Kitab-i-Iqan/Page9/GPT4 171

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Therefore, purify and sanctify your sight from the boundaries of outward forms, so that you may perceive all as one in name, form, essence, and truth, and observe the secrets of the return of words in the revealed verses. Consider to some extent the companions of the Point of the Criterion, how they became detached and sanctified from all human aspects and carnal desires due to the holy breaths of His Holiness, and before all the people of the earth, they succeeded in the honor of meeting, which was the very meeting with God, and became detached from all the people of the earth. As you have heard, how they offered their lives in the presence of that Manifestation of Glory. Now, observe the same steadfastness, solidity, and detachment clearly in the companions related to the Point of Declaration, as you have observed how these companions raised the banner of detachment from the novel gifts of the Lord of Lords.

Indeed, these lights have appeared from one lamp, and these fruits have been seen from one tree. In truth, there is no noticeable difference, nor any apparent change. All of this is from the bounty of God, He grants it to whomever He wills of His creation. God willing, we will move from the land of negation to the sea of affirmation so that we can observe the divine realms of gathering, separation, unity, differentiation, definition, and abstraction with a sight that is sanctified from elements and opposites. And we may soar to the highest horizon of proximity and sanctity of His divine meanings.