Kitab-i-Iqan/Page6/GPT4 114
Indeed, returning to the subject that was asked about, that the sovereignty of the Qa'im, although it has been narrated in traditions from luminous stars, no sign of manifest sovereignty has appeared, rather the opposite has come to pass. His followers and allies are and have been afflicted and besieged by people, and are in the utmost state of humiliation and impotence in the temporal realm. However, the sovereignty mentioned in the scriptures for the Qa'im is a certainty, beyond a doubt, but it is not the kind of sovereignty and rule that everyone can comprehend. Also, all previous prophets who have given the good tidings to the people about the upcoming manifestation, have all referred to this aspect of sovereignty of the future manifestation, as recorded in the previous scriptures. This is not specific to the Qa'im; rather, for all previous and subsequent manifestations, the establishment of sovereignty and all the attributes and names are affirmed and confirmed, as they are manifestations of unseen attributes and studies of divine secrets, as mentioned earlier.