Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 258

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And you had also mentioned the manifestation. By God, that soul neither comprehended the manifest nor the one who manifested it, for if they had understood, they would not have objected to the truth. It would have been fitting for you to refer these words to the soul that turns away from God, for they have shown arrogance towards the truth by merely a single name from the names and have disbelieved in the very soul that claims faith in Him. They recite His verses and strike a sword upon their own existence. They act without awareness, they speak without knowledge. They and their likes are equal in the eyes of God, except that they are more wicked and more unjust. May God protect us and His loved ones from their evil and their wickedness, for He is indeed the Protector, the Judge, the All-Knowing, the Expert.