Kitab-i-Iqan/Page7/GPT4 121

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Also, observe how the account of creatures was drawn out by the revelation of just this one verse from the heaven of the divine will. Whoever confessed and sought favor, his good deeds exceeded his bad deeds, and all his sins were forgiven and pardoned. This confirms the divine attribute that He is swift in taking account, and it's how God changes bad deeds into good ones if you could discern the horizons of knowledge and scales of wisdom.

Similarly, whoever partook from the cup of divine love received from the ocean of everlasting blessings and the clouds of eternal mercy, and gained everlasting spiritual life. And every soul that did not accept suffered from eternal death. The meaning of death and life mentioned in the scriptures refers to spiritual death and life.

It is due to the lack of understanding of this meaning that the majority of people objected in every divine manifestation, did not find guidance from the sun of guidance, and did not follow the eternal beauty.