Lawh-i-Ahbab/GPT4 9
Blessed is the seer who is not hindered by veils, and the expert who shatters the idol of illusion with the name of his Mighty, Conqueror Lord. Say, O masses of the earth, die in your rage; the banners of the Cause will be raised in every city, and homes will be illuminated by them. Thus, We have cast to you what attracts hearts so you may thank your Lord in the mornings and the evenings. Indeed, O Supreme Pen, move to mention Hussein to attract the remembrance of the Ancient of Days to this honorable view. Listen to the call of the oppressed, from half of His name, the Sustaining, indeed, I am the unique stranger. O Hussein, indeed, Hussein wept for my parting and lamented my calamities that befall me in the path of God, your Lord and the Lord of worlds. Thank your Lord for what you have gained in these days in which the sun of beauty has shone from the horizon of glory, despite what was prevented by the clouds of the people of misguidance and not the sublimities of majesty. Blessed are the victors.
Blessed is the mighty one who took the Book with the power of his Lord, the Master of necks, and cast away those who disbelieved in God, the One, the Mighty, the Wise. It is fitting for every soul to strive in the Cause of its Master, not by what its desires desire; thus, the matter has been decreed for the people of Baha in a Tablet sealed by the finger of your Capable, Powerful Lord. Do not let sorrows prevent you from the remembrance of your Merciful Lord; be a rememberer with My names among the masses of possibilities. Say, O people, indeed, the Exalted has come in the shadows of clouds, and the matter belongs to God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the Beautiful. If you see one who turns away, say, woe unto you, O you who associate with God, you will find yourself in great loss.