Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 18

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"You have taken hold of the roots of yourselves and discarded the roots of Allah behind you. What is the matter with you that you do not understand?" This verse was repeatedly recited by the Tongue of Grandeur, and after the arrival of the Presence of the Step [Jamál-i-Qadam], the assembly members apologized, stating that they were obliged to investigate because three people had been killed, and all the people of the town were afraid and alarmed. Therefore, it was necessary to act according to the law. It seemed that the poor [man] was not even aware of the law. Anyway, they asked about the blessed name and homeland and stated that according to the law, these questions must be asked and recorded. [Bahá'u'lláh] said, "It is more evident than the sun." When asked again, He said, "It is not fitting to mention the name; look at the state decree you have with you." Then, with utmost kindness, they said, "Please, you state it yourself." Then, when the Person of Grandeur sat upright on the chair and spoke with the tongue of power and might, "My name is Bahá'u'lláh and my abode is Nur." Then recognize this. Then He turned His face towards the Mufti and said in His exalted pride, "If you knew, I would have made you hear the roar of the pigeon of greatness on the branch of the divine Lote Tree, to show you what the essence of servitude is, the jewel of divine lordship." And those present were astounded by the word of God eternal. And then, addressing everyone, He said, "The purpose of this is not but assembly and question and answer. If you desire, I will confess to what is your true intention and the hope of your hearts, for I do not like to be in the world for even the duration of an hour." And from the verses of the Surah of Kings, He recited, among other blessed passages, "I have not passed by a tree but that my heart has addressed it: 'Would that I were cut down for the sake of my name, and that my body were crucified upon you in the path of my Lord.'" In the midst of the discourse, the pillars of the Most Merciful began to tremble. Then after that, He rose and the Beauty of the Youth [Bahá'u'lláh] proceeded to another place, leaving the gathering.

Indeed, it was a strange day and a time of wonders. In some people, the sun of the Word of God shone forth, manifesting love. Truly, this servant is incapable of mentioning the discourses of the Merciful. The author of the Mathnawi has mentioned something appropriate to this station: