Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 262

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Indeed, it is for God that a word is mentioned, so that perhaps you will purify and sanctify yourself from your own thoughts, beliefs, self-evident truths, and theories, and enter into the affirmation of the divine law, which is the essence and reality of thought. The Primal Point - exalted be His glory - says: "Before the beauty of His countenance reveals itself to your soul, you must enter the fire of His love." And for years, we have heard the praises of Him from all His servants, until we entered the path of proximity according to His divine law, and at all times, we have seen and heard what we have never seen or heard from anyone else. Moreover, divine verses have been descending like April showers at all times. Nonetheless, how can hesitation be permissible when the Primal Point explicitly states in all His declarations that the ultimate effort should be made not to hesitate even for the duration of uttering "Yes," because that is the extent to which you will be in the fire, and all your deeds will turn into vanity.