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و حال شما هم نمي دانيد چه نقل است و چه امر از افق اراده الهی ظاهر شده. مع ذلك به اين كلمات، كه لايق انفس ملقيه بوده و هست و شما هم به القای آنها نوشته ايد، افتخار مي نمائيد. و البتّه به اغوای شيطان به اطراف هم فرستاده ايد، چنانچه مخصوص اخبار فرموده اند، و إنّه لهو الصّادق العليم. فسوف يُبطل الله ما عندهم بقوله الحقّ و يُظهر مكرَ نفوسهم لعباده المقرّبين. (edit)
And now you don't know what is a narration and what has appeared from the horizon of divine will. However, you are proud of these words, which were and are worthy of Malaqiya's soul, and you wrote them inspired by them. And, of course, you have sent them around with the temptation of the devil, as they have said for the news, and this is the knowledge of the All-Knowing. Then Allah will invalidate us with the word of truth and show the deceit of their souls to the worshipers of the close ones. (edit) And now you do not know what has been transferred and what has appeared from the horizon of divine will. Yet with these words, which have been and still are fitting for those who have been indoctrinated, you take pride. And of course, you have sent them to others due to Satan's deception, as the specific news has stated, and indeed, He is the truthful and all-knowing. So, God will invalidate their claims with His true words and reveal the deception of their souls to His close servants. (edit)
شأن شما آن بود كه اوّلاً سؤال نمائيد از نفس ظهور كه ادّعا چي است و حجّت چه تا بر آن مطّلع شويد. اگر مي فرمود كه اين همان ظهوری است كه نقطه بيان به آن بشارت داده و اخذ عهد او را از كلّ نموده، ديگر اين اعتراضات جميع بی ثمر بوده و خواهد بود و اين همه زحمت به خود نمي داديد كه حروفات جعليّه آن انفس ملقيه را تركيب نمائيد. إتّق الله و لا تقُل ما لا تعلم و لا تتبّع كلَّ ناعقٍ، و لو تريد أنْ تطّلع[۱۶۹] بالحقّ فاسئل الله ربّك و ربّ العالمين! (edit)
It was your honor to first ask the soul of the manifestation what is the claim and what is the proof so that you can be informed about it. If he had said that this is the same apparition that the point of expression has heralded and taken his pledge from the whole, then all these objections would have been and will be fruitless, and you would not have taken so much pains to combine the fake letters of that soul. come Fear God and don't say, don't learn, and don't follow all the wicked, and if you want to know [169] the truth, then ask God, your Lord and the Lord of the worlds! (edit) Your responsibility was to first ask the person claiming to be the Manifestation what their claim is and what their proof is, so that you would be informed. If they had said that this is the same appearance that the Point of Revelation had prophesied and taken the covenant for it from all, then all these objections would have been and will be fruitless, and you would not have gone through all this trouble to compose the fabricated words of those indoctrinated souls. Fear God, and do not say what you do not know, and do not follow every babbler. If you wish to seek the truth, ask God, your Lord and the Lord of the worlds! (edit)
قول ديگر - كبُر غفلةُ مَن ألقاه - : غايت امر اين است كه يكی از ادلّا و مرايای او مي باشند. و مرايا را مراتب است و حاكی بالتّمام از نسل يكی خواهد بود. رشته مرآتِ تامّْ واحداً بعد واحد خواهد بود، باقی ديگر حاكی بالتّمام نخواهد بود. و آن را هم حضرت ربّ اعلی حصر در ميرزا يحيی نموده. (edit)
Another saying - Kabor ghafla'o man al-aqah -: The end of the matter is that they are one of his proofs and mirrors. And there is a degree to Marya, and Haqi Balttamam will be from the same generation. The string of complete merits will be one-dimensional, the rest will not be indicative of completeness. And it was also resurrected by the Lord Almighty Hisr in Mirza. (edit) Another statement – how great is the heedlessness of the one who has uttered it – is: The ultimate purpose of this matter is that one of His evidences and mirrors will be present. And mirrors have degrees and will completely represent the lineage of one person. The chain of complete mirrors will be one after another, the rest will not be a complete representation. And this has also been confined by the Most High Lord in Mirza Yahya. (edit)
قد أخطأ مَن ألقاك و عصی فيما إرتكب و كفر بالله الّذی خلقه مِن ترابٍ و إفتری بالّذی إليه يرجع فی منقلبه و مثواه و هو مِن الّذين جعل الكتابَ عِضِين. چه كه تازه مرآت تامّ و غير تامّ ذكر نموده. والله قلم متحيّر است كه در جواب امثال آن غافلين چه ذكر نمايد. خود نقطه اولی در مقام مناجات می فرمايد: الهی! در هر سنه بفرست مرآتی تا آن که مدلّ باشد بر تو و حاكی باشد از تو. و بعد می فرمايد: در هر شهری بفرست. و اگر تسليم نمائيم قول شما را مخالف است با قول نقطه بيان. منتهی رتبه مرايا اين رتبه است كه می فرمايد قوله - جلّ إجلاله -: قل: أنْ يا شموسَ المرايا! أنتم إلی شمس الحقيقة تنظرون. فإنّ قيامكم بها لو أنتم تتبصّرون. كلّكم كَحيتانٍ بالماء، فی البحر تتحرّكون و تحتجبون عن الماء و تُسئلون عمّا أنتم به قائمون. (edit)
The height of my mistakes and disobedience in what I did, and the disbelief of God, the creator of dirt, and the slander of the one who returns to Him, will return to him in Manqleba and Matswah, and he is one of those who forge the book. What he just mentioned is complete and incomplete benefits. By God, the pen is wondering what to mention in response to the likes of those heedless people. The first point itself says: Divine! In every year, send a gift so that it is a model for you and a sign of you. And then he says: Send in every city. And if we surrender, your promise is against the promise of the statement. The end of the rank of Maraya is this rank, which says Qulah - Jalll Ijlalah -: Qul: Oh, the sun of al-Maraya! You are looking at the true sun. If only you would understand my resurrection. All of you are priests of the water, you move in the sea and you are afraid of the water, and you pray to the Qa'imun. (edit) He who has cast you has made a mistake and has disobeyed in what he has committed, and has disbelieved in God who created him from dust, and has lied about the One to whom he will return in his journey and abode, and is among those who have made the Scripture divided. It is new that he mentioned complete and incomplete mirrors. By God, the pen is bewildered as to what to mention in response to the heedlessness of the likes of them. The Primal Point (the Bab) Himself says in a supplication: O God! Send a mirror in every age so that it may be a model for You and a representation of You. And later He says: Send one in every city. And if we accept your statement, it contradicts the statement of the Primal Point. However, the rank of mirrors is this rank that He says - May His Majesty be glorified -: Say: O Suns of Mirrors! You look towards the Sun of Truth. Indeed, your establishment is with it if you have insight. All of you are like a whale in the water, moving in the sea and veiling yourselves from the water, and you ask about what you are upholding. (edit)
بگو: ای غافل، ملاحظه نما كه به شموس مرايا، كه منتهی رتبه[۱۷۰]آنها است، می فرمايد كه شما به شمس حقيقت ناظر باشيد. و بعد می فرمايند مَثَل شما مثل حيتان است كه در بحر حركت مي نمائيد و محتجبيد از ماء، و سؤال كرده مي شويد از آنچه به او قائميد. (edit)
Say: O heedless one, consider that he says to the Sun of the Mirrors, which is at the top of their rank [170], that you should observe the Sun of Truth. And then they say that your example is like a whale that moves in the sea and is surrounded by water, and you are asked about what is up to him. (edit) Say: O heedless one, observe that He addresses the Suns of Mirrors, which is the ultimate rank of them[170], and says that you should look towards the Sun of Truth. And then He says your example is like a whale that moves in the sea and is veiled from the water, and you are asked about what you are upholding. (edit)
فوالله اگر اهل بيان انصاف دهند همين بيان منزل بيان جميع را كافي است، از كلمات مشركين منقطع می شوند و معنی اين كلمات الهيّه را اليوم مشاهده می نمايند. چنانچه اين نفس معرض، كه خود را مرآت مي داند و بعضی هم مِن غير شعور او را مرآت فرض گرفته، بر فرض تسليم از شمس حقيقت محروم مانده، چنانچه مشاهده می شود كه به نفس خود ناظر و به موهوم متشبّث و از شمس حقيقت بعيد و ممنوع. در ماء حركت مي كند چنانچه در ظلّ اشراقات انوار الهيّه مستظلّ، ولكن از او مهجور و محجوب و محروم. و همچنين اليوم از كلّ مرايا سؤال كرده می شود، چنانچه كلّ در موقف سؤال حاضر، هر كدام از شريعه عرفان الله خارج شد از حجر محسوب بلكه قابل ذكر نبوده، و هر كدام عارف شد و در ظلّ عنايتش مأوی گرفت از مرايای اوليّه عند الله مذكور. كذلك فصّل الأمر لعلّ النّاس هم يفقهون. (edit)
By God, if the people of the statement are fair, this statement is sufficient for the statement of all, they will be cut off from the words of the polytheists and they will see the meaning of these divine words today. If this exposed soul, which considers itself meritorious and some people assume that the unconscious self is meritorious, is deprived of the sun of truth due to the assumption of surrender, as it can be seen that it is self-observant and clings to illusions and is far from the sun of truth. and forbidden It moves in the water as if it is in the shadow of the divine lights, but it is abandoned, obscured and deprived of Him. And also today, all the mirrors are questioned, if all in the present question, each of them came out of the sharia of God's mysticism, not considered as stone, but not mentionable, and each of them became a mystic and under the shadow of his grace, took shelter from the first mirrors of God. mentioned Also, the division of the matter, for all the people, are also wise. (edit) By God, if the people of eloquence were to be fair, this very statement would be sufficient for them to sever from the words of the idolaters and witness the meaning of these divine words today. Just as this exposed soul, who considers himself a mirror and some, without awareness, have assumed him to be a mirror, has, on the assumption of submission, been deprived of the Sun of Truth. As it is observed, he looks at his own self and clings to the imaginary, far and forbidden from the Sun of Truth. He moves in the water as if he is under the shadow of the effulgent divine lights, but he is forsaken, veiled, and deprived of them.

And so today, all the mirrors are questioned, just as all are present in the position of questioning. Whoever has been excluded from the divine knowledge and the divine laws is not even considered worthy of mention, but whoever has gained knowledge and taken refuge in His grace is mentioned as one of the primary mirrors in the sight of God. Thus, the matter is detailed so that people may understand. (edit)

حال قدری در اين بيان تفكّر نما كه شايد به كوثر احديّه، كه از معين كلمات الهيّه جاری است، فائز گردی. بگو: ای ظالم بی خبر، اين[۱۷۱]تحديدات در كجای از بيان مسطور است كه القا نموده؟ افترا بر حقّ بسته كه مرآت حاكی بالتّمام از نسل يكی خواهد بود و آن را هم حضرت ربّ اعلی در فلان حصر نموده. قُل: إفتريت بربّ العرش و الكرسیّ الرّفيع. از اين كلمات حقيقت عرفان مَن ألقی إليك و أوحی إليه معلوم شده. آفرين، خوب يد منبسطه الهيّه را مغلول نموده ايد. يتكلّمون بمثل اليهود و لايشعرون. خاك بر فم امثال آن قائلين و طين بر رأس نابالغين كه تنزيه امر و تقديس كلمات الهيّه را به غبار جهل و تحديد آلوده نموده اند. لم يزل امرالله مقدّس از اين حدود بوده. (edit)
Now, think about this statement for a while, maybe you will benefit from Kausar Ahadiya, which flows from the source of God's words. Say: O ignorant tyrant, where are these [171] limitations from the hidden statement that you have inculcated? Defamation is based on the truth that Merat Haki will be completely from the generation of one, and the Lord Almighty has limited it to such and such. Qol: Iftar on the Lord of the Throne and the High Chair. From these words, the truth of my mysticism has been revealed. Well done, you have defied the expansive hand of God. We talk like Jews and poets. Dirt on the mouths of those who believe and clay on the heads of the immature who have polluted the sanctification of the command and the sanctification of the words of God with the dust of ignorance and determination. Lam Yazal Amrullah Muqdis was one of these limits. (edit) Now, reflect on this statement so that perhaps you may become successful through the Kawthar of divine oneness, which flows from the source of divine words. Say: O unjust and ignorant one, where in the recorded statement are these limitations that you have assumed? You have fabricated a lie against the truth, claiming that the mirror will be a perfect reflection of a single lineage and that the Most High Lord has restricted it to such and such. Say: You have fabricated lies against the Lord of the Throne and the Exalted Seat. From these words, the truth of recognition has been made known to those who have been inspired and received revelation. Bravo, you have bound the divine extended hand. They speak like the Jews but are not aware.

Shame on the mouths of such speakers and clay on the heads of the immature who have tainted the sanctification of the divine cause and the holiness of divine words with the dust of ignorance and limitations. The divine cause has always been sanctified from these boundaries. (edit)

واللهِ الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه از پست ترين اهل ملل قبل محتجب تر مشاهده می شوند، ولكن مرشد بسيار از اين كلمه مسرور شده، والبتّه شما را هم نظر به اين خدمت يكی از شهدای نار قرار داده و يا خواهد داد. چه كه هميشه اراده داشته كه امر الله را مخصوص به خود و ما يخرُج مِن صلبه نمايد و شما پيش از اراده او امضا داشته ايد. مريد يعنی شما. صد هزار آفرين بر شما كه از برای يك مخلوق خبيثی، كه والله الّذی لا إله إلاّ هو كه شيطان از افعالش احتراز جسته و مي جويد، از خالق گذشته[۱۷۲]. أفّ له و لمن إتّبعه. فوالله بإفترائه إهتزّت أركانُ العرش و تزلزلتْ قوائم كرسیّ الرّفيع. (edit)
By God, there is no god but the one who is seen as more obstinate than the lowest people of the previous nations, but the master was very pleased with this word, and he has or will give you the same opinion of this service as one of the martyrs of the fire. He has always wanted to make God's order special for himself and us, and you have signed before his will. A disciple means you. A hundred thousand praises to you who have passed away from the Creator for an evil creature, who, by Allah, there is no god but the devil, has sought and sought protection from his actions [172]. Afflah and Lehman Ittba. By God, by slander, the pillars of the Throne shake and the pillars of the High Chair shake. (edit) By Allah, there is no god but He, who has been more veiled from the lowest of the people of the previous nations, yet many have rejoiced in this word. Indeed, you have considered or will consider yourself to be one of the martyrs of the cause in view of this service. You have always intended to make the divine cause exclusive to yourself and have it emerge from your loins, and you have signed before His will. I mean you, the seeker. A hundred thousand praises to you, who have surpassed the Creator for the sake of a wicked creature, by Allah, there is no god but He, from whose actions Satan himself has sought and seeks refuge. Woe to him and those who follow him.

By Allah, with his fabrication, the pillars of the Throne have shaken, and the supports of the Exalted Seat have trembled. (edit)

بشنو ندای اين عبد را و اين دفتر نفس و هوا را، كه به القای شيطان به كلمات ظنونيّه كاذبه مفتريه نقش نموده، بشوی و از مفازه تنگ به فضای وسيع منيع وارد شو! نديده مگو و نفهميده منويس! عنقريب تو و او و ما همه به خاك راجعيم. ای با انصاف، به اين شدّت چرا در تضييع امرالله كمر بسته و برای رضای مخلوقی بی قدر و بی شأن اين همه مفتريات به حقّ نسبت داده؟ قد أخذتْكم نفحاتُ القهر و أیّ قهرٍ أعظم مِن ذلك. تعبدون البقر و لا تعرفون، ثم تدعون الله بأن يُخرج لكم مِن صلبه عجلاً لِتعبدوه و تكوننّ من العابدين، ثمّ مِن نسل هذا العجل عجلاً آخر. و لو ينقطع النسل لَتعزون فی أنفسكم و تنوحون و تبكون كما تبكون فی فقدان آبائكم و أمّهاتكم، بل أعظم لو تكوننّ مِن الشّاعرين. (edit)
Hear the call of this servant and this book of breath and air, which has been created by the devil's indoctrination with suspicious, false words, and enter through the narrow gap into the vast open space! Don't say you haven't seen it and don't understand the writer! Soon you and he and we will all return to earth. Honestly, why are you so bent on defying God's order and have attributed all these liberties to the truth for the sake of a worthless and unworthy creature? You have taken the breaths of anger and what anger is greater than that. They worship cows and do not know, then they call on God to make you come out of the grave quickly to worship him and make them worshipers. And if the progeny is cut off, I will lament in my soul, and I will mourn and cry like you cry in the loss of my fathers and mothers. (edit) Listen to the call of this servant and wash away the notebook of your whims and desires, which have been inscribed with false and fabricated suspicious words due to the whisperings of Satan, and enter from the narrow trap into the vast and secure space! Do not talk about what you have not seen and do not write about what you have not understood! Soon, you, him, and us will all return to the dust. Oh, with fairness, why have you tied yourself so tightly to the undermining of the divine cause and attributed all these fabrications to the truth for the sake of a worthless and insignificant creature?

Indeed, the breezes of wrath have seized you, and what greater wrath is there than this? You worship the cow and do not know it, then you call upon God to bring forth a calf from its loins for you to worship and be among the worshipers, and then from the offspring of this calf, another calf. And if the lineage were to be cut off, you would grieve within yourselves, wail and weep as you weep for the loss of your fathers and mothers, even more so if you were among the poets. (edit)

ملاحظه نما كه چه قدر غافلند اين نفوس كه شمس معانی با منتهی علوّ عظمت و جلال از افق حقيقت طالع و مشرق شده. او را به قدر ما يظهر مِن صلب البقر هم ندانسته اند. بگو: لعنت بر شما و بر حيای شما. قد شقّ هيكلُ الأحديّة رداءَ العظمة مِن ظلمكم، يا ملاء العنود. (edit)
Look at how oblivious these people are that the sun of meaning has risen from the horizon of truth with the end of the greatness and glory. They have not considered him as much as we have seen him. Say: Curse on you and on your modesty. The height of the structure of Ahadiya, the robe of the greatness of my oppression, or Mullah Al-Anud. (edit) Observe how unaware these souls are, as the sun of meanings has risen and shone from the horizon of truth with utmost grandeur and majesty. They did not even recognize it as much as they would a calf appearing from a cow. Say: Curse upon you and your life. The edifice of oneness has torn the veil of greatness due to your oppression, O stubborn assembly. (edit)
حيرت از اين است كه سيّد محمّد اصفهانی، كه[۱۷۳]ابداً از اين امر اطّلاع نداشته و با او نبوده، شما او را صادق فرض گرفته ايد و جميع نفوسي كه مطّلع بوده اند كاذب دانسته ايد و به اغوای او شمشير كين بر جمال ربّ العالمين آخته. بريز اين وساوس نفسانيّه و خدع نسناسيّه را! قسم به آفتاب معانی كه طائفين حول ننگ دارند از ذكر اين مرايای كاذبه شما. و آنقدر شما ادراك ننموده ايد كه وجود مرايا بنفسه لنفسه نبوده، بلكه در حين تقابل اشراقی از شمس در آنها ظاهر و بعد از انحراف معدوم بوده و خواهند بود. صد هزار مرايا به كلمه خلق شده و می شوند، وتا در ظلّ شجره اثبات و شمس حقيقت باقيند از مرايا مذكور، و إلاّ از احجار سجّين و اهل نار مذكور. (edit)
It is surprising that Seyyed Mohammad Esfahani, who [173] never knew about this matter and was not with him, you have assumed him to be honest, and you have considered all the people who were informed to be liars, and because of his seduction, you put a sword against the beauty of the Lord. Alameen Akhteh Get rid of this selfish obsession and inhuman deception! I swear by the sun of the meanings that Taifin has around the shame of mentioning these false mirrors of yours. And you have not realized that the existence of mirrors is not self-inflicted, but during the confrontation of rays from the sun, they appear in them and after the deviation, they disappear and will be. A hundred thousand mirrors were created and created by the word, and they remain in the shadow of the tree of proof and the sun of truth from the mentioned mirrors, and only from the mentioned stones of Sajjin and the people of the fire. (edit) It is astonishing that you have considered Sayyid Muhammad Isfahani, who[173] had absolutely no knowledge of this matter and was not with him, to be truthful, and you have regarded all the souls who were informed as liars and, deceived by him, have drawn the sword of hatred against the beauty of the Lord of the worlds. Abandon these selfish whispers and cunning insinuations! By the Sun of meanings, around which revolve the ashamed, you are far from mentioning these false mirrors. You have not realized that the existence of mirrors is not in and of themselves, but rather, they appear during the encounter with the illuminations from the Sun, and after turning away, they become non-existent and will continue to be so. A hundred thousand mirrors are created and will be created by the Word, and as long as they remain in the shadow of the Tree of Affirmation and the Sun of Truth, they are mentioned among the mirrors; otherwise, they are mentioned among the accursed stones and the people of the Fire. (edit)
قول ديگر: مسلّم مي داريم كه بر ربّ اعلی برتری دارد و قيامت او است و دوره او مرتفع شده، به اين معنی كه من همان مَن يُظهره الله هستم كه وعده خود حضرت ربّ اعلی است كه دوره بيان به او مرتفع می شود و ناسخ خواهد بود، بطلان اين سخن أظهر مِن الشّمس است. اوّلاً خود حضرت باب به نوعی كه احدی خلاف نكند بيان نموده. بيان يكی از آن بيانات مجملاً اين عبارت است: لو لم يكمُل خلقُ ذلك الظّهور لم يُظهِر الله مظهرَ الآخر. و معنی تكميل را نيز بيان فرموده. اين است كه آنچه فرموده و امر نموده چون كه[۱۷۴] مِن الله بايد تخلّف نكند و خلقی در ظلّ او خلق شود و كلّ فرمايشات او، چه از مقامات عاليه و چه از فروعات دنيّه، به ظهور آيد. و إلاّ ظهور چنين شخصی لغو خواهد بود و اخباری كه از حقّ است كلّ كذب خواهد بود. (edit)
Another saying: We believe that he is superior to God Almighty, and it is his resurrection, and his period has ended, which means that I am the Manifestation of God, which is the promise of God Almighty, that the period of revelation to him will be ended and will not be abrogated. It was, the invalidity of this statement is evident. First of all, the Prophet himself stated in such a way that no one would contradict. The expression of one of those statements is as follows: Lo lam ikmol Khalqu tumul al-zahoor lam yazoher Allah mahzaar al-alkher. And he also explained the meaning of completion. This is that what he has said and commanded because it is from God [174] must not be violated, and a creation will be created under his shadow, and all his commands, whether from high authorities or from the branches of the world, will come to light. Otherwise, the appearance of such a person will be canceled and the news that is from the truth will be all lies. (edit) Another saying: We acknowledge that He has superiority over the Most High Lord, and His Resurrection is established, and His era is exalted, in the sense that I am the one whom God will manifest, whose promise is His own Most High Lord's, that the era of expression will be elevated to Him, and He will be the abrogator. The falsehood of this statement is clearer than the sun. First of all, the Bab Himself has explained in a way that no one should contradict. One of those general statements is this: If the creation of that Manifestation were not completed, God would not manifest the next Manifestation. And the meaning of completion has also been explained. It is that whatever He has commanded and ordered, since it is[174] from God, there should be no deviation, and a creation should be created in His shadow, and all His commandments, whether from the highest stations or the worldly branches, should be revealed. Otherwise, the appearance of such a person will be nullified, and all the news that is from the truth will be completely false. (edit)
قل: يا أيّها الحمير، حقّ آنچه بفرمايد حقّ است و به كلمات مشركين باطل نشود. بلكه آنچه اليوم بطلانش اظهر مِن الشّمس است انفس خود معرضين بوده و خواهد بود. قل: خُذْ زِمامكَ، يا أيّها المَكَّار، و يا أيّها المتوهّم الّذی ما شهدتْ عينُ الدّهر مثلَكَ! نمي دانم به كدام نفس آن نفوس را شبيه نمايم، چه كه در اعراض شبه و كفو و مانند ندارند. (edit)
Say: O Al-Hamir, the truth of what he says is the truth, and it should not be invalidated by the words of polytheists. Rather, what is invalid today is Azhar min al-Shams, the self is and will be exposed. Say: Take your responsibility, O you cunning one, or O delusional one who has witnessed the Ain al-Dahr like you! I don't know which soul to compare those souls to, because they don't have similar symptoms. (edit) O you foolish ones, the truth of what He says is true and cannot be invalidated by the words of the polytheists. Rather, what is today more evident in falsehood than the sun is that you yourselves have been and will be the ones turning away. Say: "Take hold of your own reins, O you deceiver, and O you deluded one who has never been witnessed by the eye of time like yourself!" I do not know to which soul among those souls I should liken you, for you have no equal or match in turning away and opposition. (edit)
بگو به آن مشرك ملقی كه: ای غافل، حقّ را باطل مدان و كلمات حقّ را باطل مشمر! و الله، يا أيّها المنكر، رايحه كلمات الهی از دونش بسی ممتاز، بحيث لو يكون فی شرق الإبداع و يتكلّم بكلمةٍ لَيجدُ رائحةَ القدس منها مَن كان فی الغرب إنْ يكون مطهّراً عن أرياح المشركين. آنچه از حقّ - جلّ جلاله و عظم كبريائه - ظاهر شود فعلاً و قولاً مطاع بوده و خواهد بود نزد أولوالأفئده و بر احدی اعراض و اعتراض جايز نه. و يشهد بذلك كلُّ ذی عقلٍ و كلُّ ذی درايةٍ و شعور، ولكن إنّهم لمّا خُلقوا مِن الجهل لن يستشعروا و يكوننّ مِن الغافلين. بايد اوّل عارف به حقّ[۱۷۵] شد كه چه می فرمايد و حجّتش چه، بعد از ثبوت و اظهار بيّنه و برهانْ كلّ اين كلمات و قائلين و متكلّمين آن راجع به نار بوده و خواهند بود. و إنّ النّار مثواهم فبئس مثوی المشركين. (edit)
It is said that a polytheist is lying like this: that is, heedless, right is wrong and condemnable, and the words of right are wrong and wrong! And by God, oh you reprehensible one, the smell of the words of God is excellent, so that if he is in the east of creativity and speaks a word to find the scent of Jerusalem from it, whoever is in the west will be purified from the winds of the polytheists. Respect the truth - the majesty of His majesty and the greatness of His arrogance - is apparent in deed and in word, obeyed in love and in good faith. And everyone with intellect and everyone with knowledge and feeling bears witness to this, but when they were created out of ignorance, they will not feel and they will be among the heedless. By the first one who knows it right[175] Shad ke chhemi vermaid and hujtesh chh, after proving and showing his evidence and proof of all these words and sayings and theologians that we will return to him the fire of Budh and Khawand Budh. And the Fire is their abode, so what an evil abode for the polytheists. (edit) Tell that pretentious polytheist: "O heedless one, do not consider the truth as falsehood and do not count the words of truth as false! By Allah, O you denier, the scent of divine words is greatly distinguished from your knowledge, to the extent that if one were at the farthest east of creation and spoke a word, the fragrance of holiness would be perceived by the one in the farthest west, provided that they are purified from the winds of the polytheists. What is manifested from the truth - glory be to His Majesty and the greatness of His pride - has been and will be obeyed, both in action and in word, by those with hearts and it is not permissible for anyone to oppose or object. Every person of intellect, knowledge, and discernment bears witness to this, but as they were created from ignorance, they will not sense it and will be among the heedless. One must first become knowledgeable of the truth [175] and understand what it says and what its proof is. Only after the establishment and declaration of clear evidence and proof, all these words and those who say and speak them will be related to the Fire, and indeed, the Fire will be their abode. How terrible is the abode of the polytheists!" (edit)
و اين که نوشته حضرت اعلی فرموده لو لم يكمل خلق ذلك الظهور الخ، امر تكميل در قبضه قدرت الهی بوده. شما و امثال شما ادراك ننموده و نخواهيد نمود. چه كه می شود هزار سنه ناس به شريعتی عامل باشند و مع ذلك لفظ تكميل بر او صادق نيايد. و می شود در يومی كلّ تكميل شوند و احدی بر تكميل و غير آن جز حقّ مطّلع نه، چه كه تكميل هر امری منوط باراده او است چنانچه از قبل ذكر شد. اگر بخواهد جميع ناس را به يك نفس راجع، و از همان نفس به نفس او راجع و محشور و ظاهر می فرمايد، و همچنين بعث جميع نفوس و تكميل ايشان را، به اقرار نفسی به صاحب ظهور در همان حينْ حكم تكميل ظهور قبل در نفس او می شود. كلّ ذلك تقديرٌ مِن لدن مقتدر قدير. ولكن محتجبين و متوهّمين به اين مقام واصل و به عرفانش فائز نگشته. (edit)
And the fact that in the writings of the Most High, he said, "If you did not complete the creation of the universe, etc., the matter of completion was in the hands of divine power." You and your ilk have not understood and will not understand. How is it possible for thousands of Sunnis to act on a Shariat and yet the word completion does not apply to him. And it is possible for them all to be completed in one day, and no one is responsible for the completion and other than the informed right, because the completion of every matter is subject to his decision, as mentioned before. If he wants, he refers all people to one soul, and from the same soul to his soul, he refers to his soul and manifests it, and also the sending of all souls and their completion, by the soul's confession to the owner of the appearance, at the same time the judgment of the completion of the previous appearance in the soul. He becomes All of that is a blessing from the Almighty. However, those who objected and were delusional did not reach this position and gain its knowledge. (edit) And as for what His Holiness the Exalted has written, stating, "If the creation of that Manifestation is not completed, etc.," the matter of completion has been in the hands of divine power. You and those like you have not and will not comprehend it. It is possible that for a thousand years people might act according to a certain religious law, yet the term "completion" would not apply to it. And it is possible that in one day everything becomes complete, and no one but the truth would be informed about the completion or otherwise, as the completion of every matter is subject to His will, as mentioned earlier. If He so wills, He can return all people to Him with a single breath, and from that very breath, He can return them to life, gather them, and make them manifest. Likewise, He can resurrect all souls and complete them by having each soul acknowledge the Manifestation in that very moment, thus fulfilling the previous Manifestation's completion. All of this is a predetermined decree from the All-Powerful, the All-Able. However, those who are veiled and deluded have not reached this station nor attained its knowledge. (edit)
بسا می شود كه شمس حقيقت ظاهر و مشرق و كلّ ناس محتجب، و جميع مظاهر اثباتيّه در نفس ظهور ظاهر و ثابت و مستقرّ و حكم نفی بر كلّ جاری و صادق. و هذا سرٌّ خفیّ لم يعرفه أحدٌ إلاّ مَن فتح الله بصره و نوّره بنور[۱۷۶]الإيقان. چنانچه نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه - می فرمايد قوله - عزّ كبريائه -: تو را محتجب نكند كثرت اين خلق و انجماد آنها بر امر خود، كه اگر فرض تصوّر شود در يك ظهوری شجره حقيقت ناطق گردد و كلّ تأمّل نمايند در حقّ او، كلّ در "لا إله" منفی بوده و هستند. اگر چه در روی ارض باقی هستند، ولی بقای ايشان بقای در نار بوده و هست. و كلّ اثبات آن نفس ممتنعه مرتفعه بوده. (edit)
It is possible that Shams is the truth of appearance, the east, and the whole of people, and all the proofs are in the self of the appearance of the appearance, fixed, and established, and the judgment of negation is on the current and true whole. And this is a hidden secret that no one knows except me, the Fathallah of Basra and the light of Noor [176] Al-Iqan. If the point of expression - our soul except for sacrifice - says the saying - Ezz-e-Kbariae -: Do not be intimidated by the abundance of this creation and their freezing on their own, that if it is assumed that the tree of truth will be spoken in one appearance and all will reflect on him. , all were and are negative in "La Elah". Although they remain on the earth, their survival was and is survival in hell. And the whole proof of that self-restraint is high. (edit) It often happens that the Sun of Truth becomes manifest and radiant, and all people remain veiled, and all the manifestations of affirmation appear and become established, confirmed, and stable within the manifestation itself, with the decree of negation applying to all that is current and true. This is a hidden mystery that no one knows except those whom God has opened their sight and enlightened with the light of certainty. As the Point of the Bayan (may our souls be a sacrifice for Him) says in His exalted words: "Do not let the multitude of these creations and their persistence in their own affairs veil you, for even if it were hypothetically assumed that in a single manifestation the Tree of Truth would become vocal and all would contemplate His truth, they would all be in negation through 'There is no god.' Even though they remain on the face of the earth, their persistence is in the fire, and all affirmation of that self has been impossible and exalted." (edit)
حال در اين بيان نقطه بيان چه مي گوئی و تكميل دوره آن ظهور را چگونه تعقّل مي نمائی، مع آن که احدی به عرفانش فائز نشده؟ پس عارف شو كه تكميل دوره به نفس خود ظهور بوده و خواهد بود. ولكن لا يعقله إلاّ مَن شرِب كوثرَ المعانی مِن بحر الأعظم الّذی ظهر عن يمين العرش بأمواج ظاهر مبين. (edit)
Now, what do you say about the point of expression in this statement and how do you think about the completion of the period of that appearance, even though no one has gained his knowledge? So, become a mystic that the completion of the course is and will be the emergence of the self. But there is no reason except for me to drink the abundance of meanings from the Great Sea, which is at noon on the right side of the throne with visible waves. (edit) Now, in this statement, what do you understand from the Point of the Bayan and how do you comprehend the completion of the period of that manifestation, given that no one has attained to the knowledge of it? Therefore, become aware that the completion of the period has been and will be in the essence of the manifestation itself. But none can comprehend this except those who have drunk from the Kawthar of meanings from the Ocean of the Most Great, which has emerged with manifest and evident waves from the right hand of the Throne. (edit)
و همچنين مضمون بيان نقطه بيان - روح ما سواه فداه - است كه می فرمايند اين که ما بين ظهورَين به طول مي انجامد سبب عدم استعداد ناس است، و شمس حقيقت بعد از غروب در افق ابهی ناظر به عباد خود بوده، هر حين كه ملاحظه فرمايد نفسی ظاهر شده كه تواند اصغای كلمة الله نمايد، در همان حين نفس خود را به او بشناساند و اقلّ از تسع تسع عشر عشر دقيقه صبر ننمايد. و در اين[۱۷۷]مقام مَثَل به نقطه فرقان - جلّت عظمته - زده اند و فرموده اند كه مثلاً بعد از غروب شمس محمّديّه هميشه ناظر به خلق خود بوده، اگر ملاحظه مي فرمود كه نفسی در ارض موجود شده كه حمل امانة الله نمايد، ابداً در ظهور تأخير نمي فرمود. و اين که عدد غريس [1260] طول انجاميده به اين جهت بوده، چنانچه حين استعداد اوّل مَن آمن و قبول او كلمه اعظم را اقلّ از آن در اظهار امر تأخير نرفت و همان حين القای كلمة الله به او شد. و اگر يك آن قبل از آن بالغ می شد و بين يدی حاضر، همان يك آن هم تأخير در القا نمی شد. (edit)
And also the theme of the statement is the point of the statement - our soul is not a sacrifice - which says that the long time between the two appearances is the reason for the lack of talent, and the sun of truth watches over his servants after sunset in the misty horizon, whenever he observes He should say that a soul has appeared that can listen to the word of God, at the same time, let him know his soul and wait no less than nineteen ten minutes. And in this [177] place, they have given an analogy to the point of furqan - Jallat Azmatah - and have said that, for example, after sunset, Muhammadiyah always watched over his creation, if he had observed that there was a soul in the earth that would carry the trust of God. He never delayed his appearance. And the fact that the number of Gharis [1260] lasted for this reason, as during the first talent of Man Amen and his acceptance of the great word, he did not delay in declaring the matter, and that was when the word of God was instilled in him. And if one of them matured before that and between the present one, the same one would not be delayed in induction. (edit) And likewise is the content of the statement of the Point of the Bayan - may our souls be sacrificed for Him - who says that the reason we take so long between the two manifestations is due to the lack of preparedness of the people, and the Sun of Truth has always been observing His servants from the sublime horizon after its setting. Whenever He observes someone appearing who can hearken to the Word of God, He immediately recognizes his essence and does not delay even for less than nineteen times nineteen minutes. And in this regard, a parable has been drawn with the Point of the Balance - may His greatness be glorified - and it is said that, for example, after the setting of the Muhammadan Sun, He has always been observing His creation. If He observed that there was a soul on earth capable of bearing the trust of God, He would not have delayed the manifestation at all. The fact that the number of Ghars [1260] has taken so long is for this reason, as when the first person who believed and accepted the Greatest Word was prepared, He did not delay the matter less than that and immediately inspired the Word of God unto him. And if he had reached maturity even a moment before and was present, there would have been no delay in the inspiration even for that moment. (edit)
ای محتجبين، در كلمات و بيان الهی تفكّر نمائيد كه شايد به رشحی از طمطام بحر معانی فائز شويد. و اگر با بصر باشيد نفس اين ظهور بديع را سبب تكميل بيان مشاهده مي نمائيد كه همان حين ظهور تكميل دوره بيان شده. و از آن گذشته جميع را به احكام بيان امر فرموده اند و خود بنفسه عامل بوده اند، و اگر جميع حجبات خرق می شد چه مي كرديد؟ بدانيد كه در حين ظهور هر نفسي كه بين يدی حاضر شد جميع اسما و صفات و شرايع و احكام و اوامر كه از قبل بوده به اقبال او به حقّ در نفس او تكميل شده و می شود. إذاً تفكّر لِتكونَ مِن العارفين. (edit)
O Muhtajbins, think about the words and expressions of God, that you may gain a secret from the vastness of the sea of meanings. And if you are clairvoyant, you will see the breath of this new emergence as the reason for the completion of the statement, which is the completion of the period of the statement. And since then, they have ordered everyone to follow the rules and they have been personally responsible, and what would you do if all the veils were breached? Know that during the emergence of every soul that appears before you, all the names, attributes, laws, decrees and orders that existed before will be completed and will be completed in his soul. So let's think of those who know. (edit) O you who are veiled! Reflect on the divine words and expressions so that you may attain a drop from the fountain of the ocean of meanings. And if you have insight, you will see the cause of the completion of the Bayan in the wondrous manifestation of this Day, as the completion of the cycle of the Bayan occurred at the very moment of the manifestation. And since then, all have been commanded according to the provisions of the Bayan, and He Himself has acted accordingly. And what would you do if all veils were torn apart? Know that at the moment of the manifestation, whoever is present before Him, all the Names, Attributes, Laws, Ordinances, and Commands that have existed before are completed and fulfilled in truth, in his essence. Therefore, ponder so that you may be among the knowing ones. (edit)
و اين که نوشته بودی بايد كلّ فرمايشات[۱۷۸]او چه از مقامات عاليه و چه از فروعات دنيّه به ظهور آيد و إلاّ ظهور چنين شخص لغو خواهد بود و كلّ اخبار حقّ كذب، بدان كه كلّ ما فی البيان به عالم ظهور آمده و بين يدی الله محشور گشته، ولكن آن وقت امثال آن نفوس ميّت و لاشیء بوده اند و لذا مستشعر نشده اند. بعد از ظهورْ اين اقوال احدی را غنی ننموده و نخواهد نمود، چه كه تكميل كلّ به تصديق او بوده و عزّ كلّ به امر او و اعمال كلّ به قبول او منوط بوده. (edit)
And the fact that you had written that all his commands [178], whether from high authorities or from the branches of the world, will be revealed, unless the appearance of such a person will be nullified, and all the news of the truth will be false, know that all of us have come to the world of revelation and between God's hand has been encircled, but at that time, the likes of those souls were dead and corpses, and therefore they were not sensed. After the appearance of these words, he did not and will not make anyone rich, because the completion of the whole depends on his approval, the glory of the whole depends on his command, and the actions of the whole depend on his acceptance. (edit) And as for what you wrote, that all His utterances, whether from the exalted stations or from the worldly branches, must appear, and otherwise the appearance of such a person would be nullified and all the divine news would be false, know that all that is in the Bayan has come to the world of manifestation and has been gathered before God. However, at that time, the likes of those lifeless souls and non-entities existed, and thus they did not perceive it. After the manifestation, these sayings have not and will not make anyone self-sufficient, for the completion of all has been dependent on His confirmation, the exaltation of all has been dependent on His command, and the implementation of all has been dependent on His acceptance. (edit)

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