Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 62

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And if you fear for your faith, take this Tablet, then keep it in the pocket of your trust, and when you enter the position of resurrection on the day when all possibilities are raised before the face of your Lord from His wondrous, impregnable breaths, and Allah asks you: "By what proof did you believe in this manifestation?", then bring out the Tablet and say: "By this ancient, blessed, and revealed Book." Then read what has been revealed therein before the face of your Lord, the station in which all the prophets and messengers bear witness. By Allah, then all hands will be extended to you, and they will take the Tablet and place it on their eyes, longing for my meeting and passionate for my love, and they will find from it the fragrances of the holy, the mighty, the impregnable. Thus, we have detailed the verses for you so that you may be reassured in yourself and be among those who are at peace.