Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 43

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Listen to the mention of this servant and be cautious of those souls! By God, the air of every city changes because of them, and they claim to have faith in Ali, based on the verses of Allah, the Mighty, the Generous, that were revealed to him before. But when they were revealed another time, they disbelieved in them. Surely, the curse of God is upon the liars and the wrongdoers. From the fragrances of your words, nothing but deviation and objection can be smelled and perceived. Thus, it is very difficult for this servant to write in this position. However, in truth, if someone is found and raises doubts from the insinuations of the polytheists, it is indeed desirable that they mention their own doubts. And we have no occupation in this land and are waiting for the response to the doubts that may arise for someone, and we will mention it according to our dignity, capability, and the dignity of the person [23], so that, perhaps by divine guidance, their heart may be purified from the doubts of falsehood and illusory suspicions. And from you, we expect that you observe with a sacred eye what is mentioned.