Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 30

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"And none know of the words among you, words of the people of debate. Draw near to Him with eyes shining with light and faces aglow. Thus, you were commanded in the Tablets from the presence of God Almighty, the All-Knowing, the Aware. And His saying, exalted be His grandeur, addressing one of His servants, 'We see you immersed in the pool of the veiled and the waters of the delusions of the heedless. If you emerge from it by My Name and My Authority, rise and immerse yourself in this greatest ocean from which every drop speaks, "There is no deity but I, the Almighty, the Most High, the Powerful, the Generous."' I said, 'O man for the face of God, I speak purely for God; I make remembrance solely for Him. Cast aside these delusions and ascend from these filthy, limited ranks, and soar with the wings of divine mercy to the heavens of the Lord's command, and may you be victorious. Today is the day to say "God" and then leave them to indulge in their play,' as this blessed verse was revealed specifically for this day. It has become evident in this manifest and proven appearance that the essence of truth alone is the sovereign over all, without partner or equal. Although previously the people of faith acknowledged and confessed this truth, most were liars, for every day they appointed a partner for the truth, and afterwards, in this station, whatever was fitting, this servant presented and mentioned. Today, what is the duty? I said, 'Act upon this verse that I have mentioned. Leave behind this imagined self and their statements, and enter into the fresh and pleasant expanse, so that you may drink the everlasting wine from the verse of divine mercy that states, "With a manifestation, the decree of innovation is established, and this is indeed a creation of the heavens and the earth," and you may pass by what came before and after, with a pure soul observing it with clear sight, for everyone in this greatest appearance is commanded thus, and it is specific to this appearance. And then I mentioned that some weak souls have been prevented by these corrupt souls from such remembrances, chosen by me, as even Yahya wrote to some, 'You are of my followers,' and the meaning of this statement is clear. Every lying scribe has gone astray. Now see where is the station of the remembrances of that corrupt soul and the station which the Lord of Lords has desired for His servants. O brother, cast away all these unworthy, limited words of before, and as a bird of innovation, soar in the pleasant space of novelty, so that by divine grace, you may drink from the wine of innovation and understand this new matter. And moreover, some servants have complained about certain acts of weak souls that circle around and have attributed it, by the truth of the Exalted and Mighty, to themselves as if someone mentioned that how can it be that while proclaiming the truth and elevating this matter that encompasses the world, some souls, claiming to be related to the truth, are engaged with unseemly acts. In any case, this clause is from the negligence of that heedless one, as if he has not heard this verse that is famous among people saying: [The text ends here and does not continue with the verse]"