Perceive accordingly, then, the Station of Him Who came in the Garb of ‘Alí upon the impenetrable clouds of Light, and Muhammad, the Messenger of God, was the One Who gave Glad Tidings regarding His Encounter on a Day in which those who are devoted unto God would greatly rejoice in Him. Consider then what the slanderers uttered against Him after He came unto them with Clear Signs and what they did unto Him, so much so in fact that the Pen is ashamed to proceed in regards to it. God truly is a witness thereto should ye be of those who did not bear witness. Nevertheless, they slander Him, refuse to acknowledge Him, and among them is he who sayeth, “He is a calumniator of God”, as well as, “Through His magic He bewitches men!” As a result they are veiled from the encounter with God and they shall never respond to His Cause, nor shall they ever turn unto the Countenance which those who are nigh unto God hath turned.