Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 234

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These words were specifically mentioned to show that the understanding of these matters is dependent on the knowledge of the mystics. Not every soul can grasp these levels and gain knowledge. It is strange that you consider yourself a mystic, yet you are not aware of the words of the mystics; otherwise, you would not object in this position. Indeed, mystics believe that the divine names are effective at all times, and that cessation is not permissible.

Therefore, they have said that the name "Mumit" (causer of death) constantly causes all beings to transition from additional existence to additional nonexistence, and similarly, the names "Muhyi" (giver of life) and "Mub'ith" (resurrector) cause all the worlds to emerge from additional nonexistence to additional existence at all times. They have interpreted the blessed verse "Indeed, they are in a new creation" (bal hum fi libsin min khalqin jadid) in this context.