Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 219

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O possessor of insight and justice, open your eyes according to your claim, and observe from the "appearance of the nine" until the time of the "creation of the end," and become a speaker of "Blessed is Allah, the best of creators" and "Blessed is Allah, the best of originators!" Observe that in the completion of creation and the greatness of the appearance, it is explicitly stated without any hint, regarding the difference between the Self-Subsistent and the Self-Existing and also between the greater and the great. And when the appointed time came to an end and the divine decree reached its conclusion, the beauty of the nine appeared with a manifest authority. Then all who were in the heavens and the earth were alarmed, except for those who came to Allah with a sound heart. Fear Allah, O people, and do not abandon the Self-Existing among you! Be in awe of Allah and be among the righteous! Beware of distorting the words of Allah from their places, for that is a great error in the tablets of the Almighty's protection. However, the sperm does not perceive the station of maturity, just as today no one has perceived the divine revelations except for those whom your Lord wills. Although they will interpret and distort these words according to their false assumptions, just as the first point - may His greatness be glorified - has informed.