Kitab-i-Iqan/Page13/GPT4 246
Now, if someone comes with millions of verses, sermons, scrolls, and supplications without having received instruction, on what basis can they object and be deprived of this greatest bounty? What will they answer after the ascent of the soul from the body of darkness? Will they cling to the excuse that they adhered to a particular tradition, and because they did not find its meaning apparently, they objected to the Manifestation of the Cause and turned away from the ordinances of Truth?
Have you not heard that among the reasons why some of the Prophets were of the 'Ulu'l-'Azm (those who possessed constancy) was the revelation of a Book upon them? And this is established. Despite this, how is it permissible that they should follow those who, out of their ignorance, twist some words of the possessor of these many volumes of Scriptures to cast doubt into the hearts of the people, becoming a Satan of the age to misguide the servants and lead astray those in the lands, and thus remain bereft of the Sun of divine grace?
Beyond all these degrees, do they seek to avoid this holy and merciful Breath, and turn their backs? I do not know to what they would cling and to which aspect they would turn. Indeed, "For each [religious following] is a direction toward which it faces." We have shown you the two paths in these two methods; then walk on what you choose for yourself. And this is the statement of truth, and anything after truth is nothing but misguidance.