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Paragraph Arabic Authorized GPT4_
اشراق سيّم اجرای حدود است چه که سبب اوّل است از برای حيات عالم آسمان حکمت الهی به دو نيّر روشن و منير مشورت و شفقت و خيمه نظم عالم به دو ستون قائم و برپا مجازات و مکافات. (edit)
The third Ishráq

It is incumbent upon everyone to observe God’s holy commandments, inasmuch as they are the wellspring of life unto the world. The heaven of divine wisdom is illumined with the two luminaries of consultation and compassion and the canopy of world order is upraised upon the two pillars of reward and punishment. (edit)

Third Illumination

The implementation of laws is essential as it is the primary cause for the life of the world. The sky of divine wisdom is illuminated by two bright and radiant lights: consultation and compassion. The tent of world order is upheld and sustained by two pillars: punishment and recompense. (edit)

اشراق چهارم جنود منصوره در اين ظهور اعمال و اخلاق پسنديده است و قائد و سردار اين جنود تقوی اللّه بوده اوست دارای کلّ و حاکم بر کلّ. (edit)
The fourth Ishráq

In this Revelation the hosts that can render it victorious are the hosts of praiseworthy deeds and upright character. The leader and commander of these hosts hath ever been the fear of God, a fear that encompasseth all things and reigneth over all things. (edit)

Fourth Illumination

In this manifestation, the victorious troops are commendable deeds and virtues, and the leader and commander of these troops is the fear of God. He possesses all and reigns over all. (edit)

اشراق پنجم معرفت دول بر احوال مأمورين و اعطاء مناصب باندازه و مقدار التفات به اين فقره بر هر رئيس و سلطانی لازم و واجب شايد خائن مقام امين را غصب ننمايد و ناهب مقرّ حارس را در سجن اعظم بعضی از مأمورين که از قبل و بعد آمده‌اند للّه الحمد بطراز عدل مزيّن و بعضی نعوذ باللّه از حق می طلبيم کلّ را هدايت فرمايد شايد از اثمار سدره امانت و ديانت محروم نمانند و از انوار آفتاب عدل و انصاف ممنوع نشوند اتّحاد و اتّفاق عباد است لازال باتّفاق آفاق عالم بنور امر منوّر و سبب اعظم دانستن خط و گفتار يکديگر است از قبل در الواح امر نموديم امنای بيت عدل يک لسان از السن موجوده و يا لسانی بديع و يک خط از خطوط اختيار نمايند و در مدارس عالم اطفال را به آن تعليم دهند تا عالم يک وطن و يک قطعه مشاهده شود . ابهی ثمره شجره دانش اين کلمه علياست همه بار يکداريد و برگ يک شاخسار لَيْسَ الفَخْرُ لِمَنْ يُحِبُّ الوَطَنَ بَلْ لِمَنْ يُحِبُّ العَالَمَ از قبل در اين مقام نازل شد آنچه که سبب عمار عالم و اتّحاد امم است طُوْبَی لِلْفَائِزِينَ وَ طُوْبَی لِلْعَامِلِينَ. (edit)
The fifth Ishráq

Governments should fully acquaint themselves with the conditions of those they govern, and confer upon them positions according to desert and merit. It is enjoined upon every ruler and sovereign to consider this matter with the utmost care that the traitor may not usurp the position of the faithful, nor the despoiler rule in the place of the trustworthy. Among the officials who in the past have governed in this Most Great Prison some, praise be to God, were adorned with justice, but as to others, We take refuge with God. We beseech the One true God to guide them one and all, that haply they may not be deprived of the fruit of faith and trustworthiness, nor be withheld from the light of equity and justice. (edit)

Fifth Illumination

It is necessary and obligatory for every leader and sovereign to be aware of the conditions of their appointees and to assign positions proportionately to their capabilities. This ensures that the treacherous do not usurp the place of the trustworthy, and the plunderer does not take over the guard's quarters in the greatest prison. Some of the appointees, thankfully, are adorned with the embroidery of justice, while others, we seek refuge with God, are not. We implore God to guide all, so they may not be deprived of the fruits of the tree of trustworthiness and piety, nor be barred from the lights of the sun of justice and fairness.

The unity and agreement of the servants perpetually illuminate the world with the light of My command. The greatest cause of this unity is understanding each other's language and speech. Previously, in the Tablets of the Cause, we instructed the trustees of the House of Justice to adopt one language from the existing tongues or create a new one, and to choose one script from the chosen scripts. They should teach this to children in schools around the world so that the world may appear as one homeland, one piece. The most glorious fruit of the tree of knowledge is this sublime word: Carry the same load and leaf of the same branch. "The pride is not in loving one's homeland, but in loving the world." Previously, in this station, what causes the world's flourishing and the unity of nations was revealed. Blessed are the successful and the workers. (edit)

اشراق ششم اتّحاد و اتّفاق عباد است لازال باتّفاق آفاق عالم بنور امر منوّر و سبب اعظم دانستن خط و گفتار یکد یگراست از قبل در الواح امر نمودیم امنای بیت عدل یک لسان از السن موجوده و یا لسانی بدیع و یک خط از خطوط اختیار نمایند و در مدارس عالم اطفال را به آن تعلیم دهند تا عالم یک وطن و یک قطعه مشاهده شود . ابهی ثمره شجره دانش این کلمه علیاست همه بار یکدارید و برگ یک شاخسار لیس الفخر لمن یحبّ الوطن بل لمن یحبّ العالم از قبل در این مقام نازل شد آنچه که سبب عمار عالم و اتّحاد امم است طوبی للفائزین و طوبی للعاملین (edit)
The sixth Ishráq is union and concord amongst the children of men. From the beginning of time the light of unity hath shed its divine radiance upon the world, and the greatest means for the promotion of that unity is for the peoples of the world to understand one another’s writing and speech. In former Epistles We have enjoined upon the Trustees of the House of Justice either to choose one language from among those now existing or to adopt a new one, and in like manner to select a common script, both of which should be taught in all the schools of the world. Thus will the earth be regarded as one country and one home. The most glorious fruit of the tree of knowledge is this exalted word: Of one tree are all ye the fruit, and of one bough the leaves. Let not man glory in this that he loveth his country, let him rather glory in this that he loveth his kind. Concerning this We have previously revealed that which is the means of the reconstruction of the world and the unity of nations. Blessed are they that attain thereunto. Blessed are they that act accordingly. (edit) Sixth Illumination

The unity and agreement of the servants are essential for perpetually illuminating the world with the light of My command. The greatest reason for this unity is the understanding of each other's language and speech. We have previously commanded in the Tablets that the trustees of the House of Justice should adopt one language from the existing languages or create a new one, and choose one script from the available scripts. They should teach this to children in schools across the world so that the world may appear as one homeland, one piece. The most glorious fruit of the tree of knowledge is this sublime word: Carry the same load and leaf of the same branch. "True pride is not in loving one's homeland, but in loving the world." Previously in this station, what causes the world's flourishing and the unity of nations was revealed. Blessed are the successful and the workers. (edit)

اشراق هفتم قلم اعلی کلّ را وصيّت ميفرمايد بتعليم و تربيت أطفال و اين آيات در اين مقام در کتاب اقدس در اوّل ورود سجن از سمآء مشيّت الهی نازل کُتِبَ عَلَی کُلِّ أَبٍ تَرْبِيَةُ ابْنِهِ وَ بِنْتِهِ بِالعِلْمِ وَ الخَطِّ وَ دُوْنِهِمَا عَمَّا حُدِّدَ فِی اللَّوحِ وَ الَّذِی تَرَکَ مَا أُمِرَ بِهِ فَلِلْأُمَنَاءِ أَنْ يَأْخُذُوا مِنْهُ مَا يَکُونُ لَازِمًا لِتَرْبِيَتهِمَا إِنْ کَانَ غَنِيًّا وَ إِلَّا يَرْجِعُ إِلَی بَيْتِ العَدْلِ إِنَّا جَعَلْنَاهُ مَأْوَی لِلْفُقَرَاءِ وَ المُسَاکِينَ إِنَّ الَّذِی رَبَّی ابْنَهُ أَو إِبْنًا مِنَ الأَبْنَاءِ کَأَنَّهُ رَبَّی أَحَدَ أَبْنَائِی عَلَيْهِ بَهَائِی وَ عِنَايَتِی وَ رَحْمَتِی الَّتِی سَبَقَتِ العَالَمِينَ. (edit)
The seventh Ishráq

The Pen of Glory counseleth everyone regarding the instruction and education of children. Behold that which the Will of God hath revealed upon Our arrival in the Prison City and recorded in the Most Holy Book.24 Unto every father hath been enjoined the instruction of his son and daughter in the art of reading and writing and in all that hath been laid down in the Holy Tablet. He that putteth away that which is commanded unto him, the Trustees are then to take from him that which is required for their instruction, if he be wealthy, and if not the matter devolveth upon the House of Justice. Verily, have We made it a shelter for the poor and needy. He that bringeth up his son or the son of another, it is as though he hath brought up a son of Mine; upon him rest My glory, My loving-kindness, My mercy, that have compassed the world. (edit)

Seventh Illumination

The Supreme Pen enjoins everyone to educate and nurture children. These verses, in this regard, were revealed from the heavens of Divine Will in the Most Holy Book during the first imprisonment: "It is incumbent upon every father to educate his son and daughter in learning and writing, and what has been specified in the Tablet. Those who neglect what they are commanded, the trustees have the right to take from them what is necessary for their education, if he is wealthy. If not, they should turn to the House of Justice, for we have made it a refuge for the poor and the needy. Indeed, whoever raises a son, or one of the sons, it is as if he has raised one of My own sons, upon him be My glory, care, and mercy that precedes all worlds." (edit)

اشراق هشتم اين فقره از قلم اعلی در اين حين مسطور و از کتاب اقدس محسوب اُمور ملّت معلّق است برجال بيت عدل الهی ايشانند أُمَنَاءُ اللّهِ بَيْنَ عِبَادِهِ وَ مَطَالِعُ الأَمْرِ فِی بِلَادِهِ يَا حِزْبَ اللّهِ مربّی عالم عدل است چه که دارای دو رکن است مجازات و مکافات و اين دو رکن دو چشمه‌اند از برای حيات اهل عالم چونکه هر روز را امری و هر حين را حکمتی مقتضی لذا امور به بيت عدل راجع تا آنچه را مصلحت وقت دانند معمول دارند نفوسی که لوجه اللّه بر خدمت امر قيام نمايند ايشان ملهمند به الهامات غيبی الهی بر کلّ اطاعت لازم امور سياسيّه کلّ راجع است به بيت عدل و عبادات بِمَا أَنْزَلَهُ اللّهُ فِی الکِتَابِ يا اهل بها شما مشارق محبّت و مطالع عنايت الهی بوده و هستيد لسان را بسبّ و لعن احدی ميالائيد و چشم را از آنچه لايق نيست حفظ نمائيد آنچه را دارائيد بنمائيد اگر مقبول افتاد مقصود حاصل و الّا تعرّض باطل ذَرُوهُ بِنَفْسِهِ مُقْبِلِينَ إِلَی اللّهِ المُهَيْمِنِ القَيُّومِ سبب حزن مشويد تا چه رسد بفساد و نزاع اميد هست در ظلّ سدره عنايت الهی تربيت شويد وَ بِمَا أَرَادَهُ الله عَامِل گرديد همه اوراق يک شجريد و قطره‌های يک بحر (edit)
The eighth Ishráq

This passage, now written by the Pen of Glory, is accounted as part of the Most Holy Book: The men of God’s House of Justice have been charged with the affairs of the people. They, in truth, are the Trustees of God among His servants and the daysprings of authority in His countries.

O people of God! That which traineth the world is Justice, for it is upheld by two pillars, reward and punishment. These two pillars are the sources of life to the world. Inasmuch as for each day there is a new problem and for every problem an expedient solution, such affairs should be referred to the House of Justice that the members thereof may act according to the needs and requirements of the time. They that, for the sake of God, arise to serve His Cause, are the recipients of divine inspiration from the unseen Kingdom. It is incumbent upon all to be obedient unto them. All matters of State should be referred to the House of Justice, but acts of worship must be observed according to that which God hath revealed in His Book.

O people of Bahá! Ye are the dawning-places of the love of God and the daysprings of His loving-kindness. Defile not your tongues with the cursing and reviling of any soul, and guard your eyes against that which is not seemly. Set forth that which ye possess. If it be favorably received, your end is attained; if not, to protest is vain. Leave that soul to himself and turn unto the Lord, the Protector, the Self-Subsisting. Be not the cause of grief, much less of discord and strife. The hope is cherished that ye may obtain true education in the shelter of the tree of His tender mercies and act in accordance with that which God desireth. Ye are all the leaves of one tree and the drops of one ocean. (edit)

Eighth Illumination

This passage, penned by the Supreme Pen at this time and included in the Most Holy Book, declares that the affairs of the community depend on the men of the House of Justice of God. They are the trustees of God among His servants and the dawn places of His command in His lands.

O Party of God, the educator of the world is justice, featuring two main pillars: punishment and reward. These two pillars are like two springs, vital for the life of the world's people. As every day brings a new requirement and every moment a unique wisdom, issues should be referred to the House of Justice. They will implement what is deemed most appropriate for the times.

Those who stand in service of the Cause for the love of God receive divine inspirations. Obedience to all is essential. Political matters should be referred to the House of Justice, and religious practices should follow what God has revealed in the Book.

O people of Baha, you represent the dawns of love and the day-springs of divine care. Keep your tongues from cursing or slandering anyone. Safeguard your eyes from beholding anything indecent. Develop what you have; if it is accepted, the goal is achieved, and if not, abandon it, turning towards God, the Guardian, the Self-Subsisting. Do not grieve over the outcome, and avoid descending into corruption and strife.

It is hoped that under the shadow of the divine Lote-Tree of Bounty, you will be nurtured and act according to what God wills. Remember, all leaves are from one tree, and all drops from one ocean. (edit)

اشراق نهم دين اللّه و مذهب اللّه محض اتّحاد و اتفاق اهل عالم از سمآء مشيّت مالک قدم نازل گشته و ظاهر شده آنرا علّت اختلاف و نفاق مکنيد سبب اعظم و علّت کبری از برای ظهور و اشراق نيّر اتّحاد دين الهی و شريعه ربّانی بوده و نموّ عالم و تربيت امم و اطمينان عباد و راحت من فی البلاد از اصول و احکام الهی اوست سبب اعظم از برای اين عطيّه کبری کأس زندگانی بخشد و حيات باقيه عطا فرمايد و نعمت سرمديّه مبذول دارد رؤسای ارض مخصوص امنای بيت عدل الهی در صيانت اين مقام و علوّ و حفظ آن جهد بليغ مبذول دارند و همچنين آنچه لازمست تفحّص در احوال رعيّت و اطّلاع بر اعمال و امور هر حزبی از احزاب از مظاهر قدرت الهی يعنی ملوک و رؤساء ميطلبم که همّت نمايند شايد اختلاف از ميان برخيزد و آفاق بنور اتّفاق منوّر شود بايد کلّ به آنچه از قلم اعلی جاری شده تمسّک نمايند و عمل کنند حقّ شاهد و ذرّات کائنات گواه که آنچه سبب علوّ و سموّ و تربيت و حفظ و تهذيب اهل ارض است ذکر نموديم و از قلم اعلی در زبر و الواح نازل از حقّ می طلبيم عباد را تأييد فرمايد آنچه اين مظلوم از کلّ طلب مينمايد عدل و انصاف است باصغا اکتفا ننمايند در آنچه از اينمظلوم ظاهر شد تفکّر کنند قسم به آفتاب بيان که از افق سمآء ملکوت رحمن اشراق نموده اگر مبيّنی مشاهده ميشد و يا ناطقی خود را محلّ شماتت و استهزاء و مفتريات عباد نمينموديم حين ورود عراق امر اللّه مخمود و نفحات وحی مقطوع اکثری پژمرده بل مرده مشاهده گشتند لذا در صور مرّة اخری دميده شد و اين کلمه مبارکه از لسان عظمت جاری نَفَخْنَا فِی الصُّورِ مَرَّةً أُخْرَی آفاق را از نفحات وحی و الهام زنده نموديم حال از خلف هر حجابی نفوسی بقصد مظلوم بيرون دويده‌اند اين نعمت کبری را منع کردند و انکار نمودند ای اهل انصاف اگر اين امر انکار شود کدام امر در ارض قابل اثبات است و يا لايق اقرار معرضين در صدد جمع آيات اين ظهور بر آمده‌اند و نزد هر که يافته‌اند باظهار محبّت اخذ کرده‌اند و نزد هر مذهبی از مذاهب خود را از آن مذهب ميشمرند قُلْ مُوتُوا بِغَيْظِکُم إِنَّهُ أَتَی بِأَمْرٍ لَا يُنْکِرُهُ ذُوْ بَصَرٍ وَ ذُوْ سَمَعٍ وَ ذُوْ دِرَايَةٍ وَ ذُوْ عَدْلٍ وَ ذُوْ إِنْصَافٍ يَشْهَدُ بِذَلِکَ قَلَمُ القَدَم فِی هَذَا الحِيْنِ المُبِينِ (edit)
The ninth Ishráq

The purpose of religion as revealed from the heaven of God’s holy Will is to establish unity and concord amongst the peoples of the world; make it not the cause of dissension and strife. The religion of God and His divine law are the most potent instruments and the surest of all means for the dawning of the light of unity amongst men. The progress of the world, the development of nations, the tranquility of peoples, and the peace of all who dwell on earth are among the principles and ordinances of God. Religion bestoweth upon man the most precious of all gifts, offereth the cup of prosperity, imparteth eternal life, and showereth imperishable benefits upon mankind. It behooveth the chiefs and rulers of the world, and in particular the Trustees of God’s House of Justice, to endeavor to the utmost of their power to safeguard its position, promote its interests and exalt its station in the eyes of the world. In like manner it is incumbent upon them to inquire into the conditions of their subjects and to acquaint themselves with the affairs and activities of the divers communities in their dominions. We call upon the manifestations of the power of God—the sovereigns and rulers on earth—to bestir themselves and do all in their power that haply they may banish discord from this world and illumine it with the light of concord.

It is incumbent upon everyone to firmly adhere to and observe that which hath streamed forth from Our Most Exalted Pen. God, the True One, beareth Me witness, and every atom in existence is moved to testify that such means as lead to the elevation, the advancement, the education, the protection and the regeneration of the peoples of the earth have been clearly set forth by Us and are revealed in the Holy Books and Tablets by the Pen of Glory.

We entreat God to graciously aid His servants. What this Wronged One doth expect from everyone is justice and fairness. Let no one be content with mere hearing; rather doth it behoove everyone to ponder that which this Wronged One hath revealed. I swear by the Daystar of utterance, shining above the horizon of the Kingdom of the All-Merciful, had there been any expounder or speaker discernible, We would not have made Ourself the object of the censure, ridicule and slander of the people.

Upon Our arrival in ‘Iráq We found the Cause of God sunk in deep apathy and the breeze of divine revelation stilled. Most of the believers were faint and dispirited, nay utterly lost and dead. Hence there was a second blast on the Trumpet, whereupon the Tongue of Grandeur uttered these blessed words: “We have sounded the Trumpet for the second time.” Thus the whole world was quickened through the vitalizing breaths of divine revelation and inspiration.

Certain souls have now sallied forth from behind the veils, intent on inflicting harm upon this Wronged One. They have hindered and denied the outpouring of this priceless bounty.

O ye that judge with fairness! If this Cause is to be denied then what other cause in this world can be vindicated or deemed worthy of acceptance?

Such as have turned away from the Cause of God are diligently seeking to collect the Holy Writings of this Revelation; and they have already, through gestures of friendship, managed to secure certain of these Writings from those who held them in their possession. Moreover, when they meet the followers of any religion, they hold themselves out as believers therein. Say, die ye in your wrath! Verily He hath appeared with so great an authority that no man of vision, of hearing, of insight, of justice or of equity can ever deny Him. Unto this beareth witness in this resplendent Hour the Pen of Him Who is the Ancient of Days. (edit)

Ninth Illumination

The religion and doctrine of God are purely about unity and concord among the people of the world. Revealed from the heaven of the will of the Sovereign of Eternity and made manifest, it should not be a cause for disagreement and discord. The supreme cause and the greatest reason for the manifestation and radiance of the light of unity is the divine religion and the heavenly law. It fosters the growth of the world, the education of nations, the tranquility of people, and the comfort of all within the lands, through divine principles and ordinances.

This grand gift bestows the cup of life, grants eternal existence, and offers everlasting bounty. The leaders of the earth, especially the trustees of the House of Justice of God, must exert utmost effort in protecting and elevating this station. They must also seek information about their subjects and be aware of the actions and affairs of each group from the manifestations of God's power, namely kings and leaders.

I implore them to strive, so that discord may vanish, and the horizons may be illumined with the light of concord. Everyone must adhere to and act upon what has flowed from the Supreme Pen. The truth and the atoms of the universe bear witness that what elevates, refines, nurtures, and disciplines the people of the earth has been mentioned and revealed by the Supreme Pen in scriptures and tablets.

I beseech God to support His servants in doing so. What this wronged one seeks from everyone is justice and fairness. Let them not be content with what has been revealed about this wronged one, but rather ponder upon it. By the Sun of Revelation, shining from the horizon of the Kingdom of the Merciful, had a clear sign been observed, or a vocal advocate been heard, we would not have exposed ourselves to the mockery, contempt, and fabrications of the people.

When entering Iraq, the command of God was dormant, and the breezes of Revelation were cut off. Many were withered, or rather, dead. Therefore, in the latter instance, the trumpet was blown again, and this blessed word flowed from the Tongue of Grandeur: "We blew into the trumpet another time," reviving the horizons with the breezes of Revelation and divine inspiration.

Now, from behind every veil, souls have rushed out towards the wronged one, denying and rejecting this greatest bounty. O people of fairness, if this Cause is denied, what Cause on earth can be affirmed or acknowledged? Those turning away have set about gathering the verses of this Revelation, taking them from whoever they find, showing affection, and counting themselves among each group of their respective religions.

Say, "Die in your rage. Indeed, it has come with a command that no one with vision, hearing, knowledge, justice, or fairness can deny." The Pen of Antiquity bears witness to this in this manifest moment. (edit)

يَا جَلِيْلُ عَلَيْکَ بَهَائِی اوليای حق را باعمال امر مينمائيم شايد موفّق شوند و به آنچه از سمآء امر نازل شده عمل نمايند نفع بيان رحمن بنفوس عامله راجع نَسْئَلُ اللّهَ أَنْ يُؤَيِّدَهُم عَلَی مَا يُحِبُّ وَ يَرْضَی وَ يُوَفِّقَهُم عَلَی العَدْلِ وَ الإِنْصَافِ فِی هَذَا الأَمْرِ المُبْرَمِ وَ يُعَرِّفَهُم آيَاتِهِ وَ يَهْدِيهِم إِلَی صِرَاطِهِ المُسْتَقِيمِ حضرت مبشّر روح ما سويه فداه احکامی نازل فرموده‌اند ولکن عالم امر معلّق بود بقبول لذا اين مظلوم بعضی را اجرا نمود و در کتاب اقدس بعبارات اُخری نازل و در بعضی توقّف نموديم الامر بيده يفعل ما يشاء و يحکم ما يريد و هو العزيز الحميد و بعضی از احکام هم بدعا نازل طُوْبَی لِلْفَائِزِينَ وَ طُوْبَی لِلْعَامِلِينَ بايد حزب اللّه جهد بليغ مبذول دارند که شايد نار ضغينه و بغضا که در صدور احزاب مکنونست بکوثر بيان و نصائح مقصود عالميان ساکن شود و اشجار وجود باثمار بديعه منيعه مزيّن گردد إِنَّهُ هُوَ النَّاصِحُ المُشْفِقُ الکَرِيمُ البَهَآءُ اللَّائِحُ المُشْرِقُ مِنْ أُفُقِ سَمَاءِ العَطَاءِ عَلَيْکُم يَا أَهْلَ البَهَآءِ وَ عَلَی کُلِّ ثَابِتٍ مُسْتَقِيمٍ وَ کُلِّ رَاسِخٍ عَلِيمٍ (edit)
O Jalíl! Upon thee be My glory. We exhort the loved ones of God to perform good deeds that perchance they may be graciously assisted and may hold fast to that which hath been sent down from the heaven of His Revelation. The benefits arising from this divine utterance shall fall upon such as observe His precepts. We beseech God to enable them to do that which is pleasing and acceptable unto Him, to grant that they may deal equitably and may observe justice in this all-compelling Cause, to acquaint them with His Holy Writings and to direct their steps towards His straight Path.

Our Exalted Herald—may the life of all else besides Him be offered up for His sake—hath revealed certain laws. However, in the realm of His Revelation these laws were made subject to Our sanction, hence this Wronged One hath put some of them into effect by embodying them in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas in different words. Others We set aside. He holdeth in His hand the authority. He doeth what He willeth and He ordaineth whatsoever He pleaseth. He is the Almighty, the All-Praised. There are also ordinances newly revealed. Blessed are they that attain. Blessed are they that observe His precepts.

The people of God should make the utmost endeavor that perchance the fire of hatred and malice which smoldereth in the breasts of kindreds and peoples may, through the living waters of utterance and the exhortations of Him Who is the Desire of the world, be quenched and the trees of human existence may be adorned with wondrous and excellent fruit. He is, in truth, the Admonisher, the Compassionate, the All-Bountiful.

May the brightness of His glory shining above the horizon of bounty rest upon you, O people of Bahá, upon every one who standeth firm and steadfast and upon those that are well grounded in the Faith and are endued with true understanding. (edit)

O Jalil, upon you be My glory. We direct the true believers to act according to the command, hoping they will be successful and implement what has descended from the heaven of the command. The benefit of the Merciful’s explanation is related to the acting souls. We beseech God to support them in what He loves and is pleased with, to enable them to act with justice and fairness in this conclusive matter, to acquaint them with His signs, and to guide them to His straight path.

The Blessed Herald, may My soul be a sacrifice for Him, has revealed laws, but the world of command was contingent upon acceptance. Thus, this wronged one implemented some and revealed others in the Most Holy Book with different expressions, while pausing on some. The matter is in His hand; He does what He wills and decrees as He pleases, for He is the Mighty, the Praiseworthy. Some laws have also been revealed through supplication. Blessed are the successful ones and blessed are those who act. The people of God must exert great effort so that the fire of malice and hatred, hidden in the hearts of factions, may be quelled by the elixir of exposition and the counsels of the world's sages, and the trees of existence may be adorned with fresh and invincible fruits. Indeed, He is the Compassionate Advisor, the Affectionate, the Generous. The glory of God, shining from the horizon of the heaven of generosity, is upon you, O people of Baha, and upon every steadfast, upright, firmly grounded, and knowledgeable one. (edit)

اينکه سؤال از منافع و ربح ذهب و فضّه شده بود چند سنه قبل مخصوص اسم اللّه زين المقرّبين - عليه بهآء الله الأبهی - اين بيان از ملکوت رحمن ظاهر قوله تعالی اکثری از ناس محتاج به اين فقره مشاهده ميشوند چه اگر ربحی در ميان نباشد أمور معطّل و معوّق خواهد ماند نفسی که موفّق شود با همجنس خود و يا هموطن خود و يا برادر خود مدارا نمايد و يا مراعات کند يعنی بدادن قرض الحسن کميابست لذا فضلاً علی العباد ربا را مثل معاملات ديگر که ما بين ناس متداولست قرار فرموديم يعنی ربح نقود از اين حين که اين حکم مبين از سمآء مشيّت نازل شد حلال و طيّب و طاهر است تا اهل ارض بکمال روح و ريحان و فرح و انبساط بذکر محبوب عالميان مشغول باشند إِنَّهُ يَحْکُمُ کَيْفَ يَشَآءُ وَ أَحَلَّ الرِّبَا کَمَا حَرَّمَهُ مِنْ قَبْلُ فِی قَبْضَتِهِ مَلَکُوت الأَمْرِ يَفْعَلُ وَ يَأْمُرُ وَ هُوَ الآمِرُ العَلِيمُ (edit)
As to thy question concerning interest and profit on gold and silver: Some years ago the following passage was revealed from the heaven of the All-Merciful in honor of the one who beareth the name of God, entitled Zaynu’l-Muqarrabín25—upon him be the glory of the Most Glorious. He—exalted be His Word—saith: Many people stand in need of this. Because if there were no prospect for gaining interest, the affairs of men would suffer collapse or dislocation. One can seldom find a person who would manifest such consideration towards his fellow-man, his countryman or towards his own brother and would show such tender solicitude for him as to be well-disposed to grant him a loan on benevolent terms.26 Therefore as a token of favor towards men We have prescribed that interest on money should be treated like other business transactions that are current amongst men. Thus, now that this lucid commandment hath descended from the heaven of the Will of God, it is lawful and proper to charge interest on money, that the people of the world may, in a spirit of amity and fellowship and with joy and gladness, devotedly engage themselves in magnifying the Name of Him Who is the Well-Beloved of all mankind. Verily He ordaineth according to His Own choosing. He hath now made interest on money lawful, even as He had made it unlawful in the past. Within His grasp He holdeth the kingdom of authority. He doeth and ordaineth. He is in truth the Ordainer, the All-Knowing. (edit) As for the question about the benefits and profits of gold and silver, several years ago, specifically for the Name of God, Zayn al-Muqarrabin – upon him be the Glory of God the Most Glorious – this statement was revealed from the Kingdom of the Merciful. It is observed that most people are in need of this matter, for if there is no profit involved, affairs would remain stagnant and delayed. It is rare for a person to accommodate their peer, fellow citizen, or brother by giving or considering a benevolent loan. Therefore, as a grace upon the servants, We have ordained usury like other transactions that are common among people. That is, from the time this clear command descended from the heaven of will, profit from money is lawful, pure, and clean, so that the people of the earth may be joyfully engaged in the remembrance of the Beloved of the worlds, with utmost spirit and delight. Indeed, He decrees as He wishes and has made usury lawful just as He had prohibited it before. In His grasp is the dominion of the command; He acts and orders, and He is the All-Knowing Commander. (edit)
يَا زِيْن المُقَرَّبِينَ اشْکُرْ رَبَّکَ بِهَذَا الفَضْلِ المُبِينِ علمای ايران اکثری بصد هزار حيله و خدعه باکل رِبَا مشغول بودند و لکن ظاهر آنرا بگمان خود بطراز حلّيّت آراسته مينمودند يَلْعَبُونَ بِأَوَامِرِ اللّهِ وَ أَحْکَامِهِ وَ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ و لکن بايد اين امر باعتدال و انصاف واقع شود قلم اعلی در تحديد آن توقّف نموده حِکْمَةً مِنْ عِنْدِهِ وَ وُسْعَةً لِعِبَادِهِ وَ نُوْصِی أَوْلِيَاءَ اللّه بِالعَدْلِ وَ الإِنْصَافِ وَ مَا يَظْهَرُ بِهِ رَحْمَةُ أَحِبَّائِهِ وَ شَفَقَتُهُم بَيْنَهُم إِنَّهُ هُوَ النَّاصِحُ المُشْفِقُ الکَرِيمُ إنشاء اللّه کلّ مؤيّد شوند بر آنچه از لسان حق جاری شده و اگر آنچه ذکر شد عمل نمايند البتّه حق جلّ جلاله از سمآء فضل ضعف آنرا عطا ميفرمايد إِنَّهُ هُوَ الفَضَّالُ الغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ الحَمْدُ للّهِ العَلِيِّ العَظِيمِ (edit)
Render thou thanks unto thy Lord, O Zaynu’l-Muqarrabín, for this manifest bounty.

Many ecclesiastics in Persia have, through innumerable designs and devices, been feeding on illicit gains obtained by usury. They have contrived ways to give its outward form a fair semblance of lawfulness. They make a plaything of the laws and ordinances of God, but they understand not.

However, this is a matter that should be practiced with moderation and fairness. Our Pen of Glory hath, as a token of wisdom and for the convenience of the people, desisted from laying down its limit. Nevertheless We exhort the loved ones of God to observe justice and fairness, and to do that which would prompt the friends of God to evince tender mercy and compassion towards each other. He is in truth the Counselor, the Compassionate, the All-Bountiful. God grant that all men may be graciously aided to observe that which the Tongue of the One true God hath uttered. And if they put into practice what We have set forth, God—exalted be His glory—will assuredly double their portion through the heaven of His bounty. Verily He is the Generous, the Forgiving, the Compassionate. Praise be unto God, the Most Exalted, the Most Great. (edit)

O Zayn al-Muqarrabin, be thankful to your Lord for this evident grace. The scholars of Iran, most of them, with a hundred thousand tricks and deceptions, were engaged in usury. However, they outwardly adorned it, in their opinion, with the garb of lawfulness, playing with the commands of God and His decrees, unaware. But this matter must be approached with moderation and fairness. The Supreme Pen has refrained from defining it precisely, as a wisdom from Him and a provision for His servants. We advise the friends of God to adhere to justice and fairness, and to what manifests the mercy and compassion of His beloved ones among them. Indeed, He is the Adviser, the Compassionate, the Noble. God willing, everyone will be strengthened in what has flowed from the Tongue of Truth. And if they act according to what has been mentioned, surely the Almighty, the Most Glorious, will bestow manifold blessings from the heaven of His bounty. Indeed, He is the All-Bountiful, the Forgiving, the Merciful. All praise be to God, the Exalted, the Supreme. (edit)
و لکن اجرای اين أُمور برجال بيت عدل محوّل شده تا بمقتضيات وقت و حکمت عمل نمايند مجدّد کلّ را وصيّت مينمائيم بعدل و انصاف و محبّت و رضا إِنَّهُمْ أَهْل البهآء و أصحاب السَّفِيْنَة الحَمْرَآء عَلَيْهِم سَلَامُ اللّهِ مَوْلَی الأَسْمَاءِ وَ فَاطِرَ السَّمَآءِ. (edit)
Nevertheless the conduct of these affairs hath been entrusted to the men of the House of Justice that they may enforce them according to the exigencies of the time and the dictates of wisdom.

Once again We exhort all believers to observe justice and fairness and to show forth love and contentment. They are indeed the people of Bahá, the companions of the Crimson Ark. Upon them be the peace of God, the Lord of all Names, the Creator of the heavens. (edit)

The implementation of these matters has been entrusted to the people of the House of Justice, so they may act according to the requirements of the time and wisdom. We once again advise everyone to adhere to justice, fairness, love, and satisfaction. Indeed, they are the people of Bahá and the companions of the Crimson Ark, upon them be the peace of God, the Lord of Names, and the Creator of the Heavens. (edit)
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