Lawh-i-Salman I/Page1

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Paragraph Persian Authorized GPT4_
ای سلمان * از شهر جان بنسايم قدس رحمن بر اهل اکوان و امکان مرور نما * و بقدم استقامت و جناحيَن انقطاع و قلب مشتعل بنار محبة اللّه سائر شو تا بردِ شِتا در تو اثر نکند و تو را از سير در وادی أحديّه منع ننمايد * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, let's soar from the city of the soul to the holy paradise of the Merciful, to the people of the universe and the possibilities. Allow us to pass, with feet of perseverance and wings of detachment, and a heart ablaze with the love of God. Keep walking until the cold of winter has no effect on you and it does not prevent you from journeying in the valley of oneness. (edit)
ای سلمان * اين أيّام مظهر کلمه محکمه ثابته لا إِله إلّا هو است * چه که حرف نفی باسم إثبات بر جوهر إثبات و مظهر آن مقدّم شده و سبقت گرفته و احدی از أهل إبداع تا حال باين لطيفه ربّانيّه ملتفت نشده و آنچه مشاهده نموده که لم يزل حروفات نفی علی الظّاهر بر أحرف اثبات غلبه نموده‌اند از تأثير اين کلمه بود که مُنزل آن نظر بحکمتهای مستوره در اين کلمه جامعه نفی را مقدّم داشته * و اگر ذکر حکمتهای مقنعه مغطّئه نمايم البتّه ناسرا منصعق بل ميّت مشاهده خواهی نمود * انچه در ارض مشاهده مينمائی ولو در ظاهر مخالف اراده ظاهريّه هياکل امريّه واقع شود و لکن در باطن کل باراده الهيه بوده و خواهد بود * اگر نفسی بعد از ملاحظه اين لوح در کلمه مذکوره تفکّر نمايد بحِکَمی مطّلع شود که از قبل نشده چه که صورت کلمات مخزن حقند و معانی مودعه در آن لآلئ علميّه سلطان أحديّه و يد عصمت إلهيّه ناس را از اطّلاع بآن منع ميفرمايد * و چون إرادة اللّه تعلّق گرفت و يد قدرت ختم آنرا گشود بعد ناس بآن ملتفت ميشوند * مثلا در کلمات فرقان ملاحظه نما که جميع خزائن علميّه جمال قِدَم جلّ و عزّ بوده و جميع علماء در کل ليالی و أيّام قراءت مينمودند و تفاسير مينوشتند مع ذلک قادر بر اينکه حرفی از لآلئ مستوره در کنوز کلماتيّه ظاهر نمايند نبوده‌اند * و إذا جاءَ الوعد دست قدرت ظهور قبلم ختم خزائن أو را علی شأن النّاس و استعداد هم حرکت داد * لذا أطفال عصر که حرفی از علوم ظاهره ادراک ننموده بر اسرار مکنونه علی قدرهم اطّلاع يافتند بشأنيکه طفلی علمای عصر را در بيان ملزم مينمود * اينست قدرت يد إلهيّه و احاطه اراده سلطان أحديّه * اگر نفسی در اين بيان مذکور تفکّر نمايد مشاهده مينمايد که ذرّه از ذرّات حرکت نمی کند مگر باراده حق و احدی بحر فی عارف نشده مگر بمشيّت او * تعالی شأنه و تعالی قدرته و تعالی سلطنته و تعالی عظمته و تعالی أمره و تعالی فضله علی من فی ملکوت السّموات و الأرض * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, * these days, the manifestation of the firm word is evidenced by "La ilaha illa Hu (There is no god but He)". What that means is that the word of negation (denial of false gods) has taken precedence over the word of affirmation (belief in one true God) because of its essential nature and its manifestation. Until now, none of the innovators have paid attention to this divine subtlety, and what has been observed is that the letters of negation on the surface have always prevailed over the letters of affirmation. This is because the divine wisdom has concealed the effect of this word and has given priority to the collection of negations. If I mention the convincing and fully encompassing wisdoms, surely one would be astonished, even dead, from witnessing them. What you observe on earth, even if apparently contrary to the outward will, is the result of temporary circumstances. However, in essence, it has always been and will always be in accordance with the divine will. If one reflects upon this tablet and contemplates the mentioned word, they will become informed by a divine decree like never before. This is because the words are the treasure of truth, and the meanings deposited within them are the pearls of divine science. The supreme one, through the hand of divine protection, prevents people from gaining knowledge about them. When the will of God takes effect, and the hand of power opens the seal, people will then turn their attention to it. For example, in the words of the Qur'an, all the treasuries of divine knowledge and beauty existed, and throughout nights and days, scholars read and wrote commentaries about them. Yet, they were incapable of manifesting even a single letter of the concealed pearls within the treasures of these words. When the promised one appears, the hand of power will unlock the treasures for people according to their own capacity and readiness. Thus, even the children of this age, who have not grasped the external sciences, will become informed about the hidden secrets according to their ability, to the extent that a child would challenge the scholars of this age in expressing them. This is the power of the divine hand and the encompassing nature of the will of the supreme one. If someone contemplates on this mentioned statement, they will observe that not a single atom moves except by the divine will, and no one becomes aware of an ocean unless it is by His permission. Exalted is His rank, exalted is His power, exalted is His sovereignty, exalted is His greatness, exalted is His command, and exalted is His favor upon those in the heavens and the earth. (edit)
ای سلمان * قلم رحمن ميفرمايد در اين ظهور حرف نفی را از أوّل إثبات برداشتم و حکم آن لو شاء اللّه از سماء مشيَّت نازل خواهد شد * و بعد ارسال خواهيم داشت * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, the pen of Rahman says: In this manifestation, I have removed the negative from the affirmation, and if Allah wills, the decree will be revealed from the sky of His will. And then, we will have our sending. (edit)
ای سلمان * أحزان بشأنی احاطه نموده که لسان رحمن از ذکر مطالب عاليه ممنوع شده * قسم بمربّی امکان که أبواب رضوان معانی از ظلم مشرکين مسدود گشته و نسائم علميّه از يمن عزّ أحديّه مقطوع شده * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, such sorrows have surrounded me that the tongue of Rahman (the Merciful) is prevented from mentioning sublime matters. I swear by the Nurturer of possibilities that the doors of divine pleasure have been closed due to the oppression of the polytheists, and the breezes of divine knowledge from the right hand of exalted oneness have been cut off. (edit)
ای سلمان * بلايايم علی الظّاهر از قبل و بعد بوده منحصر باين أيّام مدان * نفسيرا که در شهور و سنين بيد رحمت تربيت فرمودم بر قتلم قيام نمود * اگر از اسرار قبل ذکر نمايم مطّلع ميشوی که لم يزل بعضی از عباد که بکلمه امريّه خلق شده‌اند با حق بمعارضه بر خواستند و از بدائع امرش تخلّف نمودند ملاحظه در هاروت و ماروت نما که دو عبد مقرّب الهی بودند از غايت تقديس بمَلَک موسوم گشتند باراده محيطه از عدم بوجود آمدند و در ملکوت سموات و ارض ذکرشان مذکور و آثارشان مشهور * و بشأنی عند اللّه مقرّب بودند که لسان عظمت بذکر شان ناطق بود تا بمقامی رسيدند که خود را أتقی و أعلی و أزهد از کل عباد مشاهده نمودند * بعد نسيمی از شطر امتحان وزيد و بأسفل نيران راجع شدند * و تفصيل اين دو مَلَک آنچه ما بين ناس مذکور است اکثری کذب و از شاطئ صدق بعيد است * و عندنا علم کلّ شئ فی ألواح عزّ محفوظ * و مع ذلک احدی بر حق اعتراض ننموده از امم آن عصر که حق جلّ کبرياؤه بعد از بلوغ اين دو مَلَک بمقامات قدس قرب چرا اينمقامرا اخذ فرمود * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, my trials have been apparent from before and after, limited to these days only. Know that throughout the months and years, I have been nurtured by mercy. I have risen to kill because if I mention the secrets of the past, I shall be informed that some of the servants who have been created by the Almighty's command have always wanted to oppose the truth and deviated from the innovations of His command. Look at Harut and Marut, who were two divine servants, so holy that they came to be called angels. They were surrounded by the ocean of non-existence and came into existence, their mention recorded in the heavens and earth, and their traces famous.

They were so close to God that the tongue of His greatness spoke of their fame until they reached a position where they saw themselves as the most pious, highest, and most devoted of all the servants. Then a breeze from the lust of temptation blew and they were thrown into the lowest flames. The details of these two angels, which are mentioned among people, are mostly lies and far from the truth. We have knowledge of everything in the preserved tablets of glory.

Nevertheless, no one has objected to the truth about why the nations of that time did not take this position after the maturity of these two angels to the positions of the sanctity and closeness to God. (edit)

ای سلمان * بگو باهل بيان که سلسال باقيه الهيّه و کوثر دائمه ربّانيّه را بماء ملحيّه تبديل مکنيد ونغمات عندليب بقا را از سمع محو منمائيد * در ظلّ سحاب رحمت منبسطه مشی کنيد * و در سايه سدره فضل ساکن شويد * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Hey Salman, tell those who speak that you should not turn the everlasting heavenly chain and the eternal divine Kauthar into salty water, and do not erase the melodies of the immortal nightingale from hearing. Walk in the shadow of the expanding cloud of mercy and reside in the shade of the divine Sidra tree. (edit)
ای سلمان * لم يزل حق بظاهر بين ناس حکم فرموده و جميع نبيّين و مرسلين مأمور بوده که ما بين بريّه بظاهر حکم نمايند و جز اين جائز نه * مثلا ملاحظه نما نفسی حال مؤمن و موحّد است و شمس توحيد در او تجلّی فرموده بشأنيکه مقرّ و معترف است بجميع اسما و صفات الهی و شهادت ميدهد بآنچه جمال قدم شهادت داده لنفسه بنفسه در اين مقام کلّ أوصاف در حق او جاری و صادق است بلکه احدی قادر بر وصف او علی ما هو عليه إلّا اللّه نبوده و کلّ اين اوصاف راجع ميشود بآن تجلّی که از سلطان مجلّی بر أو إشراق فرموده * در اين مقام اگر نفسی از او اعراض نمايد از حق اعراض نموده چه که در او ديده نميشود مگر تجلّيات الهی ماداميکه در اين مقام باقيست * اگر کلمه دون خير در باره او گفته شود قائل کاذب بوده و خواهد بود * و بعد از اعراض آن تجلّی که موصوف بود و جميع اين اوصاف راجع باو بمقرّ خود باز گشت * ديگر آن نفس نفس سابق نيست تا آن اوصاف در او باقی ماند * و اگر ببصر حديد ملاحظه شود آن لباسيرا هم که پوشيده آن لباس قبل نبوده و نخواهد بود * چه که مؤمن در حين إيمان أو باللّه و إقرار باو لباسش اگر از قطن خَلَقَهْ باشد عند اللّه از حرير جنّت محسوب * و بعد از اعراض از قطران نار و جحيم * در اينصورت اگر کسی وصف چنين نفسيرا نمايد کاذب بوده و عند اللّه از أهل نار مذکور * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, the truth has always been apparent among people, and all prophets and messengers have been commanded to rule justly among their people. It is not permissible for anyone else to do so. For example, consider the state of a believer and a monotheist, in whom the sun of monotheism shines so that they admit and acknowledge all the divine names and attributes. They bear witness to all that the beauty of their existence bears witness to themselves. In this position, all descriptions of them are true and valid; in fact, no one is capable of describing them as they truly are except God Himself. All these descriptions are related to the divine manifestation that the sovereign has bestowed upon them.

In this position, if someone denies them, they have actually denied the truth, because what is seen in them is nothing but divine manifestations as long as they remain in this position. If even a word of good is said about them, the speaker of it would have been and will be a liar.

After denunciation, (the person's) description returns to being ordinary, and all the attributes attributed to them earlier cease to apply. The person is no longer the same as before, and those attributes do not remain in them. If one looks with the eye of discernment, they can see that the person who wore that garment before has not, and will not wear it again. A believer, while in faith and admitting God and believing in Him, even if their clothes are made of cotton, are considered heaven's silk in the eyes of the Lord. But after denying, their garment turns into the tar and flame of Hell.

In such a case, if someone describes such a person in the earlier flattering terms, they would be considered a liar, and in God's eyes, they are among the people of Hell's fire. (edit)

ای سلمان * دلائل اين بيان را در کلّ اشياء بنفسه لنفسه وديعه گذاشته‌ام * مع ذلک بسيار عجب است که ناس بآن ملتفت نشده‌اند و در ظهور اينگونه امور لغزيده‌اند * ملاحظه در سراج کن تا وقتيکه روشن و منير و مشتعل است اگر نفسی انکار نور آن نمايد البتّه کاذب است * و لکن بعد از ان که نسيمی بوزد و او را منطفی نمايد اگر بگويد مضیء است کاذب بوده و خواهد بود * مع انکه مشکاة و شمع در حين ضياء و دون آن يکی بوده و خواهد بود * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) O Salman, I have placed the reasons for this statement in all things, each by itself. Yet, it is very surprising that people have not paid attention to it and have slipped in the manifestation of such matters. Observe the lamp while it is bright and luminous and burning; if someone denies the light of it, he is surely a liar. However, after the breeze blows and extinguishes it, if someone says it is shining, he has been and will be a liar. Although the niche and the candle have been and will be the same during light and darkness. (edit)
ای سلمان * اليوم کل اشيا را مرايا مشاهده نما چه که خلق بيک کلمه خلق شده‌اند و در صقع واحد بين يدی اللّه قائمند * و اگر جميع باين شمس عزّ باقی که از أفق قدس أبهی إشراق فرموده توجّه نمايند در جميع تجلّی شمس بهيئته مرتسم و منطبع * در اين صورت جميع اوصاف و صفات شمس بر آن مرايا صادق چه که ديده نميشود در آن مرايا مگر شمس و ضياء آن * و بر عارف بصير مبرهن است که اين اوصاف مرايا لنفسه بنفسه نبوده بلکه کل أوصاف راجع است بآن تجلّی که از مشرق عنايت شمس در آن مرايا ظاهر و مشرق شده * و ماداميکه اين تجلّی باقی اوصاف باقی و بعد از محو آن تجلّی از صور مرايا وصف واصفين آن مرايا را کذب صرف و افک محض بوده و خواهد بود * لأنّ الأسماءَ و الصّفات يَطُوفُنّ حول تجلّي الّذی أشرق من الشّمس لا حول المرايا بنفسهنّ لنفسهنّ * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) O Salman, today observe everything in the mirror, for they were created by a single word and are established as one in the presence of God. And if they all pay attention to this magnificent sun that has risen from the horizon of the divine sanctity, they will all be reflected and imprinted in every manifestation of the sun. In this way, all the characteristics and qualities of the sun are true upon that mirror, for what is seen in that mirror is nothing but the sun and its light. And it is proven to the discerning mystic that these qualities of the mirror are not due to itself, but rather to that manifestation which has appeared and shone forth from the eastern horizon of the sun's favor in that mirror.

And as long as this manifestation remains, these qualities shall endure, and after the erasure of this disclosure from the mirror image, the description regarding these qualities of the mirror shall be considered as mere falsehood and utter fabrication. For the names and attributes revolve around the manifestation that shone forth from the sun, not around the mirror by themselves for their own sake. (edit)

ای سلمان * عزّت کل اسما و رفعت آن و عظمت و اشتهار آن بنسبتها الی اللّه بوده * مثلا ملاحظه نما در بيوتيکه بين ملل مختلفه مرتفع شده و جميع آن بيوترا طائفند و از اماکن بعيده بزيارت آن بيوت ميروند * و اين واضح است که احترام اين بيوت بعلّت آن بوده که جمال قِدَم جلّ اجلالُه بخود نسبت داده با انکه کل عارفند که جمال قِدَم محتاج به بيتی نبوده و نخواهد بود * و نسبت کل اماکن بذات مقدّسش علی حدّ سواء بوده * بلکه اين بيوت و امثال آنرا سبب فوز و فلاح عباد خود قرار فرموده تا جميع ناسرا از بدايع فضل خود محروم نفرمايد * فَطُوْبَی لِمَن اتَّبَعَ أَمْرَ اللّه وَ عَمِلَ بِمَا أُمْرَ مِنْ لَدُنْه وَ کَانَ مِنَ الفَائِزِينَ * و اين بيوت و طائفين آن عند اللّه معزّزند ماداميکه اين نسبت منقطع نشده * و بعد از انقطاع نسبت اگر نفسی طائف شود طائف نفس خود بوده و از اهل نار عند اللّه محسوب * و هم چنين در بيوت انفسيَّه ملاحظه نما که بعد از اعراض حکم صنم بر او جاری و عاکفانش عند اللّه از عبده أصنام بوده و خواهند بود * حال تفکّر نما که اين بيوت در حين نسبتها الی اللّه و بعد از انقطاع نسبت بيک صورت بوده و خواهند بود * و صورت ظاهره اين بيوت در دو حالت بيک نحو مشاهده ميشود بشأنيکه در ظاهر اين بيوت چه در حين نسبت و چه در دون آن أبدا تغيير ملحوظ نه * و لکن در حين قطع نسبت روح خفيّه مستوره از آن بيوت اخذ ميشود * و لا يدرکه إلّا العارفون * و هم چنين در کل مظاهر اسماء که بيوت انفسيّه‌اند ملاحظه کن * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, the honor of every name and its elevation and greatness and fame is in relation to God. For example, observe the houses that have been raised among different nations, all of which are considered sacred, and people visit them from distant places. It is clear that the respect for these houses is due to their association with the beauty of the divine footsteps, even though every wise person knows that the beauty of the divine footsteps is not in need of any house, nor will it ever be. But the relationship of all places to His holy essence has been equal. Rather, He has placed these houses and similar ones as a means of salvation and prosperity for His servants so that He does not deprive all of His creation of the manifestations of His grace. Blessed is the one who follows God's command and does what he has been ordained to do and is among the successful ones.

These houses and their pilgrims are honored by God, as long as this relationship is not severed, and after the severance of the relationship, if someone becomes a pilgrim, he will only be a pilgrim to himself and will be counted among the people of hell in the sight of God. Similarly, observe the houses of the souls that, after turning away from God's rule, have become idols, and their worshippers in the sight of God are among the idolatrous servants and will continue to be so.

Reflect on how these houses have been the same in both their relationship with God and after the severance of that relationship, and their outward appearance remains the same, so that their outward appearance is observed in the same way in both states, such that there is no noticeable change in the outward appearance of these houses, whether in their relationship or otherwise. But during the cutting of the relationship, the hidden and covered spirit is taken away from these houses, and only the wise ones can comprehend it. Similarly, observe in all the manifestations of the names that are the houses of the souls. (edit)

ای سلمان * در کلمات رحمن بقلب طاهر و بصر مقدّس مشاهده نما و تفکّر کن که لعلّ بمراد اللّه فائز شوی * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) O Salman, observe the words of the Merciful with a pure heart and a holy sight, and reflect so that you may perhaps achieve the will of God. (edit)
ای سلمان * در حين خروج از عراق لسان اللّه جميع را اخبار فرمود که سامری ظاهر خواهد شد و عجل بنداء آيد و طيور ليل بعد از غيبت شمس البتّه بحرکت آيند * آن دو که ظاهر شدند * و لکن عن قريب طيور ليل بدعوی ربوبيّت و الوهيّت برخيزند * و لکن نسأل اللّه بأن يعرّفَ النّاسَ أنفسَهم لئلّا يتجاوزوا عن حدّهم و شأنهم و يذکرون اللّهَ بهذا الذّکر الأعظم و ينصرون اللّه بکلّ جوارحهم و أرکانهم و يکوننّ کالأعلام بين السّموات و الأرضين * أن اسکنوا يا قوم فی ظلّ اللّه ثمّ استقرّوا علی مقاعدکم بسکينة اللّه و وقار عظيم * و تمسّکوا بحبل العبوديّة * للّه الحقّ إنّها لَشأن لا يعادله ما خلق بين السّموات و الأرضين * و بها يظهر أمر اللّه بين عباده و بريّته و من تمسّک بها فی تلک الأيّام لَنَصرَ اللّهَ حقّ النّصر و من تخلّف عنها فقد استکبر علی اللّه و لن يستکبرَ إلّا کلُّ معتد أثيم * إن شاءَ اللّه جميع در ظلّ جمال قِدَم ساکن و مستريح باشند و بشطر او ناظر و إنّ هذا لفضل عظيم * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) O Salman, during his exit from Iraq, the tongue of God informed everyone that Samri would appear and hasten to summons, and the birds of the night would move after the disappearance of the sun. Those two appeared however soon the night birds would rise under the pretext of lordship and divinity. Nevertheless, we ask God to make people know themselves, lest they should exceed their limits and their affairs, and remember God with this great remembrance, and assist God with all their limbs and pillars, and be like banners between heaven and earth. Dwell, O people, in the shade of God, then settle on your seats with the tranquility of God and great dignity. And hold on to the rope of servitude. By God, the truth is surely a matter unequaled by anything created between heaven and earth. By it, the command of God will be revealed among his servants and his creatures, and whoever adheres to it in those days will truly support God, and whoever lags behind it will be arrogant to God, and none will be arrogant but every transgressor is sinful. If God wills, all will dwell and rest in the shadow of the beauty of his presence and look towards his side, and indeed this is a great bounty. (edit)
و اينکه از معنی شعر سؤال نمودی اگر چه قلم امر اقبال بر اينکه بر معانی شعر حرکت نمايد نداشته چه که اليوم بحور معانی بکينونتها و اصلها ظاهر شده ديگر احتياج بکلمات قبل نبوده و نيست بلکه کل ذی علم و حکمت و عرفان از قبل و بعد محتاج باين بحور متموّجه بديعه بوده وخواهند بود * و لکن نظر بخواهش تو مختصری ذکر ميشود و از قلم قِدَم علی ما اراد اللّه جاری ميگردد* (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) And now that you have asked about the meaning of the poem, although the pen of good fortune has not been able to move on the meanings of the poem, today, with the ocean of meanings and their roots revealed, there is no longer any need for previous words. Rather, all people of knowledge, wisdom, and mysticism, before and after, have needed and will need to be with these wondrous, undulating oceans. But a brief account of your request will be mentioned and, with the permission of God, the pen will proceed on what it intends. (edit)
سؤال : - چونکه بيرنگی اسير رنگ شد * موسی با موسی در جنگ شد (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Question: Since color turned into a prisoner of color, Moses became in conflict with Moses. (edit)
ای سلمان * عرفا را در امثال اين مقالات بيانات بسيار است بعضی حقّرا بحر و خلقرا امواج فرض گرفته * و اختلاف أمواج را ميگويند از صُوَر است * و صور حادث است و بعد از خَلْع صُوَر ْ جميع ببحر راجع * يعنی حقيقت بحرند * و در صُوَرْ هم بعضی بيانات ديگر نموده‌اند که ذکر آن در اين مقام جائز نه * وهم چنين حقرا مداد و سائر اشيا را بمنزله حروفات ذکر نموده‌اند * و گفته‌اند همان حقيقت مداد است که بصُوَر مختلفه حروفات ظاهر شده و اين صُوَرْ در حقيقت مداد واحد بوده * و اوّل را مقام وحدت و ثانيرا مقام کثرت گفته‌اند * و هم چنين حقرا واحد و اشيا را بمنزله اعداد * و حقرا آب و اشيا را بمنزله ثلج چنانچه گفته‌اند* (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, there are many statements about Arifa in examples like these articles. Some have considered the essence of the sea and its waves as creatures, and they say that the difference in the waves is due to their forms. And forms are accidents, and after the removal of all forms, everything returns to the sea, meaning they are the essence of the sea. And in the forms, they have shown some other statements that it is not permissible to mention in this place. In the same way, they have mentioned the essence as a pencil and other objects as letters and said that the same essence of the pencil appears in different forms of letters, and these forms are, in fact, the essence of the same pencil. They called the first the place of unity and the second the place of plurality. In the same way, they considered the essence as one and objects as numbers, and the essence as water, and objects as ice, as they have said. (edit)
و در مقامی ديگر گفته‌اند: (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) And in another place they said: (edit)
باری جميع اشيا را مظاهر تجلّی ذاتی حق ميدانند * و تجلّی را هم سه قسم ذکر نموده‌اند * ذاتی و صفاتی و فعلی * و قيام اشيا را بحق قيام ظهوری دانسته‌اند * و اگر اين مطالب بتمامها ذکر شود سامعين را بشأنی کسالت اخذ نمايد که از عرفان جوهر علم محروم مانند * و هم چنين بکون اعيان ثابته در ذات قائل شده‌اند * چنانکه يکی از حکمای عارف گفته ( حقائقُ الأشياء کائنةٌ فی ذاته تعالی بنحو أشرف ثمّ أفاضها ) چه که معطی شئ را فاقد شئ ندانسته‌اند و ميگويند محال است * چنانچه ابن عرب در اين مطلب شرحی مبسوط نوشته * و حکمای عارفين و متأخّرين بمثل صدر شيرازی و فيض و أمثالهما در رَضْراضْ ساقيه ابن عرب مشی نموده‌اند * فطوبی لمن يمشی علی کثيب الأحمر فی شاطئ هذا البحر الّذی بموج من أمواجه مُحِيَتِ الصُّوَرُ و الأشباح عمّا توهّموه القوم * فيا حبّذا لمن عَرَّی نفسَه عن کلّ الإشارات و الدِّلالات و سَبَحَ فی هذا البحر و غمراته و وصل بحيتان المعانی و لآلئ حِکَمِه التي خلقت فيه * فَنَعِيمًا لِلْفَائِزِينَ * و هر نفسيکه معتقد بر بيانات عرفا بوده و در آن مسلک سالک شده موسی و فرعون هر دو را از مظاهر حق دانسته * منتهی آنست که اوَّل را مظهر اسم هادی و عزيز و أمثال آن * و ثانيرا مظهر اسم مُضِلّ و مُذِلّ و أمثال آن * و لذا حکم جدال ما بين اين دو محقّق * و بعد از خلع تعيّنات بشريّه هر دو را واحد دانسته‌اند چنانچه در اصل جميع اشيا را واحد ميدانند * و مجمل آن از قبل ذکر شد * اين مطالب قوم که بعضی از آن مجملا بيان شد و لکن * ای سلمان قلم رحمن ميفرمايد * اليوم مثبت و محقّق اين بيانات و مُبْطِل آن در يکدرجه واقف چه که شمس حقيقت بنفسها مشرق و از أفق سماء لا يزال لايح است * و هر نفسيکه بذکر اين بيانات مشغول شود البتّه از عرفان جمال رحمن محروم ماند * ربيع تحقيق أوهام زمان غيبت است * و اليوم ربيع مکاشفه و لقاء * قل أنِ ارْتَعُوا يا قومُ فی تلک الأيّام فی رياض المکاشفة و الشّهود ثمّ دعوا الأوهامَ * کذلک أمرکم قلمُ اللّه المهيمن القيّوم * ذکر جميع علوم برای عرفان معلوم بوده و بيان ادلّه مخصوص اثبات مدلول * حال الحمد للّه که شمس معلوم از أفق سماء قيّوم مشرق * و قمر مدلول در سماء امر ظاهر و لائح قلبرا از کلّ إشارات مقدّس کن و شمس معانيرا در سماء قدس روحانی بچشم ظاهر مشاهده نما و تجلّيات اسمائيّه و صفاتيّه ‌اشرا در ما سواه ملاحظه کن تا بجميع علوم و مبدأ و منبع و معدن آن فائز شوی * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) The scholars consider everything as manifestations of the essential self-disclosure of the Divine. They have mentioned three types of self-disclosure: essential, attributive, and active. They have considered the existence of things in relation to the Divine as a form of appearance. If all these matters are mentioned in detail, it may cause listeners to become alienated from the essence of knowledge. They also believe in the existence of fixed entities within the Divine Essence. One wise scholar has said, "The realities of things exist in the Divine Essence in a most sublime way, then He bestows them upon creation." They do not consider the Giver of things as lacking anything and believe it is impossible. Ibn Arabi has written an extensive explanation on this subject. The wise scholars and latter-day scholars, like Sadr al-Shirazi and Fayd, have followed the same path as Ibn Arabi.

Fortunate are those who walk on the red slope on the shore of this sea, where the images and apparitions are renewed by each wave. How pleasant it is for those who strip themselves of all signs and indications and dive into this ocean, its depths, and reach the whale of meanings and pearls of its wisdom, which were created in it. Congratulations to the winners!

Every soul who believes in mystical explanations and has traveled on that path, considers both Moses and Pharaoh as manifestations of the Divine. However, they consider the former as a manifestation of the names such as Guide, Mighty, and the like, and the latter as a manifestation of names such as Misguider, Humiliator, and the like. Therefore, the dispute between the two is justified, and after removing human determinations, they regard both as one, just as they regard the essence of all things as one. The summary of these matters has been mentioned before.

Some of the people, of which only a few have been briefly mentioned here, but O Salman, the Pen of Rahman states that today, the supporters and deniers of these statements are on the same level, since the sun of truth is shining by itself not from an eternal unseen horizon. Every soul who is preoccupied with these explanations will, of course, be deprived of the recognition of the beauty of Rahman. The spring of the investigation of illusions is the time of absence, and today is the spring of uncovering and encounter. Say, "O people! Enjoy these days in the gardens of revelation and witnessing, then leave the illusions." Thus, your command is the command of God, the Dominant, the Sustainer.

The purpose of mentioning all the sciences has been to acquire knowledge, and the statement of specific evidences to prove the signified. Now, thanks be to God, the sun of knowledge rises from the horizon of the divine sky, and the moon of the signified appears in the sky of the command. To reveal the truth, cleanse all the sacred indications from it, and observe the sun of meanings in the spiritual celestial sky with the outward eye. Also observe the manifestations of divine names and attributes in everything other than Him, so that you may attain all the sciences and their source, origin, and mine. (edit)

ای سلمان * قسم بجمال قِدَم که اين ايّام در هر حين از سماء عرفان ربّ العالمين معارف جديد نازل فطوبی لِمَنْ وصل الی هذا المعين و انقطع عمّا عنده * ای اهل جذب و شوق انصاف دهيد در اين بيانات که از قول عرفا مختصر ذکر شده کتب لا تحصی حال ما بين ناس موجود * اگر انسان اراده نمايد جميع را ادراک کند دو عمر کفايت ننمايد * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, I swear by the beauty of the step that during these days, new knowledge descends from the skies of God's knowledge of the worlds every moment. Blessed is the one who turns to this source and cuts off from what is with him. O people of attraction and longing, be fair in these statements, which are briefly mentioned by the Sufis in their books. Our situation cannot be counted among people. If a person intends to understand everything, two lifetimes would not be enough. (edit)
ای سلمان * قل اللّهُ ظاهرٌ فوقَ کلّ شئ و الملک يومئذ للّه ثمّ ذَرِ النّاس بما عندهم * باری معارف قبل را بقبل بگذار * موسی که از انبيای اعظم است بعد از ثلاثين يوم که بقول عرفا در عشره اوّل افعال خود را در افعال حق فانی نمود * و در عشره ثانی صفات خود را در صفات حق * و در عشره ثالث ذات خود را در ذات حق * و گفته‌اند چون بقيَّه هستی در او باقی بود لذا خطاب لَنْ تَرانِی شنيد * و حال لسان اللّه ناطق و ميفرمايد يکبار أرِنی گو و صد هزار بار بزيارت ذوالجلال فائز شو * کجا است فضل اين ايّام و ايّام قبل * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) Oh Salman, say that Allah is manifest above all things, and on that day, the kingdom belongs to Allah, then leave people with what they have. Leave the knowledge of the past behind. Moses, who is one of the greatest prophets, according to the mystics, annihilated his actions in the actions of God during his first thirty days, his attributes in the attributes of God during his second thirty days, and his essence in the essence of God during his third thirty days. And they said that since the remainder of his existence was still remaining in him, therefore, he heard the address, "You will not see me." And now the tongue of Allah is speaking and says, "Show me once and become victorious a hundred thousand times by visiting the Almighty." Where is the grace of these days compared to the previous days? (edit)
باری ای سلمان * آنچه عرفا ذکر نموده‌اند جميع در رتبه خلق بوده و خواهد بود چه که نفوس عاليه و افئده مجرَّده هر قدر در سماء علم و عرفان طيران نمايند از رتبه ممکن و ما خلق فی أنفسهم بأنفسهم تجاوز نتوانند نمود * کلّ العرفان من کلّ عارف و کلّ الأذکار من کلّ ذاکر و کلّ الأوصاف من کلّ واصف ينتهی الی ما خلق فی نفسه من تجلی ربّه * و هر نفسی فی الجمله تفکّر نمايد خود تصديق مينمايد باينکه از برای خلق تجاوز از حد خود ممکن نه و کل أمثله و عرفان از أوّل لا أوّل بخلق او که از مشيّت امکانيَّه بنفسه لنفسه لا من شئ خلق شده راجع * فسبحان اللّه من أنْ يُعْرَفَ بعرفان أحد أو أن يرجعَ إليه أمثال نفس * لم يکن بينه و بين خَلْقِه لا من نسبة و لا من ربط و لا من جهة و إشارة و دِلالة و قد خلق الممکنات بمشيئته الّتی أحاطت العالمين * حق لم يزل در علوّ سلطان ارتفاع وحدت خود مقدّس از عرفان ممکنات بوده و لا يزال بسموّ امتناع مليک رفعت خود منزّه از ادراک موجودات خواهد بود * جميع مَن فی الأرض و السّماء بکلمه او خلق شده‌اند و از عدم بحت بعرصه وجود آمده‌اند چگونه ميشود مخلوقيکه از کلمه خلق شده بذات قِدَم ارتقا نمايد * (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) O Salman, all that the mystics have mentioned are entirely in the domain of creation and always will be, such that even the highest souls and purest hearts, no matter how much they soar in the heavens of knowledge and gnosis, cannot exceed their rank of being created beings, and they cannot escape from being creations within their own selves by their own selves. All the knowledge of every knower, all the remembrances of every rememberer, and all the descriptions of every describer ultimately come to an end in what his Lord has created within his own self as a manifestation. And every single being, in the end, proves himself by reflecting on his own existence, although it is not possible for a created being to surpass his own limit. All the analogies and knowledge from the beginning of the world have referred to creations that exist from the realm of divine possibility, not from any created thing.

So, exalted is Allah that He should be known by the knowledge of anyone, or that any person's self should be attributed to Him. There has never been any connection, attachment, indication, or reference between Him and His creation. And He has created all the possible beings by His will, which encompasses all the worlds. The truth is that He has always been and will always be sanctified from the knowledge of possible beings in the loftiness of His sovereignty, transcendent in the exaltation of the impossibility of knowing Him, and unattainable by the perception of all created beings.

All those in the heavens and the earth have been created by His Word, and they have come into existence from absolute nonexistence. How can it be that a creature, which is created by the Word, can elevate itself to the level of the eternal essence? (edit)

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