Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 45

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My brother, these birds of the atmosphere of love for the Manifestation of Singularity have gathered grains from the fields of the sanctity of Unity and have listened to the spiritual melodies of the Holy. It is difficult for them to fall into the trap of worldly people or be prohibited and deprived of the Lord of the Worlds by the insinuations of evasive and polytheistic words. Those who seek this matter will only gain disappointment and will not have anything but hardship and fatigue. Indeed, by the grace of God, we are in the gardens of unveiling and present in the assembly of observation. We have passed beyond illusion and imitation, and we rest in the abode of witnessing and observation. We have no business with the world and its people, as our actions testify to our faith. We have not gone door-to-door for wages and morsels of bread [24], nor have we sent a woman as capital, and we have not tied falsehood to the truth. By the Almighty God, there is no deity but Him, if you were informed of the same lies that were told to you in that land and the fabrications attributed to the truth, you would certainly go to the desert and sever yourself from everyone on earth if you are fair-minded.