Kitab-i-Iqan/Page9/GPT4 172
So, from these statements, it became clear that if at the end of all ends a dawn appears and rises upon the same matter upon which the first of all firsts dawned, each mirror of truth from the first dawn reflects onto the last dawn. Because the last of all lasts has risen upon the same matter upon which the first of all firsts had risen. This is why the Point of Declaration, may our soul be his sacrifice, likened the Suns of Unity to the sun that, if it rises from the first of all firsts to the last of all lasts, is the same sun that rises. Now, if it is said that this sun is the same as the first sun, it is correct, and if it is said that it is the return of that sun, it is also correct. And likewise, from this truthful discourse, the mention of finality applies to the dawn of initiation, and vice versa, because what the dawn of culmination rises upon is precisely what the beauty of initiation had risen upon.