Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 351

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We pass by all the verses and words, and today, once again, place the criterion of knowing God and weigh the two sides. Although the truth should test and weigh the servants, not the servants weighing it. The breath of truth and what appears from it has been and will always be sanctified from the standard of people. However, we are satisfied that the truth be distinguished from falsehood, as you do not consider the divine argument as an argument and have rejected its evidence. In this case, the completion of God's argument against you will be revealed, and any standard and evidence that group considers the criterion for knowing the truth will be used to distinguish the truth[184] from falsehood. This word is mentioned according to your beliefs so that there is no excuse left, and the truth becomes manifest and evident like the sun for every breath. Otherwise, the truth has been and will always be sanctified from the standards, arguments, proofs, and evidences of the servants. The standard of God today has been the breath of truth, and its evidence and argument are what appears from it if you understand.