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21 | سبحانک اللّهمّ يا الهی اشهد بأنّ قلب السّلطان قد کان بين اصبعی قدرتک لو تريد قلّبه يا الهی الی شطر الرّحمة و الاحسان و انّک انت المتعالی المقتدر المنّان لا اله الّا انت العزيز المستعان. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) | Glory be to You, O Allah, my Lord. I bear witness that the heart of the Sultan has been between the fingers of Your power. If you wish, turn his heart, O Lord, towards mercy and kindness. Verily, You are the Most High, the All-Powerful, the Bestower of favors; there is no god but You, the Mighty, the Sought-After Help. (edit) |
22 | در شرايط علما ميفرمايد و امّا من کان من الفقهآء صائنا لنفسه و حافظا لدينه مخالفا لهواه مطيعا لأمر مولاه فللعوام ان يقلّدوه الی آخر و اگر پادشاه زمان به اين بيان که از لسان مظهر وحی رحمن جاری شده ناظر شوند ملاحظه ميفرمايند که متّصفين به اين صفات وارده در حديث شريف اقلّ از کبريت احمرند لذا هر نفسی که مدّعی علم است قولش مسموع نبوده و نيست و همچنين در ذکر فقهای آخر الزّمان ميفرمايد فقهآء ذلک الزّمان شرّ فقهآء تحت ظلّ السّمآء منهم خرجت الفتنة و اليهم تعود و همچنين ميفرمايد اذا ظهرت راية الحقّ لعنها اهل الشّرق و الغرب و اگر اين احاديث را نفسی تکذيب نمايد اثبات آن بر اين عبد است چون مقصود اختصار است لذا تفصيل رواة عرض نشد علمائی که فیالحقيقه از کأس انقطاع آشاميدهاند ابدا متعرّض اين عبد نشدهاند چنانچه شيخ مرتضی اعلی اللّه مقامه و اسکنه فی ظلّ قباب عنايته در ايام توقّف در عراق اظهار محبّت ميفرمودند و بغير ما اذن اللّه در اين امر تکلّم ننمودند نسئل اللّه ان يوفّق الکلّ علی ما يحبّ و يرضی حال جميع نفوس از جميع امور چشم پوشيدهاند و به اذيّت اين طائفه متوجّهند چنانچه اگر از بعضی که بعد از فضل باری در ظلّ مرحمت سلطانی آرميدهاند و به نعمت غير متناهيه متنعّمند سؤال شود که در جزای نعمت سلطانی چه خدمت اظهار نمودهايد به حسن تدبير مملکتی بر ممالک افزوديد و يا به امری که سبب آسايش رعيّت و آبادی مملکت و ابقای ذکر خير دولت شود توجّه نمودهايد جوابی ندارند جز آنکه جمعی را صدق و يا کذب به اسم بابی در حضور سلطان معروض دارند و بعد به قتل و تاراج مشغول شوند چنانچه در تبريز و منصوريّه مصر بعضی را فروختند و زخارف کثيره اخذ نمودند و ابدا در پيشگاه حضور سلطان عرض نشده کلّ اين امور نظر به آن واقع شده که اين فقرا را بیمعين يافتهاند از امور خطيره گذشتهاند و به اين فقرا پرداختهاند طوائف متعدّده و ملل مختلفه در ظلّ سلطان مستريحند يک طائفه هم اين قوم باشند بلکه بايد علوّ همّت و سموّ فطرت ملازمان سلطانی به شأنی مشاهده شود که در تدبير آن باشند که جميع اديان در سايه سلطان درآيند و مابين کلّ به عدل حکم رانند اجرای حدود اللّه محض عدل است و کلّ به آن راضی بلکه حدود الهيّه سبب و علّت حفظ بريّه بوده و خواهد بود بقوله تعالی و لکم فی القصاص حياة يا اولی الألباب از عدل حضرت سلطان بعيد است که به خطای نفسی جمعی از نفوس مورد سياط غضب شوند حقّ جلّ ذکره ميفرمايد لا تزر وازرة وزر اخری و اين بسی معلوم که در هر طائفه عالم و جاهل عاقل و غافل فاسق و متّقی بوده و خواهد بود و ارتکاب امور شنيعه از عاقل بعيد است چه که عاقل يا طالب دنياست و يا تارک آن اگر تارک است البتّه به غير حقّ توجّه ننمايد و از اين گذشته خشية اللّه او را از ارتکاب اعمال منهيّه مذمومه منع نمايد و اگر طالب دنياست اموری که سبب و علّت اعراض عباد و وحشت من فی البلاد شود البتّه ارتکاب ننمايد بلکه به اعمالی که سبب اقبال ناس است عامل شود پس مبرهن شد که اعمال مردوده از انفس جاهله بوده و خواهد بود نسئل اللّه ان يحفظ عباده عن التّوجّه الی غيره و يقرّبهم اليه انّه علی کلّ شیء قدير. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) | In scientific conditions, it states that if someone is a jurist and protects themselves and their religion, they should not follow their desires and instead, obey their Lord's commands. Such people are rare as red sulfur. Therefore, not everyone who claims to have knowledge should be listened to. In regards to the jurists of the end times, it is said that they are the worst jurists in the shadow of the heavens, from whom corruption emerges and to whom it returns. It is also stated that when the flag of truth appears, people from both the east and west will curse it. If anyone denies these narrations, it is upon this servant to prove them as the intention is to summarize and not elaborate on the narrators.
Genuine scholars who have truly tasted the cup of detachment have never criticized this servant, such as Sheikh Morteza who expressed his love for this servant during his stay in Iraq and refrained from speaking without God's permission on this matter. We ask Allah to guide us all to what He loves and is pleased with, for everyone's souls have been overlooking all matters and are now focused on harming this group. For example, if some who have sought refuge under the shadow of the Sultan's mercy and enjoyed numerous blessings were to be asked how they have served in return for the Sultan's favor or contributed to the prosperity and stability of the realm, they would have no answer except to accuse some of truth or falsehood in the name of Babism, bringing that to the Sultan's attention and subsequently indulging in killing and looting, as seen in Tabriz and Mansourieh of Egypt where they sold some people and took various ornaments. This has all happened as they found us helpless and abandoned by the significant issues to focus on our matters. Various groups and nations are enjoying protection under the Sultan's rule, and this group should be among them as well, as the elevated ambitions and noble nature of the government's officials should be observed, ensuring that all religions are protected under the Sultan's shadow and ruled justly. The implementation of God's limitations is pure justice, and everyone would be satisfied with it; in fact, these divine limitations are the cause and reason for the preservation of God's creatures. It is far from the justice of the Sultan that due to the fault of one person, a group of people would suffer the wrath of punishment. God Almighty states that no bearer of burdens can bear the burden of others, and it is well-known that every group will always have a mix of knowledgeable and ignorant, wise and foolish, sinful and pious individuals. Consequently, wise people would never commit heinous acts, whether they are seekers of the worldly life or those who have abandoned it. If they have abandoned it, they would never attend to anything except the truth, and apart from that, the fear of God would prevent them from committing reprehensible and forbidden acts. If they seek the world, they will not engage in actions that cause people to turn away and fear those in the land. Instead, they will take actions that attract people and encourage their support. Thus, it is proven that disapproved actions are from the ignorant, and always have been and always will be. We ask Allah to protect His servants from focusing on anything other than Him and draw them closer to Him, for He is capable of all things. (edit) |
23 | سبحانک اللّهمّ يا الهی تسمع حنينی و تری حالی و ضرّی و ابتلائی و تعلم ما فی نفسی ان کان ندائی خالصا لوجهک فاجذب به قلوب بريّتک الی افق سمآء عرفانک و قلب السّلطان الی يمين عرش اسمک الرّحمن ثمّ ارزقه يا الهی النّعمة الّتی نزلت من سمآء کرمک و سحاب رحمتک لينقطع عمّا عنده و يتوجّه الی شطر الطافک ای ربّ ايده علی نصرة امرک و اعلآء کلمتک بين خلقک ثمّ انصره بجنود الغيب و الشّهادة ليسخّر المدائن باسمک و يحکم علی من علی الأرض کلّها بقدرتک و سلطانک يا من بيدک ملکوت الايجاد و انّک انت الحاکم فی المبدء و المعاد لا اله الّا انت المقتدر العزيز الحکيم. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) | Glory be to You, O Allah, O my God, You hear my plaint and see my condition and my distress and my trials, and know what is in my heart. If my call is truly devoted to Your countenance, then attract the hearts of Your creation to the horizon of Your knowledge, and turn the heart of the Sultan to the right of Your throne, O Most Merciful. Then grant him, O my God, the blessing that descends from the heaven of Your generosity and the clouds of Your mercy, so that he may cut off from what he has and turn toward the direction of Your gentleness. O Lord, strengthen him in the support of Your cause and the exaltation of Your word among Your creation. Then help him with the unseen and visible armies so that he may subject the cities in Your name and rule over all who are on earth with Your power and authority. O You who has the absolute dominion and is the ruler in the beginning and the return. There is no god but You, the all-powerful, the mighty, the wise. (edit) |
24 | به شأنی امر را در پيشگاه حضور سلطانی مشتبه نمودهاند که اگر از نفسی از اين طائفه عمل قبيحی صادر شود آن را از مذهب اين عباد ميشمرند فواللّه الّذی لا اله الّا هو اين عبد ارتکاب مکاره را جائز ندانسته تا چه رسد به آنچه صريحا در کتاب الهی نهی آن نازل شده حقّ ناس را از شرب خمر نهی فرموده و حرمت آن در کتاب الهی نازل و ثبت شده و علمای عصر کثّر اللّه امثالهم طرّا ناس را از اين عمل شنيع نهی نمودهاند معذلک بعضی مرتکبند حال جزای اين عمل به نفوس غافله راجع و آن مظاهر عزّ تقديس مقدّس و مبرّا يشهد بتقديسهم کلّ الوجود من الغيب و الشّهود بلی اين عباد حقّ را يفعل ما يشآء و يحکم ما يريد ميدانند و ظهورات مظاهر احديّه را در عوالم ملکيّه محال ندانستهاند و اگر نفسی محال داند چه فرقست مابين او و قومی که يد اللّه را مغلول دانستهاند اگر حقّ جلّ ذکره را مختار دانند بايد هر امری که از مصدر حکم آن سلطان قدم ظاهر شود کلّ قبول نمايند لا مفرّ و لا مهرب لأحد الّا الی اللّه لا عاصم و لا ملجأ الّا اليه و امری که لازم است اتيان دليل و برهان مدّعی علی ما يقول و يدّعی ديگر اعراض ناس از عالم و جاهل منوط نبوده و نخواهد بود انبيا که لئالی بحر احديّه و مهابط وحی الهيّهاند محلّ اعراض و اعتراض ناس واقع شدهاند چنانچه ميفرمايد و همّت کلّ امّة برسولهم ليأخذوه و جادلوا بالباطل ليدحضوا به الحقّ و همچنين ميفرمايد ما يأتيهم من رسول الّا کانوا به يستهزئون در ظهور خاتم انبيا و سلطان اصفيا روح العالمين فداه ملاحظه فرمائيد که بعد از اشراق شمس حقيقت از افق حجاز چه مقدار ظلم از اهل ضلال بر آن مظهر عزّ ذی الجلال وارد شده به شأنی عباد غافل بودند که اذيّت آن حضرت را از اعظم اعمال و سبب وصول به حقّ متعال ميدانستهاند چه که علمای آن عصر در سنين اوّليّه از يهود و نصاری از آن شمس افق اعلی اعراض نمودند و به اعراض آن نفوس جميع ناس از وضيع و شريف بر اطفای نور آن نيّر افق معانی کمر بستند اسامی کلّ در کتب مذکور است از جمله وهب بن راهب و کعب بن اشرف و عبداللّه ابيّ و امثال آن نفوس تا آنکه امر به مقامی رسيد که در سفک دم اطهر آن حضرت مجلس شوری ترتيب دادند چنانچه حقّ جلّ ذکره خبر فرموده و اذ يمکر بک الّذين کفروا ليثبتوک او يقتلوک او يخرجوک و يمکرون و يمکر اللّه و اللّه خير الماکرين و همچنين ميفرمايد و ان کان کبر عليک اعراضهم فان استطعت ان تبتغی نفقا فی الأرض او سلّما فی السّمآء فتأتيهم بآية ولو شآء اللّه لجمعهم علی الهدی فلا تکوننّ من الجاهلين تاللّه از مضمون اين دو آيه مبارکه قلوب مقرّبين در احتراقست و امثال اين امور وارده محقّقه از نظر محو شده و ابدا تفکّر ننموده و نمينمايند که سبب اعراض عباد در احيان ظهور مطالع انوار الهيّه چه بوده و همچنين قبل از خاتم انبيا در عيسی بن مريم ملاحظه فرمائيد بعد از ظهور آن مظهر رحمن جميع علما آن ساذج ايمان را به کفر و طغيان نسبت دادهاند تا بالاخره به اجازه حنّان که اعظم علمای آن عصر بود و همچنين قيافا که اقضی القضاة بود بر آن حضرت وارد آوردند آنچه را که قلم از ذکرش خجل و عاجز است ضاقت عليه الأرض بوسعتها الی ان عرّجه اللّه الی السّمآء و اگر تفصيل جميع انبيا عرض شود بيم آن است که کسالت عارض گردد و مخصوص علمای تورات بر آنند که بعد از موسی ع نبيّ مستقلّ صاحب شريعت نخواهد آمد نفسی از اولاد داود ظاهر خواهد شد و او مروّج شريعت تورات خواهد بود تا به اعانت او حکم تورات مابين اهل شرق و غرب جاری و نافذ گردد و همچنين اهل انجيل محال دانستهاند که بعد از عيسی بن مريم (ع) صاحب امر جديد از مشرق مشيّت الهی اشراق نمايد و مستدلّ به اين آيه شدهاند که در انجيل است انّ السّمآء و الأرض تزولان ولکن کلام ابن الانسان لن يزول ابدا و بر آنند که آنچه عيسی بن مريم ع فرموده و امر نموده تغيير نيابد در يک مقام از انجيل ميفرمايد انّی ذاهب و آت و در انجيل يوحنّا هم بشارت داده به روح تسلّیدهنده که بعد از من میآيد و در انجيل لوقا هم بعضی علامات مذکور است ولکن چون بعضی از علمای آن ملّت هر بيانی را تفسيری به هوای خود نمودند لذا از مقصود محتجب ماندند فيا ليت اذنت لی يا سلطان لنرسل الی حضرتک ما تقرّ به العيون و تطمئنّ به النّفوس و يوقن کلّ منصف بأنّ عنده علم الکتاب و بعضی از ناس چون از جواب خصم عاجزند به حبل تحريف کتب متمسّکند و حال آنکه ذکر تحريف در مواضع مخصوصه بوده لو لا اعراض الجهلآء و اغماض العلمآء لقلت مقالا تفرح به القلوب و تطير الی الهوآء الّذی يسمع من هزيز ارياحه انّه لا اله الّا هو ولکنّ الآن لعدم اقتضآء الزّمان منع اللّسان عن البيان و ختم انآء التّبيان الی ان يفتح اللّه بقدرته انّه لهو المقتدر القدير. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) | They have so misrepresented matters before the royal presence that if ever any act of wrongdoing proceeds from anyone of this community, they impute it to the entire body of this community. I swear by God, besides Whom there is no other God, that this servant has deemed such actions to be unlawful and has never considered them as permissible, let alone what has been explicitly prohibited in the Book of God, who has prohibited the people from drinking wine and whose prohibition has been explicitly stated and recorded in the Book of God and whose prohibition has been acknowledged and accepted by the wise men of the time, who have forbidden the people from this abominable act; yet, some are still committing it.
Now, the punishment for this act is only incumbent upon those heedless souls, and those manifestations of exaltation and sanctity, to whom all existence bears witness, attest to their sanctity. Verily, these servants of God do as He pleases and judge as He wills, and they do not regard the manifestations of divine unity in the realms of the earthly kingdoms as impossible, and if a soul deems it impossible, what difference is there between him and those who have regarded the hand of God as tied up? If they regard the Almighty as having free will, they must accept all that comes from the source of His command as the embodiment of that will, and no one can escape from it, and there is no refuge from it except in God. And the matter which requires proof and evidence is not dependent on the whims and ignorance of the people; the prophets, who are the pearls of the ocean of divine unity and the dawning place of divine revelation, have been subjected to the whims and opposition of the people, as He says, "And they exert all their efforts so that they can take hold of their messenger and argue with falsehood to refute him with the truth." And He also says, "No messenger has come to them but that they mocked him." Consider [what happened] during the appearance of the Seal of the Prophets and the King of the Holy Ones, the soul of the worlds, when the sun of truth dawned on the horizon of Hijaz, how much injustice was inflicted on that manifestation of glory and majesty by the errant people. The heedless servants considered his affliction as the greatest of deeds and a means of attaining the exalted truth. The learned men of that time turned away from that supreme sun in its early days, along with the Jews and the Christians; and all the souls, both lowly and noble, tried to extinguish the light of that shining horizon. All their names are recorded in the books; among them were Wahb ibn Rahib, Ka'b ibn Ashraf, Abdullah Abyy, and others like them, until the matter reached the point where they plotted to shed the holy blood of that personage in a council of consultation, as God said, "And when those who disbelieve plot against you to kill you or to take you out, they plot, and God plots well." And likewise He says, "And the turning away of them is grievous unto thee, if thou canst find a hole into the earth or a ladder to the sky, that thou mayst bring unto them a sign. And if God willed, He could have gathered them together in the way, so be not thou of the ignorant." By God, the hearts of the true believers burn with the contents of these two blessed verses, and they do not regard such matters as having been mentioned in the past. They do not consider what the cause of the people's aversion was during the appearance of the divine lights and before the Seal of the Prophets was revealed. In the case of Jesus the son of Mary, after his appearance, the scholars unanimously attributed the belief of the simple believers to disbelief and tyranny, until finally, with the permission of Hannan, the greatest scholar of that time, and likewise Caiaphas, the greatest of the judges, they committed against him deeds which the pen is ashamed to mention. The earth became so strait for him that God ascended him to the heavens, and if I were to narrate the details of all the prophets, it would result in fatigue and weariness, and especially with the assistance of the scholars of the Torah, who do not believe in any prophet independent of the laws established by Moses. Some of the children of David will reappear and he will promote the laws of the Torah so that they will prevail among the people of the East and the West. Also, the people of the Gospel deem it impossible for a new cause to arise from the East following the will of God, and they base their arguments on this verse of the gospel that reads, "Verily, heaven and earth shall pass away, but the word of the Son of Man shall not pass away forever." And they claim that whatever Jesus the son of Mary had commanded and ordered will not change; in one place in the gospel says, "I will go and come, and in the gospel of John gives glad tidings of the Comforter who will come after me, and in the gospel of Luke some signs are mentioned, but because some of the scholars of that religion have interpreted every statement according to their own desires, they have become veiled from the truth. Would that, O King, I had permission to send to your presence that which would satisfy the eyes, comfort the souls, and every just person would know that He has the knowledge of the book. Some people, when they are defeated by their opponents, cling to the rope of the abrogation of the books, and now, if it were not for the opposition of the ignorant and the disregard of the learned, I would have said something which the hearts would have enjoyed and which would have flown to the air which hears of His existence, "there is no god but He." But now, on account of the lack of time, the tongue is forbidden to speak and the seals of the explanations are closed until God opens them by His power; verily, He is the Mighty and the Powerful One. (edit) |
25 | سبحانک اللّهمّ يا الهی اسئلک باسمک الّذی به سخّرت من فی السّموات و الأرض ان تحفظ سراج امرک بزجاجة قدرتک و الطافک لئلّا تمرّ عليه ارياح الانکار من شطر الّذين غفلوا من اسرار اسمک المختار ثمّ زد نوره بدهن حکمتک انّک انت المقتدر علی من فی ارضک و سمائک ای ربّ اسئلک بالکلمة العليا الّتی بها فزع من فی الأرض و السّمآء الّا من تمسّک بالعروة الوثقی ان لا تدعنی بين خلقک فارفعنی اليک و ادخلنی فی ظلال رحمتک و اشربنی زلال خمر عنايتک لأسکن فی خبآء مجدک و قباب الطافک انّک انت المقتدر علی ما تشآء و انّک انت المهيمن القيّوم. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) | Glory be to you, O Allah, my God, I ask You by Your name, by which You have subdued all that is in the heavens and the earth, to protect the lamp of Your command within the glass of Your power and Your kindness, so that the winds of denial may not pass over it from the direction of those who are heedless of the secrets of Your chosen name. Then increase its light with the oil of Your wisdom, for You are the One who has power over all that is in Your earth and heaven. O Lord, I ask You by the Supreme Word, by which all those in the earth and the heavens are terrified, except those who hold fast to the strong rope, not to leave me among Your creation, but to raise me up to You, admit me into the shadows of Your mercy, give me the drink of the pure wine of Your care, so that I may dwell in the hidden places of Your glory and the domes of Your kindness. Indeed, You are the One who has power over what You will, and You are the Dominant, the Sustainer. (edit) |
26 | يا سلطان قد خبت مصابيح الانصاف و اشتعلت نار الاعتساف فی کلّ الأطراف الی ان جعلوا اهلی اساری من الزّورآء الی الموصل الحدبآء ليس هذا اوّل حرمة هتکت فی سبيل اللّه ينبغی لکلّ نفس ان ينظر و يذکر ما ورد علی آل الرّسول اذ جعلهم القوم اساری و ادخلوهم فی دمشق الفيحآء و کان بينهم سيّد السّاجدين و سند المقرّبين و کعبة المشتاقين روح ما سواه فداه قيل لهم أ انتم الخوارج قال لا واللّه نحن عباد آمنّا باللّه و آياته و بنا افترّ ثغر الايمان و لاحت آية الرّحمن و بذکرنا سالت البطحآء و ماطت الظّلمة الّتی حالت بين الأرض و السّمآء قيل أ حرّمتم ما احلّه اللّه او حلّلتم ما حرّمه اللّه قال نحن اوّل من اتّبع اوامر اللّه و نحن اصل الأمر و مبدئه و اوّل کلّ خير و منتهاه نحن آية القدم و ذکره بين الأمم قيل أ ترکتم القرآن قال فينا انزله الرّحمن و نحن نسائم السّبحان بين الأکوان و نحن الشّوارع الّتی انشعبت من البحر الأعظم الّذی احيی اللّه به الأرض و يحييها به بعد موتها و منّا انتشرت آياته و ظهرت بيّناته و برزت آثاره و عندنا معانيه و اسراره قيل لأيّ جرم مليتم قال لحبّ اللّه و انقطاعنا عمّا سواه انّا ما ذکرنا عبارته عليه السّلام بل اظهرنا رشحا من بحر الحيوان الّذی کان مودعا فی کلماته ليحيی به المقبلون و يطّلعوا علی ما ورد علی امنآء اللّه من قوم سوء اخسرين و نری اليوم يعترض القوم علی الّذين ظلموا من قبل و هم يظلمون اشدّ ممّا ظلموا و لا يعرفون تاللّه انّی ما اردت الفساد بل تطهير العباد عن کلّ ما منعهم عن التّقرّب الی اللّه مالک يوم التّناد کنت نائما علی مضجعی مرّت عليّ نفحات ربّی الرّحمن و ايقظتنی من النّوم و امرنی بالنّدآء بين الأرض و السّمآء ما کان هذا من عندی بل من عنده يشهد بذلک سکّان جبروته و ملکوته و اهل مدائن عزّه ونفسه الحقّ لا اجزع من البلايا فی سبيله و لا عن الرّزايا فی حبّه و رضائه قد جعل اللّه البلآء غادية لهذه الدّسکرة الخضرآء و ذبالة لمصباحه الّذی به اشرقت الأرض و السّمآء هل يبقی لأحد ما عنده من ثروته او يغنيه غدا عن مالک ناصيته لو ينظر احد فی الّذين ناموا تحت الرّضام و جاوروا الرّغام هل يقدر ان يميّز رمم جماجم المالک عن براجم المملوک لا ومالک الملوک و هل يعرف الولاة من الرّعاة و هل يميّز اولی الثّروة و الغنآء من الّذی کان بلا حذآء و وطآء تاللّه قد رفع الفرق الّا لمن قضی الحقّ و قضی بالحقّ اين العلمآء و الفضلآء و الأمرآء اين دقّة انظارهم و حدّة ابصارهم و رقّة افکارهم و سلامة اذکارهم و اين خزائنهم المستورة و زخارفهم المشهودة و سررهم الموضونة و فرشهم الموضوعة هيهات قد صار الکلّ بورا و جعلهم قضآء اللّه هبآء منثورا قد نثل ما کنزوا و تشتّت ما جمعوا و تبدّد ما کتموا اصبحوا لا يری الّا اماکنهم الخالية و سقوفهم الخاوية و جذوعهم المنقعرة و قشيبهم البالية انّ البصير لا يشغله المال عن النّظر الی المآل و الخبير لا تمسکه الأموال عن التّوجّه الی الغنيّ المتعال اين من حکم علی ما طلعت الشّمس عليها و اسرف و استطرف فی الدّنيا و ما خلق فيها اين صاحب الکتيبة السّمرآء و الرّاية الصّفرآء اين من حکم فی الزّورآء و اين من ظلم فی الفيحآء و اين الّذين ارتعد الکنوز من کرمهم و قبض البحر عند بسط اکفّهم و هممهم و اين من طال ذراعه فی العصيان و مال ذرعه عن الرّحمن اين الّذی کان ان يجتبی اللّذّات و يجتنی اثمار الشّهوات اين ربّات الکمال و ذوات الجمال اين اغصانهم المتمائلة و افنانهم المتطاولة و قصورهم العالية و بساتينهم المعروشة و اين دقّة اديمها و رقّة نسيمها و خرير مائها و هزيز ارياحها و هدير ورقائها و حفيف اشجارها و اين سحورهم المفترّة و ثغورهم المبتسمة فواها لهم قد هبطوا الحضيض و جاوروا القضيض لا يسمع اليوم منهم ذکر و لا رکز و لا يعرف منهم امر و لا رمز أيمارون القوم و هم يشهدون أ ينکرون و هم يعلمون لم ادر بأيّ واد يهيمون اما يرون يذهبون و لا يرجعون الی متی يغيرون و ينجدون يهبطون و يصعدون أ لم يأن للّذين آمنوا ان تخشع قلوبهم لذکر اللّه طوبی لمن قال او يقول بلی يا ربّ آن و حان و ينقطع عمّا کان الی مالک الأکوان و مليک الامکان هيهات لا يحصد الّا ما زرع و لا يؤخذ الّا ما وضع الّا بفضل اللّه و کرمه هل حملت الأرض بالّذی لا تمنعه سبحات الجلال عن الصّعود الی ملکوت ربّه العزيز المتعال و هل لنا من العمل ما يزول به العلل و يقرّبنا الی مالک العلل نسئل اللّه ان يعاملنا بفضله لا بعدله و يجعلنا من الّذين توجّهوا اليه و انقطعوا عمّا سواه. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) | Oh Sultan, the lights of justice have dimmed and the fire of injustice has spread throughout the land. My people have been taken captive from the lowest to the highest. This is not the first time our sanctity has been violated in the name of Allah. Every one should reflect and remember what has happened to the family of the Messenger. The people have taken them captive and brought them to the lush city of Damascus, among them was the leader of the worshipers and the supporter of the righteous, the heart of the desiring.
When they were asked, "Are you the Outlaws?" They replied, "No, by Allah! We are the servants who believe in Allah and His signs. The light of faith brightened because of us and through our mention the darkness that came between the earth and the heavens cleared. When asked, "Did you make unlawful what Allah has made lawful or did you make lawful what Allah has made unlawful?" They replied, "We were the first to follow the commandments of Allah, and we are the origin of this matter. We are the ones who first embraced every good and we are the sign of Allah's eternity and His memory among nations." When asked, "Did you abandon the Quran?" They replied, "In us, the Merciful has revealed it, and we are the breath of the Praise between all creation. We are the path that branches from the greatest ocean through which Allah brings life to the land and revives it after its death. From us, His signs were spread, through us His clear proofs appeared, and through us His effects became manifested. We carry the meanings and secrets of His words." When asked about their crime, they replied, "Our love for Allah and our detachment from anything other than Him. We did not mention the words of the Prophet, peace be upon him, but only revealed a drop from the ocean of life that was deposited in his words, from which the seekers may be revived and guided to what befell the trusted ones of Allah from the evil people. (edit) |
27 | يا ملک قد رأيت فی سبيل اللّه ما لا رأت عين و لا سمعت اذن قد انکرنی المعارف و ضاق عليّ المخارف قد نضب ضحضاح السّلامة و اصفرّ ضحضاح الرّاحة کم من البلايا نزلت و کم منها سوف تنزل امشی مقبلا الی العزيز الوهّاب و ورائی تنساب الحباب قد استهلّ مدمعی الی ان بلّ مضجعی و ليس حزنی لنفسی تاللّه رأسی يشتاق الرّماح فی حبّ مولاه و ما مررت علی شجر الّا و قد خاطبه فؤادی يا ليت قطعت لاسمی و صلب عليک جسدی فی سبيل ربّی بل بما اری النّاس فی سکرتهم يعمهون و لا يعرفون رفعوا اهوائهم و وضعوا الههم کأنّهم اتّخذوا امر اللّه هزوا و لهوا و لعبا و يحسبون انّهم محسنون و فی حصن الأمان هم محصنون ليس الأمر کما يظنّون غدا يرون ما ينکرون فسوف يخرجنا اولو الحکم و الغنآء من هذه الأرض الّتی سمّيت بأدرنة الی مدينة عکّاء و ممّا يحکون انّها اخرب مدن الدّنيا و اقبحها صورة و اردئها هواء و انتنها مآء کأنّها دار حکومة الصّدی لا يسمع من ارجائها الّا صوت ترجيعه و ارادوا ان يحبسوا الغلام فيها و يسدّوا علی وجوهنا ابواب الرّخآء و يصدّوا عنّا عرض الحياة الدّنيا فيما غبر من ايّامنا تاللّه لو ينهکنی اللّغب و يهلکنی السّغب و يجعل فراشی من الصّخرة الصّمّآء و مؤانسی وحوش العرآء لا اجزع و اصبر کما صبر اولو الحزم و اصحاب العزم بحول اللّه مالک القدم و خالق الأمم و اشکر اللّه علی کلّ الأحوال و نرجو من کرمه تعالی بهذا الحبس يعتق الرّقاب من السّلاسل و الأطناب و يجعل الوجوه خالصة لوجهه العزيز الوهّاب انّه مجيب لمن دعاه و قريب لمن ناجاه و نسئله ان يجعل هذا البلآء الأدهم درعا لهيکل امره و به يحفظه من سيوف شاحذة و قضب نافذة لم يزل بالبلآء علا امره و سنا ذکره هذا من سنّته قد خلت فی القرون الخالية و الأعصار الماضية فسوف يعلم القوم ما لا يفقهونه اليوم اذا عثر جوادهم و طوی مهادهم و کلّت اسيافهم و زلّت اقدامهم لم ادر الی متی يرکبون مطيّة الهوی و يهيمون فی هيمآء الغفلة و الغوی أ يبقی عزّة من عزّ و ذلّة من ذلّ ام يبقی من اتّکأ علی الوسادة العليا و بلغ فی العزّة الغاية القصوی لا وربّی الرّحمن کلّ من عليها فان و يبقی وجه ربّی العزيز المنّان ايّ درع ما اصابها سهم الرّدی و ايّ فود ما عرّته يد القضآء و ايّ حصن منع عنه رسول الموت اذ اتی و ايّ سرير ما کسر و ايّ سدير ما قفر لو علم النّاس ما ورآء الختام من رحيق رحمة ربّهم العزيز العلّام لنبذوا الملام و استرضوا عن الغلام و امّا الآن حجّبونی بحجاب الظّلام الّذی نسجوه بأيدی الظّنون و الأوهام سوف تشقّ اليد البيضآء جيبا لهذه اللّيلة الدّلمآء و يفتح اللّه لمدينته بابا رتاجا يومئذ يدخل فيها النّاس افواجا و يقولون ما قالته اللّائمات من قبل ليظهر فی الغايات ما بدا فی البدايات أيريدون الاقامة و رجلهم فی الرّکاب و هل يرون لذهابهم من اياب لا وربّ الأرباب الّا فی المآب يومئذ يقوم النّاس من الأجداث و يسئلون عن التّراث طوبی لمن لا تسومه الأثقال فی ذلک اليوم الّذی فيه تمرّ الجبال و يحضر الکلّ للسّؤال فی محضر اللّه المتعال انّه شديد النّکال نسئل اللّه ان يقدّس قلوب بعض العلمآء من الضّغينة و البغضآء لينظروا الأشيآء بعين لا يغلبها الاغضآء و يصعدهم الی مقام لا تقلّبهم الدّنيا و رياستها عن النّظر الی الأفق الأعلی و لا يشغلهم المعاش و اسباب الفراش عن اليوم الّذی فيه يجعل الجبال کالفراش ولو انّهم يفرحون بما ورد علينا من البلآء سوف يأتی يوم فيه ينوحون و يبکون وربّی لو خيّرت فيما هم عليه من العزّة و الغنآء و الثّروة و العلآء و الرّاحة و الرّخآء و ما انا فيه من الشّدّة و البلآء لاخترت ما انا فيه اليوم و الآن لا ابدّل ذرّة من هذه البلايا بما خلق فی ملکوت الانشآء لو لا البلآء فی سبيل اللّه ما لذّ لی بقائی و ما نفعنی حياتی و لا يخفی علی اهل البصر و النّاظرين الی المنظر الأکبر انّی فی اکثر ايّامی کنت کعبد يکون جالسا تحت سيف علّق بشعرة واحدة و لم يدر متی ينزل عليه أينزل فی الحين او بعد حين و فی کلّ ذلک نشکر اللّه ربّ العالمين و نحمده فی کلّ الأحوال انّه علی کلّ شیء شهيد. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) | O King, I saw for the sake of God what the eye did not see and the ear did not hear. Acquaintances have disapproved of me and the ways have become narrow for me. The stream of safety has dried up and the stream of comfort has become yellow.
How many calamities have descended and how many are yet to come? I walk forward towards the One who is Almighty and the Giver, and behind me flows a stream of loving care. My tears have started flowing until my resting place has become soaked. By God, my sorrow is not for myself, but for my head that longs for arrows in the love of its Master. I have not passed by a tree without my heart addressing it, wishing that my name would be cut and my body crucified on you in the way of my Lord. But what I see people doing in their intoxication, they blindly follow and do not realize that they have raised their desires and cast aside their God as if they have taken the matter of God as a joke, play, and entertainment while thinking that they are doing good and in the fortress of safety they believe themselves to be protected. The matter is not as they think; tomorrow they will see what they deny today. The people of authority and wealth will drive us out of this land, which has been named Edirne, to the city of Akká. Among the things they say about it, it is the most desolate and hideous of all the cities of the world, with the worst climate and the foulest water. It is as if it is the abode of the government of the one who governs by false pretense, from which nothing is heard but the sound of his regurgitation. They want to imprison the youth there, close the doors of ease upon our faces, and prevent us from having a worldly life with the remainder of our days. By God, even if they subject me to hardship and destroy me with adversity, and make my bed from the deaf rock and my companion the beasts of the wilderness, I will not grieve and will be patient, like the people of determination and resolve, with the power of God, the One who is Eternal and the Creator of nations. I will give thanks to God for all circumstances and we hope that with this imprisonment, He will free us from the chains and the shackles, and make the faces purely devoted to His Blessed Face. He is the one who responds to those who call upon Him and is near to those who address Him. We ask Him to make this great affliction an armor for the pillar of His command, shielding it from sharp swords and penetrating spears. The trials have not ceased to be for the sake of God, for the sake of His servant, and for the sake of the remembrance of Him. This has been the case in the past centuries and previous ages. People will soon know what they do not understand today when their steeds stumble, their resting places are overturned, their swords are blunted, and their feet slip. I do not know how long they will continue to ride the mounts of desire and wander in the wilderness of negligence and deviation. Will any glory remain in glory or any disgrace in disgrace, or will any who rely on the supreme cushion remain, and reach the utmost limit of glory? By the Lord of Mercy, all that is in it shall perish, and the Face of your Lord, the Almighty, the Munificent, shall remain. What sort of armor is it that has not been struck by the arrow of destiny, and what kind of land has not been exposed to the hand of fate, and what fortress has kept the Angel of Death from reaching it when it comes, and what bed has not been broken, and what well has not dried up? If people knew what was behind the seal of the sweet mercy of their Lord, the All-Knowing, they would throw away their blame and be content with the youth. But now they have veiled me with a veil of darkness that they have woven with the hands of suspicions and illusions. Soon the white hand will tear apart the pocket of this dark night and God will open a shining door for His City where people will enter in droves and say what those before them have said, so that the final ends will appear as they had started. (edit) |
28 | نسئل اللّه ان يبسط ظلّه ليسرعنّ اليه الموحّدون و يأوينّ فيه المخلصون و يرزق العباد من روض عنايته زهرا و من افق الطافه زهرا و يؤيّده فيما يحبّ و يرضی و يوفّقه علی ما يقرّبه الی مطلع اسمائه الحسنی ليغضّ الطّرف ممّا يری من الاجحاف و ينظر الی الرّعيّة بعين الالطاف و يحفظهم من الاعتساف و نسئله تعالی ان يجمع الکلّ علی خليج البحر الأعظم الّذی کلّ قطرة منه تنادی انّه مبشّر العالمين و محيی العالمين و الحمد للّه مالک يوم الدّين و نسئله تعالی ان يجعلک ناصرا لأمره و ناظرا الی عدله لتحکم علی العباد کما تحکم علی ذوی قرابتک و تختار لهم ما تختاره لنفسک انّه لهو المقتدر المتعالی المهيمن القيّوم. (edit)
Nothing entered yet... (edit) | We ask Allah to extend His shade so that the monotheists may hasten towards Him and the sincere ones may seek refuge in it, and to grant His servants blessings from the garden of His care and from the horizon of His kindness, and to support him in what He loves and is pleased with, and to enable him to achieve what brings him closer to the rays of His beautiful names, so that he may lower his gaze from what he sees of injustice and look upon his subjects with the eye of kindness, and protect them from extravagance. We ask Him, the Most High, to bring everyone together on the shore of the greatest sea, in which every drop calls out that He is the bringer of good news to the worlds and the giver of life to the worlds. Praise be to Allah, the Master of the Day of Judgment. We ask Him, the Most High, to make you a supporter of His cause and a witness to His justice, to judge among the servants as you judge among your relatives, and to choose for them what you choose for yourself. Indeed, He is the Most Capable, the Supreme, the Sovereign, the Sustainer. (edit) |
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