Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 89

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This, which you have written, is from the same Bab whom you consider the Supreme Lord. It becomes clear from this statement that you do not know the Supreme Lord. Or you have practiced taqiyya (dissimulation), like your guides who deny in some situations and seek exoneration and send piles of forged books to justify their own truth. You and everyone in the heavens and the earth should know that we have always been certain, confessing, obedient, speaking, remembering, declaring, proclaiming, shouting, screaming, correcting, communicating, conveying, and announcing with the highest voice that He is the Supreme Lord, the Lote-Tree of the farthest boundary, the Tree of the utmost, the Dominion of the Highest, the Omnipotence of the Darkness, the Divinity of Eternity, the Spirit of Splendor, the Great Mystery, the Most Complete Word, the Manifestation of Eternity, the Most Honorable Temple, the Encoded Emblem, the Lord of the Nations, the Roaring Sea, the Supreme Word, the First Pearl, the Hidden Scroll, the Treasured Book, the Beauty of Oneness, the Manifestation of the Divine Essence, and the Source of the Eternal.

Without Him, existence would not have appeared, the purpose would not have been known, and the beauty of the worshiped would not have emerged. By God, with His name, the heavens and everything in them, and the earth and those on it were created. By Him, the seas swelled, the rivers flowed, and the trees bore fruit. Through Him, the religions were fulfilled, and the beauty of the Merciful appeared. By God, if we were to describe Him until the end of what has no end, my heart would not be satisfied with the thirst for the love of the mention of His names and attributes, let alone His holy, mighty, and beautiful Self.