Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 341

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For example, if He wishes to take back all that He has granted in the previous manifestation, no one can object to Him, for He has been and will be capable. A statement is mentioned from the Point of the Bayan - may our souls be a sacrifice for him - perhaps you will sense it within yourself and be among those who perceive. He says - glorified be His grandeur -: The example of every Bayan is like a substance entrusted to someone, and on the Day of the Manifestation of the True Reality, if He wishes to take back all that He has given them, they would not show patience for the value of a thing. It is not that one would be veiled from the issue of its branches, another from its principles, another from its matters of decree, and another from its matters of exaltation; rather, everything is from Him and returns to Him. And whoever has recognized Him by His verses and has not been cautious in knowing Him, to the extent of that, they will be veiled in the fire. And if you pay attention between yourself and God, His example is that which is in your hearts. Do not become veiled from Him by Him. Recognize the one for whose knowledge you have been created.