Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 26

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"It is known that during the days of My stay in the Land of Mystery (Adrianople), certain divine Tablets, which are hidden from the eyes of non-believers, were specifically revealed for some kings to complete God's proof. Among them was a Tablet revealed to the king of Paris, who at that time was the leading monarch. The reason for this was that one day when I was present at the throne of God, it was ordained that after the dispute between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, the king of Paris rose with the support of the Ottomans. Following the conflict, strife, killings, and plunder, a group of kings came together, and a decree for reconciliation was established. Later, the king of Russia asked the king of Paris why, given that both of us belong to the same nation, you rose against your co-religionists and supported those of a different faith. The king of Paris wrote back stating that the only reason was that you suddenly attacked some subjects of the Ottoman Empire in the Black Sea and drowned many of them. The cries of those oppressed ones awakened me from sleep, and I rose to support them.

After this incident, it was said that now we will send him (the king of Paris) a Tablet to test him; if he rises in support of the oppressed people of Baha, we will confirm what he has claimed, otherwise his lie in what he has asserted will become apparent. Therefore, a Tablet was revealed and sent to him, but no response was ever received from him, even though one of his ministers, who secretly expressed love for Me, had presented himself at the most holy court and claimed that he had personally delivered the Tablet to the king and had verbally explained it in detail. Yet, no reply was received. Because of the lack of response to that Tablet, this second one was revealed and written in French and sent. Now, observe in the Tablet what has befallen him, explicitly, not implicitly. Blessed are the readers, blessed are the contemplators, blessed are the sincere.

Likewise, reflect upon the unique creation and its dispatch with power and might, and observe that after the completion of the argument and the demonstration of power, how calamities such as famine, inflation, and fear of foreigners surrounded them. The news of these matters has been revealed in various Tablets. By God, who there is no other deity but He, if souls reflect upon the unique creation, its dispatch, its Tablet, and what occurred afterwards, it will suffice them all, and the divine proof will become clearer than the sun to all who seek evidence. However, beings are occupied with their own worlds and have not taken a share of the divine breaths and the fragrance of the verses of the merciful."