Seven Valleys/GPT4 76

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Upon ascending the lofty stages of bewilderment, the seeker enters the valley of true poverty, the principal annihilation. This stage is marked by the annihilation of the self and the subsistence in God. It is characterized by poverty of the self and richness towards the intended aim.

In this state that mentions poverty, it means being poor in terms of what exists in the world of creation, and rich in terms of what exists in the realms of Truth. For when the sincere lover and the concordant beloved reach the meeting of the loved one and the lover, they ignite a fire from the radiance of the loved one's beauty and the heart's fire of the lover. This fire burns all the curtains and veils, even burning all that is with them, down to their core and shell, until nothing remains but the beloved.

When the ancient qualities manifest themselves, the description of the transient burns completely, as is the case with Moses (Kaleem).