Kitab-i-Dunya/Page1/GPT4 5

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O branches, upon you is my glory and my favor. The tent of the divine command is great. It encompasses all the parties of the world and will encompass them. Your day is the day, and a thousand tablets testify to you. Stand up for the cause and engage in subjugating the hearts and minds of the people of the world with the armies of the word. It must be revealed from you what is the cause of comfort and relief for the unfortunate of the world. Tighten the belt of effort, perhaps the servants will be relieved from captivity and reach freedom. Today, the cry of justice is high and the groan of fairness is elevated. The dark smoke of oppression has surrounded the world and nations. From the movement of the supreme pen, a new spirit of meanings has been breathed into the bodies of words by the command of the true commander, and its effects are apparent and clear in all things of the world. This is the greatest good news that has flowed from the pen of the oppressed. Say, O friends, fear for what and fear of whom? The petals of the world are destroyed and become by a little moisture. The breath of gathering is the cause of the dispersion of imaginary souls. Conflict and quarrel are the traits of the despised of the earth. Bring the winning swords of the Babi party with good words and approved behavior. The good people have taken possession of the gardens of existence with a returning envelope. Say, O friends, do not lose wisdom. Listen to the advice of the highest pen with an ear of understanding. All the people of the world should be relieved from the harm of your hand and tongue. In the most holy book, in the mention of the land of Ta, what has been revealed is the cause of the world's attention. The oppressors of the world have usurped the rights of nations and have been and are busy with the desires of their souls with all their power and strength. From the oppressor of the earth, what appeared that made the eyes of the supreme assembly weep blood.