Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 306

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And they also objected that He had changed the law of John, even though his command had not yet been established among the servants and his term had not been completed. For only a few days had passed between that appearance and this one, and he used to baptize the servants, while you claim to baptize with the Holy Spirit, as your companions have said. And they used to fast, while your companions eat. And he was outwardly ascetic, never taking possession of even a mustard seed's worth of people's wealth, while your companions, as they pass through the fields, do not refrain from taking and eating, and are not engaged in any other actions.

They said, "These are the days of happiness and enjoyment. There will come a time when they will engage in all the deeds." And their intention was that since these are the days of meeting God, in truth, they are in the station of divine paradise, and in that station, if there is neglect in some outward matters, the truth - exalted be His dignity - will forgive, and after the elevation of the soul to the highest companionship, they will undoubtedly engage in what they have been commanded to do.