Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 266

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Now, it is necessary to pay some attention to these divine words so that you may comprehend a knowledge that has always been beloved and praiseworthy to Allah and not consider those who turn away from Allah as knowledgeable. By the One who supported the spirit with the spirit, today, if all who are in the heavens and the earth appear with all the knowledge of the earth and stop in the matter of the marvelous, they will be mentioned as ignorant in the sight of Allah. The supporting evidence for this statement is the text of the First Point's statement - may our souls be sacrificed for Him. He says, exalted and mighty, addressing the Living letter: "If you believe in Him, whether you know anything or not, nothing will diminish your virtue. But if you are veiled from Him, even if you know all knowledge, it will not benefit you." According to the essence of existence today, the title "knowledgeable" will not be attributed to anyone [139], except those souls who are adorned with the robe of faith in the marvelous matter.