Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 12

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"The matter reached a point where the Beauty of the Step (a term possibly referring to a revered individual) remained in his home and commanded that the door be closed to everyone, making meetings impossible for anyone. Based on the apparent situation, what was heard from the fabrications of the polytheists and the tricks of the haters was never from the origin of the divine commands until one day during the months of Rajab or Sha'ban, a written message from His Excellency Agha Sayyid [110, possibly a name or title], the elder brother of His Excellency Agha, 'Esma'llah M (upon him be the glory of Baha from the throne), was presented after expressing what was in the letter before the Countenance. In response, the tablet of 'Amna Aqdas' which God had made a mercy for the faithful and a retribution for the polytheists, descended from the horizon of the Merciful's statement. After the revelation of that blessed Tablet, the horizon of this land changed and became entirely crimson, and each day the remembrance increased until one of the days when the signs of favor descended from the horizon of mercy. After hearing that, this servant became assured that, praise be to God, the divine wrath was specific to the vile souls. Some verses of that blessed Tablet were concerning the longing and yearning of the lovers, and some were about the dominance and power over the people of hypocrisy. The form of that blessed Tablet is this, His statement, exalted be His majesty:"