Lawh-i-Ishraqat/Page2/GPT4 27

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Ninth Illumination

The religion and doctrine of God are purely about unity and concord among the people of the world. Revealed from the heaven of the will of the Sovereign of Eternity and made manifest, it should not be a cause for disagreement and discord. The supreme cause and the greatest reason for the manifestation and radiance of the light of unity is the divine religion and the heavenly law. It fosters the growth of the world, the education of nations, the tranquility of people, and the comfort of all within the lands, through divine principles and ordinances.

This grand gift bestows the cup of life, grants eternal existence, and offers everlasting bounty. The leaders of the earth, especially the trustees of the House of Justice of God, must exert utmost effort in protecting and elevating this station. They must also seek information about their subjects and be aware of the actions and affairs of each group from the manifestations of God's power, namely kings and leaders.

I implore them to strive, so that discord may vanish, and the horizons may be illumined with the light of concord. Everyone must adhere to and act upon what has flowed from the Supreme Pen. The truth and the atoms of the universe bear witness that what elevates, refines, nurtures, and disciplines the people of the earth has been mentioned and revealed by the Supreme Pen in scriptures and tablets.

I beseech God to support His servants in doing so. What this wronged one seeks from everyone is justice and fairness. Let them not be content with what has been revealed about this wronged one, but rather ponder upon it. By the Sun of Revelation, shining from the horizon of the Kingdom of the Merciful, had a clear sign been observed, or a vocal advocate been heard, we would not have exposed ourselves to the mockery, contempt, and fabrications of the people.

When entering Iraq, the command of God was dormant, and the breezes of Revelation were cut off. Many were withered, or rather, dead. Therefore, in the latter instance, the trumpet was blown again, and this blessed word flowed from the Tongue of Grandeur: "We blew into the trumpet another time," reviving the horizons with the breezes of Revelation and divine inspiration.

Now, from behind every veil, souls have rushed out towards the wronged one, denying and rejecting this greatest bounty. O people of fairness, if this Cause is denied, what Cause on earth can be affirmed or acknowledged? Those turning away have set about gathering the verses of this Revelation, taking them from whoever they find, showing affection, and counting themselves among each group of their respective religions.

Say, "Die in your rage. Indeed, it has come with a command that no one with vision, hearing, knowledge, justice, or fairness can deny." The Pen of Antiquity bears witness to this in this manifest moment.