that which ye were promised, and I will make you My companions in the dominion of My majesty and the intimates of My beauty in the heaven of My power forevermore. If ye rebel against Me, I will in My clemency endure it patiently, that haply ye may awaken and rise up from the couch of heedlessness. Thus hath My mercy encompassed you. Fear ye God and follow not in the ways of those who have turned away from His face, though they invoke His name in the daytime and in the night season. 126 Verily, the day of ingathering is come, and all things have been separated from each other. He hath stored away that which He chose in the vessels of justice, and cast into fire that which befitteth it. Thus hath it been decreed by your Lord, the Mighty, the Loving, in this promised Day. He, verily, ordaineth what He pleaseth. There is none other God save He, the Almighty, the All-Compelling. The desire of the Divine Sifter hath been to store up every good thing for Mine own Self. Naught hath He spoken save to acquaint you with My Cause and to guide you to the path of Him whose mention hath adorned all the sacred Books. 127 Say: O concourse of Christians! We have, on a previous occasion, revealed Ourself unto you, and ye recognized Me not. This is yet another occasion vouchsafed unto you. This is the Day of God; turn ye unto Him. He, verily, hath come down from heaven even as He came down the first time, and He desireth to shelter you beneath the shade of His mercy. He, verily, is the Exalted, the Mighty, the Supreme Helper. The Beloved One loveth not that ye be consumed with the fire of your desires. Were ye to be shut out as by a veil from Him, this would be for no other reason than your own waywardness and ignorance. Ye make mention of Me, and know Me not. Ye call upon Me, and are heedless of My Revelation, notwithstanding that I came unto you from the heaven of pre-existence with surpassing glory. Rend the veils asunder in My name and through the power of My sovereignty that ye may discover a path unto your Lord. 128 The King of Glory proclaimeth from the tabernacle of majesty and grandeur His call, saying: O people of the Gospel! They who were not in the Kingdom have now entered it, whilst We behold you, in this day, tarrying at the gate. Rend the veils asunder by the power of your Lord, the Almighty, the All-Bounteous, and enter, then, in My name My Kingdom. Thus biddeth you He Who desireth for you everlasting life. He, verily, is potent over all things. Blessed are those who have recognized the Light and hastened unto it. They, verily, dwell in the Kingdom, and partake of the food and drink of God's chosen ones. 129 We behold you, O children of the Kingdom, in darkness. This, verily, beseemeth you not. Are ye, in the face of the Light, fearful because of your deeds? Direct yourselves towards Him. Your All-Glorious Lord hath blessed His lands with His footsteps. Thus do We make plain unto you the path of Him Whom the Spirit prophesied. I, verily, bear witness unto Him, even as He hath borne witness unto Me. Verily, He said: ``Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. In this day, however, We say: ``Come ye after Me, that We may make you to become quickeners of mankind. Thus hath the decree been inscribed in this Tablet by the Pen of Revelation. (edit) |
O assembly of the Son, we have sent unto you John once more; he proclaimed in the wilderness of clear proclamation. O creation of all worlds, purify your eyes for the day of witnessing and meeting draws near. Then, O assembly of the Gospel, prepare the way; for the day is near when the Majestic Lord will come. Get ready to enter the Kingdom as decreed by God, the Splitter of dawn. Listen to what the everlasting dove sang atop the Divine Lote Tree's branches. O people of the Earth, we have sent to you one named John to baptize you with water, so you may purify your bodies for the appearance of the Messiah. And he has cleansed you with the fire of love and the water of the Spirit in preparation for those days in which the Merciful wishes to wash you with the water of life from the hands of grace and benevolence.
This is the Father foretold by Isaiah and the Comforter who took the covenant of the Spirit. Open your eyes, O assembly of scholars, to see your Lord seated on the Throne of Dignity and Majesty. Say, O people of religions, do not be like those who followed the Pharisees and thus were veiled from the Spirit; they are indeed in heedlessness and misguidance. The Ancient Beauty has come with His Greatest Name, wishing to usher the world into His Holiest Kingdom, and the saved ones will see the Kingdom of God before His face. Hasten unto Him and do not follow every disbelieving idolater. If anyone's eye opposes this, it's fitting for them to pluck it out. Such is inscribed by the Pen of the Ancient from the Sovereign of possibilities. He has come again for your salvation, O people of creation. Will you kill Him after He has intended eternal life for you? Fear God, O possessors of insight. O people, listen to what is revealed from a part of your Most Glorious Lord and turn towards God, the Lord of the hereafter and the former. Thus commands you the rising sun of inspiration from the Creator of beings. We have created you for light, and we do not desire to leave you for the fire. Come out, O people, from the darkness with this sun that has risen from the horizon of God's care. Approach it with purified hearts, contented souls, discerning eyes, and radiant faces. This is what the Master of Fate advises you with from the perspective of the greater view to attract you to the realm of the heavens. Blessed are those who fulfill their covenant, and woe to those who break the pact and disbelieve in God, the Knower of secrets. Say: this is the day of grace. Come so I may make you kings of my Kingdom's realms. If you obey me, you will see what we have promised you and make you a companion of my soul in the dominion of my greatness and an associate of my beauty in the sky of my authority forever. If you disobey me, I am patient in my forbearance, hoping you might awaken and rise from the bed of negligence. Thus, my mercy preceded you. Fear God and do not follow those who turned away from the Face after what they claimed in the mornings and evenings. Indeed, the day of harvest has come, and a distinction has been made between things. What was chosen was stored in vessels of justice, and what was deserving was thrown into the fire. This is the decree of your Mighty, Loving Lord on that promised day. He rules as He wishes, none worthy of worship but Him, the All-Powerful, the Overwhelming. He only wishes to store every good thing for Himself, and He only speaks of what makes you aware of my command and guides you to the path which I have adorned in the tablets. Say: O assembly of Christians, we have manifested to you before, and you did not recognize me then. Now, once more, this is the day of God. Turn to Him. He has come from the heavens as He came the first time, wishing to shelter you under the shade of His mercy. He is the Most High, the Mighty, the Helper. The Beloved does not want you to burn with the fire of passion. Even if you were veiled, it's only because of your negligence and lack of recognition. You remember me but do not know me. You call upon me but are heedless of my appearance, despite my coming to you from the primordial heavens with my grand glory. Tear away the veils with my name and authority so that you may find a path to the Lord. The Glorious Lord, from the horizon of the canopy of greatness and majesty, calls out, saying: O assembly of the Gospel, the Kingdom has been entered by those who were outside of it, and today we see you standing at the door. Tear away the veils with the power of your Mighty, Giving Lord. Then enter into my Kingdom in my name. Thus, commands you the one who desires eternal life for you. Indeed, He is capable of everything. Blessed are those who recognized the light and hastened to it; they are in the Kingdom, eating and drinking with the chosen ones. We show you, O children of the Kingdom, in the darkness. This is not fitting for you. Are you afraid of facing the light because of your deeds? Approach it. Your Glorious Lord has honored His abodes with His arrival. We teach you the path that the Spirit informed of. I bear witness to it, as it was a witness to me. He, the Most High, once said, "I will make you fishers of men," and today we say, "Come so that we may make you revivers of the world." Thus, the decree was written in a tablet inscribed by the Pen of Command. (edit) |
37 | ان يا قلم الاعلی تحرّک علی ذکر ملوک اخرى فى هذه الورقة المبارکة النّورآء ليقومنّ عن رقد الهوى و يسمعنّ ما تغرّد به الورقآء علی افنان سدرة المنتهى و يسرعنّ الی اللّه فى هذا الظّهور الابدع المنيع. (edit)
O Pen of the Most High! Bestir Thyself in remembrance of other kings in this blessed and luminous Book, that perchance they may rise from the couch of heedlessness and give ear unto that which the Nightingale singeth upon the branches of the Divine Lote-Tree, and hasten towards God in this most wondrous and sublime Revelation. (edit) |
O exalted pen, move in remembrance of other kings on this blessed, luminous page. Let them rise from the slumber of desire and hear what the luminous pages sing upon the branches of the Lote Tree of the Farthest Boundary. Let them hasten to God in this most magnificent and impervious appearance. (edit) |
38 | قل يا ملک الباريس نبّأ القسّيس بان لا يدقّ النّواقيس. تاللّه الحقّ قد ظهر النّاقوس الافخم علی هيکل الاسم الاعظم و تدّقه اصابع مشيّة ربّک العلىّ الاعلی فى جبروت البقاء باسمه الابهى. کذلک نزّلت ايات ربّک الکبرى تارة اخرى لتقوم علی ذکر اللّه فاطر الارض و السّمآء فى تلک الايّام الّتى فيها ناحت قبائل الارض کلّها و تزلزلت ارکان البلاد و غشّت العباد غبرة الالحاد الّا من شاء ربّک العزيز الحکيم. قل قد اتى المختار فى ظلل الانوار ليحيى الاکوان من نفحات اسمه الرّحمن و يتّحد العالم و يجمعهم علی هذه المائدة الّتى نزّلت من السّماء. ايّاکم ان تکفروا نعمة اللّه بعد انزالها هذا خير لکم عمّا عندکم لانّه سيفنى و ما عند اللّه يبقى انّه لهو الحاکم علی ما يريد. قدهبّت نسمات الغفران من شطر ربّکم الرّحمن. من اقبل اليها طهّرته عن العصيان و عن کلّ دآء و سقم طوبى لمن اقبل اليها و ويل للمعرضين. لو تتّوجّه بسمع الفطرة الی الاشياء لتسمع منها قد اتى القديم ذو المجد العظيم يسبّح کلّ شيىء بحمد ربّه منهم من عرف اللّه و يذکر و منهم من يذکر و لا يعرف کذلک احصينا الامر فى لوح مبين. ان يا ملک ان استمع النّدآء من هذا النّار المشتعلة من هذه الشّجرة الخضرآء فى هذا الطّور المرتفع علی البقعة المقدسة البيضاء خلف قلزم البقآء انّه لا اله الّا انا الغفور الرّحيم. قد ارسلنا من ايّدناه بروح القدس ليخبرکم بهذا النّور الّذى اشرق من افق مشيّة ربّکم العلىّ الابهى و ظهرت فى الغرب آثاره لتتّوجّهوا اليه فى هذا اليوم الّذى جعله اللّه غرّة الايّام و فيه تجلّى الرّحمن علی من فى السّموات والارضين. قم علی خدمة اللّه و نصرة امره انّه يؤيّدک بجنود الغيب و الشّهادة و يجعلک سلطانا علی ما تطلع الشّمس عليها انّ ربّک لهو المقتدر القدير. قد فاحت نفحات الرّحمن فى الاکوان طوبى لمن وجد عرفها و اقبل اليها بقلب سليم. زيّن هيکلک بطراز اسمى و لسانک بذکرى و قلبک بحبّى العزيز المنيع. ما اردنا لک الّا ما هو خير لک عمّا عندک و عن خزائن الارض کلّها انّ ربّک لهو العليم الخبير. قم بين العباد باسمى و قل يا اهل الارض ان اقبلوا الی من اقبل اليکم انّه لوجه اللّه بينکم و حجّته فيکم و دليله لکم قد جائکم بالآيات الّتى عجزت عنها العالمون. انّ شجرة الطّور تنطق فى صدر العالم و روح القدس ينادى بين الامم قد اتى المقصود بسلطان مبين. ان يا ملک قد سقطت انجم سماء العلم الّذين يستدلّون بما عندهم لاثبات امرى و يذکرون اللّه باسمى فلمّا جئتهم بمجدى اعرضوا عنّى الا انّهم من السّاقطين. هذا ما اخبرکم به الرّوح اذ اتى بالحقّ و اعترض عليه علماء اليهود الی ان ارتکبوا ما ناح به روح القدس و تذرّفت عيون المقرّبين. فانظر فى الفريسيّين منهم من عبد اللّه سبعين سنة فلمّا اتى الابن کفر به و دخل الملکوت من ارتکب الفحشاء کذلک يذکّرک القلم من لدن مالک القدم لتطّلع بما قضى من قبل و تکون اليوم من المقبلين. (edit)
O King of Paris!11 Tell the priests to ring the bells no longer. By God, the True One! The Most Mighty Bell hath appeared in the form of Him Who is the Most Great Name, and the fingers of the Will of Thy Lord, the Most Exalted, the Most High, toll it out in the heaven of Immortality in His name, the All-Glorious. Thus have the mighty verses of Thy Lord been again sent down unto thee, that thou mayest arise to remember God, the Creator of earth and heaven, in these days when all the tribes of the earth have mourned, and the foundations of the cities have trembled, and the dust of irreligion hath enwrapped all men, except such as God, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, was pleased to spare. Say: He Who is the Unconstrained is come, in the clouds of light, that He may quicken the world with the breezes of His name, the Most Merciful, and unify its peoples, and gather all men around this Table which hath been sent down from heaven. Beware that ye deny not the favour of God after it hath been sent down unto you. Better is this for you than that which ye possess; for that which is yours perisheth, whilst that which is with God endureth. He, in truth, ordaineth what He pleaseth. Verily, the breezes of forgiveness have been wafted from the direction of your Lord, the God of Mercy; whoso turneth thereunto shall be cleansed of his sins, and of all pain and sickness. Happy the man that hath turned towards them, and woe betide him that hath turned aside. 132 Wert thou to incline thine inner ear unto all created things, thou wouldst hear: ``The Ancient of Days is come in His great glory! Everything celebrateth the praise of its Lord. Some have known God and remember Him; others remember Him, yet know Him not. Thus have We set down Our decree in a perspicuous Tablet. 133 Give ear, O King, unto the Voice that calleth from the Fire which burneth in this verdant Tree, on this Sinai which hath been raised above the hallowed and snow-white Spot, beyond the Everlasting City; ``Verily, there is none other God but Me, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Merciful! We, in truth, have sent Him Whom We aided with the Holy Spirit that He may announce unto you this Light that hath shone forth from the horizon of the Will of your Lord, the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious, and Whose signs have been revealed in the West. Set your faces towards Him on this Day which God hath exalted above all other days, and whereon the All-Merciful hath shed the splendour of His effulgent glory upon all who are in heaven and all who are on earth. Arise thou to serve God and help His Cause. He, verily, will assist thee with the hosts of the seen and unseen, and will set thee king over all that whereon the sun riseth. Thy Lord, in truth, is the All-Powerful, the Almighty. 134 The breezes of the Most Merciful have passed over all created things; happy the man that hath discovered their fragrance, and set himself towards them with a sound heart. Attire thy temple with the ornament of My Name, and thy tongue with remembrance of Me, and thine heart with love for Me, the Almighty, the Most High. We have desired for thee naught except that which is better for thee than what thou dost possess and all the treasures of the earth. Thy Lord, verily, is knowing, informed of all. Arise, in My Name, amongst My servants, and say: ``O ye peoples of the earth! Turn yourselves towards Him Who hath turned towards you. He, verily, is the Face of God amongst you, and His Testimony and His Guide unto you. He hath come to you with signs which none can produce. The voice of the Burning Bush is raised in the midmost heart of the world, and the Holy Spirit calleth aloud among the nations: ``Lo, the Desired One is come with manifest dominion! 135 O King! The stars of the heaven of knowledge have fallen, they who seek to establish the truth of My Cause through the things they possess, and who make mention of God in My Name. And yet, when I came unto them in My glory, they turned aside. They, indeed, are of the fallen. This is, truly, that which the Spirit of God hath announced, when He came with truth unto you, He with Whom the Jewish doctors disputed, till at last they perpetrated what hath made the Holy Spirit to lament, and the tears of them that have near access to God to flow. Consider how a Pharisee who had worshipped God for seventy years repudiated the Son when He appeared, whereas one who had committed adultery gained admittance into the Kingdom. Thus doth the Pen admonish thee as bidden by the Eternal King, that thou mayest be apprised of what came to pass aforetime and be reckoned in this day among them that truly believe. (edit) |
Say, O King of Paris, inform the priest not to ring the bells. By God, the truth has manifested. The grandest bell tolls upon the temple of the supreme name, struck by the fingers of the divine will in the realm of eternity. Thus, the verses of your Lord have been revealed again, standing as a reminder of God, the Creator of the heavens and earth, during those days when all tribes on earth lamented, when the foundations of lands shook, and when people were enveloped in the dust of disbelief, except those whom your wise and mighty Lord willed.
The chosen one has arrived under shades of light, reviving worlds with the essence of the merciful name, seeking unity in the world and gathering them on this table sent from the heavens. Beware of denying God's favors after they are revealed. This is better for you than what you possess because it will perish, while what is with God remains. He has authority over everything he wills. The breezes of forgiveness have blown from your Merciful Lord. Whoever turns to them will be purified from disobedience, diseases, and ailments. Blessed are those who turn towards them, and woe to those who turn away. If you attune your natural hearing to things, you'll hear them say: The Ancient of Days, full of glory, has come. Everything praises their Lord. Among them are those who recognize God and remember Him, and those who remember but do not recognize. Such is the detailed decree. O King, listen to the call from this blazing fire, from this verdant tree upon this elevated mount, in this sacred white spot beyond the realm of existence. There is no god but Me, the Forgiving, the Merciful. We sent from us, with the Holy Spirit, to inform you of this light which shone from the horizon of the will of your exalted Lord, and its traces appeared in the west. So you may turn to it on this day that God made the foremost of days, wherein the Merciful was manifested to those in the heavens and the earth. Stand in service to God, aiding His cause. He will support you with unseen and seen forces, making you a ruler over all that the sun shines upon. Your Lord is capable, powerful. The breezes of mercy spread throughout the universe. Fortunate is the one who discovers and recognizes them and turns to them with a sincere heart. Adorn your temple with the highest pattern, your tongue with remembrance, and your heart with my strong, mighty love. We only desire what's best for you, more than what you have and more than all the treasures of the earth. Your Lord is knowledgeable and well-aware. Rise among the people with my name and say, "O people of the earth, come towards the one who has come to you. This is the face of God among you, His evidence within you, and His sign for you. He has brought you verses that scholars cannot comprehend." The tree on the mount speaks to the world, and the Holy Spirit calls among nations, declaring that the intended one has arrived with clear authority. O King, the stars of the scholarly sky who used their knowledge to assert my cause have fallen. When I came with my glory, they turned away, except for the fallen ones. This is what the Spirit informed you of when he came with the truth. But scholars resisted until they committed what made the Holy Spirit lament, and the eyes of the close ones wept. Look at the Pharisees: some worshipped God for seventy years but denied the Son when he came. Others who committed sins entered the kingdom. In this way, the eternal pen reminds you to look at what was decreed previously and to be among those turning towards it today. (edit) |
39 | قل يا ملأ الرّهبان لا تعتکفوا فى الکنائس و المعابد ان اخرجوا باذنى ثمّ اشتغلوا بما تنتفع به انفسکم و انفس العباد کذلک يامرکم مالک يوم الدّين. ان اعتکفوا فى حصن حبّى هذا حقّ الاعتکاف لو انتم من العارفين. من جاور البيت انّه کالميّت ينبغى للانسان ان يظهر منه ما ينتفع به الأکوان و الّذى ليس له ثمر ينبغى للنّار کذلک يعظکم ربّکم انّه لهو العزيز الکريم. تزوّجوا ليقوم بعدکم احد مقامکم. انّا منعناکم عن الخيانة لا عمّا تظهر به الأ مانة أأخذتم اصول انفسکم و نبذتم اصول اللّه ورآئکم اتّقوا اللّه و لا تکونوا من الجاهلين. لولا الأنسان من يذکرنى فى ارضى و کيف تظهر صفاتى و اسمائى تفکّروا و لا تکونوا من الّذين احتجبوا و کانوا من الرّاقدين. انّ الّذى ما تزوّج انّه ما وجد مقرّا ليسکن فيه او يضع راسه عليه بما اکتسبت ايدى الخائنين. ليس تقديس نفسه بما عرفتم و عندکم من الاوهام بل بما عندنا ان اسئلوا لتعرفوا مقامه الّذى کان مقدّسا عن ظنون من علی الارض کلّها طوبى للعارفين. ان يا ملک انّا سمعنا منک کلمة تکلّمت بها اذ سئلک ملک الرّوس عمّا قضى من حکم الغزا انّ ربّک لهو العليم الخبير. قلت کنت راقدا فى المهاد ايقظنى ندآء العباد الّذين ظلموا الی ان غرقوا فى البحر الأسود کذلک سمعنا و ربّک علی ما اقول شهيد. نشهد بانّک ما ايقظک النّدآء بل الهوى لانّا بلوناک وجدناک فى معزل ان اعرف لحن القول و کن من المتفرّسين. انّا ما نحبّ ان نرجع اليک کلمة سوءٍ حفظا للمقام الّذى اعطيناک فى الحيوة الظّاهرة انّا اخترنا الادب و جعلناه سجيّة المقرّبين. انّه ثوب يوافق النّفوس من کلّ صغير و کبير طوبى لمن جعله طراز هيکله ويل لمن جعل محروماً من هذا الفضل العظيم. لو کنت صاحب الکلمة ما نبذت کتاب اللّه ورآء ظهرک اذ ارسل اليک من لدن عزيز حکيم. انّا بلوناک به ما وجدناک علی ما ادّعيت قم و تدارک ما فات عنک. سوف تفنى الدّنيا و ما عندک و يبقى الملک للّه ربّک و ربّ آبائک الاوّلين. لا ينبغى لک ان تقتصر الامور علی ما تهوى به هواک اتّق زفرات المظلوم ان احفظه من سهام الظّالمين. بما فعلت تختلف الامور فى مملکتک و تخرج الملک من کفّک جزآء عملک اذاً تجد نفسک فى خسران مبين و تأخذ الزّلازل کلّ القبائل فى هناک الّا بان تقوم علی نصرة هذا الامر و تّتبع الرّوح فى هذا السّبيل المستقيم. اعزّک غرّک لعمرى انّه لا يدوم و سوف يزول الّا بان تتمسّک بهذا الحبل المتين. قد نرى الذّلّة تسعى عن ورآئک و انت من الرّاقدين. ينبغى لک اذا سمعت النّدآء من شطر الکبريآء تدع ما عندک و تقول لبّيک يا اله من فى السّموات و الأرضين. ان يا ملک قد کنّا بامّ العراق الی ان حّم الفراق توجّهنا الی ملک الاسلام بامره فلمّا اتيناه ورد علينا من اولی النّفاق ما لا يتّم بالاوراق بذلک ناح سکّان الفردوس و اهل حظائر القدس و لکنّ القوم فى حجاب غليظ. قل اتعترضون علی الّذى جائکم ببيّنات اللّه و برهانه ثمّ حجّته و آياته ان هى من تلقاء نفسه بل من لدن من بعثه و ارسله بالحقّ و جعله سراجاً للعالمين. قد اشتدّ علينا الامر فى کلّ يوم بل فى کلّ ساعة الی ان اخرجونا من السّجن و ادخلونا فى السّجن الاعظم بظلم مبين. اذا قيل باىّ جرم حبسوا قالوا انّهم ارادوا ان يجدّدوا الدّين لو کان القديم هو المختار عندکم لم ترکتم ما شرع فى التّورية و الانجيل تبيّنوا يا قوم لعمرى ليس لکم اليوم من محيص. ان کان هذا جرمى قد سبقنى فى ذلک محمّد رسول اللّه و من قبله الرّوح و من قبله الکليم و ان کان ذنبى اعلاء کلمة اللّه و اظهار امره فانا اوّل المذنبين لا ابدّل هذا الذّنب بملکوت ملک السّموات و الارضين. انّا لمّا وردنا السّجن اردنا ان نبلّغ الملوک رسالات ربّهم العزيز الحميد و لو انّا بلّغناهم ما امرت به فى الواح شتّى تلک مرّة اخرى فضلا من اللّه لعلّ يعرفون الرّبّ اذ اتى علی السّحاب بسلطان مبين. کلّما ازداد البلآء زاد البهآء فى حبّ اللّه و امره بحيث ما منعنى ما ورد علىّ من جنود الغافلين. لو يستروننى فى اطباق التّراب يجدوننى راکباً علی السّحاب و داعياً الی اللّه المقتدر القدير. انّى فديت نفسى فى سبيل اللّه و اشتاق البلايا فى حبّه و رضائه يشهد بذلک ما انا فيه من البلايا الّتى ما حملها احد من العالمين و ينطق کلّ شعر من شعراتى بما نطق شجر الطّور و کلّ عرق من عروقى يدع اللّه و يقول يا ليت قطعت فى سبيلک لحيوة العالم و اتّحاد من فيه کذلک قضى الامر من لدن عليم خبير و اعلم انّ الرّعيّة امانات اللّه بينکم ان احفظوهم کما تحفظون انفسکم ايّاکم ان تجعلوا الذّئاب رعاة الاغنام و ان يمنعکم الغرور و الاستکبار عن التوجّه الی الفقرآء و المساکين. لو تشرب رحيق الحيوان من کأوس کلمات ربّک الرّحمن لتصل الی مقام تنقطع عمّا عندک و تصيح باسمى بين العالمين. ان اغسل نفسک بمآء الانقطاع هذا الذّکر الّذى اشرق من افق الابداع انّه يطهّرک عن غبار الدّنيا. دع القصور لاهل القبور و الملک لمن اراد ثمّ اقبل الی ملکوت هذا ما اختاره اللّه لک لو انت من المقبلين. انّ الّذين ما اقبلوا الی الوجه فى هذا الظّهور انّهم غير احيآء يحرّکهم الهوى کيف يشاء الا انّهم من الميّتين. لو تحبّ ان تحمل ثقل الملک ان احمله لنصرة امر ربّک تعالی هذا المقام الّذى من فاز به فاز بکلّ الخير من لدن عليم حکيم. ان اطلع من افق الانقطاع باسمى ثمّ اقبل الی الملکوت بامر ربّک المقتدر القدير. قم بين العباد بسلطانى قل يا قوم قد اتى اليوم و فاحت نفحات اللّه بين العالمين. انّ الّذين اعرضوا عن الوجه اولئک غلبت عليهم اهوآء انفسهم الا انّهم من الهائمين. زيّن جسد الملک بطراز اسمى و قم علی تبليغ امرى هذا خير لک عمّا عندک و يرفع اللّه به اسمک بين الملوک انّه علی کلّ شىء قدير. ان امش بين النّاس باسم اللّه و سلطانه لتظهر منک آثاره بين العالمين. ان اشتعل بهذه النّار الّتى اوقدها الرّحمن فى قطب الاکوان لتحدث منک حرارة حبّه فى افئدة المقبلين. ان اسلک سبيلی ثمّ اجذب القلوب بذکرى العزيز المنيع. قل انّ الّذى لم تنتشر منه نفحات قميص ذکر ربّه الرّحمن فى هذا الزّمان لن يصدق عليه اسم الانسان انّه ممنّ اتّبع الهوى سوف يجد نفسه فى خسران عظيم. قل يا قوم هل ينبغى لکم ان تنسبوا انفسکم الی الرّحمن و ترتکبوا ما ارتکبه الشّيطان لا و جمال السّبحان لو انتم من العارفين. قدّسوا قلوبکم عن حبّ الدّنيا و السنکم عن الافترآء و ارکانکم عمّا يمنعکم عن التّقرّب الی اللّه العزيز الحميد. قل الدّنيا هى اعراضکم عن مطلع الوحى و اقبالکم بما لا ينفعکم و ما منعکم اليوم عن شطر اللّه انّه اصل الدّنيا ان اجتنبوا عنها و تقرّبوا الی المنظر الاکبر هذا المقرّ المشرق المنير. طوبى لمن لم يمنعه شىء عن ربّه انّه لا باس عليه لو يتصرّف فى الدّنيا بالعدل لانّا خلقنا کلّ شىء لعبادنا الموحّدين. يا قوم ان تقولوا ما لا تفعلوا فما الفرق بينکم و الّذين قالوا اللّه ربّنا فلمّا اتى فى ظلل الغمام اعرضوا و استکبروا علی اللّه العزيز العليم. يا قوم لا تسفکوا الّدمآء و لا تحکموا علی نفس الّا بالحقّ کذلک امرتم من لدن عليم خبير. انّ الّذين يفسدون فى الارض بعد اصلاحها اولئک تجاوزوا عمّا حدّد فى الکتاب فبئس مثوى المعتدين. قد کتب اللّه لکلّ نفس تبليغ امره و الّذى اراد ما امر به ينبغى له ان يتّصف بالصّفات الحسنة اوّلا ثم يبلّغ النّاس لتنجذب بقوله قلوب المقبلين و من دون ذلک لا يوثّر ذکره فى افئدة العباد کذلک يعلّمکم اللّه انه لهو الغفور الرّحيم. انّ الّذين يظلمون و يامرون النّاس بالعدل يکذّبهم بما يخرج من افواههم اهل الملکوت و الّذين يطوفون حول عرش ربّکم العزيز الجميل. يا قوم لا ترتکبوا ما تضيّع به حرمتکم و حرمة الامر بين العباد و ايّاکم ان تقربوا ما تنکره عقولکم اتّقوا اللّه و لا تتّبعوا الغافلين. لا تخونوا فى اموال النّاس کونوا امنآء فى الارض و لا تحرموا الفقرآء عمّا اتاکم اللّه من فضله انّه يعطيکم ضعف ما عندکم انّه لهو المعطى الکريم. قل قد قدّرنا التبليغ بالبيان ايّاکم ان تجادلوا مع احد و الّذى اراد التّبليغ خالصا لوجه ربّه يؤيّده روح القدس و يلهمه ما يستنير به صدر العالم و کيف صدور المريدين. يا اهل البهآء سخرّوا مدائن القلوب بسيوف الحکمة و البيان. انّ الّذين يجادلون باهواء انفسهم اولئک فى حجاب مبين. قل سيف الحکمة احرّ من الصّيف و احدّ من سيف الحديد لو انتم من العارفين. ان اخرجوه باسمى و سلطانى ثمّ افتحوا به مدائن افئدة الّذين استحصنوا فى حصن الهوى کذلک يامرکم ربّکم الابهى اذ کان جالسا تحت سيوف المشرکين. ان اطّلعتم علی خطيئة ان استروها ليستر اللّه عنکم انّه لهو السّتّار ذو الفضل العظيم. (edit)
Say: O concourse of monks! Seclude not yourselves in your churches and cloisters. Come ye out of them by My leave, and busy, then, yourselves with what will profit you and others. Thus commandeth you He Who is the Lord of the Day of Reckoning. Seclude yourselves in the stronghold of My love. This, truly, is the seclusion that befitteth you, could ye but know it. He that secludeth himself in his house is indeed as one dead. It behoveth man to show forth that which will benefit mankind. He that bringeth forth no fruit is fit for the fire. Thus admonisheth you your Lord; He, verily, is the Mighty, the Bountiful. Enter ye into wedlock, that after you another may arise in your stead. We, verily, have forbidden you lechery, and not that which is conducive to fidelity. Have ye clung unto the promptings of your nature, and cast behind your backs the statutes of God? Fear ye God, and be not of the foolish. But for man, who, on My earth, would remember Me, and how could My attributes and My names be revealed? Reflect, and be not of them that have shut themselves out as by a veil from Him, and were of those that are fast asleep. He that married not could find no place wherein to abide, nor where to lay His head, by reason of what the hands of the treacherous had wrought. His holiness consisted not in the things ye have believed and imagined, but rather in the things which belong unto Us. Ask, that ye may be made aware of His station which hath been exalted above the vain imaginings of all the peoples of the earth. Blessed are they that understand. 137 O King! We heard the words thou didst utter in answer to the Czar of Russia, concerning the decision made regarding the war.12 Thy Lord, verily, knoweth, is informed of all. Thou didst say: ``I lay asleep upon my couch, when the cry of the oppressed, who were drowned in the Black Sea, wakened me. This is what We heard thee say, and, verily, thy Lord is witness unto what I say. We testify that that which wakened thee was not their cry but the promptings of thine own passions, for We tested thee, and found thee wanting. Comprehend the meaning of My words, and be thou of the discerning. It is not Our wish to address thee words of condemnation, out of regard for the dignity We conferred upon thee in this mortal life. We, verily, have chosen courtesy, and made it the true mark of such as are nigh unto Him. Courtesy is, in truth, a raiment which fitteth all men, whether young or old. Well is it with him that adorneth his temple therewith, and woe unto him who is deprived of this great bounty. Hadst thou been sincere in thy words, thou wouldst have not cast behind thy back the Book of God, when it was sent unto thee by Him Who is the Almighty, the All-Wise. We have proved thee through it, and found thee other than that which thou didst profess. Arise, and make amends for that which escaped thee. Erelong the world and all that thou possessest will perish, and the kingdom will remain unto God, thy Lord and the Lord of thy fathers of old. It behoveth thee not to conduct thine affairs according to the dictates of thy desires. Fear the sighs of this Wronged One, and shield Him from the darts of such as act unjustly. 138 For what thou hast done, thy kingdom shall be thrown into confusion, and thine empire shall pass from thine hands, as a punishment for that which thou hast wrought.13 Then wilt thou know how thou hast plainly erred. Commotions shall seize all the people in that land, unless thou arisest to help this Cause, and followest Him Who is the Spirit of God in this, the Straight Path. Hath thy pomp made thee proud? By My Life! It shall not endure; nay, it shall soon pass away, unless thou holdest fast to this firm Cord. We see abasement hastening after thee, whilst thou art of the heedless. It behoveth thee when thou hearest His Voice calling from the seat of glory to cast away all that thou possessest, and cry out: ``Here am I, O Lord of all that is in heaven and all that is on earth! 139 O King! We were in `Iráq, when the hour of parting arrived. At the bidding of the King of Islám{¤} We set Our steps in his direction. Upon Our arrival, there befell Us at the hands of the malicious that which the books of the world can never adequately recount. Thereupon the inmates of Paradise, and they that dwell within the retreats of holiness, lamented; and yet the people are wrapped in a thick veil! Say: Do ye cavil at Him Who hath come unto you bearing the clear evidence of God and His proof, the testimony of God and His signs? These things are not from Himself; nay, rather they proceed from the One Who hath raised Him up, sent Him forth through the power of truth, and made Him to be a lamp unto all mankind. 140 More grievous became Our plight from day to day, nay, from hour to hour, until they took Us forth from Our prison and made Us, with glaring injustice, enter the Most Great Prison. And if anyone ask them: ``For what crime were they imprisoned?, they would answer and say: ``They, verily, sought to supplant the Faith with a new religion! If that which is ancient be what ye prefer, wherefore, then, have ye discarded that which hath been set down in the Torah and the Evangel? Clear it up, O men! By My life! There is no place for you to flee to in this day. If this be My crime, then Muhammad, the Apostle of God, committed it before Me, and before Him He Who was the Spirit of God, and yet earlier He Who conversed with God. And if My sin be this, that I have exalted the Word of God and revealed His Cause, then indeed am I the greatest of sinners! Such a sin I will not barter for the kingdoms of earth and heaven. 141 Upon Our arrival at this Prison, We purposed to transmit to the kings the messages of their Lord, the Mighty, the All-Praised. Though We have transmitted to them, in several Tablets, that which We were commanded, yet We do it once again as a token of God's grace. Perchance they may recognize the Lord, Who hath come down in the clouds with manifest sovereignty. 142 As My tribulations multiplied, so did My love for God and for His Cause increase, in such wise that all that befell Me from the hosts of the wayward was powerless to deter Me from My purpose. Should they hide Me away in the depths of the earth, yet would they find Me riding aloft on the clouds, and calling out unto God, the Lord of strength and of might. I have offered Myself up in the way of God, and I yearn after tribulations in My love for Him, and for the sake of His good pleasure. Unto this bear witness the woes which now afflict Me, the like of which no other man hath suffered. Every single hair of Mine head calleth out that which the Burning Bush uttered on Sinai, and each vein of My body invoketh God and saith: ``O would I had been severed in Thy path, so that the world might be quickened, and all its peoples be united! Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Informed. 143 Know of a truth that your subjects are God's trust amongst you. Watch ye, therefore, over them as ye watch over your own selves. Beware that ye allow not wolves to become the shepherds of the fold, or pride and conceit to deter you from turning unto the poor and the desolate. Wert thou to quaff the mystic Wine of everlasting life from the chalice of the words of thy Lord, the All-Merciful, thou wouldst be enabled to forsake all that thou dost possess and to proclaim My Name before all mankind. Cleanse then thy soul with the waters of detachment. Verily, this is the Remembrance that hath shone forth above the horizon of creation, which shall purge thy soul from the dross of the world. Abandon thy palaces to the people of the graves, and thine empire to whosoever desireth it, and turn, then, unto the Kingdom. This, verily, is what God hath chosen for thee, wert thou of them that turn unto Him. They that have failed to turn unto the Countenance of God in this Revelation are indeed bereft of life. They move as bidden by their own selfish desires, and are in truth accounted among the dead. Shouldst thou desire to bear the weight of thy dominion, bear it then to aid the Cause of thy Lord. Glorified be this station which whoever attaineth thereunto hath attained unto all good that proceedeth from Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. 144 Arise thou, in My name, above the horizon of renunciation, and set, then, thy face towards the Kingdom, at the bidding of thy Lord, the Lord of strength and of might. Through the power of My sovereignty stand before the inhabitants of the world and say: ``O people! The Day is come, and the fragrances of God have been wafted over the whole of creation. They that have turned away from His Face are the helpless victims of their corrupt inclinations. They are indeed of them that have gone astray. 145 Adorn the body of Thy kingdom with the raiment of My name, and arise, then, to teach My Cause. Better is this for thee than that which thou possessest. God will, thereby, exalt thy name among all the kings. Potent is He over all things. Walk thou amongst men in the name of God, and by the power of His might, that thou mayest show forth His signs amidst the peoples of the earth. Burn thou brightly with the flame of this undying Fire which the All-Merciful hath ignited in the midmost heart of creation, that through thee the heat of His love may be kindled within the hearts of His favoured ones. Follow in My way and enrapture the hearts of men through remembrance of Me, the Almighty, the Most Exalted. 146 Say: He from whom, in this day, the sweet savours of the remembrance of His Lord, the All-Merciful, have not been diffused, is indeed unworthy of the station of man. He, verily, is of them that have followed their own desires, and shall erelong find himself in grievous loss. Doth it behove you to relate yourselves to Him Who is the God of mercy, and yet commit the things which the Evil One hath committed? Nay, by the Beauty of Him Who is the All-Glorified! could ye but know it. Purge your hearts from love of the world, and your tongues from calumny, and your limbs from whatsoever may withhold you from drawing nigh unto God, the Mighty, the All-Praised. Say: By the world is meant that which turneth you aside from Him Who is the Dawning-Place of Revelation, and inclineth you unto that which is unprofitable unto you. Verily, the thing that deterreth you, in this day, from God is worldliness in its essence. Eschew it, and approach the Most Sublime Vision, this shining and resplendent Seat. Blessed is he who alloweth nothing whatsoever to intervene between him and his Lord. No harm, assuredly, can befall him if he partaketh with justice of the benefits of this world, inasmuch as We have created all things for such of Our servants as truly believe in God. 147 Should your words, O people, be at variance with your deeds, what then shall distinguish you from those who profess their faith in the Lord, their God, and yet, when He came down to them overshadowed with clouds, rejected Him and waxed proud before God, the Incomparable, the Omniscient? Shed not the blood of anyone, O people, neither judge ye anyone unjustly. Thus have ye been commanded by Him Who knoweth, Who is informed of all. They that commit disorders in the land after it hath been well ordered, these indeed have outstepped the bounds that have been set in the Book. Wretched shall be the abode of the transgressors! 148 God hath prescribed unto everyone the duty of teaching His Cause. Whoever ariseth to discharge this duty, must needs, ere he proclaimeth His Message, adorn himself with the ornament of an upright and praiseworthy character, so that his words may attract the hearts of such as are receptive to his call. Without it, he can never hope to influence his hearers. Thus doth God instruct you. He, verily, is the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Compassionate. 149 They who exhort others unto justice, while themselves committing iniquity, stand accused of falsehood by the inmates of the Kingdom and by those who circle round the throne of their Lord, the Almighty, the Beneficent, for that which their tongues have uttered. Commit not, O people, that which dishonoureth your name and the fair name of the Cause of God amongst men. Beware lest ye approach that which your minds abhor. Fear God and follow not in the footsteps of them that are gone astray. Deal not treacherously with the substance of your neighbour. Be ye trustworthy on earth, and withhold not from the poor the things given unto you by God through His grace. He, verily, will bestow upon you the double of what ye possess. He, in truth, is the All-Bounteous, the Most Generous. 150 Say: We have ordained that our Cause be taught through the power of utterance. Beware lest ye dispute idly with anyone. Whoso ariseth wholly for the sake of his Lord to teach His Cause, the Holy Spirit shall strengthen him and inspire him with that which will illumine the heart of the world, how much more the hearts of those who seek Him. O people of Bahá! Subdue the citadels of men's hearts with the swords of wisdom and of utterance. They that dispute, as prompted by their desires, are indeed wrapped in a palpable veil. Say: The sword of wisdom is hotter than summer heat, and sharper than blades of steel, if ye do but understand. Draw it forth in My name and through the power of My might, and conquer then with it the cities of the hearts of them that have secluded themselves in the stronghold of their corrupt desires. Thus biddeth you the Pen of the All-Glorious, whilst seated beneath the swords of the wayward. 151 If ye become aware of a sin committed by another, conceal it, that God may conceal your own sin. He, verily, is the Concealer, the Lord of grace abounding. (edit) |
O monks, do not seclude yourselves in churches and temples! Go out by my permission and engage in what benefits both yourselves and other servants. This is the command of the King of the Day of Judgment. If you seclude yourselves, do so in the fortress of my love, for this is the true seclusion if you are among the knowledgeable. The one who resides near the sacred house is like the deceased; it's appropriate for a person to reveal from it what benefits all creation. And that which bears no fruit should be for the fire. This is how your Lord admonishes you; He is indeed Mighty and Generous. Marry so someone after you can take your place. We have prohibited you from betrayal, not from what manifests trust. Have you taken your own principles and disregarded God's? Fear God and do not be among the ignorant. Were it not for people, who would mention me on earth? And how would my attributes and names be manifested? Reflect and do not be among those who are veiled and are of the heedless. The one who didn't marry hasn't found a place to reside or rest his head, because of the betrayal they have acquired. Sanctifying oneself isn't by what you've known or the delusions you hold but by what we have. Ask to know his status which is sacred from the assumptions of everyone on earth. Blessed are the knowledgeable. O King, we've heard a word you spoke when the King of the Russians asked you about the ruling of invasion. Your Lord is All-Knowing and Aware. You said, "I was asleep in the cradle when the cries of the oppressed awakened me until they drowned in the Black Sea." That's what we heard, and your Lord is a witness to what I say. We bear witness that it wasn't the cries that awakened you but desires. We tested you and found you in a place you claim. Recognize the tone of the statement and be among the vigilant. We don't like to send you any harsh words, preserving the status we gave you in this apparent life. We chose manners and made it the characteristic of those drawn near. It's a garment that suits souls both young and old. Blessed is the one who adorns himself with it, and woe to those deprived of this great bounty. If you were the man of the word, you wouldn't have thrown God's book behind your back when it was sent to you from the Mighty and Wise. We tested you with it and found you based on what you claimed. Rise and make up for what you missed. The world and what you have will vanish, and dominion will remain with God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers. It isn't fitting for you to limit matters based on your desires. Beware of the sigh of the oppressed and protect it from the arrows of the oppressors. Due to your actions, affairs in your kingdom will differ, and dominion will slip from your hand as a result. Then, you'll find yourself in clear loss, and earthquakes will affect all tribes unless you stand in support of this cause and follow the spirit on this straight path. The honor you value won't last, it will fade unless you hold onto this strong rope. We see humiliation following you while you are among the heedless. When you hear the call from the bank of greatness, leave what you have and respond, "Here I am, O God of the heavens and the earths." O King, we were in the mother of Iraq until the heat of separation directed us to the King of Islam by his command. When we arrived, he responded with the hypocrisy of those who aren't genuine, which cannot be described in words. Because of that, the residents of paradise and the people of the sacred sanctuaries lamented, but the people are veiled by a thick curtain.
Certainly, here's the text you provided in contemporary English: Say, do you object to the One who has come to you with the clear proofs of God, His evidence, His argument, and His signs? This is not of His own invention, but from the One who has sent Him and dispatched Him with the truth, making Him a lamp unto the worlds. Our situation has become more severe every day, even every hour, until they took us out of prison and put us into a greater prison with clear injustice. When it was asked why they imprisoned us, they said that we intended to renew the religion. If the old ways were chosen by you, you would not have abandoned what was ordained in the Torah and the Gospel. Be clear, O people, by my life, there is no escape for you today. If this is my crime, then Muhammad, the Messenger of God, the Spirit before him, and the Speaker before him have preceded me in this. If my sin is to exalt the word of God and manifest His command, then I am the first of sinners; I would not exchange this sin for the dominion of the King of the heavens and the earth. When we arrived in prison, we wanted to convey the messages of their Mighty, Praiseworthy Lord to the kings. If we had conveyed what was commanded in various Tablets, it would have been another favor from God, so that they might recognize the Lord when He comes upon the clouds with clear authority. The more the affliction increases, the more my love for God and His command increases, so that nothing prevents me from what has come upon me from the armies of the heedless. Even if they bury me in layers of earth, they will find me riding on the clouds, calling to the Mighty, Powerful God. Indeed, I have sacrificed myself in the way of God, and I long for tribulations in His love and His pleasure. My sufferings bear witness to this, such that no one in the worlds has borne them, and every hair of mine speaks as the tree on the Mount spoke, and every vein of mine calls to God, saying, "O that I might be cut in Your way for the life of the world and the unity of those in it." So has the matter been decreed by the Knowledgeable, Aware one, and know that the subjects are the trusts of God among you; preserve them as you would preserve yourselves. Beware lest you make wolves the shepherds of the sheep and let pride and arrogance prevent you from turning to the poor and the needy. If you drink the nectar of life from the cups of the words of your Merciful Lord, you will reach a station where you will break away from what you have and cry out in My name among the worlds. Wash yourself with the water of detachment from this mention that has shone forth from the horizon of creation; it will purify you from the dust of the world. Leave the palaces to the people of the graves and the dominion to whoever wants it, and then turn to this dominion that God has chosen for you if you are of those who turn. Those who did not turn to the face in this appearance are not alive; they are moved by their desires however they wish, but they are among the dead. If you wish to bear the weight of the dominion, bear it for the support of the command of your Exalted Lord, this is the station that whoever attains has attained all good from the Knowledgeable, Wise one. If you rise from the horizon of detachment in My name, then turn to the dominion by the command of your Mighty, Powerful Lord. Stand among the servants with My authority, say, "O people, today the breezes of God have wafted among the worlds." Those who turned away from the face are overcome by the desires of themselves, but they are among the bewildered. Adorn the body of dominion with the embroidery of My name, and stand to convey My command; this is better for you than what you have, and God will elevate your name among the kings; He is indeed Powerful over all things. Walk among the people in the name of God and His authority, so that His effects may appear from you among the worlds. Indeed, kindle with this fire ignited by the Merciful in the pole of existence, so that it may cause a warmth of His love in the hearts of those who turn towards Him. Walk my path, then attract the hearts with my remembrance, the Mighty, the Impenetrable. Say, indeed, he from whom the breezes of the garment of the remembrance of his Lord, the Merciful, have not diffused in this time, will not be attributed the name of man. He is indeed of those who have followed their passions and will find himself in great loss. Say, O people, is it proper for you to attribute yourselves to the Merciful and commit what the devil has committed? No, by the beauty of the Sublime if you are among those who know. Sanctify your hearts from the love of the world, and your tongues from slander, and your limbs from that which prevents you from drawing near to God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Say, the world is your distraction from the source of revelation and your inclination towards that which does not benefit you, and what prevents you today from the path of God, it is the root of the world; avoid it, and draw near to the Greater Sight, this Luminous, Shining Abode. Blessed is the one who is not prevented by anything from his Lord; there is no harm upon him if he acts in the world with justice, for We have created everything for Our monotheist servants. O people, if you say what you do not do, what is the difference between you and those who said, "Our Lord is God," but when they entered under the shadows of the clouds, they turned away and were arrogant towards God, the Mighty, the Knowing. O people, do not shed blood, and do not judge a soul except with truth; thus you have been commanded from the Knowledgeable, the Aware. Indeed, those who cause corruption on the earth after its reform, they have transgressed what was determined in the Book; a miserable abode for the transgressors. God has written for every soul the proclamation of His command, and he who desires what he has been commanded, he should first adopt the good qualities, then convey to the people, so the hearts of those who turn towards Him may be attracted by his speech, and without that, his remembrance will not influence the hearts of the servants; thus God teaches you, and He is the Forgiving, the Merciful. Indeed, those who oppress and command people to justice, the inhabitants of the celestial realm and those who circulate around the throne of your Lord, the Mighty, the Beautiful, belie what comes out of their mouths. O people, do not commit what would compromise your dignity and the sanctity of the command among the servants, and do not approach what your minds deny. Fear God, and do not follow the heedless. Do not betray the people's wealth; be trustworthy on earth and do not deprive the poor of what God has given you of His grace, for He gives you double what you have; indeed, He is the Generous Giver. Say, We have determined the proclamation with clear evidence; do not argue with anyone, and he who desires to proclaim sincerely for the face of his Lord, the Holy Spirit will support him and inspire him with what illuminates the breast of the world, and how the breasts of the seekers. O people of Bahá, subjugate the cities of hearts with the swords of wisdom and eloquence. Indeed, those who argue with the passions of their souls, they are in a manifest veil. Say, the sword of wisdom is hotter than fire and sharper than a sword of iron if you are among those who know. If you bring it forth with my name and authority, then open with it the cities of the hearts of those who have fortified themselves in the fortress of passion; thus, your Lord, the Most Exalted, commands you when He was seated under the swords of the polytheists. If you have come across a mistake, cover it, so God may cover you; indeed, He is the Veiler, the Possessor of Great Grace. (edit) |
40 | يا ملأ الاغنياء ان رايتم فقيرا لا تستکبروا عليه تفکّروا فيما خلقتم منه قد خلق کلّ من ماء مهين. عليکم بالصّدق به تزيّن هياکلکم و ترفع اسمائکم و تعلو مراتبکم بين الخلق و لدى الحقّ لکم اجر عظيم. (edit)
O ye rich ones on earth! If ye encounter one who is poor, treat him not disdainfully. Reflect upon that whereof ye were created. Every one of you was created of a sorry germ.14 It behoveth you to observe truthfulness, whereby your temples shall be adorned, your names uplifted, your stations exalted amidst men, and a mighty recompense assured for you before God. (edit) | O assembly of the wealthy, if you see a poor person, do not be arrogant towards him. Reflect on what you were created from; indeed, all were created from a base fluid. It is upon you to be truthful; with it, you will adorn your edifices, elevate your names, and raise your ranks among creation, and with the Truth, for you is a great reward. (edit) |