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Paragraph Arabic Authorized GPT4_
قوله تعالى: هذا مدينة التّوحيد فادخلوا فيها يا ملأ الموحّدين لتكونوا ببشارات الرّوح لمن المستبصرين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) The Almighty said: This is the city of Monotheism, so enter it, O people of Monotheism, so that you may be with the glad tidings of the spirit for the discerning ones. (edit)
تلك آيات الكتاب فصّلت آياته بدعيا غير ذي عوج على آيات اللّه وهدى ونورا وذكرى لمن في السّموات والأرضين وفيه ما يقرّب النّاس إلى ساحة قدس مبين وإنّه لكتاب فيه يذكر كلّ أمر حكيم ونزل بالحقّ من لدن حكيم عليم وفيه ما يغني النّاس عن كلّ شيء ويهب منه روايح القدس على العالمين ويغن بأنّه لا إله إلّا هو يفعل ما يشاء بأمره ويحكم ما يريد وما من إله إلّا هو له الخلق والأمر يحيي ويميت ثمّ يميت ويحيي وأنّه هو حيّ في جبروت البقاء يحكم ما يشاء ولا يسئل عمّا شاء وفي قبضته ملكوت الإنشاء لا إله إلّا هو العزيز الجميل وأنّه لهو الحقّ لا إله إلّا هو لم يزل كان مقدّسا عن دونه ومتعاليا عن وصف ما سواه ولا يسبقه أحد في العلم وأنّه كان على كلّ شيء محيطا ولا يزال ما اقترن بعرفان كينونته أحد من خلقه ولن يصل إليه إيقان موقن ولا عرفان نفس وأنّه لهو الغنيّ الحكيم وكان واحدا في ذاته وواحدا في صفاته وواحدا في أفعاله لم يزل كان متوحّدا في عرش الجلال ولا يزال يكون متفرّدا على كرسي الإجلال وأنّه لهو الصّمد الّذي لن يخرج عنه شيء ولن يقترن به شيء وهو العليّ المقتدر العظيم ما وحّده أحد دون ذاته وما عرفه نفس دون كينونته وكلّ ما خلق في الإبداع وظهر في الإختراع خلق بكلمة من أمره لا إله إلّا هو العزيز الكريم وإنّ ما يعرفه العارفون في أعلى مقاماتهم وإنّ ما يبلغه البالغون في أقصى مراتبهم هو عرفان آية تجلّيه بنفسها لنفسها وهذا غاية العرفان إن أنتم إلى معارج العلم لمن القاصدين فلمّا سدّت أبواب الوصول عن ذاته الأزليّة وانقطعت جناحين العرفان عن الطّيران إلى ملكوت أمره أرسل الرّسل من عنده وأنزل عليهم الكتب من لدنه وجعل عرفانهم عرفان نفسه وهذا ما قبل عن الممكنات جودا من عنده وفضلا من لدنه على من في الملك أجمعين ومن أقرّ بهم كأنّه أقرّ على اللّه ووحّد ذاته ومن تقرّب إليهم كأنّه تقرّب إلى ساحة قدس مبين ومن أطاعهم أطاع اللّه ومن أعرض عنهم أعرض عن وجه اللّه العزيز المقتدر الحيّ الرّفيع وقدّر اللّه عرفان نفسه في عرفان أنفسهم وهذا ما قدّر في ألواح الأمر من لدن مقتدر قدير وهذا مبلغ العارفين في منتهى معارجهم إن أنتم من العالمين وما قدّر اللّه فوق ذلك لأحد نصيب ولا لنفس سبيل إليه وهذا ما كتب على نفسه الحقّ إن أنتم من العارفين هل يقدر الضّعيف أن يصعد إلى قويّ قديم قل سبحان اللّه كلّ فقراء إليه وكلّ عن عرفانه لعاجزون وهل ينبغي للفاني أن يطير في جبروت الباقي قل سبحان اللّه كلّ عجزاء عنده وكلّ في مظاهر أمره لحايرين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) These are the verses of the Book that clarify the verses with a call other than that of a crooked one to the verses of Allah and guidance and light and a reminder to those in the heavens and the earth and in it what brings people closer to the realm of manifest holiness and indeed this book contains every wise matter and has descended with truth from the wise, knowing one. In it is what makes people self-sufficient from everything and grants them the fragrance of holiness to the worlds and insists that there is no god but He who does what He wills by His command and rules what He desires and there is no god but He, to Him belongs creation and command. He gives life and death, then death and life, and indeed He is the Living One in the power of everlastingness who rules what He will and is not questioned about what He wills and in His grasp is the kingdom of creation, there is no god but He who is the Almighty, the Beautiful and indeed He is the Truth, there is no god but He who has always been holy apart from Him and exalted above the description of anything other than Him and no one precedes Him in knowledge and indeed He was and is all-encompassing in everything and still is, no one can attain certainty of His existence and none can reach the knowledge of His essence, and indeed He is the Rich, the Wise.

He has always been One in His essence, One in His attributes, and One in His actions, eternally unified in the Throne of Glory and still is, alone on the Chair of the Exalted. He is the Eternal, from whom nothing comes out and nothing combines with anything, He is the Highest, the Powerful, the Great. None has duly known Him other than His essence, and none has rightly known Him apart from His existential state. All that is created in innovation and appeared in invention is created by a Word of His command, there is no god but He, the Almighty, the Generous.

Indeed, what the Gnostics know in their highest stations, and what the seekers reach in their furthest ranks, is the knowledge of a self-revealing verse revealing itself to itself, and this is the ultimate knowledge if you are among those who seek the steps of knowledge. When the doors of access to His eternal essence were closed, and the wings of knowledge were cut off from flying to the kingdom of His command, He sent the Messengers from Him and sent down to them the books from His presence, and made their knowledge the knowledge of His Self, and this is the generosity that He gave to the possible ones, a blessing from Him and grace from His presence over all those in the kingdom. Whoever has acknowledged them is as if he has acknowledged Allah Himself and declared His Oneness. Whoever has approached them is as if he has approached the realm of manifest holiness. Whoever obeys them obeys Allah, and whoever turns away from them turns away from the face of the Mighty, the Empowered, the Living, the Exalted.

Indeed, Allah has ordained knowledge of Himself in the knowledge of their selves, and this is what He has ordained in the tablets of command from an empowered, capable One. This is the destination of the Gnostics in the utmost of their ascents if you are among the knowledgeable ones. Allah has not decreed any share beyond that for anyone, nor has He allotted any means for attaining it, and this is what the Truth has decreed upon itself if you are among the Gnostics. Can the weak ascend to the Eternal, Strong One? Say: Glory be to Allah, all are in need of Him and helpless in knowing Him. Is it appropriate for the transient to fly in the dominion of the Everlasting? Say: Glory be to Allah, all are helpless in His presence and bewildered in the manifestations of His command. (edit)

وإنّك أنت يا سلمان فاشهد في نفسك وروحك ولسانك وجميع جوارحك بأنّه لا إله إلّا هو وكلّ عباد له وكلّ له عابدون ثمّ يا سلمان سلّم في نفسك لأمر اللّه وبما أمرت في الكتاب ولا تكن من الغافلين ثمّ أعرف قدر تلك الأيّام ولا تنس الفضل في نفسك وكن من الشّاكرين ثمّ انقطع عن نفسك وهواك ليلهمك اللّه بفضله ما يخلصك عن العالمين وإيّاك أن لا تحرم نفسك عن نسمات هذا الرّوح وإنّ هذا لغبن مبين ثمّ قرّب بتمامك إلى اللّه الملك الحيّ المقتدر القديم قل هذا فصل من فصول اللّه قد ظهر بالفضل ولن يغيّره شيء عمّا في السّموات والأرضين قل تاللّه هذا الرّبيع الّذي زيّن بطرازه الفردوس ولن يعقبه الخريف في أبد الآبدين وإنّ هذا فصل ما سبقه فصل في الأرض لأنّه استظلّ في ظلّ عليّ عظيم (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Indeed, you are, O Salman. Bear witness within yourself, your soul, your tongue, and all your faculties that there is no god but He, and all are His servants and all worship Him. Then, O Salman, submit yourself to the command of God and to what is ordered in the Book, and do not be among the heedless. Then recognize the value of those days and do not forget the favor in yourself, and be among the grateful. Then cut yourself off from your desires so that God may grant you His bounty that will save you from the worlds, and beware lest you deprive yourself of the breaths of this spirit, for this is indeed a clear loss. Then draw near to God, the Ever-Living, the All-Mighty, the Ancient, by your perfection. Say, "This is a chapter of the chapters of God that has appeared by virtue of His grace, and nothing will change it from what is in the heavens and the earth." Say, "By God, this is the spring that has adorned Paradise with its embroidery, and after it there will be no autumn in the everlasting abode. Indeed, this chapter is unmatched by any other chapter on the earth, for it has taken shelter in the shade of the Great Ali." (edit)
يا ملأ الفردوس خذوا نصيبكم من هذا النّسيم الّذي به جدّد هياكل العالمين وفيه نفخ روح الحيّ الحيوان على عظام رميم وأن يا أهل لجّة الأحديّة فانقطعوا عن عرفانكم وعن كلّ ما وحّدتم به بارئكم ووحّدوا اللّه في هذه الأيّام بما فصّل لكم بالحقّ ولا تكوننّ من الغافلين ثمّ خذوا حظّكم في هذا الفصل الّذي فيه يصبغ كلّ شيء بصبغ اللّه العزيز الحميد وأن يا ملأ البقاء فانقطعوا عن كلّ ما أخذتم لأنفسكم ثمّ اقبلوا إلى رضوان الّذي فتح باسم اللّه العليّ في سرّ قدس بديع وأن يا أهل السّموات سبّحوا اللّه باسم الّذي منه اقترن الكاف بركنه الرّاء والميم ثمّ اسمعوا نغمات الرّوح من هذا الطّير الّذي تغنّ بكلّ الألحان في كلّ حين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) O people of Paradise, take your share of this breeze, which renews the structures of the worlds, and by which the spirit of life is blown onto the bones of decay. O people of the abyss of indivisibility, cut off from your awareness and from everything you have identified with your Creator, and unite with God in these days, as has been ordained for you in truth, and be not of the heedless. Then take your portion in this season, during which everything is dyed with the dye of God, the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. O people of eternity, cut off from everything that you have taken for yourselves, then turn to the satisfaction that is opened in the name of the Most High God in a secret, precious sanctuary. O people of the heavens, glorify God with the name by which the letter "k" is joined to its foundation of "r" and "m." Then listen to the melodies of the spirit from this bird that sings all the tunes at all times. (edit)
قل أن يا أهل الأرض تاللّه هذه لحمامة الّتي يذكركم أحسن الذّكر لتكوننّ من الذّاكرين وما أراد منكم شيئا ولن يريد منكم جزاء وما جزائه إلّا بأن يستشهدوا لحبّ اللّه العزيز العليم قل فواللّه من لم يطلب لنفسه ما ذكرت حينئذ بالحقّ إنّه على خسران مبين قل إنّ الّذين يفرّون من الموت في سبيل بارئهم أولئك في ريب من لقاء اللّه وأولئك هم الغافلين وأولئك ما وجدوا روائح القدس من هذا القميص المنير وناموا على فراش الغفلة وأعرضوا عما هو خير لهم عن ملكوت ملك العالمين قل سوف يطوي اللّه الأرض ومن عليها ويحشركم بالحقّ في مكمن قدس مكين إذا تشهدون أسرار الأمر وتطّلعون بما قدّر من لدى اللّه العليّ الحكيم وتقولون في أنفسكم يا حسرة علينا فيما غفلنا عن ذكر اللّه وكنّا في ضلال مبين فواللّه لو يكشف الغطاء عن وجه العباد ويّطلعون بما كسبت أيديهم في أيّام لينقطع الرّوح من أجسادهم وهذا لحقّ يقين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Say, O people of the earth, by God, this is the dove that reminds you of the best remembrance, so that you may be among those who remember. And he did not want anything from you and he will not want any reward from you except that they bear witness to the love of God, the Mighty, the All-Knowing. Say, by God, whoever does not seek for himself what I mentioned then, by the truth, he is in a clear loss.

Say, indeed, those who flee from death in the path of their Creator, those are in doubt of meeting God, and those are the heedless, and those have not found the fragrance of holiness from this luminous shirt, and they slept on the bed of negligence and turned away from what is best for them than the dominion of the King of the worlds.

Say, God will fold up the earth and those on it and gather you in truth in the place of holiness when you witness the secrets of the matter and behold what has been decreed from God, the Most High, the Wise, and you say in yourselves, "O sorrow upon us for what we neglected to remember God, and we were in clear error."

By God, if the cover is removed from the faces of the servants and they see what their own hands have earned in the past days, the soul will be cut off from their bodies, and this is a certain truth. (edit)

وإنّك أنت يا سلمان فاستنصح بما أنصحناك بالفضل وأمرناك بالعدل ولا تكن من الرّاقدين ثمّ ذكّر نفسك وأنفس العباد فيما أنزلناه عليك بالحقّ لعلّ النّاس ينقلبون بقلوبهم إلى مقعد عزّ كريم (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) And indeed, you, O Salman, should seek advice with the same favor and justice that we advised you and commanded you with, and do not be among those who are heedless. Then remind yourself and the souls of the servants of what we have revealed to you in truth, that perhaps people's hearts may turn to a seat of honor and generosity. (edit)
وأمّا ما سئلت في آية التّوحيد وكلمة التّجريد فاعلم بأنّ هذا فوق شأني وما أنا إلّا عبد ذليل هو الّذي بيده ملكوت العلم وفي قبضته جبروت الحكمة يعلم ما يشاء فيما يشاء لا إله إلّا هو العزيز الجميل وله الأمر في كلّ من في السّموات والأرض يفعل ما يشاء وهو السّلطان العزيز القدير لن يعزب عنه علمه شيء ولن يعجزه شيء لا يسئل عمّا يفعل وإنّه لهو الغالب القاهر العزيز الرّفيع ولكن انّي مع عجزي وضرّي وفقري وافتقادي لما أحبّ في نفسي إظهار ما أعطاني اللّه بفضله لئلّا أكون من الّذينهم قال اللّه في وصفهم في كتاب عزّ حفيظ قال وقوله الحقّ: ﴿الَّذِيْنَ يَبْخَلُونَ ويَأْمُرُونَ النَّاسَ بِالبُخْلِ ويَكْتُمُونَ مَا آتاهُم اللّهِ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ﴾ لذا ألقي عليك ما يجري اللّه على قلمي لتفتخر بما اختصصناك به بين النّاس ولعلّ تكوننّ من المنقطعين ولتشكر اللّه فيما أعطاك بفضله وأنزل عليك آيات الّذي تتحيّر عنها العارفين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) As for what you asked about the verse of monotheism and the word of abstraction, know that this is beyond my level, and I am nothing but a humble servant. It is He who holds the dominion of knowledge and in His grasp is the power of wisdom. He knows what He wills, whenever He wills. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Beautiful. His command extends to all those in the heavens and earth, and He does what He wills. He is the almighty, the all-powerful, and nothing can escape His knowledge or overpower Him. He is not questioned about what He does, and indeed, He is the Dominant, the Invincible, the Mighty, the Exalted.

However, in my weakness, pain, poverty, and need for what I love in myself, I still want to show what Allah has given me with His bounty, so that I would not be among those whom Allah has described in His mighty, protected book by saying the truth, "Those who are stingy and enjoin stinginess on others, and conceal what Allah has given them of His bounty" (Quran 4:37). Therefore, I share with you what Allah allows to flow through my pen so that you may be proud of what we have distinguished you with among people. Perhaps, you will be among those who cut off from worldly desires; and give thanks to Allah for what He has given you with His bounty and revealed to you the verses of which the knowledgeable people are bewildered. (edit)

فاعلم ثمّ اعرف بأنّ للتّوحيد مراتب وعوالم ومقامات شتّي لا يعلم أحد وما أحصاه نفس إلّا اللّه المقتدر العزيز الجميل وإنّي لو أريد أن أفصّل لك في هذا المقام ما علّمني اللّه بفضله لا يحمله الألواح ولا تكفيه البحور لو يجعل مداد لهذه الكلمات المقدس المتعالي العزيز الكريم لأنّ اللّه لم يكن لفيضه تعطيل ولا لأمره من تعويق وهو الّذي فصّل من نقطة الأوّليّة علم ما كان وما يكون إن أنتم من العارفين وسيفصّل في طراز هذه النّقطة علوم الّتي ما سمعها أذن أحد ولن يعرفها أحد من العالمين قل إنّه لو يريد أن يطوي كلّ العلوم عمّا فصّل في الملك من أوّل الّذي لا أوّل له ليقدر ويكون ذلك أقرب من لمح البصر لا إله إلّا هو السّلطان المقتدر القدير هو الّذي في قبضته ملكوت ملك السّموات والأرض يمحو ما يشاء بأمره ويثبت ما أراد بقدرته وعنده لوح قدس حفيظ قل إنّه هو الّذي لم يزل كان مقدّسا عن كلّ ما علمتم ويأتي في كلّ شأن بعلم بديع قل إنّ جوهر التّوحيد والتّحديد عنده في حدّ سواء ولكنّ النّاس أكثرهم على فراش الجهل لراقدين قل لو يمحو الآيات التّوحيد ويحكم بالتّحديد هذا لحقّ مبين وليس لأحد أن يقول لم وبم لأنّ الأمر ما يظهر من عنده والحكم ما يحكم عليه من لدنه وهو القويّ القدير (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) You should know, then, that monotheism has ranks, worlds, and stations which no one knows or can enumerate except Allah the Almighty, the Powerful, the Beautiful. Indeed, if I tried to detail for you this station and what Allah has taught me through His Grace, it would be too much for any inscriptions or oceans to bear, even if they were to be ink for these sacred, lofty, mighty, and noble words. This is because there is no limit to Allah's bounty, and nothing can obstruct His command. He is the One who derived from the primordial point of knowledge all that is and all that will be, if you have understanding.

He will detail, in the pattern of this particular point, sciences that no ear has ever heard, and no one will know among all people. Say: If He wanted to fold all these sciences and unfold them in the realm of kings, from the beginning which has no beginning, He could do it and it would be closer than the twinkling of an eye. There is no god but Him, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Powerful. He is the One in whose grasp is the dominion of the heavens and the earth; He erases and establishes what He wills by His command and power.

With Him is a holy, preserving tablet. Say: He is the One who has always been sanctified from all that you know and comes with knowledge in every matter with unique wisdom. Say: The essence of monotheism and determination is with Him in the same limit, but most people lie in the bed of ignorance. Say: If He were to erase the verses of monotheism and decree determination, this would be a manifest truth, and no one has the right to say why or how, because the command appears from Him, and the judgment is decreed from Him. He is the Powerful, the Capable. (edit)

فاشهد يا سلمان بأن في خزائن علم اللّه لعلوم لن يذكر عند حرف منها علم أحد ولا توحيد الّذي به يوحّدون اللّه عباده ولا أعلى جواهر التّفريد ولكن لمّا سبقت رحمته كلّ العباد يقبل منهم بما يأمرهم في زمن كلّ رسول وعهد كلّ نبيّ فضلا من لدنه على الخلايق أجمعين فاشهد بأنّه لا إله إلّا هو لن يعرفه أحد ولن يصل إلى بدايع علمه نفس ولا يدركه كلّ من في الملك إن أنتم في أسرار الأمر لمن المتفرّسين فياليت يوجد حمامات قدسيّة وأفئدة مجرّدة ليطيرن مع هذا العبد في هواء هذا العلم الّذي احترقت من تقرّبها أجنحة المتقرّبين فسوف يظهر اللّه في الأرض عبادا ما يمسكهم منع المغلين ويطيرن بجناح القدس ويسيرن في ممالك البقاء ويدخلن في سرادق عزّ منير ولا يشغلهم شأن في الملك ولا يلهيهم زخارف الأرض عن ذكر اللّه العليّ المقتدر العزيز وإذا يسمعون نغمات الرّوح تفيض عيونهم من الدّمع ويستبشرون بروح اللّه ويقبلون إلى جمال قدس بديع ولن يبدّلوا آيات اللّه بشيء ولو ينفقون بكلّ من في السّموات والأرض وكلّما يسمعون نغمات اللّه يميلون إلى وطن القرب ويفدون أنفسهم في كلّ حين حينئذ ينبغي بأن ابتدء في ذكر ما أردت من قبل واختم هذا الذّكر الّذي لن يبلغه على أفئدة البالغين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) So bear witness, O Salman, that in the treasuries of the knowledge of Allah there are sciences, of which not a single piece of knowledge about any person, nor the unity by which they unify Allah with His servants, nor the highest jewels of singling out is mentioned. But when His mercy preceded all His servants, He accepted from them what He commanded in the time of each messenger and the covenant of each prophet as a favor from Him to all creation. So bear witness that there is no god but Him, whom no one will know, and no soul will reach the beginning of His knowledge, nor will it be attained by all those in the kingdom. If you are in the secrets of the matter, then be observant.

Would that there were sanctified baths and pure hearts for them to fly with this servant in the atmosphere of this knowledge, by which the wings of those who approach have burned. Allah will soon bring forth on earth servants who will not be deterred by the prohibitions of the possessive, and they will fly with the wing of sanctity, walk in the realms of immortality, enter into the pavilion of eternal glory, and not be distracted by affairs in the kingdom or the allurements of the earth from the remembrance of Allah, the Most High, the All-Powerful, the Almighty. When they hear the melodies of the spirit, their eyes will overflow with tears, and they will rejoice with the spirit of Allah and turn towards the beauty of the incomparably holy sanctuary. They will not exchange the signs of Allah for anything, even if they spend all that is in the heavens and the earth.

Whenever they hear the melodies of Allah, they incline towards the homeland of nearness and sacrifice themselves at every moment. At that time, it is appropriate to begin mentioning what I have intended to before and conclude this praise, which will not be reached by the hearts of the advanced. (edit)

فاعلم يا سلمان بأنّا نشهد في مقام توحيد الذّات بأنّه واحد في ذاته ولم يزل كان مستويا على عرش التّوحيد وكرسي التّفريد ولم يكن معه من شيء ولن يذكر عنده من أحد وهو الباقي القائم العزيز الكريم ولم يزل كان في قيّوميّة ذاته ولم يكن معه ذكر شيء ولا عرفان نفس ولا توحيد أحد إلّا أن يكون بمثل ما قد كان في أزل الآزال لا إله إلّا هو العزيز الحكيم وانقطعت عن هذا المقام عرفان العرفاء وبلوغ البلغاء لأنّ دونه معدوم عنده ومفقود لديه وموجود بأمره لا إله إلّا هو له الأمر والخلق وأنّه كان على كلّ شيء خبير إنّه هو اللّه لا إله إلّا هو الّذي ما اتّخذ لنفسه وليّا ولا نصيرا ولا شريكا ولا شبيها ولا وزيرا لا إله إلّا هو العزيز القادر المحيط (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Know, O Salmaan, that we bear witness to the oneness of God in His Essence, that He is One in His Essence and has always been established on the throne of unity and the seat of exclusiveness, and there was nothing with Him and no one will be mentioned with Him. He is the Everlasting, the Self-Subsisting, the Mighty, the Generous, and He has always been in His self-sustenance, and there was no mention of anything with Him, nor recognition of self, nor the oneness of anyone, except that it be like what was in the eternal past. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise. The knowledge of the knowers and the attainment of the attainers cease at this station, because below Him there is nothing to be found and lost and exists by His command. There is no god but He, to Him belongs the command and the creation, and He is, on all things, an Expert. Indeed, He is Allah. There is no god but He, who has not taken for Himself a guardian or a helper or a partner or a likeness or a minister. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Able, the All-Encompassing. (edit)
ثمّ نشهد بأنّه كان واحدا في صفاته وانقطعت كلّ الصّفات عن ساحة قدسه وهذا ما قدّر لنفسه إن أنتم من العارفين ثمّ اعلم بأنّ كثرات عوالم الصّفات والأسماء لن يقترن بذاته لأنّ صفاته تعالى عين ذاته ولن يعرف أحد كيف ذلك إلّا هو العزيز المتعالي الغفور الرّحيم ويرجع كلّ ذلك الأسماء والصّفات إلى أنبيائه ورسله وصفوته لأنّهم مرايا الصّفات ومطالع الأسماء وإلّا إنّه تعالى غيب في ذاته وصفاته ويُظْهِرُ كلّ ذلك في أنبيائه من الأسماء الحسنى والصّفات العليا لئلّا يحرم نفس من عرفان الصّفات في جبروت الأسماء وإنّ هذا الفضل من عنده على العالمين وللموحّد في ذلك المقام حقّ بأنّ يوفق في نفسه بأنّ ظهور تلك الصّفات في رسل اللّه لم يكن إلّا صفاته تعالى بحيث لن يشهد الفرق بينه وبينهم إلّا أنّ صفاتهم ظهرت بأمره وخلقت بمشيّته وهذا حقّ التّوحيد في هذا المقام قد ألقيناك بالفضل لتكوننّ من الرّاسخين ولن يشهد العارف شيئا لا في السّموات ولا في الأرض إلّا وقد يرى اللّه قائما عليه ويشهد كلّ شيء بلسان سرّه بأنّه لا إله إلّا هو العزيز العظيم ويرتقي العارف إلى مقام يشهد آثار تجلّي اللّه في كلّ شيء وبذلك يثبت على نفسه بأنّه كان ولم يكن معه من شيء فسبحانه وتعالى عمّا يقول هؤلاء المشركين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Then we bear witness that He was unique in His attributes, and all attributes have been cut off from His holy presence, and this is what He ordained for Himself if you are among the knowledgeable ones. Then you should know that the multitudes of the worlds of attributes and names will not be associated with His essence because His attributes are exalted above His essence, and none will know how but He, the Mighty, the Exalted, the Forgiving, the Merciful. And all these names and attributes are returned to His prophets, messengers, and chosen ones because they are the mirrors of the attributes and the horizons of the names. Otherwise, He is exalted in His essence and attributes and manifests all of this in His prophets of the most beautiful names and the highest attributes so that no soul shall be deprived of the knowledge of the attributes in the dominion of the names. And indeed this favor is from Him upon the worlds.

And for the monotheist in this position, it is right that he is in harmony with himself in that the appearance of those attributes in the messengers of Allah was nothing but His attributes, exalted be He, so that he will not witness any difference between Him and them except that their attributes appeared by His command and were created by His will. And this is the truth of monotheism in this position. We have bestowed upon you the favor that you may be among the steadfast ones.

And the knower will not witness anything, neither in the heavens nor on the earth, except that he will see Allah standing upon it and witnessing everything with the tongue of its secret, declaring that there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Great. And the knower ascends to a position where he witnesses the traces of Allah's manifestation in everything, and thereby establishes within himself that He was and there was nothing with Him. So, glory and exalted be He above what these polytheists say. (edit)

وللموحّد حقّ بأن لا يفرّق كلمات اللّه ويشهد بذاته ونفسه بأنّ كلّ الآيات نزلت من عنده وكلّ ما نزّلت على المرسلين حقّ لا ريب فيها وفصّلت من لدى اللّه المهيمن القدير وكلّ الشّرايع فصّلت من نقطة واحدة وشرع من لدى اللّه وترجع إليه ولا فرق بينهما إن أنتم من الموقنين ومع اختلافها في كلّ أعهاد وأعصار لا اختلاف فيها لأنّ كلّها ظهرت من أمر اللّه والأمر واحد في أزل الآزال وهذا ما رقم حينئذ من قلم قدس منير (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) For the monotheist, it is his right not to distinguish between the words of Allah and to bear witness by himself and his own soul that all the verses were revealed from Him. All that was revealed to the messengers is true and there is no doubt in it, and it was detailed from Allah, the Ever-Present, the Omnipotent. All the religious laws were detailed from one point, and were established from Allah and return to Him. There is no difference between them if you are among the certain believers. Despite their differences in all times and ages, there is no disagreement in them because all of them have appeared from the command of Allah, and the command is one in the eternity of eternities. This is what was then engraved with a luminous holy pen. (edit)
وإيّاكم يا ملأ التّوحيد لا تفرّقوا في مظاهر أمر اللّه ولا فيما نزل عليهم من الآيات وهذا حقّ التّوحيد إن أنتم من الموقنين وكذلك في أفعالهم وأعمالهم وكلّما ظهر من عندهم ويظهر من لدنهم كلّ من عند اللّه وكلّ بأمره عاملين ومن فرّق بينهم وبين كلماتهم وما نزل عليهم أو في أحوالهم وأفعالهم في أقلّ ما يحصى لقد أشرك باللّه وآياته وبرسله وكان من المشركين وكذلك نعلّمكم سبل العلم والحكمة لعلّا أنتم في سُرادِق العزّ لتكوننّ من الدّاخلين وكلّما ذكرنا الأمر بينهم من جواهر التّوحيد وحقايق التّفريد هذا لم يكن إلّا في مقام التّنزيل لأنّ كلّهم بدءوا من عند اللّه ويعيدوا إليه وحكموا بأمره ونطقوا بإذنه لذا يثبت حكم التّوحيد عليهم في هذا المقام وكذلك نصرف لكم الآيات لتكوننّ من الموقنين ولكن في مقام الفرق فضّل اللّه بعضهم على بعض كفضل المولى على العبيد وفي هذا المقام فاشهد مقام بعضهم كالنّقطة في صدر الحروفات وكان الحروفات يفصلن عن النّقطة ويدورن حولها كذلك فاعرف مراتب النّبيّين وتشهد بأنّ الّذي جائكم باسم عَلِيٍّ هو النّقطة وتدور في حولها أرواح المرسلين إذا قل في نفسك فتبارك اللّه أحسن الخالقين وتشهد في مقام الأفعال بأنّ كلّها ظهرت بأمره وخلقت بقوله وبعثت بقضائه ويرجع إلى مقام الّذي قدّر لها من عنده ذلك اللّه ربّي وربّكم وربّ آبائكم الأوّلين هل يمكن لأحد أن يحرّك في الملك بغير ما قضى اللّه في الكتاب قل سبحان اللّه كلّ الأشياء محرّكة بأمره وكلّ إليه لراجعين ما من إله إلّا هو يقبض ما يشاء لمن يشاء ويقدّر لكلّ شيء ما يريد وهو المقتدر العليم وما من شيء إلّا وقد أحاط علمه قبل ظهوره وبعد ظهوره وقدّر له ما هو خير له عن كلّ ما في السّموات والأرض وهذا ما رُقِم من قلم حكم حكيم قديرا (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) And I warn you, the people of monotheism, not to split into factions regarding the signs and revelations of Allah Almighty and to realize the truth of monotheism if you are among the believers. Similarly, do not differ in your actions and deeds, and whatever appears from them or through them, since all of it is by the command of Allah. Whoever distinguishes between them and their words or their conditions and actions will have, undoubtedly, associated partners with Allah, His verses, and His messengers, and will be considered one of the polytheists.

We teach you the paths of knowledge and wisdom so that you may stand under the tent of honor, and be among those who enter it. Whenever we mention the matter among them about the essence of monotheism and the truth of uniqueness, it is only in the position of the revelation because they all began with Allah and returned to Him, ruling by His command and speaking by His permission. Thus, the ruling of monotheism is established upon them in this position. So we present to you the verses so that you may be convinced.

However, in the position of distinction, Allah has favored some over others, like a master over his slaves. In this position, witness the status of some of the messengers who are like the point in the center of the alphabet letters. Just as the letters separate from the point and revolve around it, so must you recognize the ranks of the prophets and confess that the one who came to you with the name Ali is the point and around it revolve the souls of the messengers. Exalt Allah, the best of creators, and confess in the position of actions that they all appeared by His command, created by His word, and were sent according to his decree. It returns to the position of the one who has determined it for them from Himself. This is Allah, my Lord, your Lord, and the Lord of your early ancestors.

Can anyone move in the dominion against what Allah has decreed in the Book? Say, “Glory be to Allah!” All things are set into motion by His command, and all shall return to Him. There is no god but He, who takes away what He wants, from whom He wants, and determines for everything what He wants. He is the Omnipotent, the All-Knowing. There is nothing that was not taken by His knowledge before and after its appearance, and has been determined for it what is best for it in everything in the heavens and the earth. This is what has been written by the pen of a wise and powerful authority. (edit)

إيّاكم يا ملأ البيان لا تشتبه عليكم بأنّ الأفعال لو يظهر من عنده كيف يعذّب عباده العصاة في طبقات الجحيم فاعلموا بأنّه تعالى أرسل الرّسل بالحقّ ليأمروا النّاس بالبِرّ والتّقوى وينهوهم عن البغي والفحشاء ويبشّرهم بلقاء اللّه في يوم الّذي فيه تشرق الأنوار من مقعد عزّ منير وهذا ما قضى على الحقّ من عنده على العالمين وبهم عرّفهم سبل الهداية والضّلالة وبيّن لهم بلسان رسله كلّ ما أراد لهم بحيث ما من خير إلّا وهو في كتاب مبين فلمّا بَيَّن لهم الحقّ وأوضح لهم سبل القدس وأظهر لهم مناهج الفردوس أمرهم بكلّ ما يبلغهم إلى هذه المقامات القدسيّة ويقرّبهم إلى اللّه العزيز الحميد وانهيهم عن كلّ ما يضرّهم ولذا يرفع المطيعين إلى رفرف القرب ويضع المستكبرين ثمّ اختارهم في هذين السّبيلين بعد علمهم وعرفانهم سبل الهداية والضّلالة ويمدّهم في كلّ ما يختارونه لأنفسهم وهذا عدل من عنده على كلّ من في الملك أجمعين إذا فاشهد في نفسك بأنّ اللّه ما ظلم نفس على قدر خردل ولن يظلم وإنّه لهو المعطي الواهب الكريم فلمّا ظهر للعباد سبل الحقّ عن الباطل ومناهج الهداية عن الضّلالة يسعدهم في ما يريدون ويجري عليهم القضاء بعد إرادتهم وكذلك نصرف لكم الآيات ونلقي عليكم كلمات الحكمة لتستبشروا بها قلوبكم وقلوب المقرّبين وإنّه تعالى لو يمسك عباده من فعل ويجبرهم على فعل آخر ليكون ظلما من عنده فسبحانه وتعالى من أن يظلم نفس على قدر نقير وقطمير وإنّه بعد قدرته على كلّ شيء وجريان قضائه في كلّ شيء يمد كلّ الممكنات في أفعالهم بعد عرفانهم بالنّور والظّلمة وهذا الفضل من عنده لو أنتم ببصر الحكمة في أسرار الأمر لمن النّاظرين ومن قال بغير ما ألهمناك أو يقول بغير ما ألقيناك فهو مجرم بنص الكتاب وكان اللّه بريء منه إلّا بأنّ يتوب ويرجع إلى الله ويكون من المستغفرين إنّه يغفر من يشاء ويعطي لمن يشاء ويمنع عمّن يشاء ولا يسئل عمّا شاء وبيده ملكوت الأمر والخلق وفي قبضة جبروت السّموات والأرض يحيي ويميت ثمّ يميت ويحيي وإنّه هو حيّ لا يموت ولا يفوت عن علمه شيء وأحاط فضله كلّ الممكنات ويعلم خافية القلوب وما ظهر منها لا إله إلّا هو العالم الغالب الحاكم اللّطيف الخبير (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Beware, O eloquent beings! Do not confuse yourselves with the thought that the actions of people would become clear, showing how He punishes his disobedient slaves in the layers of Hell, and thus, know that the Almighty has sent the messengers with truth so that they may command people to do righteous deeds and observe piety, and forbid them from transgression and immorality. The messengers also give them glad tidings of meeting Allah on the day when the lights will shine from the throne of the Glorious and Illuminated One. This is that which has been decreed as truth from Him for all beings and through them, He has made known the paths of guidance and misguidance and explained to them in the language of His messengers all that He intends for them such that there is no good except in a clear book. Thus, when the truth is made clear to them and the paths of holiness and the ways of paradise are revealed to them, He commands them in all that will lead them to these holy stations and will bring them closer to the Almighty God. He forbids them from all that may harm them, and thus, He raises the obedient ones to the level of nearness and puts down the arrogant ones. He has given them a choice between these two paths after they have learned and recognized the ways of guidance and misguidance, and He supports them in whatever they choose for themselves. This is fairness from Him for everyone in His kingdom; they bear witness in themselves that Allah has not oppressed any being even to the extent of a mustard seed and will never oppress them. He is indeed the giver, the bestower, and the generous. When the paths of truth and falsehood, guidance and misguidance become clear to the servants, Allah will make them happy with what they want and execute His decree upon them after their will. Likewise, we direct to you the verses and cast upon you the words of wisdom so that your hearts and the hearts of your near ones will be filled with joy. Indeed, if the Almighty were to restrain His servants from doing something and force them to do something else, it would be oppression from Him- exalted be He and high above oppressing a being even to the extent of a small fraction, while He is capable of everything and His decree runs through everything. He extends all possibilities in their actions after recognizing the distinction between light and darkness. This is grace from Him. If you were able to witness with the insight of wisdom the secrets of the matter, you would be among the observers. Whoever says other than what we have inspired you or says what we have not revealed to you is a criminal according to the text of the book, and Allah is innocent of them unless they repent and return to Allah, becoming among those who seek forgiveness. Indeed, He forgives whom He wills, gives to whom He wills, and withholds from whom He wills. He is not questioned about what He wills. In His hands are the dominions of command and creation, and within His grasp is the might of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes death, then causes death and gives life again. He is the Ever-Living who does not die, and there is nothing beyond His knowledge. His grace encompasses all possibilities, and He knows the hidden depths of hearts and what is revealed from them. There is no god but Him, the All-Knowing, the Dominant, the Ruler, the Subtle, the Expert. (edit)
ثمّ اعلموا يا ملأ البيان بأنّ اللّه ما أراد لعباده إلّا ما يقلّبهم إلى رفارف القصوى في جبروت البقاء وما قدّر لهم إلّا ما نخلّصهم عن النّفس والهوى ليبقى الملك لنفسه الحقّ ويطهّر الأرض ومن عليها من دنس هؤلاء المشركين ونشهد في مقام التّوحيدالعبادة بأنّ كلّها يرجع إلى اللّه العزيز المتعالى العليم وكلّها ظهرت من أمر واحد من لدن حكيم قدير وبدئت من اللّه وسيعود إليه وكلّ إليه لراجعين وإليه يصعد الكلم الطّيب وكلّ لوجهه لساجدين ويعبده كلّ من في السّموات والأرض وما من شيء إلّا وقد يسبّح بحمده ويخاف من خشيته لا إله إلّا هو العزيز القيوم كلّ الأعناق منقادة لسلطنته وكلّ القلوب خاشعة لأمره وذاكرة بذكره وهو الّذي عبده كلّ شيء ويعبده كلّ من في السّموات والأرضين إنّ الّذينهم استقرّوا على كرسي التّوحيد ومقاعد التّفريد يشهدون في أنفسهم بأنّ كلّ ما يعبد به العباد بارئهم في صوامعهم ومساجدهم نزل من عند اللّه ويرجع إليه لأنّ المعبود واحد سبحانه وتعالى إنّا كلّ له عابدون ولو أنّ العباد يغفلون في عباداتهم وينسون بارئهم ولكن نفس العبادة والأذكار يسرعون إلى بارئهم وخالقهم وكلّ إليه لسارعين وكلّ ما أنتم تشهدون في ملل الأرض وعباداتهم وأذكارهم كلّها فصّلت من لدى اللّه في عهد رسله وسفرائه وكلّ بأمره لعابدين ولكن لمّا احتجبوا عن المقصود وما قدّر اللّه لهم لذا احتجبوا عمّا اختار اللّه لهم في تلك الأيّام الّتي فيه تغنّت لسان الأحديّة بكلّ ألحان جذب بديع فلمّا أعرضوا عن اللّه بعد انتظارهم واختاروا لأنفسهم هذا جرى عليهم حكم القضاء وكان ذلك في صحائف قدس حفيظ ونشهد حينئذ بأنّ مقامات التّوحيد ومراتب التّفريد كلّها ظهرت في جمال عزّ بديع الّذي ظهر في السّتين بأمر اللّه المقتدر الحكيم العليم وإنّه هو الّذي كان واحدا في ذاته وصفاته وأفعاله ولم يكن له شبه ولا ند ولا ضد وكلّ خلقوا بأمره وكلّ بأمره لقائمين ولن يقدر أحد أن يشاركه في أمره ولا يعارضه في حكمه لا يسئل عمّا فعل وكلّ في محضره لراجعين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Then know, O people of eloquence, that Allah does not desire for His servants anything but that which leads them to the highest realms of eternal glory and has ordained for them only that which purifies them from selfishness and vain desires, so that the dominion remains exclusively for the truth itself and the earth and those upon it are purified from the filth of those who associate in worshiping others with Allah. We bear witness in the place of monotheistic worship that it all returns to Allah, the Mighty, the Most High, the All-Knowing, and all things emerged from one command from before the Wise and the Competent. All things began with Allah and will return to Him, and all things to Him are bound. To Him ascends the good word, and all faces prostrate before Him, and all who are in the heavens and the earth worship Him.

There is nothing, but it glorifies Him with praise and fears from His reverence, there is no god but He, the Mighty, the Eternal, all necks are submissive to His sovereignty, and all hearts are humbled to His command and remember His remembrance. He, whom all things worship and all things in the heavens and the earth, those who are established on the throne of monotheism and the seats of abstraction bear witness in themselves that all that is worshiped by the servants in their retreat and mosques has come down from Allah and returns to Him; because the worshiped is one, Glorified and Exalted, we are all worshipers of Him.

If the worshipers are negligent in their worship and forget their Creator, the very act of worship and remembrance hastens them to their Creator and Maker, and all of them are eager to return to Him. All that you witness in the various religious persuasions on earth, their worship and their remembrance has all been explained by Allah in the time of His messengers and envoys and all our worshipers according to His command. But when they were veiled from the intended purpose and what Allah had ordained for them, they were veiled from what Allah had chosen for them in those days in which the unique language of monotheism was adorned with all the beautiful tunes that emanated from it.

When they turned away from Allah after waiting and chose for themselves, the judgment of fate befell them, and that was in the scrolls of the holy preserver. We bear witness then that the stations of monotheism and the degrees of abstraction have all manifested in the beauty which appeared in the sixties by the command of Almighty, the Wise, the All-knowing Allah. Verily, He is the One who is unique in His essence, attributes and actions, and He has neither likeness nor equal nor opposition. All creation exists by His command, and all are established according to His command. No one can share in His command or oppose His decision. He cannot be questioned about what He does, and all are bound by His presence. (edit)

فاستمع يوم يناد المناد في قطب البقاء ويغنّ حمامة الحجاز في شطر العراق ويدعو الكلّ إلى الوثاق وفيه يفتح أبواب الفردوس على وجه الخلائق أجمعين وهذا يوم لن يعقبه ظلمة اللّيل وكانت الشّمس يستضيء منه لأنّه استنار من أنوار وجه منير فواللّه حينئذ يبسط بساط قدس بديع من لدى اللّه العزيز المنيع قل فواللّه إنّه ليوم لن يحمل فيه عرش ربك إلّا نفسه الحقّ وإنّا كنّا بذلك لشاهدين وفيه يكشف مقامات لن يذكر فيها التّوحيد ولن يصل إليها حقائق التّفريد ولن يطير في هوائها أعلي معارف العارفين إلّا من شاء ربّك فهنيئا لمن قرّت عيناه في هذا اليوم بلقاء اللّه الملك المتعالي العزيز (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) So listen on the day when the caller calls at the axis of eternity, and the dove of Hejaz sings in the land of Iraq, and everyone is invited to join in. On this day, the gates of paradise will open for all creatures, and it will be a day where darkness will not follow. The sun will shine from it because it has taken its light from the radiant face. By Allah, a unique and sacred carpet will be spread, from Allah the Almighty and the protected. Say, by Allah, it will indeed be a day when none will bear the throne of your Lord except Himself, and we shall be witnessing it. In it, positions will be revealed where the unity of God will not be mentioned, and the truths of the individuality will not reach, and the highest knowledge of the knowledgeable will not fly in it except by the will of your Lord. So congratulations to those whose eyes will be delighted on this day by meeting Allah, the King, the Exalted, the Mighty. (edit)
قل يا ملأ المشرق والمغرب إنّ هذه لنغمات يذكر من ألحان حين الّذي مرّت على وادي السّناء في سيناء الرّوح بقعة الّتي لن يذكر فيها إلّا اللّه العزيز اللّطيف وإذا وردت فيها أخذت حرف السّين من وادي الأولى لحبّ الّذي اتّصل بينها في ذرّ البقاء إذا ظهرت حروفات المجتمعات في عوالم الأسماء والصّفات بأمره من لدى اللّه العزيز الجميل قل هذه لمدينة لو يدخل فيها المريض ليشفى ويطيب أقرب من أن يجري على اللّسان اسم الحين ولو يمرّ عليها ملكوت الأسماء لتصير كلّها أعظما وتحكي كلّها عن اللّه بحيث باسم منها ينقلب كلّ من في السّموات والأرضين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Say, O people of the East and the West, that this is truly a melody reminiscent of the tunes when it passed through the Valley of Sanaa in the Sinai of the soul, a place where only the name of Allah, the Mighty, the Subtle, is mentioned. And when it enters therein, it takes the letter "Seen" from the first valley for the love that connected them in the grain of existence, when the letters of the communities appeared in the worlds of names and attributes by His command from Allah, the Mighty, the Beautiful. Say, this is a city wherein if the sick enters, he will be cured and healed faster than the utterance of the name of the present time. And if the kingdom of names passes over it, all of them would become greater and all of them would narrate about Allah, so that with one of their names, everyone in the heavens and the earth would turn upside down. (edit)
وإنّك أنت يا سلمان فاجهد في نفسك لتدخل في هذه المدينة وإن لن تقدر على الدّخول فاسمع بروحك لعلّ تمرّ في حولها ويهب عليك من نسائم الّتي يخرج منها فواللّه هذا خير لك عن ملك الأوّلين والآخرين وهذا أمري عليك وعلى الّذين هم صعدوا إلى مقرّ سلطان مبين وإذا دخلت أرض الصّاد ذكّر حرف الزّاء بأذكار قدس منيع قل فاستمع ما تغنّ عليك حمامة القدس حين الّذي تطير من هواء إلى هواء عزّ رفيع ولا تضطرب عن ذلك لأنّ فيه سرّ الأسرار إن أنت من المستبصرين فتوكّل على اللّه في أمرك ولا تخف من أحد ولا تكن من الخائفين هذا ما أخبرناك به من قبل في ألواح قدس حفيظ قلّب بوجهك وقلبك إلى اللّه الملك العزيز الكريم فواللّه لن ينقطع نداء اللّه في وقت وينادي بأعلي الصّوت على كلّ حين ومن طهّر أذناه من كلمات الخلق يسمع النّداء في جبروت العزّة ولن يلتفت إلى أحد في الملك وليستجذب من نداء اللّه وتقلّب إلى مكمن قدس مكين وكذلك ذكّر الميم من لدنّا بأذكار عزّ بديع وإذا وردت أرض الشّين فانشر تلك الألواح بين يدي الّذينهم آمنوا بها ليتذكّرن بها ويكوننّ من المتذكّرين فمن يتذكّر بها ليكون خير له عن كلّ ما خلق من أيدي القدرة في جبروت عزّ مبين لأنّ فيها لن يشهد إلّا اللّه وحده وما دونه خلق بحرف منها إن أنتم من العارفين وكذلك مننّا عليك يا سلمان بما ألقيناك قول الحقّ وبيّنّا لك أسرار التّوحيد وهديناك إلى هذا السّبيل الّذي فيه جرى السّلسبيل من هذا المعين ولا ينفذ بدوام أمر اللّه ولا يبيد في أبد الآبدين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Translation: And verily you, O Salman, strive with your soul to enter this city, and if you are unable to enter it, listen with your spirit, perhaps you will pass near it and the breezes that emanate from it will blow upon you. By Allah, this is better for you than the kingdom of the ancients and the latters! This is my command to you and to those who have ascended to the abode of the manifest Sultan. And when you enter the land of Saad, remember the letter Zaa with invocations of the impregnable holiness. Say and listen to what the dove of holiness sings to you when it flies from air to air, lofty and exalted. Do not be disturbed by this, for in it is the secret of secrets, if you are among the insightful. Trust in Allah in your affairs, do not fear anyone, and do not be among the fearful. This is what we informed you of before in the tablets of preserving holiness. Turn your face and heart to Allah, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Generous. By Allah, the call of Allah will not be cut off at any time, and He will call with the loudest voice at all times. Whoever purifies their ears from the words of creation, they hear the call in the might of glory and will not pay attention to anyone in the kingdom, they will be attracted by the call of Allah and turn to the hidden sanctuary of holiness. Likewise, remind Meem of the invocations of the exalted wonder, and when you reach the land of Sheen, spread those tablets before the hands of those who have believed in it so that they may be reminded by it and become among the mindful. Whoever remembers it will have better than everything created by the hands of the Power in the clear might of glory, for in it none shall witness but Allah alone, and below Him, creation with a letter from it, if you are among the knower. It is from us that we have bestowed upon you, O Salman, the truth and explained to you the secrets of monotheism, and guided you to this path wherein flows the Salsabil from this spring, which will not cease with the continuous command of Allah and will not perish in the eternity of eternities. (edit)
ثمّ اعلم يا سلمان بأنّ الّذينهم ما اتّصفوا بصفات التّوحيد لن يصدق عليهم اسم الموحّد إن أنتم من الشّاعرين ولن يتمّ لأحد حكم التّوحيد بالقول وأنتم يا ملأ البيان فاجهدوا في أنفسكم لتكونوا بصفات اللّه لمن المتّصفين ومن لم يهب منه نسمات اللّه وصفاته لن يفوز بهذا المقام ولن يعدّ من الموحّدين إذا نختم القول بأنّه لا إله إلّا هو وإنّا كلّ عباد له وكلّ إليه لراجعين والحمد للّه ربّ العالمين (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Then know, O Salman, that those who do not possess the qualities of monotheism will not be considered as monotheists, even if you are among the poets. No one will attain the status of monotheism by merely saying it, so you, O eloquent ones, should strive hard within yourselves to possess the qualities of Allah to be among those who are characterized by them. Whoever does not receive the breaths of Allah and His attributes will not achieve this status and will not be counted among the monotheists. We conclude by saying that there is no god but He, and we are all His servants, and to Him we shall all return. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. (edit)
20 Nothing entered yet... (edit) Nothing entered yet... (edit)