Kitab-i-Sultan/GPT4 7

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Glory be to You, O Allah, O my God, how many heads have been raised on the spear in Your cause and how many chests have faced the arrows for Your satisfaction, and how many hearts have been entangled for the elevation of Your Word and the spread of Your command, and how many eyes have shed tears in Your love. I ask You, O King of kings and the Most Merciful to the subjects, by Your Greatest Name, which You have made the source of Your Beautiful Names and the manifestation of Your Exalted Attributes, to raise the veils that have come between You and Your creation and prevented them from turning towards the horizon of Your inspiration. Then attract them, O my God, with Your Supreme Word from the left of illusion and forgetfulness to the right of certainty and knowledge, so they may know what You have intended for them by Your generosity and grace, and turn to the manifestation of Your command and the source of Your signs. O my God, You are the Generous One, the Possessor of the Great Favor, do not prevent Your servants from the Greatest Sea which You have made to carry the pearls of Your knowledge and wisdom, and do not drive them away from Your door which You have opened for those in Your heavens and Your earth. O Lord, do not leave them to themselves, for they know not and flee from what is better for them than what You have created in Your earth. So look upon them, O my God, with the glances of Your kindness and Your gifts, and save them from the self and lust so that they may draw near to Your highest horizon and find the sweetness of Your remembrance and the delight of the table which You have sent down from the heaven of Your Will and the air of Your Bounty. Your grace has always encompassed the possibilities, and Your mercy has preceded the beings. There is no god but You, the All-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.