Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 301

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And similarly, the Declaration states - exalted be the Declaration -: No one has been or will be informed of the Declaration or comprehended its knowledge, except that divine Temple and the mine and source of divine sciences. Yet, there are souls who have risen to fight, claiming knowledge, while by God, there is no god but Him, they have not equaled [158] even a child learning the alphabet in the school of true knowledge and will never do so. Rather, if they enter that presence, they will see themselves as utterly insignificant. It says: The soul of all is in the grasp of the power of that most forbidding, most sacred Manifestation and is not with anyone else, except for a mere specter of Him. And this is also true if they are firmly established in the truth; otherwise, it says that they are not worth mentioning.