Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 14

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This servant, until that day, had not heard such vengeful verses from the Tongue of Grandeur to this degree; therefore, was very contemplative about what would occur and what matter would manifest from the horizon of the unseen. Indeed, every day, the corruption and aversion of the wicked was increasing until Reza Gholi mixed some paragraphs of those writings, which he had, with paragraphs of blasphemy and handed them to most of the people of this town, making it appear as if I was one of the dignitaries, and now I have repented and become a Muslim. He, Aqa Jan, and Sayyid Muhammad, all three, showed remorse before the people and registered themselves as Muslims. Thus, this town was so agitated that most of the people, loudly and with hatred, rose up, and Sayyid Muhammad, the vile one, when he saw that the beauty of the step in the house was settled and the door was apparently closed, and His Holiness the Greatest Branch was also out of sight of the companions, considered it an opportunity, established contact and friendship with some of the companions. And this servant, calm and patient, never initiated anything from the source of command, relying upon God, sat in his place to see what would appear and what splendor would be revealed from the pavilion of the unseen. Until on Monday, the twelfth of the month of Dhu al-Qi’dah, at eleven o'clock in the day, a commotion arose. It was observed that the Pasha of the town with all his soldiers, swords drawn, surrounded the house, and likewise arrested all the companions. This servant was busy writing the revealed verses, and the town was seen in such a state of turmoil that it was beyond description. Suddenly, all the people of the town along with the soldiers and officers were agitated, and the clamor and noise were so loud that the pen is incapable of describing it. In the meantime, they came before His face and He commanded, "Do not pay attention to their noise," after the blessed Tongue spoke with verses. And this servant, busy with writing them, saw that the Greatest Branch was present and exposed before Him, stating that they wanted to take the beauty of the step to the government along with the Greatest Branch. The Eldest Branch and Aqa Mirza Mohammad Gholi and this servant wanted to accompany them but were forbidden. After an hour, they also took the Eldest Branch and this servant. After entering the place of the government, they mentioned that seven of the non-Arabs had gone and killed Aqa Jan, Sayyid Muhammad, and Reza Gholi. God is the judge of what He said about the youth: "From the soldiers of wrath, they left neither the thunder’s clap nor its echo. A people who, if faced, were like angels in goodness, and if fought, were like devils. And all the people were disturbed and afraid, and signs of wrath enveloped to the extent that most of the people and officials of the town were deprived of eating and sleeping that night. It is strange that although the beauty of the step, during the few months with the two Greatest Branches, had closed the door and never socialized with anyone from outside or inside, yet Sayyid Mohammad falsely claimed that all the companions have turned away. Nevertheless, after this vile and false incident, he went to the government assembly and claimed that the beauty of the step had ordered these souls to be killed, even though by God, the Sublime, the Self-Existing, that outwardly from the place of command nothing was issued, and He always forbade everyone from committing such acts, saying, “The dog barks and the wolf howls; leave them be and do not engage with them, and be among the patient.”