Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 5

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Unto You be praise, O my God, for what You have appointed for those who approach this most exalted and supreme carpet, a station not attained by the birds of the hearts of those who abide eternally, nor by the realities of those in creation, as has been uttered by the manifestation of Your revelation and the dawning-place of Your inspiration, and the point of Your will—a drop from the ocean of the appearance of that revelation, stronger than all expression. Likewise, it descended in the Preserver of the Books and other Tablets in the mention of this most high station, a matter at which the minds of those endowed with understanding marvel. How sublime is the elevation of this creation which You have wrought from the simplicity of Your command and brought forth from the essence of Your innate nature!

Therefore, O my God, how is it fitting that this wondrous creation, this exalted and sublime work, should find me bewildered, O my God, at the weight on some ears, the covering of some eyes, and the blindness of some hearts, so much so that at Your call, thrones do shake, the heavens are cleft asunder, the veils of the infinite are torn, and the mountains of the possibilities of creation are leveled, at a manifestation of the effulgences of the lights of Your countenance. With all this, some of Your servants and creatures do not attribute it to You, even though You call out at all times with the highest call above their heads and with all lights You stand right before their eyes. You have extended from the pocket of Will the hand of Desire and say with the authority of power and greatness, “Here is My hand of omnipotence which I have stretched forth over the divinity of My greatness, the might of My power, the sovereignty of My dominion, the realms of My eternity, and the regions of My command. I have folded all of them within My grasp by the encompassment of My knowledge therein. It is radiant with the lights of My face, a beam from the radiance of My countenance, and gleaming from the lights of My brow, given by My grace and bounty to whoever enters into My kingdom and might, while they mention amidst the surging of the seas of light, the tellers of the tales of darkness and delusion.”