Madinatut-Tawhid/GPT4 8
You should know, then, that monotheism has ranks, worlds, and stations which no one knows or can enumerate except Allah the Almighty, the Powerful, the Beautiful. Indeed, if I tried to detail for you this station and what Allah has taught me through His Grace, it would be too much for any inscriptions or oceans to bear, even if they were to be ink for these sacred, lofty, mighty, and noble words. This is because there is no limit to Allah's bounty, and nothing can obstruct His command. He is the One who derived from the primordial point of knowledge all that is and all that will be, if you have understanding.
He will detail, in the pattern of this particular point, sciences that no ear has ever heard, and no one will know among all people. Say: If He wanted to fold all these sciences and unfold them in the realm of kings, from the beginning which has no beginning, He could do it and it would be closer than the twinkling of an eye. There is no god but Him, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Powerful. He is the One in whose grasp is the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He erases and establishes what He wills by His command and power.
With Him is a holy, preserving tablet. Say: He is the One who has always been sanctified from all that you know and comes with knowledge in every matter with unique wisdom. Say: The essence of monotheism and determination is with Him in the same limit, but most people lie in the bed of ignorance. Say: If He were to erase the verses of monotheism and decree determination, this would be a manifest truth, and no one has the right to say why or how, because the command appears from Him, and the judgment is decreed from Him. He is the Powerful, the Capable.