Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 46

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And another thing written: the first cup and the second. This phrase has been mentioned, but it is not known where it should be mentioned. The Point of Expression - may our souls be a sacrifice for Him - explicitly states in all His expressions: Do not be veiled from the Self of the Manifestation in anything created between the heavens and the earth, whether it be from the revealed Books, the upright Scrolls, the wondrous verses, the manifestations of creation, or the manifestations of legislation. And although He has taken the covenant of allegiance to this Manifestation as the most sacred and supreme of all, He says - exalted be His mention -: Glory be to You, O God! So bear witness upon me that by that Book I have taken the covenant of allegiance to whoever You will make manifest before the covenant of my allegiance, and You and those who believe in Your verses are sufficient witnesses for me. Indeed, You are sufficient for me; I have relied upon You. And indeed, You are the Reckoner of all things, everyone turns away from His beauty and clings to His killer.