Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 315

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What you have mentioned, that every subsequent one must be superior and higher than the previous one, if I did not observe it in a state of agitation and fluctuation, I would have mentioned the word that I have heard from the truth[166]. And this is a matter that, if anyone other than God speaks of it, is considered meddling. God knows His intention in what He has revealed, for the hidden meanings of the divine words are concealed in the shells of the oceans, and none but the Self of the Manifestation has been and will be informed of them. All of that knowledge is with my Lord, and no one has access to it except His All-Knowing Self. As the veils of expression are lifted from the imaginations before they are witnessed, it is better that we exercise discretion and keep what we have understood concealed, lest more fear is heightened. The encompassing power and the expanded divine mercy have never been and will never be limited to any boundaries. He does what He wills and decrees what He desires.