Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 359

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You have reached the point where you write refutations against yourself and are not aware of it, as it is written that the signs of the appearance of the Qa'im have appeared during the appearance, and people did not understand. Now, consider what caused this lack of understanding. There is no doubt that it was due to the absence of imagined manifestations by the people. As for the signs of the appearance, whatever was mentioned in those expressions was assumed to have imaginary meanings, and since they did not observe them to correspond with their imaginations in the celestial realm, they did not attain the recognition of the Point of Explanation (i.e., the Bab).

Just as you and the likes of you have not been cognizant until you have interpreted the revealed words before, and after the revelation of the structure of the Most Merciful, you have affirmed a little and mostly denied. And this is the act that you and the likes of you are committing today in the realm of explanation. You have not comprehended the meaning of the divine words and do not feel the call that this appearance should not occur; the creation of the explanation is not yet complete. And if you had understood [the divine words], you would not have been veiled by these words. You have perceived the truth as powerless as yourself.

By God! If a soul is confident in the power of the truth, it will never stop at the likes of these words, for He is capable of renewing all the books in a single word and initiating them likewise. Indeed, He is the Powerful over what He wills, and He is the All-Knowing, the Wise.