Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 332

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Another saying: We acknowledge that He has superiority over the Most High Lord, and His Resurrection is established, and His era is exalted, in the sense that I am the one whom God will manifest, whose promise is His own Most High Lord's, that the era of expression will be elevated to Him, and He will be the abrogator. The falsehood of this statement is clearer than the sun. First of all, the Bab Himself has explained in a way that no one should contradict. One of those general statements is this: If the creation of that Manifestation were not completed, God would not manifest the next Manifestation. And the meaning of completion has also been explained. It is that whatever He has commanded and ordered, since it is[174] from God, there should be no deviation, and a creation should be created in His shadow, and all His commandments, whether from the highest stations or the worldly branches, should be revealed. Otherwise, the appearance of such a person will be nullified, and all the news that is from the truth will be completely false.