Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 29

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Someone in this city, among the scholars of the great city, was, dear sir, in contact with him, and he had mentioned to him in detail that I, Sayf al-Haq, will soon have the conquests of most countries in my hand. That ignorant scholar, although far from the path of truth, mentioned a good word as if the Holy Spirit spoke through his tongue, as he mentioned immediately after the killing of the idolaters, with the Pasha of the city, at my dear sir's funeral bier. This accursed one used to say, "I am Sayf al-Haq," now it has become known that the true Sayf al-Haq was the one who struck his waist and consigned him to the lowest depths of hell. Anyway, praise be to God, after this incident occurred and the idolaters were consigned to the lowest depths of hell, the showers of mercy rained day and night, after years in which mercy was withheld, and people were afflicted with famine and high prices.

Once, when we were in Edirne, we noticed a letter written by that vile person to someone, among other things, it was observed that he had stolen a passage from a tablet that had been revealed in Iraq and written it in his own name, and that passage was this, "As the sun rises in the east and the moon appears," and that vile heedless one did not realize that the arena of the Simurgh is not and will never be the playground of flies, and darkness does not have the right to claim to be the sun, by God. When he saw some people as weak and foolish, thus, he stood up with his own fabrications, as some of his penned forgeries were taken and read, indeed, the writer and reader have both lost. With various whispers and deceptions, he prevented people from [following] the Lord of the people and led some astray with old delusions.

As such, someone met this servant in the market and mentioned that he wanted to meet me for a while, on the condition that no one but him and I would be there. I had not seen him before, I said very well, a time was set, and he came. Some discussions came up, and it became known that he was in contact with those who associate partners with God. He mentioned to me, "They say you are among the Shia." At that moment, I was overtaken by laughter to the point that I lost the reins of patience. The man was surprised and said, "What is the reason for the laughter?" I said, "Poor soul, your Shia, who in the land of Iran are scattered like pebbles, have they reached a station or had any status with God, that now you want to follow their rejected and futile thoughts? Have you not seen that all they had was falsehood and they were in sheer misguidance, such that they martyred the truth with their own hands? May the curse of God be upon the wrongdoers."

After saying these words, he became very contemplative. Then, for the sake of God, I recited to him some of the compelling words I had heard from the source of command, and I saw that he was not devoid of potential. Among other things, I mentioned to him to think about what was among the Shia, and what they considered the foundation of their religion and nation, which of it was true, because now you want to enter into the sea of divine truth and wisdom based on those delusions and false words. Have these Shia, whom you speak of, realized the meaning of resurrection? He said no. I asked, "Have they known the balance (of justice)?" He said no. I said, "Have they understood the gathering and resurrection?" He said no. I said, "What is mentioned about the Qa'im among them, to the extent that they have understood, was it true?" He said no.

Then I said, you yourself are a witness that it was all false, now how do you know that what has been told to you is true? Then I sat upright facing him and spoke with what I had memorized from the verses of God, the King, the Dominant, the Self-Subsisting, and I conveyed to him what I was commanded by God, the Mighty, the Beloved. I said, "O servant, have you not heard what the tongue of greatness has uttered when it settled upon the throne of dominion over all that is witnessed and witnessed?" He said, and his saying the truth was, "Leave what you have of illusions, then listen to what the tongue of your Lord, the Mighty, the Knower speaks. How long will you follow whims? The sun of guidance has risen, turn to it sanctified from what was mentioned before by your scholars. By God, this is the appearance of God, and His signs that surpass everything cannot be compared to what was mentioned in eternity without end."