Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 336

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It often happens that the Sun of Truth becomes manifest and radiant, and all people remain veiled, and all the manifestations of affirmation appear and become established, confirmed, and stable within the manifestation itself, with the decree of negation applying to all that is current and true. This is a hidden mystery that no one knows except those whom God has opened their sight and enlightened with the light of certainty. As the Point of the Bayan (may our souls be a sacrifice for Him) says in His exalted words: "Do not let the multitude of these creations and their persistence in their own affairs veil you, for even if it were hypothetically assumed that in a single manifestation the Tree of Truth would become vocal and all would contemplate His truth, they would all be in negation through 'There is no god.' Even though they remain on the face of the earth, their persistence is in the fire, and all affirmation of that self has been impossible and exalted."