Kitab-i-Dunya/Page1/GPT4 16

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O Party of God, listen to what the heed of which is the cause of freedom, comfort, ease, elevation, and overall prosperity. For Iran, a law and principles are necessary and obligatory, but it is fitting that it should be established according to the will of His Majesty the Sultan - may God strengthen him - and the learned scholars and great officials. They should be made aware of it, and they should gather in that specific place, adhere to the rope of consultation, and determine and implement what is the cause of security, blessings, wealth, and peace for the servants.

If it happens otherwise, it would cause discord and turmoil. The principles of judgments that have previously been revealed in the Most Holy Book and other Tablets concerning sovereigns, just leaders, trustees of the House of Justice, the just, and the discerning, after contemplation, will observe the light of justice in its apparent and inner dimensions.

Now, what seems good in the British nation's constitution, which is adorned with both the light of sovereignty and the consultation of the nation, is mentioned in the principles and laws set down by the Bab concerning retribution, which is the cause of the protection and preservation of the servants. Yet, it prohibits the people in appearance from committing disgraceful acts, but the matter that is a cause of preservation and prohibition in both the outer and inner aspects, is the fear of God. He is the true guardian and the spiritual protector. One should adhere to and cling to what causes the manifestation of this great gift. Blessed is he who heard what my supreme pen has uttered and acted on what he was commanded by the Ancient Commander.