Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 79

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That measure which is in the hands of the people, perhaps the likes of you recognize themselves by it, but the Divine Self is sanctified from it and has never been recognized by it and will never be. The divine balance has always been His Self and will continue to be. Whoever recognizes Him has recognized the balance, and whoever is veiled has failed in his efforts and is among the losers. Indeed, the measure that you mentioned is the same measure that was in the hands of the scholars of the time during the appearance of the first Point - may our souls be sacrificed for Him - as well as during the appearance of the Messenger of God before, and before him the appearance of Jesus, son of Mary, where all the scholars and leaders objected to those Suns of Truth by the measure of their own selves until eventually they issued verdicts for the killing of those sacred temples. Verily, the curse of God is upon the wrongdoers.