Lawh-i-Istintaq/GPT4 11

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"Indeed, that oppressive soul and Reza Gholi were constantly engaged in vile deeds, and this servant frequently advised both of them, whether in Iraq, the land of Sar, or in the Most Great Prison, so that perhaps they would become aware and awaken from the sleep of heedlessness. But never did the admonitory words and healing statements that were made clear to them have any effect. Reza Gholi got involved openly with some Christians in drinking and vile actions, therefore God expelled him by His sovereignty, and he joined the vile ones, namely Seyyed Mohammad and Agha Jan. Some time passed, and one day he sent a petition to the Most Holy Court, expressing repentance for his past sins, and similarly a few days later another petition; but since he had repented many times and it was apparent that he had broken the covenant and pledge with God, his petitions were not accepted. Some actions of his became apparent which were incomparable and unprecedented and caused the waste of God's Cause among His servants. This mortal servant does not wish to mention them, lest the angels who spread the actions might disseminate those rejected deeds of that man on earth. Verily, the curse of God be upon the wrongdoers. And in the connection of that man with the vile ones, the fire of sedition and hatred was kindled to an extent that cannot be encompassed by pen and explanation. But the Merciful extinguished and put it out, verily He is the Able, the Powerful. Every discerning eye recognizes, from the expulsion of the beauty of their presence, the scent of sanctification and exaltation. Indeed, the deeds of Reza Gholi and Agha Jan the vile are clear and evident to all. We ask God to open the eyes of the people and make them aware of His actions and decrees, which indicate the sanctification of His Essence, the purity of His Self, and the simplicity of His Cause. Although most people are asleep, yet some pure souls and sharp-sighted ones exist by the grace of the Merciful. They distinguish truth from falsehood and recognize whoever recognizes every matter in which their hearts and souls find tranquility, indeed they are honored servants."