Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 338

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And likewise is the content of the statement of the Point of the Bayan - may our souls be sacrificed for Him - who says that the reason we take so long between the two manifestations is due to the lack of preparedness of the people, and the Sun of Truth has always been observing His servants from the sublime horizon after its setting. Whenever He observes someone appearing who can hearken to the Word of God, He immediately recognizes his essence and does not delay even for less than nineteen times nineteen minutes. And in this regard, a parable has been drawn with the Point of the Balance - may His greatness be glorified - and it is said that, for example, after the setting of the Muhammadan Sun, He has always been observing His creation. If He observed that there was a soul on earth capable of bearing the trust of God, He would not have delayed the manifestation at all. The fact that the number of Ghars [1260] has taken so long is for this reason, as when the first person who believed and accepted the Greatest Word was prepared, He did not delay the matter less than that and immediately inspired the Word of God unto him. And if he had reached maturity even a moment before and was present, there would have been no delay in the inspiration even for that moment.