Kitab-i-Badi/GPT4 217

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Listen to this servant and tear apart the illusions of your fancies, and look at the truth with your own eyes! For both the Creator and the creation are the words from Him. He has never been known by Himself, but rather, everything besides Him has been and will be known by Him. Keep your eye on the manifestation of His essence and what appears from Him, and be grateful to your Lord for suddenly revealing the manifestation of His essence! As the saying goes: "And verily, the decline is near while you are heedless." The sun is rising and shining at its zenith, and this is a place for gratitude, not complaint. Do not consider mercy as punishment, or blessings as wrath! Although the manifestation of His unity has always been a blessing for the righteous and a punishment for the wicked, the wicked and the evildoers have always considered blessings as punishment and pure grace as wrath.